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Y r unassembled components not going into currency inventory?


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Is there any reason they dont work like command tokens? Shared across all toons, there should be a really high cap like on ranked comms with no weekly maximum.


Having to manage it via legacy bank is such a hassle that is really unnecessary. I just dont see any reason for them not to be treated like a currency. Especially because they dont auto stack in ur legacy bank when u move them from ur char's inventory. Have to drag one stack onto the other. Like y.....


So y does bioware do this to us? Pure lazinesss? Not caring? Cause the sky is blue?


WTB answers, but preferably positive change.

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I think because the currency tab is not legacy-wide. Putting legacy UC's in your inventory was a quick workaround.


Fingers crossed for 6.0...?


But all of my toons r sharing the command tokens both imp and pub side? They all are right under the currency tab.

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Command tokens arent shared they are per char.

Unassembled components can go in the legacy bank for all your toons.


I think they changed that per this post http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=911514


Galactic Command Gearing Alt-unfriendly

One of the biggest concerns expressed is Galactic Command forces a player into working only on one character. Although that wasn’t our intention, we agree with you. For starters, in 5.1 we are implementing the Legacy-wide currency of Command Tokens, legacy bound boosts you can purchase with Command Tokens, and the legacy perk to speed up leveling. We know that isn’t enough, so we are exploring additional options so that when you are playing any character, there is a way to potentially provide benefit to all other characters in your legacy as well. I have no specifics to share at this time, but I am working to have more details available for our January 26th Livestream.


And when I checked all my characters they all had the same amount and there are some I haven't played in over 6 months.

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Glad we cleared that up :).


Now to do the same to the legacy unassambled tokens so we dont have to keep drag-and-dropping them all the time, ugh.


Y they dont auto stack in the legacy bank is beyond me, maybe then i would not be complaining at all.

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If I remember correctly from the last time they talked about it, the currency system is one of the systems where the original developers performed some arcane black magic coding that is difficult to work with and has a number of limitations they would like to do away with, but that would require a complete redesign of the system including the inventory system. IIRC they stated that there are issues with how vendors draw from those currencies and that is why unassembled components aren't legacy wide. It's also why Twi'leks don't have more customizations (not the currency thing, but because of arcane black magic coding). So, in answer to your query, it's not laziness, lack of caring, or because the sky [isn't] blue. It's because BW chose to use a very early, not ready for prime time, version of the Hero engine and the original developers took the expedient route, either by choice or by force, without leaving adequate documentation behind for future developers and have mostly left. The current devs, in order to alter some systems, now must either try to decipher what they were left with or completely rebuild the system, which is a non-trivial amount of work.
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If I remember correctly from the last time they talked about it, the currency system is one of the systems where the original developers performed some arcane black magic coding that is difficult to work with and has a number of limitations they would like to do away with, but that would require a complete redesign of the system including the inventory system. IIRC they stated that there are issues with how vendors draw from those currencies and that is why unassembled components aren't legacy wide. It's also why Twi'leks don't have more customizations (not the currency thing, but because of arcane black magic coding). So, in answer to your query, it's not laziness, lack of caring, or because the sky [isn't] blue. It's because BW chose to use a very early, not ready for prime time, version of the Hero engine and the original developers took the expedient route, either by choice or by force, without leaving adequate documentation behind for future developers and have mostly left. The current devs, in order to alter some systems, now must either try to decipher what they were left with or completely rebuild the system, which is a non-trivial amount of work.


Hmm, that does sound like a pretty good explanation. Nevertheless, if they were able to pull it off for command tokens, should be doable for the components too. But id be happy with the stackable legacy items just auto stacking in the banks, too....

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on the note of auto stacking.... various jawa scrap, some event curriencies, GC crates, etc.... none of these should be items at all... and all of them should be legacy currencies like command tokens...


... and don't even get me started on gear kits and the awful hack-arounds you need to use to move those to gear alts (in the few cases you can)

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