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It’s time to make HK-55 and Chapter 10 available for subs??

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To me, titles and flairs are complete and utter crap. A flair doesn't fight next to you, and a title doesn't engage you in a story chapter.


Equal effort for equal reward, not oh-here-it-as-after-the-fact and for you people who were around the first time, well, here's a title that our secretary at the front desk typed up to give to the dev team during a coffee break. Enjoy.


No thanks.


I agree with this


I'm thinking something along the lines of platinum items, or packs of high value decorations, or dyes or tunings and the like that people can choose from.

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That's one part of this thread I agree with. It creates a set of haves and have-nots over something more profound than just a flair or another droid or a mount. But people clamoring for it now should still go through the effort the first crowd did.


I don’t think anyone is arguing that there shouldn’t be a qualifier to get the reward. And the flair, title idea was just thrown out there to see if it was something people would like. Personally I’m not into flairs or titles, but many are.

But we also already have the reward, so you aren’t actually missing out on anything, but instead asking to get something too (which I’m not against).


And if it’s going to be a substantial reward as some are asking for, then there should be a qualifier for this too, besides getting the HK reward 3 years ago. Why should someone who just resubbed last week get a really cool reward? They already got their loyalty reward for staying subbed 3 years ago.


I also agree there shouldn’t be haves and have nots, and that is exactly what this rewarded chapter is. Which is one of the reasons I started the thread. It’s not so much about the companions or though they are part of it. It’s the fact that it’s actual playable content.


I don’t think someone who just subs in now should be able to claim it without buying a 6 month sub up front. But I do think a continuous sub for the last 6-12 months more than qualifies people. And people who’ve been subbed continuously for the last 2 years, more than qualify for it because theyve stuck around regardless of all the problems from 5.0 and onwards.


At the end of the day it was a loyalty reward to keep people playing while they worked on new content over a lengthy period. If they hadn’t offered it, some people would have unsubbed. It was a good tool and mechanism to keep people subbed for that 6-7 month period till they released more content.


So subscribers who’ve proven their loyalty over the last 6 months to 2 years, have IMO, more than proven their loyalty to the game and kept subbing through a difficult time in the game when many people have been abandoning it or going preferred till they get new content or things they don’t like change.


This gesture could go a long way with people who were not here 3 years ago, but have stuck around and kept the faith.


Many of our fellow players who’ve also received the reward are happy to let people have it who qualify.

I am having trouble understanding the push back from some people, especially some of them who have been unsubbed on and off since 5.0 and even recently till 6.0 was announced.

It’s seems highly hypocritical and petty of them to want to deny people content who have loyally subbed through this difficult time and they have not.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Many of our fellow players who’ve also received the reward are happy to let people have it who qualify.

I am having trouble understanding the push back from some people, especially some of them who have been unsubbed on and off since 5.0 and even recently till 6.0 was announced.

It’s seems highly hypocritical and petty of them to want to deny people content who have loyally subbed through this difficult time and they have not.


I've been continuously subbed since July of 2013 except for the one month Oggrob was offered. I'll never get him because of that, and I'm fine with that.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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Now, Mr Musco, about that idea of selling an electronic-only version of the Collector's Edition so we can have access to the CE vendor... How about launching that with the eighth anniversary at the end of this year?


Ya, what he said!


And I hope such an awful idea like locking story content behind limited time reward will never happen again.



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Getting lots of support for HK-55 and chapter 10 to made available for subscribers who missed out.

Especially those people who’ve been continuously subbed for the last 6-12 months.


Eric, can you please bring this up with Keith. It would add some extra playable content into the game for those who’ve not done it, while we wait for 6.0 to be released.


Yeah, I agree, especially since I'm a non stop suscriber since one week after the promotion ended...

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Here is the thing we are trying to be sensitive to. Individuals who have it right now subbed for a number of months to get it and so if/when we bring it back, we need to make sure that we do it in a way that is fair to what they went through to get it. Ex: if it was a sub reward it would likely require multiple months of sub, or, if it was in the market it would be sold for a premium.


Yes, we that have it, want it to be fair :) so pay up people! :D

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i'm one of the people having access to the chapter.

i loved it. it was star wars, it was kotor, it was hk, compressed in a small storyline. i laughed, i had fun and it really was worth waiting for it. give the dudes a medal, creating that.


so i subbed for 210 days to get that access. i didn't just paid for the access, but generally for the subscription with "free" cartel coins and all premium advantages. also it was the time, with splitted chapter releases, so the time waiting for the chapter was not that long. but personally i like a one time release more... so please don't repeat that.


so since that time, i got exclusivly access to the chapter for about 2.5 years. i got access to ZOOM, formally one of the best companions in the game, until it was broken, also for 2.5 years. i think that is enough exclusivity for my opinion.


i know that there are people out there claiming for the all time exclusivity and that could be another broken promise, if it is enabled to a wider audience. but personally i like that chapter so much, that i want more people to enjoy that chapter, too. i also would like to see every player to be able to play it, even free2play players, because it was that good and it could be a great option to get people into that game we all are playing.


so for me, the exclusivity is paid off, so i don't care about. make it free to everybody.



but what other options we could have?



- maybe an option could be, that the chapter is a reward for all long term subscriber. so everybody running a subscription for 210 day, will get access to that chapter. (personally i don't like that idea).


chapter-token in gtn:

- or we get a gtn item, a story token. with that you enable the story for one character. so if the most are about playing 8 toons, this should be around 2000CC. because you are unlocking zoom, maybe just as a reduced version, later 4800cc and every special event reduced to 2000cc.


pay dlc:

- another possibility could be, to buy that chapter as a dlc, like SoR in former times. here it seems hard to find a right price, because the value of SoR was way more. i think sor costs 17€ in the past, so it should be lower. but 2400cc costs 17€, too.



- because there are many questions about gtc and why they are not avaible anymore on many stores, you could bring a new game time card on the market. and like you did it with the CC-cards, you add that chapter to the 180days gtc as an extra. so it is a bit lower than in the past, but again: we had 2.5years of exclusivity. that is more than enough.



i know i'm repeating myself... but i really want an wider audience to have access to the chapter, because it is worth it.

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i'm one of the people having access to the chapter.

i loved it. it was star wars, it was kotor, it was hk, compressed in a small storyline. i laughed, i had fun and it really was worth waiting for it. give the dudes a medal, creating that.


so i subbed for 210 days to get that access. i didn't just paid for the access, but generally for the subscription with "free" cartel coins and all premium advantages. also it was the time, with splitted chapter releases, so the time waiting for the chapter was not that long. but personally i like a one time release more... so please don't repeat that.


so since that time, i got exclusivly access to the chapter for about 2.5 years. i got access to ZOOM, formally one of the best companions in the game, until it was broken, also for 2.5 years. i think that is enough exclusivity for my opinion.


i know that there are people out there claiming for the all time exclusivity and that could be another broken promise, if it is enabled to a wider audience. but personally i like that chapter so much, that i want more people to enjoy that chapter, too. i also would like to see every player to be able to play it, even free2play players, because it was that good and it could be a great option to get people into that game we all are playing.


so for me, the exclusivity is paid off, so i don't care about. make it free to everybody.



That is an excellent attitude and I wish everyone felt exactly the same way. I know that’s how I feel about it, but you expressed so much better.

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I have to weigh in on this like I have done every time its come up, like I did for all other exclusives that were re-released.


The chapter should only be released under the following conditions.


  • There is a 6 or 12 month time frame. 12 months continuous sub to get the chapter retroactively or 6 months sub from the date you sub to "earn" it, whichever is the shorter.
  • There must be a new reward for those of us that already earned this chapter, that reward must be worthwhile and exclusive.


Not that bad really.

Those that have shown loyalty over the last 12 months by subbing get it straight away, they pay for not having to wait by it being 12 months and not 7 like us.

Those who have not can sub for it and wait the 6 months, you get it if you want it badly enough and you get it a month "cheaper"


I could ever endorse giving this reward out without these two points as a minimum requirement/offering.

Edited by QuinlanSaathis
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  • There is a 6 or 12 month time frame. 12 months continuous sub to get the chapter retroactively or 6 months sub from the date you sub to "earn" it, whichever is the shorter.
  • There must be a new reward for those of us that already earned this chapter, that reward must be worthwhile and exclusive.


Now this is very fair. Of course our loyalty was tested the most back in the first half of 2017 - after KotET when t here was pretty much nothing to do in the game (other than: Uprisings, early GC and Iokath which was mediocre at best) and there were no rewards of any kind... but past 12 months would be fair too :)

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I have to weigh in on this like I have done every time its come up, like I did for all other exclusives that were re-released.


The chapter should only be released under the following conditions.


  • There is a 6 or 12 month time frame. 12 months continuous sub to get the chapter retroactively or 6 months sub from the date you sub to "earn" it, whichever is the shorter.
  • There must be a new reward for those of us that already earned this chapter, that reward must be worthwhile and exclusive.


Not that bad really.

Those that have shown loyalty over the last 12 months by subbing get it straight away, they pay for not having to wait by it being 12 months and not 7 like us.

Those who have not can sub for it and wait the 6 months, you get it if you want it badly enough and you get it a month "cheaper"


I could ever endorse giving this reward out without these two points as a minimum requirement/offering.


This. I get so tired of people putting words in my mouth that I didn't say. I frankly don't care about the chapter (not a fan of playing a droid) but yet if we say what about those that have been here since before this and supported the game just as much or even more (based on the length of your sub) we are being selfish because we are saying what about us. I guess they want us to agree for them to have it and let BW just give them something while those that already have it don't get anything and to them that is being selfish.

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Different yes, but unequivocally linked to the 7-month promotional time frame. Actually, I forgot about needing to have an active sub to gain access to the new chapters. This furthers my point that players who stayed subbed for the entire time clearly got much more out of it than just the bonus chapter. As such, it would be fallacious to say that the bonus chapter on its own is worth anything near what it cost to stay subbed for the entire 7 months.


Not fallacious at all, as you could just subscribe at the end of the expansion and unlock all chapters. Of course you'd loose access to the subscription rewards, but some people were fine with that and even gloating about "saving" money.


Really if they'll re-do sub rewards again, something we were told wouldn't happen after the Nico/Shae debacle, it shouldn't be just a month but the same amount of time of continuous subscription or a Cartel Market unlock like Section X.

Edited by FlameYOL
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At the end of the day it was a loyalty reward to keep people playing while they worked on new content over a lengthy period. If they hadn’t offered it, some people would have unsubbed. It was a good tool and mechanism to keep people subbed for that 6-7 month period till they released more content.


So subscribers who’ve proven their loyalty over the last 6 months to 2 years, have IMO, more than proven their loyalty to the game and kept subbing through a difficult time in the game when many people have been abandoning it or going preferred till they get new content or things they don’t like change.


This gesture could go a long way with people who were not here 3 years ago, but have stuck around and kept the faith.


Many of our fellow players who’ve also received the reward are happy to let people have it who qualify.

I am having trouble understanding the push back from some people, especially some of them who have been unsubbed on and off since 5.0 and even recently till 6.0 was announced.

It’s seems highly hypocritical and petty of them to want to deny people content who have loyally subbed through this difficult time and they have not.



Are you sure they were unsubbed or maybe they were not playing that much but kept a sub. I know for a fact my boyfriend, myself and 2 other guild members were not playing much but we kept a sub to support the game, since launch. We didn't log on much except for me, I logged on once a month to check on the guild. There was only one time I was not subbed and that was due to a family emergency and that caused me to lose out on the special decoration but I accepted that.


I find it sad that those that don't have this chapter want it and that is fine with me but if we say we would like something more than a blasted title than we are being selfish and we get that we been had it for 3 years thrown in our faces like we don't count.

Edited by casirabit
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I find it sad that those that don't have this chapter want it and that is fine with me but if we say we would like something more than a blasted title than we are being selfish and we get that we been had it for 3 years thrown in our faces like we don't count.


I think the majority (in this thread at least) agree that it would be fine for folks like you to get something in return. The problem with the "worthwhile and exclusive" formulation suggested above is the following...


It sounds great in theory but its implementation is tricky for two inter-related reasons:


1) What is worthwhile to some may mean diddly-squat to others. One Jedi's treasure is a Jawa's trash. Like you, I don't care about Titles and I'm not just neutral on Flairs, I actively dislike them because they clutter the screen, particularly the damned recently released 'hot dog' one (as Xor called it).


2) If it is sooo good and 'exclusive' then you're back at square one and essentially robbed Peter to pay Paul.


The most equitable solution I can think of is to give those who have already earned it a lump sum of CCs. Regardless then of whether it is Space Barbie and Ken, Stronghold Decos, Flairs, Mounts, Pets, etc. -- at least you would have agency and be able to choose.


If you let Bioware choose what is "worthwhile" -- you might end up with that Purple Mini-Droid Pet. :rak_03:





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I've been continuously subbed since July of 2013 except for the one month Oggrob was offered. I'll never get him because of that, and I'm fine with that.


If you're talking about the Dr Og skill trainer, that was a a Makeb preorder bonus.

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Did you pay $40 at that time? No, you paid $15 a month for the qualifying period to get access to the chapter. How is that different to people paying the same for a similar qualifying period?


The only reason Bioware runs these exclusives with qualifiers is to keep people subbed and “loyal”. That is the only reason they do it. It’s not because you earn the reward by doing some hard content in the game.

It’s basically a freebie to say thanks for subbing 6 months or 1 month or what ever it is for each specific “freebie” reward they’ve ever given for just subbing for that time.


People who’ve been subbed for the last 12 months have experienced the worst story drought and lack of content in the game. You also have many more bugs and player push back against many things during that period that caused a lot of players to quit.


Those people still here have proved their loyalty to the game and have stuck it out through a hard time while others left.

I don’t think it’s too much to ask for Bioware to finally give them access to content that is 3 years old. They’ve paid the same 6 months worth of sub time, they’ve stuck around, why should they need to pay $40 on top of that?


Actually I paid for the full 6 months and do every yr. unfortunately I couldn’t Re up my sub for a few months after it ended cause I was in the hospital. I’ve been here since day one. Got the CE and all the trimmings. But I was saying if people want it put a $40 price on a box that gives everything that was given during that time or add it to the sub package that gives you straight away access to the content without the added cosmetics. Applied retroactively. All I’m saying is not releasing 3yr oldstory content is stupid especially since people have been asking for it for yrs. it gives new players a chance to play it and subs that missed out another chance to play. And to all the ones that want something new if they rerelease this content um if I’m not mistaken you’ve had access to a story and cosmetics and early access to the lords chapters before anyone else so there is your loyalty bonus. You had something for yrs that lots of people didn’t have.

and the $40 is just a number I threw out there.

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But people clamoring for it now should still go through the effort the first crowd did.


We went through six months. They've gone through three years. More than enough time has passed. Get over yourselves.

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i have to weigh in on this like i have done every time its come up, like i did for all other exclusives that were re-released.


The chapter should only be released under the following conditions.


  • there is a 6 or 12 month time frame. 12 months continuous sub to get the chapter retroactively or 6 months sub from the date you sub to "earn" it, whichever is the shorter.
  • there must be a new reward for those of us that already earned this chapter, that reward must be worthwhile and exclusive.


not that bad really.

Those that have shown loyalty over the last 12 months by subbing get it straight away, they pay for not having to wait by it being 12 months and not 7 like us.

Those who have not can sub for it and wait the 6 months, you get it if you want it badly enough and you get it a month "cheaper"


i could ever endorse giving this reward out without these two points as a minimum requirement/offering.


^ 100%.


The only other thing I could think of was to keep the Companions Exclusive to those who got it the 1st time, while allowing the Story itself to be given as a continuous sub reward for a 2nd time.

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^ 100%.


The only other thing I could think of was to keep the Companions Exclusive to those who got it the 1st time, while allowing the Story itself to be given as a continuous sub reward for a 2nd time.


Yeah that’s pretty much the reason we want this content so we can get hk-55 back and not to mention it’s story content.

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I have to weigh in on this like I have done every time its come up, like I did for all other exclusives that were re-released.


The chapter should only be released under the following conditions.


  • There is a 6 or 12 month time frame. 12 months continuous sub to get the chapter retroactively or 6 months sub from the date you sub to "earn" it, whichever is the shorter.
  • There must be a new reward for those of us that already earned this chapter, that reward must be worthwhile and exclusive.


Not that bad really.

Those that have shown loyalty over the last 12 months by subbing get it straight away, they pay for not having to wait by it being 12 months and not 7 like us.

Those who have not can sub for it and wait the 6 months, you get it if you want it badly enough and you get it a month "cheaper"


I could ever endorse giving this reward out without these two points as a minimum requirement/offering.


With point 2 you’ve had it exclusive for 3 yrs and not to mention during that time you also got cosmetic stuff every single month that event was going on and also earlier access to kotor chapters so why do you think you deserve another reward for content that is 3yrs old.

people are only asking for the 2 parts were we get hk-55 back.

If you want your reward for that content well it was first given out to you already. It’s the hk inspired stuff that you were given 3yrs ago.

Now with a sub 6 months either retroactively or future as long as it’s a 6 month sub they should be able to get it and play it immediately.

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I think the majority (in this thread at least) agree that it would be fine for folks like you to get something in return. The problem with the "worthwhile and exclusive" formulation suggested above is the following...


It sounds great in theory but its implementation is tricky for two inter-related reasons:


1) What is worthwhile to some may mean diddly-squat to others. One Jedi's treasure is a Jawa's trash. Like you, I don't care about Titles and I'm not just neutral on Flairs, I actively dislike them because they clutter the screen, particularly the damned recently released 'hot dog' one (as Xor called it).


2) If it is sooo good and 'exclusive' then you're back at square one and essentially robbed Peter to pay Paul.


The most equitable solution I can think of is to give those who have already earned it a lump sum of CCs. Regardless then of whether it is Space Barbie and Ken, Stronghold Decos, Flairs, Mounts, Pets, etc. -- at least you would have agency and be able to choose.


If you let Bioware choose what is "worthwhile" -- you might end up with that Purple Mini-Droid Pet. :rak_03:






I would accept CC's but the problem with that is the offer would never be in line with what most of us would value this at, historically when people have been paid out with new currency for old and other payments they have been a lot less than the value of what they were for.


An entire chapter + 2 companions = at least 10k CC and that is being conservative its probably more.

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I think the majority (in this thread at least) agree that it would be fine for folks like you to get something in return. The problem with the "worthwhile and exclusive" formulation suggested above is the following...


It sounds great in theory but its implementation is tricky for two inter-related reasons:


1) What is worthwhile to some may mean diddly-squat to others. One Jedi's treasure is a Jawa's trash. Like you, I don't care about Titles and I'm not just neutral on Flairs, I actively dislike them because they clutter the screen, particularly the damned recently released 'hot dog' one (as Xor called it).


2) If it is sooo good and 'exclusive' then you're back at square one and essentially robbed Peter to pay Paul.


The most equitable solution I can think of is to give those who have already earned it a lump sum of CCs. Regardless then of whether it is Space Barbie and Ken, Stronghold Decos, Flairs, Mounts, Pets, etc. -- at least you would have agency and be able to choose.


If you let Bioware choose what is "worthwhile" -- you might end up with that Purple Mini-Droid Pet. :rak_03:






Thanks Dasty. While I agree with you that most people agree with that there are a few that aren't. And lol though I love purple no more pet droids please. And cc are probably the best idea because my idea would either be some decoration or there is one particular armor I don't have that I want (and there are way too many armors they have I hate lol) .

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An entire chapter + 2 companions = at least 10k CC and that is being conservative its probably more.


This is more than the cost of 7 months of subscription but without other subscription perks and more than the cost of an entire expansion back when they were paid. How would this be fair?

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