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I want a swappable purple crystal badly enough to quit if it's raid drop only


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I find it somewhat silly that people keep pointing out that purple sabers were 'rare' in the movies as a reason for them to be rare in the game. How many yellow or orange sabers did you see in the movies? Zero. Yet they are very easily obtained in the game. Sure make a few of the colors harder to obtain to satisfy the people who want them only as status symbols but..make them accessible to the casual gamer with a little bit of time and questing or whatever, sure it might take them a little while but at least they'll know they will get there eventually - thats all people want.
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I find it somewhat silly that people keep pointing out that purple sabers were 'rare' in the movies as a reason for them to be rare in the game. How many yellow or orange sabers did you see in the movies? Zero. Yet they are very easily obtained in the game. Sure make a few of the colors harder to obtain to satisfy the people who want them only as status symbols but..make them accessible to the casual gamer with a little bit of time and questing or whatever, sure it might take them a little while but at least they'll know they will get there eventually - thats all people want.


how is this not like that?



you can search the forums and find the ways to get these "magenta" and other lightsaber colors and the game hasnt even been out a month.


give it time before the casual people even realize they care about their light saber color and they will get enough nubs to level 50 to hunt down these things

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this is what is known in the medical world as the "jackson" effect.


first seen in its host body, samuel jacksons


symptoms: the infected displays irrational tendency's. claiming they will not take part unless they get a purple lightsaber, and nobody else is allowed one.


cure: no known cure, all we can do at this time is give into the diva give them a purple lightsaber. then i suggest quarantine to make sure the infected don't pass the disease on to others.


further study's are needed

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Wow, then quit and the community will be better off. If your that upset over a piece of loot and it's drop rates then MMO's are not for you. Complaining about a piece of gear is as petty as it comes in my book for an MMO.


Really? I always thought players who worry so much about what other players have and how they acquired it is as petty as it comes. But horses for courses I suppose

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What you and so many of the other posters here fail to understand is that this is not about a color crystal. It is about the idea that something so simple and desirable that has no stat bonus would require a commitment to any play style that requires someone to do something they hate doing. Many people do not like raids and have no interest in participating in them. There is no reason to keep something cosmetic from those who don't enjoy that type of content. Raid junkies often have the attitude that they are the only players who deserve anything from a game and that all others should be forced to either play THEIR way or do without. Raiders are not special or even especially skilled, they just have a lot of time to devote to PvE. The OP isn't suggesting that not getting anything he/she wants right now is why they would quit. The reason for quitting would be valid, as making something like this unattainable to a non-raid player would be a disregard for that particular customer based on them playing a different aspect of the game.


For super stats on gear there should certainly be a process of effort involved beyond casual play, but cosmetic niceties should be available to all players regardless of their chosen form of play. There should always be an alternate avenue for obtaining things of this nature in an MMO.


And for the record I already have a purple saber and wish it was red...so there :p



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I dont understand why Color should be anything more than a personal choice to help make your character feel more your own.


Seeing as a Lightsaber Crystal is merely one component, with only one stat, it has little effect on the overall weapon other than an asthectic affect.


People who think colors should be rare fall into (usually) one of these categories


1: Someone who has access to said content required to acquire it (and yes, I fall into this category)


2: Star wars lore fanatics thinking that due to their extensive knowledge that certain colors should be rare, which is wrong, since this is the old republic and we are forging our own history. Everyone knows that history is not always accurate or complete.


3: People who want there to be a rare so they can show off how awesome they are with their different saber, saying I had a _____ color saber before it was cool. Give me a newspaper colored saber so I can swat them on the nose and say HIPSTERS BE GONE!



Make all of the colors, and make lots of them, readily available to all. Make them vast and varied so that it isn't a choice of what is the best stat, or what is the rarest color. If you make them all have the same effect, without one being better than another, you can make it so casual players can still be satisfied with their look (and it really is a simple matter) while non casuals can still do what they do better than some others and not have to care how things look, and also have the color they want.


Make it a choice on a personal level, to choose the color of your lightsaber and let it reflect your characters personality.


When we saw Darth Maul's Double Bladed Lightsaber, we all wanted one! Because it was new!


When we all saw Mace Windu's purple saber in the movies we were stunned! We all wanted a purple crystal because it was new!


When we saw the silver crystal in kotor we **** in our pants! Because it was new!


Our wants passed, and we eventually settled in to what we wanted, not what we lusted for because of its new-ness.


Let everyone have access to all of the saber crystals through the artificing profession, or simple vendors. Color shouldn't represent anything other than a choice on a personal level as to its meaning to you.


Make every color you can think of available and you will see people with the colors they want, not the colors they think are the "best" or the "most powerful".


Thank you for your time.

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I don't care if it takes 1,000,000 commendations, as long as there is some path toward getting one that I can take.


A rare drop means there's a real chance I'll never get one, no matter how hard I try. And while I love single group content, under no circumstance will I raid.


If it's unattainable for me, I'll take it as an insult to my playstyle and, by extension, myself.


I guess people can say that's my own darn fault, but I want to make my feelings on the matter known, regardless of how they are judged.


Temper tantrum lol, My little sister has them.

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I dont understand why Color should be anything more than a personal choice to help make your character feel more your own.


Seeing as a Lightsaber Crystal is merely one component, with only one stat, it has little effect on the overall weapon other than an asthectic affect.


People who think colors should be rare fall into (usually) one of these categories


1: Someone who has access to said content required to acquire it (and yes, I fall into this category)


2: Star wars lore fanatics thinking that due to their extensive knowledge that certain colors should be rare, which is wrong, since this is the old republic and we are forging our own history. Everyone knows that history is not always accurate or complete.


3: People who want there to be a rare so they can show off how awesome they are with their different saber, saying I had a _____ color saber before it was cool. Give me a newspaper colored saber so I can swat them on the nose and say HIPSTERS BE GONE!



Make all of the colors, and make lots of them, readily available to all. Make them vast and varied so that it isn't a choice of what is the best stat, or what is the rarest color. If you make them all have the same effect, without one being better than another, you can make it so casual players can still be satisfied with their look (and it really is a simple matter) while non casuals can still do what they do better than some others and not have to care how things look, and also have the color they want.


Make it a choice on a personal level, to choose the color of your lightsaber and let it reflect your characters personality.


When we saw Darth Maul's Double Bladed Lightsaber, we all wanted one! Because it was new!


When we all saw Mace Windu's purple saber in the movies we were stunned! We all wanted a purple crystal because it was new!


When we saw the silver crystal in kotor we **** in our pants! Because it was new!


Our wants passed, and we eventually settled in to what we wanted, not what we lusted for because of its new-ness.


Let everyone have access to all of the saber crystals through the artificing profession, or simple vendors. Color shouldn't represent anything other than a choice on a personal level as to its meaning to you.


Make every color you can think of available and you will see people with the colors they want, not the colors they think are the "best" or the "most powerful".


Thank you for your time.


Because its a game.

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and btw Sith and empire players cannot have another color than red !


that will be nonsense !!!! if i se a bad player with another color than red i quit.


(and don t tell me you choose the light path because if other sith see u are not red they NEED to kill you on sight as a traitor !)


sorry but only 10 year olds and overzealous fanboys would really whine about a light side choice on empire, my sniper is full light side on empire and i just /ignore anyone who doesnt like it, my inquisitor can kill al lthe babies and get all the assistants in trouble for all i care for , but dont tell me i HAVE to be dark side because i play empire that is monumentally stupid

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I don't care if it takes 1,000,000 commendations, as long as there is some path toward getting one that I can take.


A rare drop means there's a real chance I'll never get one, no matter how hard I try. And while I love single group content, under no circumstance will I raid.


If it's unattainable for me, I'll take it as an insult to my playstyle and, by extension, myself.


I guess people can say that's my own darn fault, but I want to make my feelings on the matter known, regardless of how they are judged.



You do realise that there are people starving in the Horn of Africa, slaves still being kept in parts of the world, torture under many regimes, people ‘disappearing’ for speaking out against their governments, millions of people who have lost their homes in the wake of natural disasters, a global economic crisis, mass species extinction and habitat loss…


And you actually think that sitting down and writing this crap is a good use of your time?


Dear God. No wonder this world is screwed.

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I hate myself for posting on this topic.


Mostly because the discussion is kind of silly. Whether something should or should not be restricted, how it should be restricted, these are the sort of design choices that occupy entire teams for months on end, I can imagine. We're players, and while it's nice to have opinions, someone made a famous comparison between opinions and a certain other ubiquitous thing. The people who made the game are professionals who in all likelihood know more than we do.


Player desire for purple specifically and to a lesser extent for a more saturated orange color, is pretty high. So we need to ask ourselves, what benefits are served by restricting the colors?


An MMO functions because there are goals to be achieved, an MMO succeeds because the player wants to achieve those goals. I find the datacron system to be very successful, because it redirects a desire I have (old-school platforming combined with a desire to get into secret places) and turns it into a side part of the game. Loot is and probably always will be a big part of the goal systems built into MMOs.


Clearly players want the item with the best stats to perform better in operations or in battlegrounds, but every bit as important is looking the part. This is not just in the MMO world. We judge people around us constantly. You have made important decisions about a person within a second of meeting them, before they say a word or extend their hand to shake. The fact is, whether we know an Italian designer from a Japanese one, we recognize wealth in clothing with great ease and facility.


In an MMO it's no different. "Hey that guy's chest armor looks really beefy, he must have good gear." We as players want that, we seek it. Dismiss it as mere epeenery if you must, but the fact is it's a real motivating factor behind a lot of what we do.


So the question becomes, is 'rarifying' certain lightsaber colors an effective way to provide goals to players? The answer must be a resounding yes. I wish I could say differently. Unlike a person who posted earlier, in a pencil-and-paper RPG I do not choose to restrict my player's lightsaber choices (depending, of course, on the era). That sort of loot acquisition is not what drives players in my campaigns. This is just an issue of knowing your audience; mine is driven by different things.


However I think it is safe to say that fancy loot is the 'Wal-Mart' approach to goal formation in an MMO. I mean no disrespect by this, simply to point out that Wal-Mart works by satisfying the broadest possible segment of customers, those that are focused on price; we call them a cost leader. In just such a way, while roleplayers (like myself) are more satisfied with the ability to create and play out our own stories against a varied backdrop, and PvPers are more interested in strongly balanced classes, the vast majority of PvE players are in it for the loot.


Lightsaber color is the first, most basic thing one can notice about any Jedi or Sith. Of course purple is restricted to those people who dedicate the time and effort to get it. It's what makes the game.


(Looks at his watch to count down the seconds to the first "tl;dr")

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When EVERYONE has a purple crystal you won't want it anymore.


It's GOOD for things to be unique, or at least hard to get.


couldnt agree more, some things need to be rare only one jedi in the movies has ever had a purple crystal so it shouldnt be that common in game IMO.

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There are many different colors. Some are harder to find than others though. My Sage is currently using an orange crystal right now which is somewhat nice since many people do not have one. But it was a drop from a heroic I believe on Nar Shadaa from a double-bladed saber. Good luck in your search though.


Suppose you should quit. I'm sith and all the way dark and have orange. Bye....

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I believe that the world works best with everything in moderation.


I don't think the OP was suggesting making purple crystals common (I know some other in this thread have but I'm just referring to the OP).


I agree that purple crystals should be made available through means other than high end raiding and PvP since not everyone likes running that content. There are a great many players that prefer the most single player focused content and there shouldn't be anything wrong with that.


Don't make purple crystals drop from the sky but allow everyone a crack at it regarless of their play style... focus it more on their play time and dedication to this game. I will admit I was VERY disappointed to get my artifice to 400 and find absolute crap in terms of both end game mods (can only make lvl 22 stuff not 23), and lack of new crystal colours. Orange is cool but it looks almost like yellow, it needs to be darker... but that's another topic lol

Edited by Jakyre
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i didn't even know that orange crystals were rare either...

I have one sitting in my cargo bay because i just pulled all the colors i wasnt using out in case i wanted to switch to em later.


personally Im using the yellow black dual pre order crystals in my 2 blasters right now...


but ive got a slew of colors in the cargo.



Not purple or magenta or white yet...

but getting to those later =D

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