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I AM DONE. PVP and game. Uninstalled and good riddance.


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The PVP in this game is broken. Too many one sided games in regs, Too much randomness with maps No choice to choose which maps to play. It just makes it unbearable and a waste of time. I dont like PVE content AT ALL but even pve has the same problem . THere literally is no pvp guilds in this game only MEME title named guilds created for edginess and shock of funny value. You can clearly see this when they advertise to pay people to help them create a guild and offering money in general chat.You can clearly see how many one man name guilds are in pvp warzones. literally every person in a warzone who does nothing but pvp has their own exclusively name dead guild name hanging around their heads. The community is splintered because of this there is no premades, no grouping. The only exception might be a few 1 or 2 guilds but those guys have been playing this game since the beginning so they have formed their bond before current community became what it is today.


This is generally a PVE problem as well i have been in several dead guilds but miraculously leadership logs in every now and then to keep their guild leadership role then off to play in this "other guild" where he actually plays content, thanks for inviting me to your dead guild tho and denying me the privilege to play in an actuallguild with dedicated leadership. This is actually a problem for newbs who dont know any better. Not me tho. This is most evident when they say Play as you want and no conquest obligations as a recruiting message. Ultimately id have to ask some of you to wonder or consider if it really is worth playing this game. Perhaps if they locked an account to one guild we might see some worthwhile change but until then its just a fractured divided community Especially in the pvp area.that will continue to get even more an more fractured.

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Yo i will legit seriously let you have all my stuff i forgot about that. I have ALOT too. atleast 200 mil credit to give you i still got this game on my crappy lap top i can get on that and give it to you. i have work these two days in the morning but can get on later on the day. All my mats and stuff better bring a BIG inventory. when do you want to do this? WHO are you to whisper? and yes i do lack social skills i am an introvert and prefer to play solo but goddamn its unplayable when team are so unbalance so this games not for me. It is a social game after all mmo so yeah. soontirmorillo thank you for asking an reminding me.
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Your "toys out of the pram" thread header backed up by your demonstrated inability to accept that you will be in a mixed ability group defines the worst features of PVP community.


As someone who started out PVE only and has grown to enjoy unranked PVP over the years what I enjoy most is learning from good players and turning a game around from the jaws of defeat into glorious victory.


As the previous poster stated - the onus is on you to surround yourself with like minded players if you don't want to put up with the rest of us mere mortals....you may even be more suited to the ranked pvp scenario where people might be your equal, or....and I know this might be hard to fathom...even better players than you!


Reinstall the game, step up and show what you are made of. Life ( and PVP ) is what YOU make of it.

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I know alot of people are lawling at the op. But alot of the stuff he says are pretty true for the most part but pvp has been dead in this game for a good while now. All the win trading and cheating doesn't help. (toxicity does not bother me as much grew up on halo 3) but the pvp experience is quite bare bones.


1. very little class balance

2. not enough maps get added

3. to many dcds for dps classes

4. skank tanks

5. cheating

6. win trading


are just some of the issues that hover around an form of competent pvp endgame. But swtor has never been in a good pvp spot....like ever. But ever since 4.0 the quality of pvp has dropped signficantly and doesn't help alot of people just do their dailies and thats it and never get better at the game. Literally went into multiple matches with no gear and got top dmg, that shouldn't happen. There is a plethera of issues with pvp in this game and it doesn't look like its gonna change anytime soon.

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Dude, i don't need your stuff. Just delete all. Or make some newbies happy...go to the starter planets and inspect the players legacy-achievements. If they have less than 5000 points, give them 10 million credits each. Destroy the mats or sell them in advance, so you can give away more credits. Ehrenwert, Alter.


I did the equivalent on runedcape back in the day. Good times...

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I know alot of people are lawling at the op. But alot of the stuff he says are pretty true for the most part but pvp has been dead in this game for a good while now. All the win trading and cheating doesn't help. (toxicity does not bother me as much grew up on halo 3) but the pvp experience is quite bare bones.


1. very little class balance

2. not enough maps get added

3. to many dcds for dps classes

4. skank tanks

5. cheating

6. win trading


are just some of the issues that hover around an form of competent pvp endgame. But swtor has never been in a good pvp spot....like ever. But ever since 4.0 the quality of pvp has dropped signficantly and doesn't help alot of people just do their dailies and thats it and never get better at the game. Literally went into multiple matches with no gear and got top dmg, that shouldn't happen. There is a plethera of issues with pvp in this game and it doesn't look like its gonna change anytime soon.


So true mate, so true. Though you forgot to mention really long TTK. It should definately be reduced.

Overall its a mess. I got no clue, who tested these marvelous changes to pvp, ever since 4.0 kicked in...

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So true mate, so true. Though you forgot to mention really long TTK. It should definately be reduced.

Overall its a mess. I got no clue, who tested these marvelous changes to pvp, ever since 4.0 kicked in...


it all stems from the dcds that all the dps got. So many people have reflects, self heals, etc. its damn mess. I wish pvp got more attention at least in class balance department, literally one of the easiest things it could be done for an update is balance classes. This meta could use a shake up.

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Your "toys out of the pram" thread header backed up by your demonstrated inability to accept that you will be in a mixed ability group defines the worst features of PVP community.


As someone who started out PVE only and has grown to enjoy unranked PVP over the years what I enjoy most is learning from good players and turning a game around from the jaws of defeat into glorious victory.


As the previous poster stated - the onus is on you to surround yourself with like minded players if you don't want to put up with the rest of us mere mortals....you may even be more suited to the ranked pvp scenario where people might be your equal, or....and I know this might be hard to fathom...even better players than you!


Reinstall the game, step up and show what you are made of. Life ( and PVP ) is what YOU make of it.


Dude. Love the positive attitude. But Op isn't lying. The game is broken. Or better said. Its rigged. Certain classes just aren't viable in pvp. Tanks mostly. Plus there is no balance. And it can be fixed. If you read dev tracker they discuss all these potential fixes and ideas the have to improve pvp. How they apprectiate the community. So on and so forth....yada yada yada and what not. But its all talk. I been playing since beta. There not going to get me all hyped up just to doop me a again. Every update. Every expansion we wait hoping for some improvement. And time and time again they miss their mark. And they just wont address the elephant in the room. Class balance. I don't blame Op for calling it quits. He doesn't like being abused. We (those who keep queing and keep this game afloat) are the ones suffering from cognitive dissidents. I would trade new maps, shorter que times and just about anything else for class balance.

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1. very little class balance

2. not enough maps get added

3. to many dcds for dps classes

4. skank tanks

5. cheating

6. win trading


I would say the only things wrong with this game are some of its players. I am fine with most of the stuff you mentioned but what bothers me myself is that when I do play once per week and I que for ranked I either get throwers on my team, low gear/skill people etc. That means you login once per week and your evening is messed up, it kinda makes you not wanna play at all then, since you never know what to expect the next weekend.

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Well i enjoy both regs and solo. Do i get frustrated hell yes, stupid losses, class imbalance, like facing 3 mercs that off heal each other..... but here to compare:


Here are wow (most popular mmo) problems: complete faction imbalance(alliance losses most of the times), que times(horde 10+ min), arena popularity is lowest its ever been(finding team as dps might take hours), gear grinding and necessity doing pve for gear, absolutely op trinkets that make playing healer is hell job....


So in comparison swotr pvp is actually not in the bad place at all.................Just adjust classes slightest buff PT, nerf mercs.......


But no game without problems.


I don't agree with game one sided. WZ usually one side yes, but its goes both ways. Sometimes your team loose or wins without giving any chances to the other team. Actually ability to que with pubs in the same team on all maps is amazing innovation that brought me back for example.

Edited by Cherepk
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The quality of lvl 70 regs is actually worse than lowbie regs (when it pops). The absolute total disregard for winning at lvl 70 is enough to make me never want to pvp at lvl 70, except in ranked. And I actually prefer 8v8 objective pvp over 4v4 arena. So it says a lot when I would rather play ranked 4v4 over 8v8 lvl 70 regs.


Everytime I play lvl 70 regs now, I feel like it will be the last time I will ever queue for it. I’m now so disgruntled with the whole thing, that if I can’t get a ranked match or any lowbie matches, I log out. I’m so totally over the poor match making and bad attitudes about not winning in regs, that I’m close to unsubbing again and won’t be back if I do.


The game continues to go down and Bioware keep adding rocks to it so it sinks faster.

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I would say the only things wrong with this game are some of its players. I am fine with most of the stuff you mentioned but what bothers me myself is that when I do play once per week and I que for ranked I either get throwers on my team, low gear/skill people etc. That means you login once per week and your evening is messed up, it kinda makes you not wanna play at all then, since you never know what to expect the next weekend.


It’s worse in regs.

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Ok, it’s worse in regs on Star Forge and probably Satele Shan.


I dont even understand the things that happen on SF. some of the things players do in SF 70 unranked just don't make any since to me. Like I had a player in Alderaan just stand in the corner under respawn the entire match. Like ...dude why? Who throws an unranked match? And then there's the premades. In 2019 who still ques Unranked as a premade? Thats so weird. Sf is a sess pool of dumb.

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Sf is a sess pool of dumb.


I mean, I don't like to make fun of people for their spelling, so please don't misunderstand this post (I have typos all the time).


It's just... the above is such a perfect example of irony, comedy and pure wit that I couldn't resist.

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I dont even understand the things that happen on SF. some of the things players do in SF 70 unranked just don't make any since to me. Like I had a player in Alderaan just stand in the corner under respawn the entire match. Like ...dude why? Who throws an unranked match? And then there's the premades. In 2019 who still ques Unranked as a premade? Thats so weird. Sf is a sess pool of dumb.


It wasn’t this way until people started to transfer from SS to SF.

SS was like that and before and people who wanted to play properly transferred, which meant less people for the idiots to play with, so they transferred too.

Next thing, those better people “who can”, will transfer to DM and then the idiots will follow them and infect DM as SF pvp dies. It’s the people with the idiot mentality that help destroy pvp community’s on servers.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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It wasn’t this way until people started to transfer from SS to SF.

SS was like that and before and people who wanted to play properly transferred, which meant less people for the idiots to play with, so they transferred too.

Next thing, those better people “who can”, will transfer to DM and then the idiots will follow them and infect DM as SF pvp dies. It’s the people with the idiot mentality that help destroy pvp community’s on servers.


I highly doubt there will ever be any mass migration to DM, just because of the latency difference. I can only speak for myself of course, but I would never go from SF to DM, even if pvp completely died on SF. Aside from that, my impression is that pvp is just as popular on SF as on DM. And most importantly, the claims about DM ranked pvp being superior to SF is a myth with no evidence to support it, at least when it comes to solo ranked. Clearly group ranked is more popular on DM.

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I highly doubt there will ever be any mass migration to DM, just because of the latency difference. I can only speak for myself of course, but I would never go from SF to DM, even if pvp completely died on SF. Aside from that, my impression is that pvp is just as popular on SF as on DM. And most importantly, the claims about DM ranked pvp being superior to SF is a myth with no evidence to support it, at least when it comes to solo ranked. Clearly group ranked is more popular on DM.


Not about what is more popular, it’s about the quality of the matches. If you get people on DM trying to win, then it’s better quality. If you have people on SF only wanting to death match, then it’s not good quality objective pvp.

I’m sure queues are similar, but I do think DM is a healthier population.

As for ranked being better or not, I didn’t say it was better. What I meant was regs seem to have a better attitude on DM.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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