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Can Jedi Knights get Double Bladed lightsabers please?


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Pretty sure lightsaber daggers or short lightsabers were used in the 2 KoTOR games or one of them at least.


I wish that lightsaber proficiencies were given as a choice, though sentinels being dual wield single lightsabers should stay. But since single bladed or double bladed are basically used in one hand, but handled with two they should have been interchangeable between consular shadows and guardians.

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I'm all for having more personal choice in this game. You can choose your playstyle but you cant choose your weapon style...wow. The only reason they do that is to make it easy to tell people apart which imo...is very very limiting. It's an RPG after all.
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Pretty sure lightsaber daggers or short lightsabers were used in the 2 KoTOR games or one of them at least.


I wish that lightsaber proficiencies were given as a choice, though sentinels being dual wield single lightsabers should stay. But since single bladed or double bladed are basically used in one hand, but handled with two they should have been interchangeable between consular shadows and guardians.


I feel the opposite. Double bladed and dual wield seem more similar to each other me. Both are portrayed rather aggressively in the movies. Even the way abilities are worded hint to this. Marauders "strike with both sabers" while sins "strike with both blades". I like that guardians and jugs are more traditional sith and Jedis.


More than anything I'd like to see talents making a single saber viable for sentinels and shadows. Dual wield and double blades shouldn't be so prevalent as they required much more training and skill to wield effectively.


As for lightwhips and short sabers, please please please no. The moment a lightship becomes BiS for guardians is the moment I cancel.

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Sentinels/Marauders should have the option of going saberstaff/focus instead of dual-wielding lightsabers. Raise your hand if you're a Sentinel who's tired of the expense of having to divert precious mods into a glorified stat stick that hits like a wet noodle!


If we want to argue about lore, the original Sentinel was the double-bladed saber-toting Bastila. (Lets also ignore that TOR!Sentinels are absolutely nothing like the 3/4 BAB, d8 HD, 6sp/level Sentinels of KotOR1.) If we want to argue mechanics, most of the coding is already there from the Shadow, and a simple fix where the "off-hand" strike's damage is computed as a mirror of the main-hand saberstaff can be done so that no changes have to be made to existing Sentinel formulas or abilities. The biggest challenge, I would think, would be for the art team and doing new animations for all of the abilities using a saberstaff. Which...well, they have better things they can probably be working on.

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I'm torn on the issue. In a way I think Jedi Knights should have the pick of the lightsaber types while Consulars have fewer options, but then Consulars would not have much to brag about in the cool-weapon category.


Personally, lightsabers should be a customization for people, with bonuses and drawbacks similar to KOTOR, but usable to all who spec into them. But that would require a major patch to redo the game, so I think it'll be the same.


Consulars get epic force abilities and can (shadows) can use stealth for more than 5 seconds. Jk's need something cool :p

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sentinels/marauders should have the option of going saberstaff/focus instead of dual-wielding lightsabers. Raise your hand if you're a sentinel who's tired of the expense of having to divert precious mods into a glorified stat stick that hits like a wet noodle!


If we want to argue about lore, the original sentinel was the double-bladed saber-toting bastila. (lets also ignore that tor!sentinels are absolutely nothing like the 3/4 bab, d8 hd, 6sp/level sentinels of kotor1.) if we want to argue mechanics, most of the coding is already there from the shadow, and a simple fix where the "off-hand" strike's damage is computed as a mirror of the main-hand saberstaff can be done so that no changes have to be made to existing sentinel formulas or abilities. The biggest challenge, i would think, would be for the art team and doing new animations for all of the abilities using a saberstaff. Which...well, they have better things they can probably be working on.


testify! =d

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  • 5 months later...
idk or care if im necroing or not but...i say give guardians 1 single lightsaber as they are now, give sents double bladed lightsaber, and give shadows 2 lightsabers...that way i wont have to walk around the idiotic design of a double bladed lightsaber all the time on my shadow, and never will care to roll a sent...
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I'd like to see a customization pass made for all weapons. Not so I can use a blaster as a Jedi, but so shadows (like my main) aren't pigeon holed into using ONLY dual blades. Shadows have vibroblade and electrostaff proficiency too, but they can't use them because their techniques require a dual blade. Similarly, knights should be able to use their weapon of choice...meaning that dual wielders should hit twice as hard, but shields and other off-hands should give you significantly more damage reduction/power. Dual bladed sabers should do an incredible amount of damage, but must be wielded with both hands, I.e. no offhand. Thus making dual wielders and double bladed wielders do the same damage but have a cosmetic difference. That way if people want their lightsaber and vibroblade, they can...or their electrostaff, or whatever they want

Troopers should be able to use any gun they want...especially since they threaten people with their pistol in cutscenes ;). Likewise, bounty hunters should be able to use rifles if they want to.


Smugglers and agents are a bit different...seeing them use a cannon would be weird. But blaster rifles and pistols? Absolutely.


Give the customers what they want, customization!

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