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Cross Server Queues or Server Mergers


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No. I'm not going through another server merge, and have to deal with losing some items possibly again, or doing another name change. I like my names, have had to deal with changing a few. So, now..serve merge is now DONE.


Cross server PVP games, fine. I can agree with that.

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I'll be dead in the cold, cold earth before they force me to merge with the cancer that is Harbinger.


If you have been pvping on Star Forge since the last merge, you can already tell that most of the cancer has already started to spread from Satele Shan.

There has been a big influx of SS guilds and players transferring. At this stage, those left of Satele are the least cancerous. A merge with them wouldn’t increase the cancer as the cancer’s already here.

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PvPers have always been cancerous, no matter where they originate.


I have noticed a steady decline in the health of general chat across the board, though. It seems that you may be right. The cancer has metastasized.


That’s not true. We had no cancer on the Australia servers. And little to no cancer on Star Forge

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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PvPers have always been cancerous, no matter where they originate.


I lol'd. The thread itself also makes me lol. Seems most of you guys are SF? I'm on SS. Yesterday I decided to do my weekly for regular pvp. I hadn't started it yet. Queue time was less than five minutes between runs. From the times I've run it, generally on weekends, that's average. I also haven't heard any griping over here about slow queues for FPs or Ops, but idk firsthand because I only run those in my guild.


So I'm curious why we'd need to do cross server or server merges. Are you playing GSF? Isn't SF bigger than SS? Shouldn't you have even less problems? Or is this all just a thinly disguised rant about Ranked and how it's not getting any love? Because if it is...I would have zero problems if the entire ranked population of this game dropped out tomorrow. I doubt I'd be the only one celebrating either.

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I lol'd. The thread itself also makes me lol. Seems most of you guys are SF? I'm on SS. Yesterday I decided to do my weekly for regular pvp. I hadn't started it yet. Queue time was less than five minutes between runs. From the times I've run it, generally on weekends, that's average. I also haven't heard any griping over here about slow queues for FPs or Ops, but idk firsthand because I only run those in my guild.


So I'm curious why we'd need to do cross server or server merges. Are you playing GSF? Isn't SF bigger than SS? Shouldn't you have even less problems? Or is this all just a thinly disguised rant about Ranked and how it's not getting any love? Because if it is...I would have zero problems if the entire ranked population of this game dropped out tomorrow. I doubt I'd be the only one celebrating either.


I’m not promoting mergers. I will say that lowbies and Mids is slow to pop, but that’s on all servers.


I know over this last weekend the lvl 70 queue on SF did seem a bit lack lustre (same people on the queue, and longer pops), but it also felt a bit like that during the last week. I noticed a lot of my usual GTN rivals aren’t around and there are less of the crafted items I make on the GTN this week.


Maybe the extreme weather in the US??

As someone who lives in the boiling hot temps of the Aussie summer 38”c to 47”c ( or 100.4 - 116.6 F), I’ve no idea how the extreme arctic weather in the US at the moment could affect people or possibly internet connections? It’s my own question/answer/theory for the lacklustre week. I’d love to know if that’s a factor.


I do hope the weather last week/this week is the main reason for the feeling of less people. I would hate to know it’s all because of people hating the gear grind from 5.10 (huge possibility ;))

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Again, are we talking ranked or regulars? Can we just be honest about it instead of pretending this is a widespread problem that needs immediate, drastic solutions?


Speaking of the gear grind, I'm in one of the biggest guilds in SS. And they do Ossus dailies, and they don't moan about it, or wait for BW to fix it, they're happy to do it. Me, I'm content to wait until it improves, but in a guild at nearly max population, I don't find many people who have issues with it. Now, on the forum, otoh...

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PvPers either have short memories or OP is as new as the forum member tag indicates

Every single time they merge the queue time improvement is very short-lived and it goes back down again and then another merge and more complaints and so on and so forth.


No merge has ever led to a sustained increase in queue pops--why do you guys keep begging for another one? It absolutely COULDN'T be pvp player toxicity causing fewer people to want to queue, right? /s


Judging by how often and much you guys have to beg for people to queue in chat so you can **** all over their efforts and chase them away again, it does at least paint a pretty clear pattern about short memories.

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It absolutely COULDN'T be pvp player toxicity causing fewer people to want to queue, right? /s


Judging by how often and much you guys have to beg for people to queue in chat so you can **** all over their efforts and chase them away again, it does at least paint a pretty clear pattern about short memories.


No I'm sure trixxie is right and it's the gear grind. Or maybe the weather. It couldn't possibly be self-inflicted.



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Again, are we talking ranked or regulars? Can we just be honest about it instead of pretending this is a widespread problem that needs immediate, drastic solutions?


Speaking of the gear grind, I'm in one of the biggest guilds in SS. And they do Ossus dailies, and they don't moan about it, or wait for BW to fix it, they're happy to do it. Me, I'm content to wait until it improves, but in a guild at nearly max population, I don't find many people who have issues with it. Now, on the forum, otoh...


I dont play ranked with 230-300ms lag. I’m only referring to regs. Ranked is toxic and deserves to die.


As for the grind or belonging to a massive guild that grinds Ossus dailies, I’m not surprised your guys aren’t grumbling. You all obviously enjoy it and have similar interests/opinions on the game, which is why you are in the same guild together.


Not all players or Pvpers want to have to do pve content over and over to get gear to just pvp in.

Or grind the same crap every day or week over an extended period of time for most people. And don’t for get the bugs or the less than ideal RNG (which also seems broken)

Also, not everyone is in a massive guild of wants to be. Some guilds are smaller and some only play pvp.


So what’s good for you, isn’t good for everyone. Most people have just left instead of grumbling, those of us left are playing less and less. A vast majority are just so use to BioWare not listening, they’ve become immunised to disappointment. There was a major out cry when this system was put in place for weeks and weeks. BioWare ignored it, then gave one small post the day before holidays and nothing since. That’s one and half months ago. People are just tired of repeating themselves because BioWare either don’t listen or communicate back about player concerns.


Obviously those still playing don’t care about the gearing or are just putting up with it in the hope BioWare will change it. But it has affected the population numbers and people are still leaving.

The latest patch notes state the set bonus bug is supposed to be fixed. But there was nothing about the slot Mods being locked to gear type. And there still hasn’t been an explanation for the change. So I think people who’ve been waiting around to hear something or were expecting some change in 5.10.1 will be bitterly disappointed and we may see more people leave.


I don’t want mergers, but there is definitely a declining population because of this gearing change, the same as there was when 5.0 changed the gearing. And we all saw what happened there. We continued to bleed players for over a year till BioWare had to merge or people had trouble playing group stuff. Mark my words, this is the path 5.10 has set us on once again. Unless BioWare make some changes soon, mergers will eventually be needed again or the game will die for group play. If they delay these changes too long, even mergers won’t help because too many people will have given up on Swtor ever being fun again.


Even people who don’t play group stuff or need mergers are giving up on the game because it’s becoming less fun with each iteration. This gearing change is just one more disappoint and everyone has a breaking point or a line in the sand that makes them say, “enough is enough... I won’t support these devs anymore”, even though we loved the game before they made it less fun.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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PvPers either have short memories or OP is as new as the forum member tag indicates

Every single time they merge the queue time improvement is very short-lived and it goes back down again and then another merge and more complaints and so on and so forth.


No merge has ever led to a sustained increase in queue pops--why do you guys keep begging for another one? It absolutely COULDN'T be pvp player toxicity causing fewer people to want to queue, right? /s


Judging by how often and much you guys have to beg for people to queue in chat so you can **** all over their efforts and chase them away again, it does at least paint a pretty clear pattern about short memories.


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PvPers either have short memories or OP is as new as the forum member tag indicates

Every single time they merge the queue time improvement is very short-lived and it goes back down again and then another merge and more complaints and so on and so forth.


No merge has ever led to a sustained increase in queue pops--why do you guys keep begging for another one? It absolutely COULDN'T be pvp player toxicity causing fewer people to want to queue, right? /s


Judging by how often and much you guys have to beg for people to queue in chat so you can **** all over their efforts and chase them away again, it does at least paint a pretty clear pattern about short memories.


You are referring to ranked pvp. That’s where the majority of toxicity lives and why they have to beg. No one wants to play them and new people get put off straight away.

That’s not the case in regs.


It’s my opinion that solo ranked should just be made into a reg Arena queue and leave group as the only ranked format.

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Ill take either one at this point for NA.


Please do something about these PVP queues.


If we will continue to have 2 servers, install cross server queues.


Need concise information to properly assess the situation.


1. What server are you on?


2. What PVP queues are slow? Ranked or Regs? Lowbies, mids, or 70s?

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As Bioware monitors the numbers of players and sees that a new merger to 2 or even 1 server is warranted, they will go maintenance mode. Think about it. As of now we get so little new content. If 5 years ago was gushing, and 3 years ago was a flow, it's now a trickle. They aren't going to waste anymore developer time and effort if the game only has 1 server of players left. It also means less money coming in to the cartel market and subscriptions.


Although it could be that those that are here til the end, are the die hard subbers and cartel market supporters.


Even the French server is tiny compared to SF, but there's still players and guilds there. There's still pvp and group finder is still working.

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I dont play ranked with 230-300ms lag. I’m only referring to regs. Ranked is toxic and deserves to die.


Darn. There goes my strawman.

As for the grind or belonging to a massive guild that grinds Ossus dailies, I’m not surprised your guys aren’t grumbling. You all obviously enjoy it and have similar interests/opinions on the game, which is why you are in the same guild together.

ok, that's fair.

Not all players or Pvpers want to have to do pve content over and over to get gear to just pvp in.

Or grind the same crap every day or week over an extended period of time for most people. And don’t for get the bugs or the less than ideal RNG (which also seems broken)


This strikes me as a perennial issue. Between 3.0 and 5.0 it was very easy to gear with pvp - and in fact, it was easier to gear through pvp to get comms to use pve gear than to go about it any other way. The rest is a similar point: bugs, grinding [pvp or pve] and rng are not new to Ossus.


Also, not everyone is in a massive guild of wants to be. Some guilds are smaller and some only play pvp.


Noted, though it doesn't have much to do with being in a massive guild; anyone can run dailies. But I take your point that the crystals should be available to pvp at least by doing the weekly or something.


A vast majority are just so use to BioWare not listening, they’ve become immunised to disappointment. There was a major out cry when this system was put in place for weeks and weeks. BioWare ignored it, then gave one small post the day before holidays and nothing since. That’s one and half months ago. People are just tired of repeating themselves because BioWare either don’t listen or communicate back about player concerns.


I'm not olgaton, I'm not arguing this point. And it's not the grumbling that is the issue so much as the idea of making drastic changes.


But it has affected the population numbers and people are still leaving.


This is more of a supposition. Presumably some halfwit white knight told you that the weather was responsible for low server numbers. I don't really notice the servers being significantly lower, but if people are leaving, there may be other factors [not weather!]. If people are in a state of immunized, constant depression about BW, does it figure they would leave? Some would get exasperated, yes. But if pvpers are still playing this game after everything that's happened, they're probably here for the long haul.


The latest patch notes state the set bonus bug is supposed to be fixed. But there was nothing about the slot Mods being locked to gear type. And there still hasn’t been an explanation for the change. So I think people who’ve been waiting around to hear something or were expecting some change in 5.10.1 will be bitterly disappointed and we may see more people leave.


If they're waiting for 5.10.1 to fix everything, they certainly will be disappointed. Which is to say, we have a good idea what they're putting in place tomorrow so it shouldn't be a mystery to anyone. 6.0 is a mystery. April is a mystery.


I don’t want mergers, but there is definitely a declining population because of this gearing change, the same as there was when 5.0 changed the gearing. And we all saw what happened there. We continued to bleed players for over a year till BioWare had to merge or people had trouble playing group stuff. Mark my words, this is the path 5.10 has set us on once again. Unless BioWare make some changes soon, mergers will eventually be needed again or the game will die for group play. If they delay these changes too long, even mergers won’t help because too many people will have given up on Swtor ever being fun again.


OK, but we aren't really talking about mergers, now are we? We're talking about BW reversing course or making changes to the gear grind. Well, no arguments here! This thread seems like putting the horse before the cart. We need a merger now, really? We need cross-server queues...right now?


Even people who don’t play group stuff or need mergers are giving up on the game because it’s becoming less fun with each iteration. This gearing change is just one more disappoint and everyone has a breaking point or a line in the sand that makes them say, “enough is enough... I won’t support these devs anymore”, even though we loved the game before they made it less fun.


I can, and probably will, continue to play the class stories until the game dies. The idea of the game becoming less fun is generally an end-game thing [which is mostly group content or those crappy expansions]. I just finished grinding my last character to 300 GC. That's one for each class for the cheevo, that's enough for me. My sub's up in a week; I have no plans to return except on 90 day referral weeks. That would be my plan almost regardless of what BW does in the near future.

Edited by Ardrossan
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