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Thanks, I appreciate you seeing my point of view. Your own story that you shared is very sweet. I'm happy for your JK and for you experiencing this satisfying arc. :) Theron is one of my favorite SWTOR characters period, not just a favorite companion. I think he can complement a huge range of characters, as a friend, romantic partner, or even as a nemesis (which he definitely is to my DS sniper). I imagine that your JK having Theron at her side through a lot of the Zakuul story helped her immensely at a time when she had to shoulder huge responsibility. Then I imagine the uncertainty of the following arc was correspondingly more painful (even if she trusted him).

It's always nice to have other points of view, maybe i would appreciate that romance more now ^^


That's what i think too, he's a great character, and i'm really happy i tried that romance with my JK as it was not my first choice for any of them, but is my fav now.

While she always did what she could to help people, she actually fully trusted no one (a childhood on Alderaan among the noble houses political mess could have this effect), and even if she was quite close to Kira, she realised when getting closer and then falling for Theron that she was actually pretty lonely.

Yes, he was her rock during all the time she had Valkotrion in her head (and he has been damn patient with her too), and while the traitor arc was painfull for her (and me as well), it only strengthened their relationship, as she knows he'd do anything for her, and he knows she'll never give up on him and stay with him no matter what comes at them next.

And while she may be his light, he's hers as well.


I am really stuck on which of my characters I should use to properly romance Theron: fully, exclusively, no holds barred. A few of my characters have flirted with him, two did the full mini-romance during the SoR-Ziost arc, and one of them (my SIS-loyal operative) continued to romance him after the five year gap but ended their relationship after Nathema (partially for meta reasons, so I'd have them properly split up before doing Vector's return and resuming that romance). I can't have any of my original eight characters romance Theron and only Theron, because they all went with their class romances and I can't bear to break original hubbies' hearts. But I have strongly been going in the direction of making my second JK exclusively romance Theron. I've already made her stalwartly resist Doc. (I don't think any of my lady consulars could resist Felix, no more than any of my lady troopers could resist Aric.) I have only been hesitating re. Theron because there's talk of maybe a Scourge romance in the future, and I don't know that I want to play JK again to make a new one for Scourge (not without some specific idea of how to make the the third JK different from my first two). But reading your JK story inclines me so strongly in the direction of Theron for JK2. Theron's feelings for a romanced PC seem so strong and genuine. The PC seems like the light in his workaholic life, someone who loves and cares for him in himself (a bit like Felix is for my messianic JC). Right now, for my taste, of the six classes I'd consider for his romance (excluding trooper and consular for reasons already given) knight works best. Theron has a really interesting relationship with the Jedi Order, shaped by it in so many ways but not part of it. He can relate to Jedi, but he can also provide an outside perspective that I think can give them some pleasant relief. :)

I usually stick to an established relationship as well, so my trooper will stay with Aric, my BH with Torian, and my IA will probably stay with Vector (but his case is harder as he had no significant part since the end of her class story).


Doc was never an option for her, as she really dislikes any form of flattery and Doc is not really classy in his flirting, which would be all but attracting to her.

I first intended for my JK to end with either a Sith or a redeemed Arcann, but at the time none of these options were available, and well Theron is hard not to romance, so i gave it a try and loved it.

Then Arcann became a romance and i was a bit torn between the 2, i tried Theron with various characters, IIRC a SI, a SW, a smuggler (but i did not really like any of these, both Sith did not looked like they were really in love, and my smuggler and Theron sounded like they did not like each other) and an old IA, this one worked quite well but when she got Vector back, it was pretty obvious that Vector was the only one for her (she sounded happier with the 2 min dialogue qhe had with Vector than during the whole romance with Theron), and no one really satisfied me with Theron, so it's my JK and Theron all the way now, i think they work really well together, but it really comes down to how we see our PC and their LI in the end, and i play in french so the voice acting can come off as pretty different than in english too.

I really liked that Theron and my JK sounded and looked like they were everything to each oter and would be only for one another (i first played Umbara with a clone i had in store for Arcann if he became a LI, but both this JK and Theron sounded like they were actually in a relationship even if they were not, i guess the french VA for the female JK really likes Theron, but well he's lovable, good looking and has an amazing voice as well) xD

And my SW looks much better with Arcann than my JK anyways, and as my SW is not my canon Outlander, their relationship will probably be healthier.

And yes, Theron's relationship to the Jedi order and my JK's relationship to Satele, i thought it made an interesting dynamic, and could make for a nice relationship, with the 2 of them trying to be friends at first because she's a Jedi and they both know what it implies for relationships, but realising along the way that their mutual feelings were more than friendship.

If Scourge becomes a romance, i'd really love if he was available to other classes as well and not restricted to JK only. I think he could work really well with my Nox, and in the end i can't manage to play any other JK than my main one and her clones, so they'll all end up with Theron.

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I found Jaesa Willsaam by far the best romance.


The entire first Chapter is linked to her in some way, either her powers, her teacher, her parents or Master. You then get a great confrontation with her and

turn her into your apprentice



The romance then flows from that and the bond that has been developed. Because a decent amount of time has been devoted to her, it gave her a much more complete character. Sadly this is something that has been lost after the vanilla story and even with her return it feeling a little up in the air as to what your current relationship is.


The only downside is that she never seemed to get the same number of customization options that other non droid/alien companions got. Nearly every other companion I could find a look that I thought fitted my view of them while with her I never really got the Aldderaan handmaid turned Jedi look I hoped for. Specially with darkside Jaesa where she seemed determined to make herself as unattractive as possible.

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So that's the depth Felix adds to my consular's story. :)


These sorts of insights are what keeps me coming back to these companion threads when I think I'm done with them. I've never bothered with Iresso since my Consular was more interested in Zenith and ended up with Theron (in the bf zone, not married, after the traitor arc).

I have a baby consular I might bring through with Iresso. That Voss scene sounds really great the way you describe it. IIRC there is a similar scene in the SW line on Voss where you either sacrifice some of your strength or force a companion to do it for you. I haven't tried it with all the SW companions except Jaesa, and she disapproves of it, even DS Jaesa. That surprised me because it makes a lot of her posturing and boot-licking come off as BS. I almost always take the strength-hit myself because I like playing powerful characters who don't need to flex and force others under their thumb just because they are powerful--being able to recover or overcome a power drain feels to me like you're more powerful than any wanton chaotic power-hungry warmongering murderer. With your description of Iresso taking it without hesitation that really intrigues me to try other companions in those scenes and see how they take it.

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I know a lot of people think Felix Iresso is boring but to me, he was really refreshing. A normal and believable person in a sea of larger than life, wackadoo personalities. He's one of the only love interests I could see being with in real life. I just wish we got him on an earlier planet and had more time with him and more time to get to know him better. Maybe we could have gotten him on Taris or Nar Shaddaa and then gotten slimeball Theran Cedrax on Hoth (or never). I think I'm also one of not that many people who really like Koth and was sad that he was just erased from the story. :(
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I think I'm also one of not that many people who really like Koth and was sad that he was just erased from the story. :(

I like him too, but unfortunately his romance is really not enough.

And considering i mainly played characters romancing neither Lana nor Koth, i tend to ship them together.

He should definitely have been part of the Nathema conspiracy, with a romance cutscene at the end. Not necessarily a proposal as i think it really is too early and there was not enough build up to that, but something where our character says that teir happy he's fine, even if he lost his beloved ship.


I think he could work well with a smuggler though.

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I like him too, but unfortunately his romance is really not enough.

And considering i mainly played characters romancing neither Lana nor Koth, i tend to ship them together.

He should definitely have been part of the Nathema conspiracy, with a romance cutscene at the end. Not necessarily a proposal as i think it really is too early and there was not enough build up to that, but something where our character says that teir happy he's fine, even if he lost his beloved ship.


I think he could work well with a smuggler though.


A smuggler is what I romanced him on, they were a really good fit ^_^

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So that's the depth Felix adds to my consular's story. :)
That was some really great insight, thanks for sharing. While that story doesn't mirror my personal play style, I can definitely see your side of it and why you'd appreciate Iresso more.


That part about him volunteering is very interesting, thanks so much for sharing your thoughts! I think you helped several of us see a new side of that romance. :)

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These sorts of insights are what keeps me coming back to these companion threads when I think I'm done with them. <snip>

With your description of Iresso taking it without hesitation that really intrigues me to try other companions in those scenes and see how they take it.

That was some really great insight, thanks for sharing. While that story doesn't mirror my personal play style, I can definitely see your side of it and why you'd appreciate Iresso more.

That part about him volunteering is very interesting, thanks so much for sharing your thoughts! I think you helped several of us see a new side of that romance. :)

I'm very glad that what I wrote communicates something fresh to people. I knew from the start that my angle on Felix as a LI wouldn't be shared by everyone. My interpretation of the consular's personality comes in large part because I'm a recovering perfectionist, aglow in the sheer relief of (admittedly gradual) escape from a toxic mindset. But of course we don't have to all see our PCs and their LIs in the same way - rather, it's wonderful whenever someone shows us a new angle. I'm very grateful to some other regulars here for the light they shine on characters I wouldn't have appreciated as much otherwise (thinking especially of Io and Lana).


I know a lot of people think Felix Iresso is boring but to me, he was really refreshing. A normal and believable person in a sea of larger than life, wackadoo personalities. He's one of the only love interests I could see being with in real life. I just wish we got him on an earlier planet and had more time with him and more time to get to know him better. Maybe we could have gotten him on Taris or Nar Shaddaa and then gotten slimeball Theran Cedrax on Hoth (or never). I think I'm also one of not that many people who really like Koth and was sad that he was just erased from the story. :(

I agree very much. In some ways I don't mind that we got Felix so late because my consular's personality re. willingness to sacrifice could become well-established by the time she met him, which then allowed him to become a source of relief. But certainly his story could've been integrated in a different way, possibly with him becoming increasingly concerned by the things she's going through on the LS path of chapter one. I mean, looking at Jorgan, there's an amazing example of a slow-burning relationship arc with satisfying development over the course of the game. No particular reason to think other companions' stories couldn't have been improved if they had the same scope.


For what it's worth, I agree re. Koth too! He's one of the most trusted characters for all my light-sided PCs.


While she always did what she could to help people, she actually fully trusted no one (a childhood on Alderaan among the noble houses political mess could have this effect), and even if she was quite close to Kira, she realised when getting closer and then falling for Theron that she was actually pretty lonely.

Yes, he was her rock during all the time she had Valkotrion in her head (and he has been damn patient with her too), and while the traitor arc was painfull for her (and me as well), it only strengthened their relationship, as she knows he'd do anything for her, and he knows she'll never give up on him and stay with him no matter what comes at them next. And while she may be his light, he's hers as well.

I love hearing stories like these, which incorporate the particular backstories people imagine for their PCs. :o Just goes to show how much room for creativity, spin, and interpretation the class stories give us, particularly considering the different relationships PCs can have. Makes me sad though that your JK will never meet Jaesa to compare stories. How I wish all the class LIs got the same level of story focus as those who returned during KotFE. :(


when she got Vector back, it was pretty obvious that Vector was the only one for her (she sounded happier with the 2 min dialogue qhe had with Vector than during the whole romance with Theron)

That's what absolutely clinched it for me too. (I'd already seen a video of the Vector return before I decided that agent's romantic future.) In English she also sounds happier than she's ever been when she gets Vector back. The voice direction must've been pretty clear across the languages. :)


And yes, Theron's relationship to the Jedi order and my JK's relationship to Satele, i thought it made an interesting dynamic, and could make for a nice relationship, with the 2 of them trying to be friends at first because she's a Jedi and they both know what it implies for relationships, but realising along the way that their mutual feelings were more than friendship.

I think the dynamic with Satele is almost more maternal with the Jedi PCs than it is with Theron, so I think it's a nice case of unusual family reunion if he gets together with a Jedi. :o But of course Theron's experience with Satele has also been somewhat painful for him, so yes, it could be seen as a cautionary tale at first that might make him more uncertain with a Jedi initially (and might make a Jedi reciprocally more hesitant). But in the end they're just too good together for it not to work.


Heading to bed for now but thanks to everyone for the lovely chats. :)

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I agree with all the comments you made here about the other LIs. I like all of them too, for a lot of the same reasons. I suppose it really is just a question of how you see your consular meshing with Iresso vs. how I see mine.


You could say it's as simple as a good guy for a good girl, and for me there certainly is a strong element of that. But the most important aspect of their relationship, with the way I see my consular, is that Felix lets her be and feel human. (Well, she's mirialan, but human in the more universal sense of a grounded, ordinary person whose limitations are understandable and normal. ;) )


For me, the consular has strong messianic overtones. In the prologue, in her very first conversation, it's said that even as a padawan she's one of the strongest force-users the Jedi Order has ever seen. As we know, with great power comes great responsibility. In chapter one, she literally takes the pain of others onto herself to save them. It hurts, weakens, and damages her - but she still does it. (I believe in the beta this originally caused actual stat loss? I still would've had her do it, because I think that's an accurate representation of what's happening in the story.) The way I play her, she's always willing to sacrifice, to give away however much of herself it takes to help others. But what does that leave for herself?


As gifted as the consular is, she's ultimately a person, and people have limits. We can't bear infinite suffering. We can't be endlessly giving. We can keep that up for a while - for a very long time, in the case of a person as focused and dedicated as the consular - but one day we will run out. We will come to the end of ourselves. We can only keep giving to others (in a healthy manner that doesn't eventually cause us to burn out) if we're willing to accept others giving themselves to us, if we allow outside sources to refresh and replenish us.


For my consular, that's Iresso. By the time of Hoth, she has already been through a lot as a result of helping others. Some of the things she's suffered have her internally questioning how long she can keep it up, but she doesn't see any alternative, because people still need help. Then in steps this person who gives her another way. He says it's good if other people help her carry some burdens. It doesn't mean she's weak or deficient, it doesn't mean she's cruel or she's failed. It's right for her to have someone in her life who does for her what she does for others.


One scene stands out to me in particular. On Voss, someone must give their strength so Gaden-Ko's poison can be purged. Either the consular takes on this burden yet again or she can ask one of her companions to give their strength instead - any of them but Iresso. Iresso doesn't have to be asked but puts himself forward immediately, before she can even say anything. I did a quick YouTube check to compare the scenes with the other companions (since I always had Felix for this scene in my consular playthroughs), and maybe it's different for a male consular if he's romancing Nadia, or if the female consular isn't romancing Iresso, but for the female consular romancing Iresso he's the only one she doesn't have to ask. He just does it. Once he volunteers, via the middle conversation option she can voice concern that she cares about him and doesn't want him harmed, but he simply says he can take it and she's more important to the mission. Then, without any further input from her, he does it. I love that he makes this choice for her. He doesn't leave it to her to put the burden on him (which is its own kind of burden), he actively relieves her of it.


It's hard for me to fully explain how loving I think this is, but it reminds me of the deeply different ways I've approached people in painful situations before and I after I lost a parent. Before, I would say: "please let me know if there's any way I can help." At the time, I didn't realize that kinda imposes an extra burden by asking them to think of something for me to do and then get back to me. Now, after my own experience of grief, I realize that in a difficult time I don't want to think about anything but the mountainous awfulness in front of me. I don't want to have to ask people to do anything, I just want them to be there. So now I try to be there for people like that, and if there's anything that obviously needs doing to just do it. That's what I think Felix does for the consular.


The love that I see develop between Felix and the consular gives her permission to be "human," to have needs and limits. For me, compared to her previous sense of isolated messianic responsibility, it's a really important step of character development. Their openness about their relationship, not hiding it from the Jedi Order but clearly explaining why they think it's a good thing, is a crucial part of that. I see her as previously not ever opening herself up to romantic relationships because that's not something a "perfect Jedi" is supposed to do, and she feels she has to be a perfect Jedi. But then she slowly becomes closer to Felix, and far from leading her down a dark path he gives her the strength to keep walking a good one. Maybe that path isn't perfect. She's not exactly sure what that word means anymore. As the saying goes, and as she's come to realize, the perfect can be the enemy of the good. Well, whatever perfect means, she's chosen to replace it in her mind with sustainably doing the best she can day by day, helped by someone who gives her joy and support so she can keep helping others.


So that's the depth Felix adds to my consular's story. :)


Thank you for a beautiful write-up on one of my favorite in-game romances, spot on. :)

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You can actually romance Torian even if you reject the Mandalorians - there are videos on YouTube. He won't try to teach you the language but will ask why you turned down Mandalore. What seems to turn that romance off is later. He asks you if you two can raise your kids Mando, and if you say no (or say you're not planning on having kids) that seems to turn things off and he won't propose.


I got to the why you turned down mandalore convo and it just stopped. he had nothing else to say, literally.

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I love hearing stories like these, which incorporate the particular backstories people imagine for their PCs. :o Just goes to show how much room for creativity, spin, and interpretation the class stories give us, particularly considering the different relationships PCs can have. Makes me sad though that your JK will never meet Jaesa to compare stories. How I wish all the class LIs got the same level of story focus as those who returned during KotFE. :(

I love that too, it's always interesting to see how people interpret their characters and the events around them.

Well considering my JK is an Organa and Jaesa worked for them, i'd guess they probably knew each other when they were kids, before my JK joined the Order. Though they've not seen each other for something like 20 years by now, and would probably be pretty much strangers at this point.

That would've been much better if all LIs had been part of the main story. I would not mind that much for non LIs, but, clearly to me all LIs should've had a part to play in the main story



That's what absolutely clinched it for me too. (I'd already seen a video of the Vector return before I decided that agent's romantic future.) In English she also sounds happier than she's ever been when she gets Vector back. The voice direction must've been pretty clear across the languages. :)

Didn't see in english, but yeah maybe they were instructed to be very happy. Honnestly i really wish Vector could've been an integral part of the Alliance for all my characters.



I think the dynamic with Satele is almost more maternal with the Jedi PCs than it is with Theron, so I think it's a nice case of unusual family reunion if he gets together with a Jedi. :o But of course Theron's experience with Satele has also been somewhat painful for him, so yes, it could be seen as a cautionary tale at first that might make him more uncertain with a Jedi initially (and might make a Jedi reciprocally more hesitant). But in the end they're just too good together for it not to work.

That's how i see it too, she's clearly closer to the Jedi than she is to Theron.

I think it makes for a somewhat slow start as they'd be both hesitant because of the Jedi Code, both trying to hide to each other how they really feel, and probably trying to fight against these feelings because they both know that it' should not be possible.


But they're my favourite pairing, even if i also love my trooper-Jorgan, BH-Torian and IA-Vector.

Still waiting for a bit more from Arcann with my SW though.


My guys are harder top pair with anyone though :(

I'll try Akaavi with my smuggler to see how that romance goes.

My SI is still single as Ashara is neither a romance nor a character i like, Cytharat was a nice start, but too short lived (i wish he could come back if he's still alive in one's story)

And my JC is still single too as Nadia was not a satisfying romance when i first played a JC and was locked into that relationship while only trying to be nice, so this one is true to the Jedi Code so far.

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I was just wondering how all you guys who play pubside Jedi classes reconcile your relationships with regard to the Jedi Orders dictate that Jedi shouldn't be involved in on-going romantic relationships for the danger such relationships could bring about, compromising a Jedi's ability to think clearly and not let personal feelings and loyalties interfere with their Jedi duties potentially.


Take this at face value. I'm not trying to derail the conversation or compromise it in any fashion.


I'm staunchly Imperial and Dark Side related, but I did play West End Games Table Top RPG for about 7 years on and off as a Jedi [i had not yet been illuminated to the call of the Dark Side yet back than heh]. I also played the same character latter on in the D20 Star Wars RPG but found that system wanting and far to similar to 'AD&D' in terminology and precedent that it killed some of the immersion for me. I played that for about a year or so.


I'm asking as my time playing a Jedi in table top RPG was also effected by this question [relationships and Jedi] and how I viewed and perceived such things as a Jedi in that era [During the Original movies and into the New Republic era].


Do you care about the Jedi dictate? Do you ignore as being 'silly' or do you respect it and either feel compromised by feelings you can't seem to control and what would be most curious about is whether there are any cases of players actually honoring the dictate and abstaining from any romantic on-going relationships in deference?

[sex is something else, we know that that is okay for Jedi to indulged in from time to time providing their are no on-going feelings and such.]. Does anybody actually fulfill that obligation to the Jedi Order and totally abstain in accordance with it?

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I was just wondering how all you guys who play pubside Jedi classes reconcile your relationships with regard to the Jedi Orders dictate that Jedi shouldn't be involved in on-going romantic relationships for the danger such relationships could bring about, compromising a Jedi's ability to think clearly and not let personal feelings and loyalties interfere with their Jedi duties potentially.


Take this at face value. I'm not trying to derail the conversation or compromise it in any fashion.


I'm staunchly Imperial and Dark Side related, but I did play West End Games Table Top RPG for about 7 years on and off as a Jedi [i had not yet been illuminated to the call of the Dark Side yet back than heh]. I also played the same character latter on in the D20 Star Wars RPG but found that system wanting and far to similar to 'AD&D' in terminology and precedent that it killed some of the immersion for me. I played that for about a year or so.


I'm asking as my time playing a Jedi in table top RPG was also effected by this question [relationships and Jedi] and how I viewed and perceived such things as a Jedi in that era [During the Original movies and into the New Republic era].


Do you care about the Jedi dictate? Do you ignore as being 'silly' or do you respect it and either feel compromised by feelings you can't seem to control and what would be most curious about is whether there are any cases of players actually honoring the dictate and abstaining from any romantic on-going relationships in deference?

[sex is something else, we know that that is okay for Jedi to indulged in from time to time providing their are no on-going feelings and such.]. Does anybody actually fulfill that obligation to the Jedi Order and totally abstain in accordance with it?

As far as my JC is concerned, he's the fully abstinent kind of Jedi : no romance, no sex (i actually don't even know if he'd be more into men or women).


My JK is a bit more complicated, she stayed completely true to that untill she met Theron. (this was pretty easy actually as she was not into Doc and i don't recall any other flirt option for a female JK besides Lemda, but no thanks)

They both tried to resist their mutual feelings, but it did not turn that well as things happened on Yavin, but while they had feelings for each other, they were not in an ongoing relationship at that point, as she went back to the Jedi after Yavin to fulfill her duty at least untill Vitiate is taken care of and he went back to his spy job.

Things started to change though after her 5 years sleep, she first still considered hersefl a Jedi at the begining and did not really want to fully be in a relationship (even more so as Vitiate was in her mind and it copuld be dangerous) but as time passed and she became more the Alliance Commander and less a Jedi Master she gave in to that relationship.

Now, she doesn't see hersefl as a Jedi anymore, so she doesn't really care about that non-attachment rule anymore, and is trully with him.

Edited by Goreshaga
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I was just wondering how all you guys who play pubside Jedi classes reconcile your relationships with regard to the Jedi Orders dictate that Jedi shouldn't be involved in on-going romantic relationships for the danger such relationships could bring about, compromising a Jedi's ability to think clearly and not let personal feelings and loyalties interfere with their Jedi duties potentially.


Take this at face value. I'm not trying to derail the conversation or compromise it in any fashion.


I'm staunchly Imperial and Dark Side related, but I did play West End Games Table Top RPG for about 7 years on and off as a Jedi [i had not yet been illuminated to the call of the Dark Side yet back than heh]. I also played the same character latter on in the D20 Star Wars RPG but found that system wanting and far to similar to 'AD&D' in terminology and precedent that it killed some of the immersion for me. I played that for about a year or so.


I'm asking as my time playing a Jedi in table top RPG was also effected by this question [relationships and Jedi] and how I viewed and perceived such things as a Jedi in that era [During the Original movies and into the New Republic era].


Do you care about the Jedi dictate? Do you ignore as being 'silly' or do you respect it and either feel compromised by feelings you can't seem to control and what would be most curious about is whether there are any cases of players actually honoring the dictate and abstaining from any romantic on-going relationships in deference?

[sex is something else, we know that that is okay for Jedi to indulged in from time to time providing their are no on-going feelings and such.]. Does anybody actually fulfill that obligation to the Jedi Order and totally abstain in accordance with it?

There are two paths I typically take when I RP as a Jedi who decides to enter into a romantic relationship:


1) They don't intend to fall into it, and resist as long as possible. They know it's wrong, and feel guilty, but fate just keeps forcing them together until finally they have a weak moment and cave-in. This type of character wouldn't stop fighting at that point though, they would wake up feeling they've made a grave mistake and do their best to get back on course; assuming they don't cut ties completely they would likely pick an answer choice resembling "I still care for you, but we can't get married, it's not right". If this character were to actually commit permanently they would seek the Council's approval and if they declined, when push came to shove, they would ultimately choose the order over their relationship as they believe in self-sacrifice and that the joy of the relationship is self-serving, when they could do far more good for others by remaining a Jedi.


2) A Jedi who slowly becomes disillusioned with the order. I typically play them similar to your character in KOTOR II (if you have experienced that) someone who grows frustrated by the Jedi's inaction. This character is usually compassionate to a fault and offended by the unwillingness of the Jedi to intervene and help, this frustration gets exploited into questioning other aspects of the code, and when they find themselves falling in love with someone (and how "right" it feels) they begin to reject the code, or at the very least that aspect of it. More extreme versions of this character eventually end up leaving the order entirely to pursue the path they see as more moral. (Similar to Jolee Bindo from KOTOR I).

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I was just wondering how all you guys who play pubside Jedi classes reconcile your relationships with regard to the Jedi Orders dictate that Jedi shouldn't be involved in on-going romantic relationships for the danger such relationships could bring about, compromising a Jedi's ability to think clearly and not let personal feelings and loyalties interfere with their Jedi duties potentially.


Take this at face value. I'm not trying to derail the conversation or compromise it in any fashion.


I'm staunchly Imperial and Dark Side related, but I did play West End Games Table Top RPG for about 7 years on and off as a Jedi [i had not yet been illuminated to the call of the Dark Side yet back than heh]. I also played the same character latter on in the D20 Star Wars RPG but found that system wanting and far to similar to 'AD&D' in terminology and precedent that it killed some of the immersion for me. I played that for about a year or so.


I'm asking as my time playing a Jedi in table top RPG was also effected by this question [relationships and Jedi] and how I viewed and perceived such things as a Jedi in that era [During the Original movies and into the New Republic era].


Do you care about the Jedi dictate? Do you ignore as being 'silly' or do you respect it and either feel compromised by feelings you can't seem to control and what would be most curious about is whether there are any cases of players actually honoring the dictate and abstaining from any romantic on-going relationships in deference?

[sex is something else, we know that that is okay for Jedi to indulged in from time to time providing their are no on-going feelings and such.]. Does anybody actually fulfill that obligation to the Jedi Order and totally abstain in accordance with it?


Since all but one of my Jedi are Sith Purebloods that I headcanonned as orphaned survivors of a Jedi attack on Sith holdings, they're all very ambivalent towards Jedi mandates seeing most of them as overreactions. To use the relationships are bad mandate, they see it as the Jedi not going the distance of working out how to cope with strong emotions as a force user and taking the lazy route of 'if some can't handle it then no one gets to see if they can handle it'. Throw in the aspect of non-force users having to work this sort of thing out as well with relationships impacting on decisions and not getting a societal dictate of relationships = bad and there you go. Add in also how much the Jedi are called on to be mediators and advisors, my Pureblood Jedi don't see how one can perform those functions well without having relevant life experiences and they see the current interpretation of the code as distancing the Jedi from the basic experiences of the majority.


I'll likely have them side Imperial when the time comes since they don't tolerate stupid or gross incompetence well and the Republic's showing that in starship loads.

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So here’s a fun related question, which class do you feel works best for Theron’s romance?

Personally, my favorite is Warrior, but they all have their different strengths.


More detailed thoughts on the various classes experience with his romance below:

Jedi Consular:

Imagine a Jedi who has spent the entire arc of their career sacrificing their own well-being to protect others at all costs. A compassionate soul who despite being an otherwise model Jedi can’t keep themselves from emotionally lashing out at the inaction they perceive in the order. The first time they felt love was with one of their close companions. The feelings they experienced helped push them further from the order, but they never felt fully committed to their companion. Perhaps it was due to the chaotic nature of their life at that point, or the confusion of the new emotions, but they were unable to return the same devotion their companion expressed. Then they met Theron, they quickly bonded over their shared desire to do good, and skepticism over certain aspects of the Jedi order. Theron just got it, you can’t sit on the sidelines and hope things work out, the Jedi, his mother even, put their code above doing the right thing, and they wouldn’t let themselves fall into that same trap. They’d take on the galaxy, together.

General thoughts: Pairing Theron with a Jedi allows for some complex emotional questions, how would a Jedi grapple with defying their code? How would Theron reconcile his feelings about an order that separated him from his family, and rejected him? The consular specifically offers the potential angle of a character who has bled time and time again for an order that at time appears unwilling to make that same sacrifice. A romance both where you and Theron are exploring and working through your issues together is interesting and rewarding.


Jedi Knight:

Being the hero is hard and isolating. They expected things to get better after defeating the emperor, but instead they just feel like they are drifting away from everyone else. The fight isn’t over yet, and they can feel it, but Scourge is the only one who seems to understand. They never expected to find themselves so close to a Sith, but they just can’t stand sitting around having idol conversations with people who don’t get it. When Theron first made contact the Knight was relieved to have a meaningful distraction, but never expected the real distraction to be Theron himself. For the first time in ages they felt like someone else understood, and finally that someone wasn’t Sith. Theron didn’t seem intimidated by the Knight’s status (his mother is Grand Master after all) and treated her like a real person, not some distant hero. The knight felt a connection they didn’t know was possible before, and despite the rules can’t seem to give up their connection with Theron, it’s the only thing that is keeping them grounded. They know it’s wrong, but can’t help but wonder how fighting for good with a good man could really be all that bad?

General thoughts: I feel Theron’s romance works much better than Doc’s (for female obvs) as it’s allowed to take a more gradual course and you have a very believable situation where the knight is in over their head before they even realized they were falling for him.



Being a non-force user is hard sometimes. You’re expected to fight side-by-side with these nutjobs who want to sit around and wait for smoke signals and ghosts to instruct them when people’s lives are on the line. Both Theron and the trooper are people of action, and they understand the Republic and what it takes to protect it. The trooper has made a policy out of not trusting SIS, but there’s something about Theron… he’s not like the others, he’s does right by his people and doesn’t use them as pawns for war games and intel. Time and time again Theron has proved he looks after his people, he’s a good man, and one of the few people the Trooper has grown to trust and respect. Together they don’t need magic tricks or mind games to get things done, they’ll save the galaxy through sheer determination and skill.

General thoughts: Trooper and Theron make a great team, both romantic or platonic. I really enjoy the way they operate together and would likely have similar feelings towards force users and corrupt Republic figures, plenty of chances to bond over shared experiences. The use of military jargon in their convos also adds a cute layer of familiarity.



A meeting of the minds, snark meet snarkier. The Smuggler is a drifter that somehow got wrapped up in a war. They never pictured themselves getting into politics, but now that they’ve seen what’s a stake, they can’t really sit by. At first it was all fun and games, flirting is after all just a tool of the trade, but at some point the Smug starting wondering if there wasn’t something more there. Theron was on their mind more and more, getting attached like this was dangerous, they weren’t looking for a ball and chain, but they started this fight, they were gonna see it through. Then Ziost happened, the Smug knew they shouldn’t’ have gotten involved, nothing good ever comes from hanging around crazy people like the emperor. Now the Smuggler’s world is upside down and the only thing they know is that somehow Theron makes the whole thing feel OK. Not sure what it is about him, but he makes the Smuggler believe they really can be more, they can do this whole Alliance thing and save the galaxy.

General thoughts: Smuggler doesn’t have much motivation to get involved so adding a romantic element can help better explain why they might take certain risks or keep coming back.


Sith Inquisitor:

Being a Sith is a cruel occupation, but the Inquisitor was never given a choice. Forced into the Academy, they did what they had to in order to survive, and for that they make no apologies. However, they’ve never really felt at home in the Empire. The constant back stabbing, the whole government is filled with corruption and insanity, a heartless machine that continues to subjugate others and create more unwilling slaves just like the Inquisitor. They had always assumed the Republic was just the same, another cold entity using people to get more power for itself, but then they met Theron. The Inquisitor is reluctant to trust people given the climate of the Empire, but something about Theron’s personality was disarming. He was genuine, and kind, he offered the Inquisitor a vision of a different life, a hope that maybe there is something better out there. Initially there was tension. Theron was surprised to find a sith, Dark Council member no less, who not only wasn’t mad with power, but also seemed drawn to him. The Inquisitor likewise was caught off guard by the unexpected affinity they shared. The ensuing adventures gave the Inquisitor the chance to realize that Theron was really the only person she’d felt safe with, and that while she would likely never fit in the Empire or Republic, she was at home with Theron.

General thoughts: I really enjoy the dynamic of Theron with a Sith. I imagine some of Theron’s peronal hang-ups about jedi would carry over to the sith, but then you add an extra layer of “sith are the enemy” to make it even more interesting. I picture both Theron and the Sith being surprised at how much they have in common, and Theron being interested in learning more about the different choices a force user can make, particularly the embracing of love and other emotions as it would sharply contrast with his personal experience.


Sith Warrior:

The Warrior had their life figured out, as a high-born sith they were going to claim their rightful place among the Empire and help shape the galaxy as they saw fit. Love and lust were all fair play, but they never expected to let themselves become dependent on anyone else, then they met Quinn and fell hard. It was strange, he had no Force Sensitivity but his cunning proved invaluable and they Warrior came to respect and care for him. Then the incident happened. The Warrior knew the Sith Empire was treacherous, but they were now forced to face the reality of what that really meant for them and their future. They managed to slowly nurse the wounds from that experience, but their path away from the Empire had begun, once the Emperor was exposed as a threat to the entire galaxy the Warrior again had to grapple with their own position in the world. They were the emperor’s wrath, clearly everything they had thought they wanted was wrong. While going through an existential crisis the Warrior becomes close to Theron, and despite their recent betrayal for some reason feels like they can trust Theron enough to share their current plight. Theron and the Warrior feel a strong, and almost inexplicable connection considering their disparate positions and past. After reuniting with Theron on Odessen the Warrior has come to terms with the fact that her old life in the Empire was gone, and embraces a new, unknown future, with Theron.

General thoughts: The star-crossed lovers aspect of this romance makes it very appealing. Add to that the fact that the Warrior has already been betrayed once by Quinn, you get a whole additional layer to the traitor arc, and what it would mean for your warrior.


Bounty Hunter:

The Bounty Hunter was never impressed by force abilities, they respect people who get things done and don’t hide behind archaic religions and useless pacifism. Theron has proven himself more than capable, and the Hunter knows that she can count on Theron to have their back. In a world where non-force users have to cope with being subjected to something they can never truly conquer the Hunter and Theron take solace in each other’s company and mutual “outsider” status.

General thoughts: BH and Theron aren’t bad, but this one lacks some of the additional layers other stories can provide.


Imperial Agent:

Spy vs Spy. The Agent has led many lives, to the point they have trouble deciding who their real self is somedays. Relationships aren’t new for the Agent, but they all feel shallow, it’s impossible to connect with someone when you’re doubting yourself. Besides, how can you really trust anyone? The Agent has seen some of the worse the galaxy has to offer and is more cynical for the experience. When they met Theron they are freely flirtatious and cooperative, it’s in their nature after all. What they didn’t anticipate is the real feelings that developed. The Agent is surprised to find themselves not only drawn to Theron, but also trusting him. For the first time the Agent feels like they are really connecting with someone, Theron being a covert agent himself seems to fully grasp the struggles and loneliness the Agent has gone through. The Agent has seen first hand how dispensable they are to the Empire, they are more than happy to work for something, and someone, they believe in.

General thoughts: One of the best pairs in my opinion. Leading a double life must be psychologically damaging, who else could really understand the constant distrust and ambiguity an Agent is forced to live with every day besides another agent?

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I think that our appreciation of romances highly depends on how we see our own character. Some LIs can be nice, they just do not fit.


I'm an Arcann girl despite the lack of scenes we got so far. But I put a hell of a lot of headcanon behind it so far (like.... 80k words and counting? :p). My SI had had Andronikos and Theron before but neither of them fit her. She needed someone she could consider an equal and here is Arcann, a powerful Force user who has as well been a leader. She needed someone like him, only then could she possibly fall in love. However, I loved Andronikos up to a certain point (I was shocked by the proposal and mention about having kids), but tend to consider that they have been friends with benefits. I liked the fact that he was not scared by the SI at all (which angered her more than once). And Theron... he was too nice for her. I think that Theron would be perfect with my IA, or my Scoundrel.


I like Lana a lot so far, especially the way she changes in a relationship. She is usually all about control and very formal but she shows emotion and her polish cracks when she is romanced.


Iresso ws the first romance I did 6 years ago so I do not remember much of it but I remember that I liked it. He was sweet and a great support to my JC, a strong shoulder she could lean on, that is the only thing I remember.


I think that I have a sweet spot for big tough guys (and girls) who try to fight falling in love but just cannot help it. :o That means Torian, Aric, Andronikos, Arcann and Lana.

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Once he volunteers, via the middle conversation option she can voice concern that she cares about him and doesn't want him harmed, but he simply says he can take it and she's more important to the mission. Then, without any further input from her, he does it. I love that he makes this choice for her. He doesn't leave it to her to put the burden on him (which is its own kind of burden), he actively relieves her of it.


As others said, that whole post was an amazing writeup of the Iresso relationship, thank you.


I just want to note here that yes, this scene on Voss has a lot of interesting differences for companions. It's a neat little quest. Nadia will volunteer for you if you're romancing her, but I prefer Iresso doing it [because when Nadia does it, it just enhances the creepy devoted child-apprentice vibe imo]. There's also a difference here for DS characters. Nadia, for instance, will harangue you that you won't even try to help Gaden-Ko. Also, as you mention, you can encourage and comfort whichever comp does it, and the scene with an LI Iresso being comforted by the Consular is very touching...but I much prefer the version with an LI Iresso being trolled by a DS consular. I think he screams something like 'You're an evil woman!" while you mock him for being weak and embarrassing you. Shouldn't have volunteered so fast, LT!

Edited by Ardrossan
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Thank you for a beautiful write-up on one of my favorite in-game romances, spot on. :)

Fantastic post. :D


As others said, that whole post was an amazing writeup of the Iresso relationship, thank you.

Thank you all very much. :o About 80% of the way through writing it I thought "this is way too long, no one's going to be interested," but by that time I was too invested to stop (even if no one would reply), so it's very gratifying that actually lots of people did read it and like it. :)


I just want to note here that yes, this scene on Voss has a lot of interesting differences for companions. It's a neat little quest. Nadia will volunteer for you if you're romancing her, but I prefer Iresso doing it [because when Nadia does it, it just enhances the creepy devoted child-apprentice vibe imo]. There's also a difference here for DS characters. Nadia, for instance, will harangue you that you won't even try to help Gaden-Ko.
Yes, when I did my quick YouTube search, I noticed Nadia's displeasure in this video:
:D That was just from the neutral option where you ask a companion for help, though - I didn't think it was DS. *does more YT searching* A-ha, I found another vid in which Nadia agrees eagerly when asked, not disgusted at the PC at all. Very interesting, and I never would've known if you hadn't mentioned it.


I haven't had a character romance Nadia yet, partially because I find the male consular voice-acting much less relatable than the female consular (my sole male consular is still on Coruscant), but mainly because the dynamic makes me a bit uncomfortable. I'm pretty sure that if I really wanted to get to the Nadia romance, I'd brave my way through (what is to me) the male consular's sleep-inducing voice, so ultimately I mustn't want to play the Nadia romance that much. It's not Nadia's youth (for instance Torian and Mako are several years younger) but the fact that she seems to have lived a sheltered life, she's grieving, and the PC is like a replacement parental figure.


Iresso and Nadia are the only two consular companions who fit my consular personality-wise, so it's not as if I dislike Nadia - the very opposite. Still, I agree with you that Felix volunteering on Voss is preferable to Nadia. I feel like, at this point in the story, Nadia's in a very vulnerable heartbroken place. The consular should be protecting and guiding Nadia, lifting Nadia's pain and making it easier for Nadia to go on (in a way similar to how Felix can support the consular). Asking Nadia to bear pain instead of the consular is the opposite of this. And, as you say, Nadia volunteering can be seen as kinda creepy, if one views it as a hero-worshipping subordinate supplicating herself further in the hope of gaining approval and love. I don't think that's the only possible interpretation - one could also see it as Nadia challenging herself to grow by doing something difficult, stepping up to the example set by the consular. As with so many companion-related matters, it's subjective.


Also, as you mention, you can encourage and comfort whichever comp does it, and the scene with an LI Iresso being comforted by the Consular is very touching...but I much prefer the version with an LI Iresso being trolled by a DS consular. I think he screams something like 'You're an evil woman!" while you mock him for being weak and embarrassing you. Shouldn't have volunteered so fast, LT!

I feel bad for grinning at this trolling. :D I can take solace in the fact that my consular would never do such a thing. :p (I have actually never had her take a single DS choice ever, my sole character for whom this is true. This character is many things to me, a relatively minor one among them being a case study of what someone who never did a single DS thing would look like, and what that might imply for the rationality/humanity of the LS.)


While I would never play a DS female consular - LS is just too deeply ingrained in my mind when I hear her voice - it does kinda make me wonder from what angle Felix still falls for someone like that. It is, to me, kind of a weakness in the writing that your character can be quite different depending on your choices - yet a companion with a very defined personality will still have a similar reaction to them. It doesn't stand out as much with the class LIs, because the PC is more defined in the class story compared to the later one-size-fits-all story arcs... And I suppose, with the way Koth's story and romance can branch, it doesn't stand out as much with him either. But the vast array of PCs for whom Lana and Theron can fall pretty hard is kinda nuts.


This dovetails neatly into the following post:

So here’s a fun related question, which class do you feel works best for Theron’s romance?

I enjoyed reading all your write-ups of the various classes with Theron! Before reading them, though, I guessed at what we might agree and disagree on. Seems our main point of agreement is that the BH brings the fewest interesting elements to Theron's romance. Just doesn't seem to be anything special that stands out. Theron's dedication to the Republic seems very distant either from the mandos who've scourged the Republic several times or a factionless adventurer who just wants to fight and get paid. There's an amount he has in common with all the Republic characters, the Sith have the dangerous/exciting aura of traditional enemy, and of course the agent is his opposite number. I feel like the hunter is almost unique in not meshing especially well with Theron. (None of which is to downplay anyone's authentic experience if they love the Theron/BH relationship.)


For my taste, JK and IA are the best matches for Theron.


As we've said earlier, there's so much shared history between Theron and the Jedi Order. Of the two Jedi classes, to me the knight comes across as more passionate, more active, more tangibly involved in the kind of field work that's Theron's bread and butter. I've always found the knight's voice-acting earnest, sometimes to the point of desperation, compared to the consular's default of calm control. As we know, while Theron is methodical, he's also kind of a hothead who'll dive into action if he thinks it's needed, then save himself when he gets into trouble. I think that's a perfect match for the JK.


The agent brings out Theron's other side: the careful spy who knows his trade, who plays a dangerous game precariously balanced on the edge. And, as you say, who could know what it's like to be a spy, except another spy? I'd love to be able to say that I think the SIS-loyal agent is the absolute best match for Theron, but (at least until the end of Nathema) my SIS-loyal agent never got to say a word to him about secretly working for the same people as him. I can head-canon that he knows (either that he was told before ever meeting her, or she told him at some stage in the story off-camera), and indeed I do have a very firm personal idea about this, but I don't think head-canon should come into the present discussion. We're talking about the various classes in general, not anyone's specific character. So: with the SIS-loyal agent, if we just judge from the cutscenes, they play their cards very close to their chest and become romantically involved with Theron while keeping something crucial locked away from him the entire time. That's quite a lonely place to be. In terms of what the game allows in its cutscenes, it actually seems like the agent who keeps working for the Empire, or acts as an independent operator, can be more authentic and honest with Theron.


Almost... finished... replying... :eek:


I was just wondering how all you guys who play pubside Jedi classes reconcile your relationships with regard to the Jedi Orders dictate that Jedi shouldn't be involved in on-going romantic relationships for the danger such relationships could bring about, compromising a Jedi's ability to think clearly and not let personal feelings and loyalties interfere with their Jedi duties potentially.


Do you care about the Jedi dictate? Do you ignore as being 'silly' or do you respect it and either feel compromised by feelings you can't seem to control and what would be most curious about is whether there are any cases of players actually honoring the dictate and abstaining from any romantic on-going relationships in deference?

[sex is something else, we know that that is okay for Jedi to indulged in from time to time providing their are no on-going feelings and such.]. Does anybody actually fulfill that obligation to the Jedi Order and totally abstain in accordance with it?

My second JK has totally abstained so far, but I am planning to have Theron take her heart by surprise in the future, so I doubt she counts. :D


My first JK is secretly married to Doc. Until him, she followed the rules. On meeting him, she found him funny and charming, but thought she could enjoy his flirting in a manner just detached enough not to be affected by it. She was wrong. He chipped away at her resistance bit by bit until, eventually, she was thoroughly and happily seduced. I wouldn't quite say she feels guilty about it. It's more that she feels guilty about concealing it. She's a genuinely well-meaning person and hopes she does enough good to make up for this deception, because she really doesn't want to give him up. She thinks, if it came out into the open, she'd have to choose between him and being a Jedi - and she fears she'd have to pick being a Jedi, because she made that commitment first.


This JK is spiritual but not much of a scholar. I tend to see the whole "sometimes the Council allows a relationship if the Jedi shows good judgement" deal as not being widely known in the general population at all. I imagine that, even among the Jedi, plenty don't know it (or have confused ideas about it). So I conclude that my JK occasionally hears about some Jedi getting away with relationships but thinks they were probably just really good at hiding - and, well, if that's not the case, she's still too afraid to give herself away by trying to find out more. She really believes that no one else knows - she rather overrates her own subtlety (nevermind Doc's).


My consular (who I wrote the short essay on earlier) had intended to totally abstain. She knew the Jedi Order made exceptions sometimes, allowing committed romantic relationships in certain specific cases. Privately, however, she concluded that this was a compromise the Order made to try to keep some particular Jedi on-side. I imagine her coming across a few case studies in her historical reading where a situation needed one Jedi or another, perhaps with certain skills or connections, and these Jedi were forming some not-too-dramatic romantic attachments. She concluded that the Order looked the other way in those few cases, setting aside its ideals for the sake of a few big pictures. "Well," she thought, "those weren't perfect Jedi. I'll be a perfect Jedi. I won't make the Order compromise its ideals. I believe in those ideals."


Years later, she met Felix. Over roughly a year, she got to know him, developed feelings for him, and eventually found relief and strength in his love and support. No one else ever had quite the same effect on her - and nothing about what he did for her seemed harmful, from whatever angle she looked. She thought back to the historical counter-cases she'd read: many Jedi with relationships that weren't permitted by the Order lost perspective and made terrible mistakes, such as valuing a loved one's life above thousands or millions of others. She wondered why, in her previous reading, she'd never noticed any cases of authorized relationships causing disasters like those. She'd just disapproved because those Jedi weren't being "perfect." She'd been so intent on following the general rules that she hadn't looked at every factor that might have made the special cases so special (she'd honed in on how useful these exceptional Jedi were to the Order and stopped there). She wondered if, like she was finding with Felix, the relationships that the trusted Jedi were allowed to continue helped them to flourish and stopped them from burning out. Perhaps attachment could be approached with a mature sense that everyone is attached to each other through millions of invisible bonds of the Force, but some of those bonds can nourish in special, vital ways. One could be freed to love each person in a spirit of universal compassion, and one person in a particular way as long as one didn't let it cloud one's judgment in critical situations. It didn't have to be a matter of succumbing to youthful passion, losing control, or becoming a prisoner of one's feelings.


Following this, I think of her as having a lot of discussions with Felix where they hash out what's most important to them and what expectations they might have of each other if they made a romantic commitment. From that, she makes the decision (with his consent) to be open with the Jedi Council about their relationship. Privately, however, she decides that if the Council tells her to break it off, she will leave the Order instead. She'd still live a life of helping others, just without the title of Jedi. She loves Felix. Being with him, she thinks, is the sustainable path of helping others for decades and having some happiness for herself at the same time. Being alone will just lead to some self-sacrificial blaze of glory within a year or two. When she and Felix are interviewed separately and their relationship approved, the Masters give reasons that agree with the conclusions she's slowly reached. My consular is forced to accept that clearly the Jedi Order had this worked out centuries ago. There were good reasons why relationships could be approved, and those reasons could be in keeping with the Jedi Code (which contains the world "perfect" nowhere) rather than selectively ignoring it.


Or maybe she really was right in her initial research, the Order made a call to keep her on-side 'cos she was too valuable to lose even if they thought she was breaking the Code, and none of the conclusions she reached over years of personal growth were reflective of the Order's deepest philosophy and methods. Who's to say? :p I personally agree with her take on things, but I like to think that maybe we are both wrong and it's all much more cynically calculated. :D


Whew, time for bed again. If only I didn't have so much to say, I wouldn't keep staying up so late to say it... :o

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While I would never play a DS female consular - LS is just too deeply ingrained in my mind when I hear her voice - it does kinda make me wonder from what angle Felix still falls for someone like that.


The consular is not a very good class for going DS, but there are a few stand-out parts. There are obvious issues with doing it in Act 1 - one wonders why the Council would keep sending you after the afflicted Jedi when you just kill them instead of healing - but even in Act 2 and 3, it's a stretch. What you end up with is someone who doesn't care about people, just meeting objectives. I think the scene on Hoth with the imperial scientist, where you have the option to use a Mind Crush on the scientist, should have been written as a defining choice for starting the Iresso romance. Given what he's been through, watching a Jedi torture someone's brain with the Force should be kind of traumatic and something Iresso brings up later if you start flirting with him.


It just could have been a lot better. On Taris, that republic officer's reaction to you at the end depends not just on whether you save both Tykan and his padawan [you can also kill the padawan and save Tykan, or vice versa, for different dialogues]. What I wish they'd done, however, is have a different dialogue at the end if you save them both yet save the Junction at the cost of its crew and the artifacts at the cost of the archaeologists. The LS resolution to that quest is that he says you don't care about people unless they're Jedi, but it's a line that doesn't make much sense if you took the LS options elsewhere on the planet, but makes perfect sense if you took the DS options up to that point.


I like the Gaden-ko quest because it's not just about picking LS options, it can be tricky to get the 'join the republic option' and a DS character would be automatically excluded. If LIs were written the way Gaden-Ko's mission was, it would add a lot more depth. There's a version of Iresso that might admire you for thinking more about the safety of the republic than the individuals you screw over along the way, but he shouldn't be attracted to you. Nadia's romance is extra-creepy on DS, and I'm not sure what could be done to make it better, but they might have tied it in more closely to her Tython quest [where she'd hear masters lecture her about attachment] and her growing responsibilities to her planet. I think there's something here that dovetails nicely with your argument, Estelinda, about sacrifice vs needing something for oneself [a DS character might not need Nadia or Iresso because DS cons aren't sacrificing themselves, they're sacrificing other people] but it needs more.

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some hot little sweetypie with lekku who doesn't really mind poligomy [i have no idea how to spell that correctly and even my spell check is apparently not up to the task, which seems to happen an awful for me, meant as in allowed to have multiple wives]

One husband, multiple wives == polygyny.(1)


One wife, multiple husbands == polyandry.


The general category == polygamy.


(1) The "gyn" there is the same as the "gyn" in gynaecology, female heath care. (Female *reproductive* health care is "obstetrics".)

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I just want to note here that yes, this scene on Voss has a lot of interesting differences for companions. It's a neat little quest. Nadia will volunteer for you if you're romancing her, but I prefer Iresso doing it [because when Nadia does it, it just enhances the creepy devoted child-apprentice vibe imo]. There's also a difference here for DS characters. Nadia, for instance, will harangue you that you won't even try to help Gaden-Ko. Also, as you mention, you can encourage and comfort whichever comp does it, and the scene with an LI Iresso being comforted by the Consular is very touching...but I much prefer the version with an LI Iresso being trolled by a DS consular. I think he screams something like 'You're an evil woman!" while you mock him for being weak and embarrassing you. Shouldn't have volunteered so fast, LT!


Haven't done a fully DS JC run for many years, looks like I'll give it another go to see this type of dialogue I've missed out on, should be fun. ;)

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