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Listen Meatbags,


You better restore HK-51 to its former glory. It's unacceptable that you've nerfed to the ground the best companion SWTOR ever had. And don't come here with the ''companions are all balanced now'' argument because they are not. There are still disparities between them in terms of performance.


I want this HK-51 back:


Statement: HK-51 does not know what a "Meatbag" is.

Clarification: HK-51's vocabulator isn't programmed with the word "meatbag", however if there are "undesirables" in the area he could "liquidate" those.

Taunt: Beware all undesirables, run! or you will all be liquidated!


Query: "Make HK-51 great again, or else..." .. or else what?

Edited by Celise
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