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It’s time to make HK-55 and Chapter 10 available for subs??

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Yeah that’s pretty much the reason we want this content so we can get hk-55 back and not to mention it’s story content.


Every time I see this topic brought up, it isn't give us HK, and ZO-OM, it's Story shouldn't be locked behind a sub reward. People continuously are complaining about not getting the story chapter. That is why I said keep the Companions exclusive, but allow the story itself have a 2nd sub reward.

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what about people that subbed for some time during that whole event?

are they also expected to fork out 6 months worth of sub to get that?


how about you just give it away for free and add some recolor skins to the droids to those that got them originally?


I'm sure everyone needs 20 or 30 more droid skins in their inbox when they create a new character :rolleyes:


Just award it to everyone who had a concurrent sub since the promotion that matches the original promotion time (7 concurrent months I believe) retroactively and give it to anyone who does it in the future. Everyone pays the same price and BW just loses the ability to ever try and offer something exclusive in the future. Label everything early access so proper expectations are set when they offer it in the future.

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Every time I see this topic brought up, it isn't give us HK, and ZO-OM, it's Story shouldn't be locked behind a sub reward. People continuously are complaining about not getting the story chapter. That is why I said keep the Companions exclusive, but allow the story itself have a 2nd sub reward.


Your whole statement was Wrong and you know it. Every time this gets brought up it always we would like to play this story so we can get hk back.

That’s the reason we want this story cause we can play a new story and also get back hk-55. And yes this should never have been locked like it was.

You already got your exclusive if you wanna play that game. It’s called access to hk inspired cosmetics early access to the kotfe chapters and oh yeah 3 yrs worth of bragging rights. It’s content that has the added bonus of a new companion or 2. So what. It’s still story that people should now have access to after 3yrs.

Truthfully I don’t really see a problem with people getting it now.

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Not fallacious at all, as you could just subscribe at the end of the expansion and unlock all chapters. Of course you'd loose access to the subscription rewards, but some people were fine with that and even gloating about "saving" money.


Really if they'll re-do sub rewards again, something we were told wouldn't happen after the Nico/Shae debacle, it shouldn't be just a month but the same amount of time of continuous subscription or a Cartel Market unlock like Section X.


I understand that early access to the chapters may not have been enough to get those who did to stay subbed, but when you consider all the other factors, the amount of people who would have paid about $15 a month for 7 months for just a bonus chapter is actually extremely small. You may have missed my earlier post where I tried to clarify, I'll paste it below:


It's true that some people probably did sub exclusively for that reason, which is why I wouldn't say the bonus chapter has no value at all, it's certainly worth something. But if you cut out all the other rewards and pay roughly $15 a month for 7 months, with NO premium status, NO HK-themed armor, weapons, and mount, NO immediate access to the new chapters...how many would actually pay for that? I'm guessing not many because that would literally be paying about $105 for just a bonus chapter and nothing else.


That's why I'm saying it would be unreasonable to offer the chapter at some insane price like $105 or however much that is in cartel coins, unless at the very least it comes with 7 months of sub time along with it.


Also, I don't believe they said they wouldn't redo sub rewards again after Nico and Shae. I think they said something along the lines that the next promotion would have something for everyone, and it did since it was the new companion Paxton Rall.


The 2018 Nico/Shae promotion was actually only 1 month less than the original promotions if we add them together, since both companions together required 2 months of subbing total and in the newer promotion, you could get both for 1 month. Not really a big deal especially after so much time had passed.


It's also natural for price to change over time as the circumstances are different, just like people who bought the digital deluxe for $20 in 2011 only to have it made available for $5 within a few years. You can say it's unfair, but business is business. Only within reason though, like they obviously shouldn't hand out the bonus chapter for free since that would be too far.


But there's all sorts of advantages in getting it 3 years earlier while the content is hot and relevant and having exclusive access for 3 whole years just seems more than enough motivation to get something the first time. Again, I think story content should NEVER be permanently unobtainable to players, only some cosmetic and prestige-type rewards.


There were also so many other benefits to staying subbed for that 7 months as I listed before. They should make it available again, but I think they should do it as a separate item for sale not related to subbing. This is because some people who already have it will complain they aren't getting anything for staying subbed in a new promotion for it. But if they could offer an alternative reward to them instead for staying subbed, that might work out as well.


Either way, it supports the game and the players.

Edited by Drenovade
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Your whole statement was Wrong and you know it. Every time this gets brought up it always we would like to play this story so we can get hk back.

That’s the reason we want this story cause we can play a new story and also get back hk-55. And yes this should never have been locked like it was.

You already got your exclusive if you wanna play that game. It’s called access to hk inspired cosmetics early access to the kotfe chapters and oh yeah 3 yrs worth of bragging rights. It’s content that has the added bonus of a new companion or 2. So what. It’s still story that people should now have access to after 3yrs.

Truthfully I don’t really see a problem with people getting it now.


Never seen 1 poster from the past say that. It's always been complaints about Story being locked. People unable to see the comclusion of the Shroud story because it was a subscriber reward they missed out on.

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Every time I see this topic brought up, it isn't give us HK, and ZO-OM, it's Story shouldn't be locked behind a sub reward. People continuously are complaining about not getting the story chapter. That is why I said keep the Companions exclusive, but allow the story itself have a 2nd sub reward.


Both are important.


We're starved for story. Considering we're now waiting 5-7 months or more for every scrap of story they give us, I'd love something new to play. The extra chapter seems to be well regarded and fun and it's a shame more people don't get to see it.


I think that ZO-0M and the deco and the other stuff of that nature could be kept exclusive.


But HK-55 was NEVER exclusive and was not a subscriber reward to start. He was in the main story. People invested companion gifts in him. Everyone had him if they had access to KOTFE, subscription or not. Considering that a toon can actually voluntarily kill off other companions and then get them right back from the terminal it makes no sense that HK-55 cannot be retrieved by all. I don't think it would be unfair to give him back to everyone because everyone had him.


And I think everyone can probably agree that hopefully BW has learned their lesson about never gating substantial story content or returning main story companions behind reward walls like this again.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Both are important.


We're starved for story. Considering we're now waiting 5-7 months or more for every scrap of story they give us, I'd love something new to play. The extra chapter seems to be well regarded and fun and it's a shame more people don't get to see it.


I think that ZO-0M and the deco and the other stuff of that nature could be kept exclusive.


But HK-55 was NEVER exclusive and was not a subscriber reward to start. He was in the main story. People invested companion gifts in him. Everyone had him if they had access to KOTFE, subscription or not. Considering that a toon can actually voluntarily kill off other companions and then get them right back from the terminal it makes no sense that HK-55 cannot be retrieved by all. I don't think it would be unfair to give him back to everyone because everyone had him.


And I think everyone can probably agree that hopefully BW has learned their lesson about never gating substantial story content or returning main story companions behind reward walls like this again.


Explain how one chapter is going to keep people entertain more than one time through it or twice. We can rerun the story we have now but it gets boring and so will this and:


Explain substantial story content. I didn't see this as that substantial. I have done it twice because to me the story was boring and playing as a droid to me is stupid so calling it substantial might be a bit far fetched depending on the people you talk to, just like talking about the other chapters we had.

Edited by casirabit
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Explain substantial story content. I didn't see this as that substantial. I have done it twice because to me the story was boring and playing as a droid to me is stupid so calling it substantial might be a bit far fetched depending on the people you talk to, just like talking about the other chapters we had.


I don't have to explain anything, actually. If something is long enough to have its own chapter entry in the KOTFE/ET menu and multiple achievements attached to that, and if it involves returning a main story companion, I would consider it substantial.


Also, in seeing how you edited your post, none of the story content we've had lately is long or repeatable and all of it can get boring on multiple characters. Raids can get boring if you do them again and again, probably. Does that mean they should stop offering it altogether? If something's boring to you does that mean others will also find it boring and shouldn't have a chance to experience it for themselves? Nobody said anything about the HK-55 chapter keeping people entertained forever, so please don't put words in my mouth or anyone else. Just that it would give a lot of people something new to play, which is entirely true.


If the chapter's so boring and not a big deal there's even less of a reason for anyone to insist on keeping it exclusive with no access to anyone else. What would it possibly matter if someone played a three-year old chapter a few times, in that case?

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I don't have to explain anything to you, actually. If something is long enough to have its own chapter entry in the KOTFE/ET menu and multiple achievements attached to that, and if it involves returning a main story companion, I would consider it substantial.


Also, in seeing how you edited your post, none of the story content we've had lately is long or repeatable and all of it can get boring on multiple characters. Raids can get boring if you do them again and again, probably. Does that mean they should stop offering it altogether? If something's boring to you does that mean others will also find it boring and shouldn't have a chance to experience it for themselves? Nobody said anything about the HK-55 chapter keeping people entertained forever, so please don't put words in my mouth or anyone else. Just that it would give a lot of people something new to play, which is entirely true.


If the chapter's so boring and not a big deal there's even less of a reason for anyone to insist on keeping it exclusive with no access to anyone else. What would it possibly matter if someone played a three-year old chapter a few times, in that case?


If you would have bother to check my stance on this I have no problem them releasing it to everyone that has continued to have a sub for xx amount (6-12 months) and give it to them as a reward and make it a continuous reward when they reach that threshold . My only problem what about those that have had a sub since the beginning and already have it, what about those people or do they not count because as some have so flippantly said well you had it for 3 years you don't deserve anything else so according to those individuals the people that have constantly sub since day 1 and have this are not as important as those that don't have it.


This is the exact same problem we had before with Nico/Shae.

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If you would have bother to check my stance on this I have no problem them releasing it to everyone that has continued to have a sub for xx amount (6-12 months) and give it to them as a reward and make it a continuous reward when they reach that threshold . My only problem what about those that have had a sub since the beginning and already have it, what about those people or do they not count because as some have so flippantly said well you had it for 3 years you don't deserve anything else so according to those individuals the people that have constantly sub since day 1 and have this are not as important as those that don't have it?


If you bothered checking my posts earlier in this thread, I clearly said that subs who already had the chapter should be given something in return so they do not feel left out the way they did with the Shae and Nico return. I was actually the first one in the thread who suggested a title AND a premium cartel market choice. So it might be a good idea to check what has been written before biting someone's head off.


What I object to in any case, with or without the chapter, is keeping HK-55 as an exclusive because he didn't start out as a sub reward and because almost every other dead companion can be returned. He should have been on the terminal as soon as it was up.


And as I clearly said, I hope Bioware has learned not to gate story content or main story companions behind sub rewards again. Nobody's argued so vehemently about getting, say, the Chiss speeder or crystals the way they've argued about getting this chapter and that is because there IS a difference.

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Getting lots of support for HK-55 and chapter 10 to made available for subscribers who missed out.

Especially those people who’ve been continuously subbed for the last 6-12 months.


Eric, can you please bring this up with Keith. It would add some extra playable content into the game for those who’ve not done it, while we wait for 6.0 to be released.

I agree with this. As long as the recipients subbed for as long as I did to get the chapter, I don't see why not. Make it retroactive as long as the recipients continue to sub. Make a cool Deco or a customization for the OG folks as a thanks.

Edited by Brayla_Sana
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It would not be really nice to give an other time the chapter for subscribers. For many reasons,


- It was said to be gift during limited time. If you wanted you had to subscribe during that time.

- It is normal way of gift exclusivness. If you start any old mmo now you will never have all achiev/exclusive items...

- mmos are not game you're intended to fully complete.

- you can see the chapter on youtube.


Could also take my exemple, i was playing at the start of the game but only discovered it for launch. So i couldn't play on the beta and i never had old titles as long i could not sub during first month, i never cpomplained for having them back.

Was also not under subscription during 1 days because of work and did'nt had black-purple cristals. I called for help because it was not automaticcally resubbed as it would have. They said they can't give me some of them even if a technical issue is in charge.


ps :i think of these cristals http://dulfy.net/2015/02/26/swtor-exclusive-black-purple-color-crystal-for-subscribers/

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I have weighed in on this before and my position has stayed fairly consistent. First and foremost, as others have said, HK-55 should never have been gated behind a subscriber reward and should always have been retrievable from the companion terminal. It was also a mistake to gate story content behind a subscriber reward. Offering early access is one thing, but locking it away and flaunting it to the have-not's that they're missing out on story content was a very bad move.


Rerunning the promotion, as some have suggested, would not work. First there's the issue of those who already have it and how they will be clamoring what do they get. Second, your billing and account system has not been without its problems. Take the recent forums issue where people weren't able to access their accounts. Or the other issue recently where the payment processing system was being temperamental. Further, more often that not, I see those who have HK and SoM suggesting that if anyone who didn't get it the first time want it then they should have to put in as much effort as them, but they frequently, and conveniently, leave out the other benefits and rewards they received during that time. Effectively, they want others to do as much as them but for less.


Running a rolling reward program, as some have suggested, has the same problem. One suggestion offered Arma Rasa and Shroud of Memory as the six month continuous subscription reward. Again, you'll have those who already have HK and SoM clamoring about what do they get.


The third suggestion, and the one I favor, is to place them on the Cartel Market. The most evident problem here is that people aren't going to agree on the price. There are those who want the have-not's to pay the equivalent of a 6 month subscription, ~$90 USD (or more), but again that ignores everything else they got with that subscription. My suggestion, put everything, a token that grants Arma Rasa, a token that grants SoM, the HK inspired jetpack, the HK inspired helmet, the HK inspired weapons, the HK inspired customizations, the Eternal Empire Patroller Mount, and the HK Victory Stronghold Decoration, into a single pack and sell it on the CM for 4000 CC (that's more than what one gets for 6-months of sub time). Offer it for a limited time with it rotating in and out on occasion to entice people to buy it when it's up (the important part is it has to come back). Secondarily, I would offer a single purchase unlock for Arma Rasa for those who only want HK-55 (375 CC), and a bundled Arma Rasa/SoM pack for those who's main concern is the story content (1000 CC). These would always be up on the CM. Make every item unlock in collections so those who buy it can unlock the items for their account through the Collections.


You're not ever going to please everyone in this so don't even try, but I hope you learn from this that gating story content and story companions behind arbitrary conditions is a bad idea.

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this is long so read it if you want, but for all thats forcey, dont make comments about its length later.


I have read through most of the thread, but ended up stopping since it appears to be the same thoughts expressed in different ways. I have become a student of the inevitable over the last six years and recognize that this will most likely come to pass. During my read through i had been thinking of ways to accommodate those that missed out when it was offered and, at the same time, keep the peace with the customers that filled there end of the bargain.


first things first, lets understand what the promo was:

A limited offer to regain HK55 as a permanent companion. Players who were subscribed to Star Wars: The Old Republic by January 11, 2016 were given the in-game mission "Arma Rasa", in which they encounter the rebuilt HK-55. Additionally, players who were subscribed to the game from January 11, 2016 to August 1, 2016 received a bonus chapter of story content, labeled "Shroud of Memory". In the chapter, players are given the opportunity to assume the role of HK-55, getting access to unique abilities and dialogue options of the character. Players who were not subscribed to the game at the appropriate dates were unable to receive the bonus content.


HK55 and the chapter were two separate promotions. you could get HK without the chapter, but could not get the chapter with HK.


I then look at the crux of the arguments. Some want Both the chapter and HK, some want just the chapter (which seems the most), and others want just HK. Some argue against any of the requests. I would be remiss if i didnt say i was against them, too, but as i stated earlier, Ive become sort of a realist as of late; and this is something i dont see them not doing because it is content.


With that, lets take it in each its parts:


This is a companion already in the game that anyone can get, but with a different name--HK51. They share the same customization options, abilities, and weapon choices. AND, outside of the name, i cannot figure out any difference between the two. the problem is a little bit two fold. one: no one likes long drawn out complicated quest chains to get a companion which i gather is why many dont have HK51 to begin with. HK55 gives them a chance to get the droid, but with very little effort. To Be honest, even those that have HK55 got him with little effort as they just need to be sure to be subbed by a certain date. Was not that hard or difficult and leaves me perplexed as to why so many say they dont have him; especially those that state that they missed the chapter by "just one day.". Getting him was not dependent on having subbed for a long period of time...just by January 11th.


the Chapter.

By default of gaining the companion HK55 and staying subbed for the next 7 months you were given this chapter along with a new companion and a deco. this seems to be what most folks want...access to the chapter. It is by far one of the best and most fun chapters and had the extra added bonus of being a conclusion of sorts to the seeker/micro quest chain; a point folks have made in the past.


My thoughts:


Copy the code for HK55 (which im sure is just a copy of HK51); call him HK59; offer a promo that if youre subbed by that time you get the droid. Seems very simple and in line with how the droid was offered in the past. I dont know if there would be any dialog options that needed to be changed or if a new "recruitment" option be made available. Or just keep Arma Rasa and be done with it.


the Chapter:

Make available when you reach that point in the quest chain for the seeker/micro quests. This would serve to get folks doing the quest chain to unlock the chapter and make it available to everyone. If its currently unlocked by someone, it stays unlocked regardless of whether they have even started the seeker/micro quest chain. The chain for doing HK51 is arguably more time intensive so it wouldnt seem too much to ask that folks, in order to see the conclusion of a quest chain, at least do the chain leading up to said conclusion.


But, Qoui, dude, mah main man...how do you explain HK55 being in that closing scene in your base? well, here is the caveat, you gain HK55 as a new companion for not only completing the quest chain, but also for completing the chapter. Now here me out on this as it took me a long hard thought to even allow myself to suggest such a thing. It only seems logical to gain him as a companion at the end of the chapter/chain even though we dont even meet him into KofFE. HK55 becomes a part of that quest chain by default.


You would still have to go though the regular chapters before you can gain him as well as having to complete the seeker/micro quest chains to its conclusion. seems like a nice trade off.


Zoom, the deco, and the companion gifts

Keep these two exclusive to the original promo as i dont hear people clamoring for any of these. The gifts could even hurt the market as bots begin getting access to the chapter start farming.


For clarity: i have both HK55, the Chapter, and HK51. When the promo came out for HK55 and the chapter, i was in the hospital twice during that year. both times i had my wife bring me my laptop so that i didn't miss out on the chapter. Ridiculous, i know, but i had missed out on one of the anniversary rewards (that i would still like to get) and the Revan pre-order due to short hospital stays and i didn't want to miss out on those as well.


so, thats it. no TL;DR option.



i meant to add to the other poster on page two: i figured you were just messing around which is why i didnt respond to your post and chose to respond to the other guys post simply because someone posted about what you posted.


and to add, the other items that were offered during the promotion should stay gone...just like the anniversary gifts ... specifically that beautiful art work.

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You're not ever going to please everyone in this so don't even try, but I hope you learn from this that gating story content and story companions behind arbitrary conditions is a bad idea.


This whole post is +1 for me, but the part that is most important is that last sentence.


Bioware: You are never going to make everyone happy. You just aren't. Not only in this regard, but in any regard. But you know this.


As a constant subscriber from launch to about the middle of last year, I have received ALL subscriber rewards. I have not missed a single one. I do not in any way begrudge someone else the ability to earn rewards that were offered in the past. I've had them and enjoyed them for ages, and it is absolutely no problem to share that same enjoyment with people who were not playing the game at the time.


Options as I see it:

1. Never EVER offer subscriber rewards a second time ever again. Yes, you've already done that previously, but set a hard line rule: Once it's offered, you won't ever be able to earn it again no matter what. Publish this rule, make posts about the decision here, on Reddit, on Twitter, in Discord channels, wherever you can to put the word out and then stick to it. There will always be people who ask, but at least there will be a policy in place that will hopefully keep the kvetching to a minimum because it would be clear: Sub rewards and exclusive offers will never return, and if you missed it, then we're sorry but we cannot go back on this policy.


2. Offer the same promotion during a similar window of "down time" while players are waiting for new content. If you had done that with HK and this chapter and figured out a way to offer that to people to enjoy over the summer while they are waiting for the new expansion, it would have been GREAT! It's too late for that now, but that doesn't mean there won't be similar large gaps in content development that could be filled/relieved at least a little by adding this story chapter for people to play through. Just change the dates on the original requirements, and let people do the same thing we did back in the day to get it. As mentioned in other posts though, this should include ALL of the sub rewards we earned for staying subbed that long (HK gear, weapons, etc).


3. Offer the chapter for sale on the cartel market or earned by some other method, but the story content does not award the companions or other rewards that came with it. Instead, you play through the story and end it in the same state as you started it (no extra companions).


4. Make it possible for anyone to reclaim HK from the terminal on Odessen. No matter what you do with the rest of this, I think this should just be the case. You can reclaim other companions that were killed in the story from the terminal, HK should be no exception (I also feel that Darth Marr and any other companions that you lose after their death in the story should be able to be claimed from the terminal as well). We have enough companions that one more will make literally no difference, so why not?


Offering access to the chapter and then separately making HK reclaimable on the Odessen terminal to any/all who have played through those chapters of KotFE should really just be a thing, in my opinion.


Anyone who cries over things being "exclusive" and other people having access to it "ruining it" for them is being selfish. I believe that finding a way to offer this chapter/companions/etc. will make FAR MORE players happy than it will make long term subscribers mad. Even so, offering those who have already earned HK some type of compensation/recognition would be nice.


Bottom line: I don't care if you reward current subs with previous sub rewards, but you only reward NEW subs if you don't offer something to your long time subscribers that already earned these rewards. Don't ignore your LONG TERM CUSTOMERS to reward newcomers. It's not a good look.



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Zoom, the deco, and the companion gifts

Keep these two exclusive to the original promo as i dont hear people clamoring for any of these. The gifts could even hurt the market as bots begin getting access to the chapter start farming.


Excluding any companions, whether HK-55 or Z0-0M, from a new promotion would not only hurt the sales of the new promotion, but would defeat a large part of the reason for it being brought back to begin with.


I won't say any spoilers about Z0-0M, but both she and HK-55 are not just minor characters and deserve a full return along with the chapter. From a perspective of what's canon within the EU, it's most likely considered accurate to say both characters joined the Alliance.


So in other words, it feels terrible to not have one's own in-game experience accurately reflect the established lore, especially in a game like this where being story-driven is a main feature. This is why both the chapter and companions should be made available again, and I think that's important to a lot of players.

Edited by Drenovade
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Sure! Make it available again, I'm a bit out of the loop here but I was surprised to find out that he doesn't become a companion alert for all subs already. So current subs can't unlock him even though he's part of the KOTFE storyline? That doesn't sound right.


Like others have said, he shouldn't have been behind a paywall to begin with, and they probably aren't going to make the other rewards available (HK-themed mount, skin, weapon, etc that led up to it) so I don't see the big deal. And also, the reason they made it a 7-month event was to give people an incentive to stay subscribed for the rest of the KOTFE expansion, releasing one chapter a month wasn't the most exciting form of content. Not our fault they decided to go that route.

Edited by DarthZeroe
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Excluding any companions, whether HK-55 or Z0-0M, from a new promotion would not only hurt the sales of the new promotion, but would defeat a large part of the reason for it being brought back to begin with.


I won't say any spoilers about Z0-0M, but both she and HK-55 are not just minor characters and deserve a full return along with the chapter. From a perspective of what's canon within the EU, it's most likely considered accurate to say both characters joined the Alliance.


So in other words, it feels terrible to not have one's own in-game experience accurately reflect the established lore, especially in a game like this where being story-driven is a main feature. This is why both the chapter and companions should be made available again, and I think that's important to a lot of players.


if you looked at my suggestion, then you would see that i was NOT suggesting the chapter be a promotion, but the actual end to the quest chain started with the seeker/micro line. Getting HK55 would be for completing the quest chain. My only promotion suggestion was for another HK unit. No where did i not suggest making the chapter available and my suggestion even hoped it wouldnt end up cursed CM or even any form of a promotion.


As for Zoom, there a literally hundreds of characters throughout the game that could easily have become companions and did not. there are many characters populating your base that never became active companions to use. Sure, Zoom would/might be sitting in your base as joining the Alliance, but doesnt mean she becomes an active companion. Lore wouldnt be affected with or without her as an active companion. there were a few players along the chapters that i would ahve loved to have as an active companion, but, alas, they were set as just another decoration.


ill try to revisit this over the weekend, but its great to see that this is really about getting it all.

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Bottom line: I don't care if you reward current subs with previous sub rewards, but you only reward NEW subs if you don't offer something to your long time subscribers that already earned these rewards. Don't ignore your LONG TERM CUSTOMERS to reward newcomers. It's not a good look.



Um not to sound rude but let’s just say that they did offer this content again but without all the other stuff like the hk cosmetic stuff early access to the chapters that was being released and 3 yrs to play it all you want so all that y’all received during that time wouldn’t that make it an exclusive reward for y’all.

So why do you feel entitled to another reward?

But your right they should never ever release story content like this again.

And all the long time subs need to also understand that it’s not just y’all anymore there are new players, returning players etc... that deserve a chance to play every story that is in this game. It’s not hurting anyone to let others enjoy something that y’all enjoyed. It will not effect your game in anyway.

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This whole post is +1 for me, but the part that is most important is that last sentence.


Bioware: You are never going to make everyone happy. You just aren't. Not only in this regard, but in any regard. But you know this.


As a constant subscriber from launch to about the middle of last year, I have received ALL subscriber rewards. I have not missed a single one. I do not in any way begrudge someone else the ability to earn rewards that were offered in the past. I've had them and enjoyed them for ages, and it is absolutely no problem to share that same enjoyment with people who were not playing the game at the time.


Options as I see it:

1. Never EVER offer subscriber rewards a second time ever again. Yes, you've already done that previously, but set a hard line rule: Once it's offered, you won't ever be able to earn it again no matter what. Publish this rule, make posts about the decision here, on Reddit, on Twitter, in Discord channels, wherever you can to put the word out and then stick to it. There will always be people who ask, but at least there will be a policy in place that will hopefully keep the kvetching to a minimum because it would be clear: Sub rewards and exclusive offers will never return, and if you missed it, then we're sorry but we cannot go back on this policy.


2. Offer the same promotion during a similar window of "down time" while players are waiting for new content. If you had done that with HK and this chapter and figured out a way to offer that to people to enjoy over the summer while they are waiting for the new expansion, it would have been GREAT! It's too late for that now, but that doesn't mean there won't be similar large gaps in content development that could be filled/relieved at least a little by adding this story chapter for people to play through. Just change the dates on the original requirements, and let people do the same thing we did back in the day to get it. As mentioned in other posts though, this should include ALL of the sub rewards we earned for staying subbed that long (HK gear, weapons, etc).


3. Offer the chapter for sale on the cartel market or earned by some other method, but the story content does not award the companions or other rewards that came with it. Instead, you play through the story and end it in the same state as you started it (no extra companions).


4. Make it possible for anyone to reclaim HK from the terminal on Odessen. No matter what you do with the rest of this, I think this should just be the case. You can reclaim other companions that were killed in the story from the terminal, HK should be no exception (I also feel that Darth Marr and any other companions that you lose after their death in the story should be able to be claimed from the terminal as well). We have enough companions that one more will make literally no difference, so why not?


Offering access to the chapter and then separately making HK reclaimable on the Odessen terminal to any/all who have played through those chapters of KotFE should really just be a thing, in my opinion.


Anyone who cries over things being "exclusive" and other people having access to it "ruining it" for them is being selfish. I believe that finding a way to offer this chapter/companions/etc. will make FAR MORE players happy than it will make long term subscribers mad. Even so, offering those who have already earned HK some type of compensation/recognition would be nice.


Bottom line: I don't care if you reward current subs with previous sub rewards, but you only reward NEW subs if you don't offer something to your long time subscribers that already earned these rewards. Don't ignore your LONG TERM CUSTOMERS to reward newcomers. It's not a good look.




Good post Penny and thank you for the last paragraph. Too many people don't understand that if they start this now then they need to give those that have been here since the beginning something as well to show appreciation for the time we have stayed sub during all the mess. Some people think it because we think we are entitled, which is untrue, yet the ones that want the chapter and the companion don't think about that it could be said that they are acting like they are entitled to something as well. It could go both ways. I don't think it is so much being entitled (at least not from the ones I know) it just this has happened before and the ones that have been here since the beginning start to feel like 2nd class citizens because they are forgotten and as I said before that makes me sad.

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Bottom line: I don't care if you reward current subs with previous sub rewards, but you only reward NEW subs if you don't offer something to your long time subscribers that already earned these rewards. Don't ignore your LONG TERM CUSTOMERS to reward newcomers. It's not a good look.



Um not to sound rude but let’s just say that they did offer this content again but without all the other stuff like the hk cosmetic stuff early access to the chapters that was being released and 3 yrs to play it all you want so all that y’all received during that time wouldn’t that make it an exclusive reward for y’all.

So why do you feel entitled to another reward?

But your right they should never ever release story content like this again.

And all the long time subs need to also understand that it’s not just y’all anymore there are new players, returning players etc... that deserve a chance to play every story that is in this game. It’s not hurting anyone to let others enjoy something that y’all enjoyed. It will not effect your game in anyway.



(Quoting the above post formatted oddly)


Two things I get from this post:


1. Loyal players should never receive anything for being loyal. To heck with loyalty, amirite?

2. All y'all all y'all all y'all all y'all.


Side note: I'm not against this reward being released again. Also, I'm only lightly mocking the "all y'all". I will occasionally use "y'all" in a sentence but that was a lot of "all y'all"s to throw in there.

Edited by Elessara
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This is something I can get behind. I've been subbing in 6-month blocks dating back to early 2012. Including maintaining sub status during a near two year playing break. I think it fair to consider myself a loyal customer. I have HK55, but missed being eligible for the bonus chapter because my sub needed renewing midway the six month qualifying period. Due circumstances outside my control, I had a one week lapse in subscription. That one week was enough to disqualify. It happens, sometimes that's just the way it goes, but I sure would be appreciative the opportunity to play the bonus chapter and claim Z0-0M again. Edited by KingClancy
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We have to remember that original subs got:


-Exclusive access to the bonus chapter and companions for 3 years.

-The HK-themed armor, weapons, and mount.

-Immediate access to the KOTFE post-launch story chapters.

-Premium account status for the first month of the DvL event, thus getting a head start to that whole other set of rewards.


If they offer it again, none of those rewards would be included assuming they left out the HK-themed stuff. So shouldn't original subs be content with just the chapter and companions being released? Original subs clearly got much more out of it than the rest would.


I was subbed for about 4 or so of those original months, but I'd still be content with subbing for an additional set of months to unlock it(or buying separately). So for those like myself, we'd actually be paying even MORE for the chapter in the long run, even after waiting 3 years for it, while still receiving less than what original subs got.


I don't see how that could possibly be viewed as unfair.

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