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The 4 people that caused the Empire the Battle of Corellia (Not who you think they r)


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After reviewing the Inquisitor+Warrior and the Corellia planet storyline, we can all blame Darth Thanaton and Baras, alongside the future Darth Nox and Emperor's Wrath for the Sith Empire losing the Battle of Corellia.

Thanaton orchestrated a Kaggath on Corellia (no doubt knowing its a war zone given 4 Dark Councillors, Darth Decimus, Darth Vowrawn, Darth Acharon and Darth Hadra are on it either that or he doesnt go to mandatory Dark Council meetings) While the Kaggath with the Sith Inquisitor is happening, Dark Council member Darth Baras sends assassins after Vowrawn causing Vowrawn to barricade himself rather than supporting the actual war (he was deep in Republic territory, establishing a base and disguising his Troopers are Republic Troopers if I recall correctly) not only that but the Wrath slaughters Vowrawn's security forces = death of more manpower so that he could just "talk to Vowrawn". When Vowrawn believes the Wrath, he leaves Corellia meaning the Empire just lost 1 Dark Council member that was deep in Republic territory in Corellia. Mean while Thanaton is targeting fuel refineries the Empire could've used just to hinder Kallig's powerbase. Not only that but he attacks fellow Imperial Troopers and Moff Pyron (a high ranking military officer), potentially causing confusion across not only where the Kaggath is at but the entire Imperial Military across Corellia (people won't trust each other no doubt because some Dark Council member order men in the same uniform to shoot the same team) then Thanaton gathers Sith and Imperials to watch him fight the future Darth Nox (Oh boy, I guess the Empire doesn't need those gathered Sith to fight because they are clearly wasting time to watch a 1v1 and could've been used to support a war). Based on DS choices, the Wrath kills some spy working for Baras responsible for laying messages from the Republic to the Empire, basically losing INFORMATION (a vital thing in war).

Edited by Socialbob
Confusing if I didn't edit it
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Only one person started the whole conflict on Corellia: Darth Decimus, and he had support from the Corellian council to legitimize his invasion. it wasn't long before Hadra, Acheron and Charnus, all acting under Decimus instruction began their seperate invasion plans and eventual conquest of Corellia. However Decimus' plan to rule Corellia were snuffed out as fast as it took to put the pieces into place but that is a whole other can of worms.


Baras, Thanaton and Tormen had their own reasons for being on Corellia and it certaintly wasn't to advance the war efforts:


Baras himself never stepped foot on Corellia, his minion Lord Draag acting under his orders did, Baras wasn't looking to advance the empires best interest, his concerns were seperate from Corellia and the only reason he had any stake on that world at that time was the sith spirit and his former minion looking to take Baras' last piece off the board.


Thanaton was actually on Corellia, but his concerns were also seperate from the Corellia invasion, mostly to sabotage the empires own plans just to win some contest over his former minion.


Then you have Tormen, he was also there for his own reasons, however he wasn't as narrow minded as the previous two as he encourages you to help out Decimus in his invasion efforts alongside his own. Tormen wanted Sith Master Jun Seros out the way for a straight shot at the supreme chancellor of the republic so in effect while his goals were his own and seperate from Decimus, it did contribute a great deal towards the overall objectives of the invasion.

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The entire invasion of Corellia gets a bit convoluted when you consider all class stories.


So on the planetary arc it's Decimus' plan, with BH Tormen is the one who paves the way although he tells you to aid Decimus if you can so perhaps we can reconcile both. The Problem is the IA claims that it was the Star Cabal who did, while the JK class story claims the Emperor did. Out of all of at least a few must be either a coincidence or an unreliable narrator.


Edited by FlameYOL
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I didn't played imperial side Corelia yet, but in general this is the Empire's primary weakness. They often focus on getting rid of each other instead of beating the Republic. Also after the last war they become overconfident. If you look at republic storylines, then you find people on every corner saying, that the Empire will win anyway. If you go with Empire, then everyone says, that we will crush the Republic in the next war. In the Empire it's a food chain. The strongest kill the rest, and rules. The problem is, that they often involve the military instead of settling in a duel.
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The entire invasion of Corellia gets a bit convoluted when you consider all class stories.


So on the planetary arc it's Decimus' plan, with BH Tormen is the one who paves the way although he tells you to aid Decimus if you can so perhaps we can reconcile both. The Problem is the IA claims that it was the Star Cabal who did, while the JK class story claims the Emperor did. Out of all of at least a few must be either a coincidence or an unreliable narrator.


I don’t think it was a who-did-it thing, it was more of a combined effort between all of those things, plus Vitiate and the Star Cabal doing stuff beforehand.

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