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New Expansion Idea Focused on Mandalorians


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“This lightsaber was stolen from your Jedi Temple by my ancestors during the fall of the Old Republic. Since then, many Jedi have died upon its blade. Prepare yourself to join them!” - Pre Vizsla to Obi-Wan Kenobi


I was just rewatching the Clone Wars, and I got to the episode where Obi-Wan and Duchess Satine go to Concordia and end up fighting Death Watch. I came across this quote above, and since it had “Old Republic” in it, and we play a story-driven game called Star Wars: The Old Republic, I decided to put this idea out here. Wouldn’t it be ****** if we got an expansion where the Empire allies with Death Watch to put an end to the Jedi and the Republic once and for all?


Shae Vizla, Mandalore the Avenger, would obviously play a big role here. She could focus on trying to hold on to the clans who want to capitalize on the weakness of the Republic after Valkorion’s damage to it. The Republic could follow the first Mandalorian Jedi who crafts the Darksaber and seeks to take the title of Mandalore to induct them into the Republic and stop the Sith Empire. This could explain why the planet Mandalore in the Clone Wars was a Republic world—this guy could be one of Duchess Satine’s ancestors.


If we do this, we can live through one of those famous and fabled conflicts between the Mandalorians and the Jedi. It could be so awesome, and it’s cool because the story can be split between the Empire and Republic like Makeb, and the conflict would actually make sense to play through as a non-Force sensitive character.


Just think about it... Star Wars: The Old Republic: The Mandalorian War.


Tell me what you think. This isn’t anything leaked or anything substantial, just wishful dreaming, lol. Wanted to share and see if anyone else could be interested in something like this.

Edited by Joluka
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I think the Death Watch wasn't a thing until the mandalorian government lost it's balls and went full shiny rainbow mode. Many Mandalorians rejected pacifism and the galactic mediocracy coming with it, some of them went even further and decided to fight, forming the Death Watch. We are still i think 1500 - 2000 years away from that, maybe even more.
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OMG! Yes Please! Gime gime nawr! An entire expansion devoted to Mandalorians would be awesome. Could cross market the new Mandalorian series and promote both products. I truly appreciate the devs realizing that the core of Star Wars is Jedi vs Sith and the new approach to 6.0 but an expansion with Mandalorians is just as Iconic.
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We're still a long ways off from Tarre Vizsla (he lived about a thousand years prior to Rebels, according to the "Trials of the Darksaber" episode of Rebels, we're in the ~3640-3630 BBY range in SWTOR), so that pretty much rules out the Darksaber, but I certainly wouldn't mind if the Mandalorians got a bit more focus. Maybe not an entire expansion's worth of focus, but they certainly deserve a complete story arc or two devoted to them.
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We're still a long ways off from Tarre Vizsla (he lived about a thousand years prior to Rebels, according to the "Trials of the Darksaber" episode of Rebels, we're in the ~3640-3630 BBY range in SWTOR), so that pretty much rules out the Darksaber, but I certainly wouldn't mind if the Mandalorians got a bit more focus. Maybe not an entire expansion's worth of focus, but they certainly deserve a complete story arc or two devoted to them.


Ah, I haven’t seen that far into Rebels. But yeah, I think a Mandalorian expansion could be amazing.

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“This lightsaber was stolen from your Jedi Temple by my ancestors during the fall of the Old Republic. Since then, many Jedi have died upon its blade. Prepare yourself to join them!” - Pre Vizsla to Obi-Wan Kenobi


I was just rewatching the Clone Wars, and I got to the episode where Obi-Wan and Duchess Satine go to Concordia and end up fighting Death Watch. I came across this quote above, and since it had “Old Republic” in it

Be careful of the difference between "Old Republic" and "old Republic". Are you absolutely sure he pronounced it with a capital "O"?

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I’d be in favor of an expansion focused on what’s left of the Cathar getting retribution for the Mandalorian Genocide (known to the rest of the galaxy as “The Battle Of Cathar”)


why focus on something that negative for? People recriminating on a daily basis, people getting wound up all the time. a flashpoint for a new war. I mean what would any of that solve?


rather stick with the monsters we all know, the pubs and imps, give them a enemy and let them do what comes naturally, to create war. :D

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I literally just got through rewatching the Clone Wars myself! It's honestly so good...

As far as your suggestion, I like the thought. While I'm not sure if Mandalorians are the most appropriate faction to use, I do like the theme. I also feel like something like this could feel a little more like traditional swtor and each class would fit. KOTFE and KOTET were definitely geared towards force users more than anyone else.

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why focus on something that negative for? People recriminating on a daily basis, people getting wound up all the time. a flashpoint for a new war. I mean what would any of that solve?


rather stick with the monsters we all know, the pubs and imps, give them a enemy and let them do what comes naturally, to create war. :D


Mandalorians are allied with the empire...or have you forgotten about the ‘Mandalorian Enclave’ on Dromund Kaas that chapter 1 of the BH class story is focused around? :p

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Mandalorians are allied with the empire...or have you forgotten about the ‘Mandalorian Enclave’ on Dromund Kaas that chapter 1 of the BH class story is focused around? :p


why don't you go back and read from the quoted comment and my response to that. Your comment above has nothing to do with any of the previous.

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Unless it includes at least fifty elaborate, painful and humiliating ways to murder Joss and Valk, pass. I don't find people who think that the best way to use one's head is to bash it against the obstacle until either splits all that interesting.
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Except for pointing out that Mandalorians count as imps in the phrase “pubs and imps”


suit yourself. if you aren't going to research the mandos, thats your business. i can tell you that you are wrong about them though. so either you do your own research or you can play the ignorance card, whatever the case i got no interest in it.

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Ugh, please no. The Mandalorians can be fun in small doses but making that work in an entire expansion would be really hard and having to put up with their nonsense bravado for that long would be... trying...


This sums it up for me. Though I would be interested in a revival of Clan Cadera's movement to join the Republic, fracturing Shae Vizlae's army. It'd make Torian something more than a lackey, especially if the impetus came from someone other than him, and he had to choose [with the PC's advice] whether or not to join it. However, I wouldn't want this to be expansion-sized, just Ossus-sized. A chapter, basically.


I hate all that Darksaber stuff in TCW/Rebels. The mando return was good, but the gimmick weapon was terrible.

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suit yourself. if you aren't going to research the mandos, thats your business. i can tell you that you are wrong about them though. so either you do your own research or you can play the ignorance card, whatever the case i got no interest in it.


I’m referring to in-game. Bounty Hunter class story ties them to the Mandalorians. And in-game, bounty hunter is an imp class. Just like Smuggler is a rep class. When really, neither class would believably have strong enough ties to either faction to justify them going along with helping the factions beyond what’s in the class stories. :p

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The problem with an expansion centered on Mandalorians going on one of their galaxy conquering sprees(which was hinted at in either KotET or KotFe[i always get them confused and can't remember which]) is that they are obligated to lose and the Bounty Hunter at least ought to have the option to join them. Not allowing the player, especially the Bounty Hunter, to join the resurgent Mandalorian Empire.


One class having the option to join them would probably end up being all of them, but the important thing is that it would mean giving the player an option to join a side that is required to lose. Making the player eventually a member of a defeated faction an option. This would create huge divergence in storytelling from players who chose to fight against the Mandalorians. I don't think that's workable, and it would be worse to force the player down one and only one path.

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