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miss dmg by dots?


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You can miss with yellow damage attacks (even dots) when your accuracy is debuffed by PT tank oil puddle or sniper diversion for instance, those accuracy debuffs work on all damage types. Snipers could also roll damage I guess.

Juggs only get +5% resist chance in the tank tree when they use retaliation. PT tanks get 35% defense/resist chance when they use explosive fuel. Obfuscate only works on white damage, i.e. your dots won't miss but might hardly do dmg if the mara has ruthless agressor.

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You can miss with yellow damage attacks (even dots) when your accuracy is debuffed by PT tank oil puddle or sniper diversion for instance, those accuracy debuffs work on all damage types. Snipers could also roll damage I guess.

Juggs only get +5% resist chance in the tank tree when they use retaliation. PT tanks get 35% defense/resist chance when they use explosive fuel. Obfuscate only works on white damage, i.e. your dots won't miss but might hardly do dmg if the mara has ruthless agressor.


oil slick doesnt make yellow damage miss

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I have 107% accuracy so that shouldnt be the problem.


Effects like diversion, flash powder, and obfuscate reduce force/tech and ranged/melee accuracy by 20-50%, so even if you have some accuracy, things can miss.

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You can miss with yellow damage attacks (even dots) when your accuracy is debuffed by PT tank oil puddle or sniper diversion for instance, those accuracy debuffs work on all damage types. Snipers could also roll damage I guess.

Juggs only get +5% resist chance in the tank tree when they use retaliation. PT tanks get 35% defense/resist chance when they use explosive fuel. Obfuscate only works on white damage, i.e. your dots won't miss but might hardly do dmg if the mara has ruthless agressor.


you forgot ap pts aoe taunt grants 35% resist to all damage and so does IO mercs threat drop. dont mind me, just doing gods work


;P Idont take any of this seriously anymore. after my little charade last weekend, bioware has proven their um.... willing ness to be actively good at game improvement.

Edited by Seterade
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