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Thank you devs for dynamic weather effects on Ossus


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Just a small anecdote about these weather effects. I had been playing in Ossus for weeks when i was listening some stream where they mentioned weather effects and i was little bit puzzled what they were talking about but forgot it then again. Soon after i saw it mentioned in some blog and i was thinking, i really have to check this out and forgot it again. Then i saw it mentioned in some third venue and was again puzzled, being playing Ossus again during all this time and never really noticed there anything and i went and logged in reminding myself now to pay attention.


Went to Ossus and looked around, it was just normal sunny like i always had it as far as i remember. Started to run my dailies on my sorc like always, but being aware now to pay attention if something changes, but nothing. Kept going around aoeing mob groups down but then had to stop to wait respawn of the name quets mob. And suddenly i realized that even i was not doing force storm and chain lightning anymore i was still hearing the lightning and thunder sounds. Looked up and there that storm was :D. Those storms have probably been there all those weeks but apparently been so happy on spamming my own lightnings i had missed those.:p


Now that i saw them, they are nice work and i like them! If i would make them little bit better, i would also make the light on the ground level change when thunder clouds are rolling in (=it would get bit darker) to get that feeling of storm rolling over you and make it more noticable even when not looking to the sky.

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Just a small anecdote about these weather effects. I had been playing in Ossus for weeks when i was listening some stream where they mentioned weather effects and i was little bit puzzled what they were talking about but forgot it then again. Soon after i saw it mentioned in some blog and i was thinking, i really have to check this out and forgot it again. Then i saw it mentioned in some third venue and was again puzzled, being playing Ossus again during all this time and never really noticed there anything and i went and logged in reminding myself now to pay attention.


Went to Ossus and looked around, it was just normal sunny like i always had it as far as i remember. Started to run my dailies on my sorc like always, but being aware now to pay attention if something changes, but nothing. Kept going around aoeing mob groups down but then had to stop to wait respawn of the name quets mob. And suddenly i realized that even i was not doing force storm and chain lightning anymore i was still hearing the lightning and thunder sounds. Looked up and there that storm was :D. Those storms have probably been there all those weeks but apparently been so happy on spamming my own lightnings i had missed those.:p


Now that i saw them, they are nice work and i like them! If i would make them little bit better, i would also make the light on the ground level change when thunder clouds are rolling in (=it would get bit darker) to get that feeling of storm rolling over you and make it more noticable even when not looking to the sky.


Ha, this is exactly my experience, and I can't even always blame being a sorcerer (just sometimes)! I'll have to remember to look up the next time I'm in Ossus.

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What dynamic weather? Ossus always looks the same to me.

And to me.

Are you also sith sorc who never looks at the sky when playing and who is always surrounded by the sound of their own lightnings?

Probably! :D I clearly love my own "lightnings" too much to pay attention to anything else.

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and why not?

Without knowing anything about the inner workings of the SWTOR development team, I'd still be the kind of pessimist that would question if resources gone into this couldn't have been used for something "more useful." But I just care about story content, so my opinion is probably just one of a dusin. I don't really know if dynamic weather is something a typical MMO player would care about.

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Too busy admiring my outfits to notice the weather. I assume it's a variety of sandstorms?


Thunderstorms with lightning (including sounds). Looks pretty cool but you indeed gotta look up. You better watch for those, heavy rain might make bad damage on some silk and leather stuff. If you wear woolies they might also shrunk.

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I hadn't noticed the dynamic weather. After I saw the post about it, I went to Ossus to have a look. I noticed that the clouds were moving across the sky. Very, very slowly. I had to stare at them awhile to see the movement.


I've never seen or heard any storms on Ossus.

I've only done the complete set of dailies about 7 times. Maybe I haven't been there enough hours?


I have to agree, wholeheartedly, with a previous poster. If the lighting levels dropped visibly during storms, I would have looked up and noticed them.


I also agree with posts asking for these weather effects to be added to existing planets. Most especially, I would like to see improvements on Dromund Kaas. It would really benefit from some variable wind and rain. Sandstorms on Tatooine would be amazing, too.

Edited by Xina_LA
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I also agree with posts asking for these weather effects to be added to existing planets. Most especially, I would like to see improvements on Dromund Kaas. It would really benefit from some variable wind and rain. Sandstorms on Tatooine would be amazing, too.


I'd like to hear the glaciers cracking on Belsavis. Acid rain on Quesh. A blizzard on Hoth. An EM tornado touching down on Makeb. And a lot of this stuff needn't happen directly where the PC is, it could be out in the [draw] distance.

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I'd like to hear the glaciers cracking on Belsavis. Acid rain on Quesh. A blizzard on Hoth. An EM tornado touching down on Makeb. And a lot of this stuff needn't happen directly where the PC is, it could be out in the [draw] distance.


Yes, it would be very nice to have that.

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All this excitement about one zone showing weather changes really makes me appreciate that EQ1, a 20 year old MMO actually had rain showers as well as all out thunder storms periodically.


The neat thing was as a druid you got a spell later on that could actually stop the rain in an entire zone. :)

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All this excitement about one zone showing weather changes really makes me appreciate that EQ1, a 20 year old MMO actually had rain showers as well as all out thunder storms periodically.


The neat thing was as a druid you got a spell later on that could actually stop the rain in an entire zone. :)


That's pretty interesting.

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EDIT: I finally got to see and hear a storm. So cool!

I also want to mention that the water splash FX and the waterfalls are magnificent.


I would love the planets to have a day/night cycle, but that would be a tremendous amount of work. Most of the "lights" in SWTOR, even decorations, don't actually give off illumination. They're drawn to look like they're lit up but they don't give off any light.


The devs would have to go back and modify things to have real illumination. (Frankly, I'd love that to be changed with existing stronghold decorations!) They would need to add street lights, navigation lights, maybe even working headlights on vehicles. It would be awesome, but it would also be a lot of work.


Perhaps they could start by adding daynight cycles to strongholds and improve existing "light" decorations. Those same assets are used all over the place, so it would start to light up the worlds. Once that was done, it wouldn't be quite so far of a leap to have night on various planets.

Edited by Xina_LA
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