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Reasons NOT to allow dual specs


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I really dont see any argument against here, just "I dont want a duel spec, so noone should".


all i heard was, "im not a healer and my class is amazing in pve and pve with 1 sec, no one else should have to dual spec because i dont!"


dual-specing is for players who can heal, no one else really cares too much, cept an occasional tank, but everyone and i mean everyone will use it when it comes out.

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You want it all and you want it now. Got it. Steal my drops in game for an offspec and I will hound you forever!


So this is about you? How selfish.


People can steal your drops for whatever reason, from "I want it for my companion" to "the cat pressed need". Have you ever encountered nice people to run? do you want to make their lives harder asking them to pay a lot of credits to respec just because you are afraid someone could steal your drops?

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There's something to be said about calling them 'your' drops, because deep down it's just as greedy as someone taking it for their offspec. If you look at it rationally, I mean. You feel you deserve them, but so does the other party. Who's right, then?


Besides, he never said he'd roll on your drops.


That was the whole meta-joke. Sorry, shoulda put a smiley after it.

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Like many other posters have said before, people who are against dual spec needs to explain why:


Creating a 2nd character of the same class with a different spec is not tedious and not fun.

Spending hours farming to fund respec cost instead of enjoying the game is not fun.


Taking tedious tasks out of a game and allowing the players to play how they want make a game fun.

Couldn't you just claim that most of the game is tedious? Questing for a lot of people is tedious. Travelling for a lot of people is tedious. Crafting for some people is tedious.


Why not just give everyone the choice to be given a max level character they can spec at will with unlimited money and the ability to insta travel anywhere? You could basically do whatever you wanted whenever you wanted and do immediately.

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Couldn't you just claim that most of the game is tedious? Questing for a lot of people is tedious. Travelling for a lot of people is tedious. Crafting for some people is tedious.


Why not just give everyone the choice to be given a max level character they can spec at will with unlimited money and the ability to insta travel anywhere? You could basically do whatever you wanted whenever you wanted and do immediately.


Because there's no in between, right?

Edited by Sneakymcstab
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The first line of the first post say it all. They want an easier game, where they don't have to find a group.


The game is managable in it's current state, if anything i'd like it to become a bit harder, more like an EQ or Linage 2 style and move away from WoW's 'Panda style' of gaming.

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Couldn't you just claim that most of the game is tedious? Questing for a lot of people is tedious. Travelling for a lot of people is tedious. Crafting for some people is tedious.


Why not just give everyone the choice to be given a max level character they can spec at will with unlimited money and the ability to insta travel anywhere? You could basically do whatever you wanted whenever you wanted and do immediately.


Why dont we instead say.. you cant respec your professions either. You took slicing and now is nerfed? tough luck pal. We can also apply the same rule to weapon modifications. That shiny module you just installed? cant remove it.. nope.


See how fun the game becomes?

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Couldn't you just claim that most of the game is tedious? Questing for a lot of people is tedious. Travelling for a lot of people is tedious. Crafting for some people is tedious.


Why not just give everyone the choice to be given a max level character they can spec at will with unlimited money and the ability to insta travel anywhere? You could basically do whatever you wanted whenever you wanted and do immediately.


In the middle of black and white there is a grey area. You should look there for clues.

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all i heard was, "im not a healer and my class is amazing in pve and pve with 1 sec, no one else should have to dual spec because i dont!"


dual-specing is for players who can heal, no one else really cares too much, cept an occasional tank, but everyone and i mean everyone will use it when it comes out.


Im not going to use it, it's lame and makes the game play like crap. Yeah it is probably a healer centered thing, but the healers that I have in my guild want to be healers so they don't complain about this.


The only healers making this an issue are the ones with no friends, or are to anti-social to group. Trust me, healers have NO problem getting into a group.


There is no need to add dual-spec's JUST to make healers happy, seriously, a global game modification to suit one class?


Think about that.

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This game will flat out die without dualspec. Reason being is that no one wants to only be able to tank/heal. Without dualspec there already is a sever lack of healers and tanks in the game.


That's a bit over dramatizing it. Plenty of people are content with it, as you can see in this very thread. It might be that people will go healer/tank easier, especially while levelling, where they otherwise might not have. Saying the game will die without it is stretching it a a bit thin.

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This game will flat out die without dualspec. Reason being is that no one wants to only be able to tank/heal. Without dualspec there already is a sever lack of healers and tanks in the game.


How do you reconcile "no one wants to only be able to tank/heal" and the fact that there are those who actually do tank and heal? While your server may lack them in abundance, they do exist.

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This game will flat out die without dualspec. Reason being is that no one wants to only be able to tank/heal. Without dualspec there already is a sever lack of healers and tanks in the game.


If you have a What If Future Teller, what are the lotto numbers for this saturday. And, will it ruin my life if I win?

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Im not going to use it, it's lame and makes the game play like crap. Yeah it is probably a healer centered thing, but the healers that I have in my guild want to be healers so they don't complain about this.


The only healers making this an issue are the ones with no friends, or are to anti-social to group. Trust me, healers have NO problem getting into a group.


There is no need to add dual-spec's JUST to make healers happy, seriously, a global game modification to suit one class?


Think about that.


I'm not a healer, not (very) anti-social and I still want it. What now?

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Uhh, a LOT of us do not want the game to degenerate into an easy button mashing arcade fest.


It's already an easy, button-mashing arcade fest.


Just because the unwashed masses prefer it, does not make it better in any sense of the word.


Ah, so you're setting yourself above the 'unwashed masses'. Gotcha.


Being able to switch on a whim between two specs really does water down the game.


As this is already the case, I fail to see your point.


You no longer have to go out of your comfort circle of friends to complete things, because your DPS friend can just switch to healing or tanking.


Now you're just being silly. Regardless of dual spec, people will still look for pugs to tank and heal. Yet this is irrelevant. If I choose to spend my time online with a particular group of people (say a guild), working together for mutual gain, that is my choice. Who do you think you are to condemn my chosen social practices?


It waters down communities and allows people to stay in their bubble.


Randomly pugging with thousands of people waters down communities. Having an option to quickly change your spec does not.


It definitely was NOT a good change in WoW and it won't be good here, it will simply degenerate the server community.


You seem to have missed the all-important 'in my opinion' here. Speaking as a long-time priest, I believe that Dual Spec is one of the best things that happened to WoW.


IF you look at WoW, server communities were their STRONGEST before any of this crap, before LFD and before dual-spec... servers had true communities of players, social tiers and all.. You had your "first class" raiders, etc. This is how it should be!


So you're living in WoW's past, dreaming of an imaginary perfect MMO that doesn't, and never did exist.


Glad we've cleared that up then.

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WHenever anybody says "reason to not allow ____" I wonder what kind of communist backwater they live in.


in video games and life, i don't like anyone PREVENTING me from doing something. it rubs me the wrong way.


I should be able to access your cargo hold and take what I want. Why am I prevented from doing this?

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I personally do not want dual spec added to the game. I expect I am in the minority, but time will tell. I especially hope they do not add changing of ACs.


Both of these additions make player choices less meaningful.

It will add advantages for some, basically allowing people who want to get one character to max level and not see any other parts of the game to be able to do more things.


It does not allow healers to level faster. If you have a dps companion, and know what you are doing, healers already level just fine. This argument is silly, and a holdover to another game where it doesnt even really apply to anymore anyhow.


Its very real that if dual specs are added, anyone with a healing or tanking tree in their class will be expected to have one of their dual specs built for that, and will be more forcefully asked to perform that role if it is needed in a group. Some people do not want to be stuck always assumed to be a healer when they are invited just because their class has a healing tree.


IF dual spec is added I truely hope a LFG tool that includes role options is added first (and hopefully not a cross server, instant teleport, mindlessly run dungeons in silence tool).

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What's the difference between allowing changing AC's and changing specs? To me, it's all the same. Yet, so many people think changing specs is ok and even MANDATORY, while changing AC is absolutely unacceptable.


Give my Commando a change in spec option and I can be 2 completely different characters if I wanted to. So, why not let me change my AC if I want to?


I really don't think there needs to be a dual spec option. And I just don't see why/how it would make things better (which is what so many people claim). Of course, maybe I'm biased because I enjoy playing healers and it seems to take away that uniqueness when so many more people can do what I do at the touch of a button. If I spec to heal, I want to heal and want people to know that's what I do. I don't want people saying, why don't you change to DPS since we already have a healer.


No thank you.

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Aye,..."easier" is not accurate as mentioned. Convenient is though.


But why stop there? Let me change AC's,..heck,. let me change race too. Or even Faction.


Why do I need to reroll another whole character? They just want me to grind out and keep paying the monthly sub!



Kidding aside, I am all for keeping identiy/unique snowflake, and commit to my choice playstyle.




I do like how Rift did it,..they sorta 'over did it, imho, but the option was there.



It's a fine line these days between a true RPG experience and an Arcade deathmatch one.

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