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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bloody hell this gearing system is insufferable!


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You also have to consider it from the studios point of view. Every new expansion MUST be played by the players, so when they made Ossus they had to make sure people will spend a LOT of time there so they get positive statistitcs for management. A good way to ensure that was this gear grind, that made people spend the time there.


So in the end they can preseng the management with high numbers of players running around on Ossus. Its much better than other expansions, which were quickly forgotten, like Ziost, CZ198 etc. As for me I have all the achievements in the game and therefore nothing to go for right now (well maybe GotM NiM but thats a bit complicated atm :) ), so just logging in each week to grind dailies was fine for me. Lastly I got the gear just as the new ranked season launched! So the timing was great.


And I get this from a management perspective, but it's completely misunderstood from a PvP perspective. Truth is that we are incredibly low maintenance as we create our own content, but that only holds true if the fundamentals are in place:


1) Easy accessible PvP gear through legacy comms that is granted at all levels of PvP, including low -/midbies. Would work flawlessly for for anyone doing PvP with any regularity.


2) Bolster that WORKS. Unless some have 14 pieces of PvP gear they are auto-bolstered based on class to default PvP set 1 (e.g. default bolster to 204 back in the day). Casual PvP-players don't have to bother with PvP gear at all.


3) Materials in ranked are okay, as long as they are only rewarded for wins. In regs they seems fine as is.


4) PvP gear should have minor tweaks to classes (like PTs could have more DR). This would not affect any type of PvE content.


5) The option to deselect 1 reg warzone or subset e.g. all Hutball or all Arena.


6) Some type of healer / tank balance in regs as a minimum for match-making.


7) Ranked matches should not start with imbalance e.g. tank/healer vs. no tank healer.


8) Cheaters should get 1 warning to ensure an error margin, but subsequent offenses should result in permaban.


9) Ranked rewards should just be season titles, flags and maybe some unique stuff for top 3.


10) Ranked should be point-based to deter cheating and hopefully make it more fun.


Do this PROPERLY and PvP-players would mostly keep to themselves.

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Well, one way to deal is just not care. I personally log do whatever i want and log off. i have 3 pieces of 252 on one toon and rest in full 248 and i don't care.


It's sad that they did all that work and this is the common reaction regarding the new Ossus grind. I mean, the one thing they tried to make matter most ended up being the main thing people avoid caring about. Gearing up.

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I don't think people would mind as much if they just removed the RnG nature of the gear grind. No one likes spending weeks to do something to not be rewarded with what they want or need. It's like if you spent a year working and you could get a new car but the chances of you getting the car you want vs the car model you had is 25% while their is also a chance you get a car part that does nothing for you

It's frustrating

Edited by Sirolos
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It's sad that they did all that work and this is the common reaction regarding the new Ossus grind. I mean, the one thing they tried to make matter most ended up being the main thing people avoid caring about. Gearing up.


It probably doesn't help that they pretty much alienated everyone except for the 5%, lol.


Don't do Veteran Mode OPS or Ranked WZs? Well, then forget about getting geared for endgame. Oh, I mean, yeah, we'll give you one random piece a week of the second-best gear, but you're really trash and that's all you deserve.


Can't run 2 16-man raid bosses because your graphics card can't load into the instance in time? Well, sorry, see above.


Are you a filthy casual? Sorry, you're not welcome in SWTOR anymore. I mean, we'll tolerate you, but don't expect us to show you we care about having you as a subscriber. Why don't you just focus on the cartel market and leave the gaming to the 16 day 1 ranked gods in queue at any given time?

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And I get this from a management perspective, but it's completely misunderstood from a PvP perspective. Truth is that we are incredibly low maintenance as we create our own content, but that only holds true if the fundamentals are in place:


1) Easy accessible PvP gear through legacy comms that is granted at all levels of PvP, including low -/midbies. Would work flawlessly for for anyone doing PvP with any regularity.


2) Bolster that WORKS. Unless some have 14 pieces of PvP gear they are auto-bolstered based on class to default PvP set 1 (e.g. default bolster to 204 back in the day). Casual PvP-players don't have to bother with PvP gear at all.


3) Materials in ranked are okay, as long as they are only rewarded for wins. In regs they seems fine as is.


4) PvP gear should have minor tweaks to classes (like PTs could have more DR). This would not affect any type of PvE content.


5) The option to deselect 1 reg warzone or subset e.g. all Hutball or all Arena.


6) Some type of healer / tank balance in regs as a minimum for match-making.


7) Ranked matches should not start with imbalance e.g. tank/healer vs. no tank healer.


8) Cheaters should get 1 warning to ensure an error margin, but subsequent offenses should result in permaban.


9) Ranked rewards should just be season titles, flags and maybe some unique stuff for top 3.


10) Ranked should be point-based to deter cheating and hopefully make it more fun.


Do this PROPERLY and PvP-players would mostly keep to themselves.


Pretty much spot on and the first half is what we used to “mostly” have under 4.x.

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I don't even bother, 248 works fine for me.

Besides pretty terrain color there's nothing interesring in Ossus, nothing that would make me invest my time into this ****.

Story-wise there was no good content since 3.0

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I don't even bother, 248 works fine for me.

Besides pretty terrain color there's nothing interesring in Ossus, nothing that would make me invest my time into this ****.

Story-wise there was no good content since 3.0


As a jugg in ranked I need every advantage I can get. And I might just get focused a bit less with 258 so.... :)

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I think once you have about ten peaces of gear, the only think worth doing on Ossus is the World bosses.


Also the enhancement tied to location is a big headache. My sniper is at 2300k crit (that is about +400 over) and it is really a headache to get him correct without ask Mr. Robot or similar.

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As a jugg in ranked I need every advantage I can get. And I might just get focused a bit less with 258 so.... :)


On my assisin I had 142k HP when I played yesterday in warzones. The other juggs on my team had 132k so yes, technically, there is a slight difference :D

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On my assisin I had 142k HP when I played yesterday in warzones. The other juggs on my team had 132k so yes, technically, there is a slight difference :D


That yes, but sins, for whatever reason, tend to get more HP in general. No clue why.

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On my assisin I had 142k HP when I played yesterday in warzones. The other juggs on my team had 132k so yes, technically, there is a slight difference :D


That yes, but sins, for whatever reason, tend to get more HP in general. No clue why.


Each class has a different health pool with Bolster,


Easy way to check is load up a few classes with 230 gear and take them to a Bolster terminal to check. I’m sure you have more command Comms than you know what to do with ;)

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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i remember expertise set + possibility to buy any mods separately.


in this period, i could chose what to prefer (crit, alacrity, surge (old stat), power or max stamina).




and now we play under bolster with "random" final stats, and be obliged to do stupid tones of pve daily to change it.


amazing bioware !


ps : btw it's more difficult to do the h2 heroic in korriban at lvl 7 without pet than do dailies in ossus giving 252/258 stuff ...yes amazing.

Edited by Thaladan
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So yeah I decided what the hell, lets give it a go, and I took the leap to gear 1 (one!) character in 258. This was weeks ago and there is still no end in sight :mad:. Yes I know we have already discussed this, but ¤"%¤/%#¤%& I don't care. This system pisses me off to no end, as I can literally not play this character in ranked before I have 258 (that was the deal I made with myself)


And yes I have:

... used UCs on several support characters to send gear over

... finally reached legend rep

... done the weeklies for the monowhatever crystals needed for MH + OH

... investigated when the next gree event is coming

... looked at gtn prices (lol)

... done the 8 medals regs for crystal

... done a couple of the mind-numbing idiotic 10 dailies on ossus only to get THE SAME F¤#%#¤ ARMOR PIECE!


And still I am only up to 8 crystals for the left side on my main.

Whomever came up with this "#%¤¤%/(&)(/&%¤#¤"##"#¤%&(/&%¤ system should be <censor> <censor> and with toe-clipping <censor>.




Im with you. Gearing in SWTOR is the proverbial carrot dangling over the rabbits head.

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Took me exactly 8 weeks to get full 258 on Sentinel, Shadow, Mando, Sage and their mirror class Mara, Sin, Merc, Sorc. Also, I even got 2 sets of gear for Sentinel cause i have more such toons and I have one main who keeps his gear on at all times.


This includes 258 legacy set, which is shared between the mirror classes, but also the 258 left side on each toon. So thats how long 1 toon should take you.


Well yea. See. Some of us are adult....adults. You know the kind with real job...jobs. And families. And real children to support and buy video games for So they can binge play and get 2 extra sets of top teir gear in 8 weeks.

We the casual players have real lives...lives. For the casual gamer there isn't recompense in time spent/ lost gearing.

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Well yea. See. Some of us are adult....adults. You know the kind with real job...jobs. And families. And real children to support and buy video games for So they can binge play and get 2 extra sets of top teir gear in 8 weeks.

We the casual players have real lives...lives. For the casual gamer there isn't recompense in time spent/ lost gearing.


I really doubt someone here has a so little time to play like me! I got a wife, 2 kids and I am the only on in the family with a job, so I have to work extra to keep the food on the table. If I can do it, anyone can......


I did mingle with the idea to get my older son to play swtor so he could farm gear, but my wife would probably kill me for that :D

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I really doubt someone here has a so little time to play like me! I got a wife, 2 kids and I am the only on in the family with a job, so I have to work extra to keep the food on the table. If I can do it, anyone can......


I did mingle with the idea to get my older son to play swtor so he could farm gear, but my wife would probably kill me for that :D

The lies you tell. Prove it. Cuz we dont believe you.

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The lies you tell. Prove it. Cuz we dont believe you.


Why would he lie about something like that lol?


I hate the new gearing system with a nearly unmatched passion, but I wouldn't lie about having a family to prove a point.

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Why would he lie about something like that lol?


I hate the new gearing system with a nearly unmatched passion, but I wouldn't lie about having a family to prove a point.


Why not. Its not like its verifiable. Are you new to this forum. People are constantly making ridiculous claims about themselves. Take it with a grain of salt.


But I will cosign your hatred for the new gearing system. However it is an improvement from the old gearing system.

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Seems like a common theme here.... the people complaining are the people that are casuals, casuals don’t play the content the gear is designed for. You don’t need 258 min maxed gear for heroics and story (:

You don't need 258 gear for anything except MM gods.

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Seems like a common theme here.... the people complaining are the people that are casuals, casuals don’t play the content the gear is designed for. You don’t need 258 min maxed gear for heroics and story (:


The casual players far outnumber the hardcore and imo keep the game populated. Furthermore they do play the content 258 is designed for. They're just undergeared while doing it and usually require to be carried. Next time you do a ranked match or HM Op inspect your teammates gear. Prepared to be shocked when you see 1/2 of them arent fully auged or missing entire slots. But dont get mad at them. Thats misdirected anger. Direct your anger at the company who implemented a system that allows for it. Can you even blame them though. If the this game was segregated so that only players with time to obtain top tier gear were allowed access to the full experience there wouldnt be enough of population to remain profitable. ):

Edited by Fiqh
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The lies you tell. Prove it. Cuz we dont believe you.


Well, tell me how, I am not revealing personal info, but I can make a video on my routine, which meant doing Ossus weekly on 13 toons and then also getting the weekly crystal if the missions was possible. I was also buying crystals for 500 UCs on specific toons etc. I did the calculation on what I need to do and how long it will take, its only math really.


I did quite a few videos to help someone with something, its no problem to show this too.


You don't need 258 gear for anything except MM gods.


And it helps in Ranked too :)


The casual players far outnumber the hardcore and imo keep the game populated. Furthermore they do play the content 258 is designed for. They're just undergeared while doing it and usually require to be carried. Next time you do a ranked match or HM Op inspect your teammates gear. Prepared to be shocked when you see 1/2 of them arent fully auged or missing entire slots. But dont get mad at them. Thats misdirected anger. Direct your anger at the company who implemented a system that allows for it. Can you even blame them though. If the this game was segregated so that only players with time to obtain top tier gear were allowed access to the full experience there wouldnt be enough of population to remain profitable. ):


That might be a population thing. If you are checking gear, also check the achievement points. If the people have 500-6000 achievements points, they are fairly new players, so you need to consider that. The previous gearing system was in favor of veteran players. The "Ossus" system helps even beginners get the gear quite fast. The main issue for new players are augments, which really have to be grinded since you either have to get the crafting skills and mats, or the credits to buy them from GTN. Both require more time than getting 252 gear.


The thing is also that long time players know their way around in the game. You know what to grind and how. Swtor even makes you do all the old stuff for some things so if you played the game for a while you are much more efficient. This also goes for basic game stuff, like I played the game for 1 year not knowing how gearing works and never heard about augments!


BTW, you account name is similar to that top 2 Marauder on leaderboards from Leviathan, you wouldnt be related, would you? :)

Edited by merovejec
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Seems like a common theme here.... the people complaining are the people that are casuals, casuals don’t play the content the gear is designed for. You don’t need 258 min maxed gear for heroics and story (:


As it’s been pointed out, it can also in ranked or even reg pvp the more people get the gear. You don’t need it for heroics or story unless you plan on doing MM stuff (it helps).

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