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Worst story companion in the game?


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I feel like Broonmark really offered nothing at all to the SW story, nor did his companion conversations really held anything new and interesting or even lore-expanding for the player to consume. Broonmark had the generic-tribal-barbarian premade d&d character written all over him. He really offered nothing to the consumer. Not even hate, that's how bland he was.




I also disliked Rusk, Temple and Xalek. For the first and last [and Broonmark], their stories were very lean. Rusk's story and character has already been exhaustively critiqued in this thread, and I have nothing to add.


All these four were obviously added in because every class needed five companions, but they weren't necessary to the story. The Inquisitor did need another apprentice, and they were working up to that, but it should have been someone who served as a mini-inquisitor, the way Shandra Jerro was a mini-version of the PC from NWN2. Someone to teach and relate to, not a stiff cardboard figure, like Xalek, or a character who spent the whole time thinking she was LS Jaesa Wilsaam, without any reason to think so [ie. a gifted jedi working to reform the Sith from within].


Temple is a character who suffers because she might have been interesting if there'd been a bit more story, and if there'd been a bit more player agency around her comp story. Much of the player outrage from her story is that, like Ashara, nothing you say to her impacts her choices. She kills her father no matter what you say. Compare to say, Nadia, who will not kill Stark if you take the LS route and tell her not to. Now, arguably, killing Stark was important for her character development, but Imagine how people would have reacted to Nadia if she killed him regardless of what you said. Why bother having three different choices? I also found Temple's VA exceptionally irritating.

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I feel like Broonmark really offered nothing at all to the SW story, nor did his companion conversations really held anything new and interesting or even lore-expanding for the player to consume. Broonmark had the generic-tribal-barbarian premade d&d character written all over him. He really offered nothing to the consumer. Not even hate, that's how bland he was.


This so much this. I kept wondering, why does he exist.


Originally I would have posted Kaliyo here as well, but when playing kotfe with an agent that started to romance her and then broke up when she slept with another dude, I think the reunion between them was interesting. And ultimately the unique dialogue between them made me understand her more, specially when you stop kaliyo from blowing everything up. I really liked the resolution to their relationship and Im glad I was able to romance her again after even if they both know it may not last. So I really liked the compexity of it all.


I don’t hate the jedi knight comps but I find them all boring tbh lol. As my first ever class story I wasn’t given a fun first impression with comps. But then I really liked when I started getting more characters in the story like Lana and Theron. I like Doc more now though with his return, so hopefully it will be the case for Scourge and Kira, Scourge just has so much potential that was never used.


Other boring ones I found was Temple. They should have just done her as a chiss from the start.

Edited by Sonicphoto
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I hate T7. He's judgmental and his fake cheerfulness and constant beeping gets on my nerves. He's also hypocritical. For example first he beeps about being happy to leave Tython, then later when the Knight says "glad to leave Tython" he disapproves. So freaking annoying. He even had to show up in KOTFE and it didn't even make sense for him to be there if you're Imperial. Stupid machine.


Ashara is poorly written. She only works if you're LS Inquisitor. It's annoying to talk her when the game doesn't care about your choices in the game. LS Jaesa is kind of similar actually, but at least you have a choice there. Too bad, as Ashara's recruitment mission was excellent and she seemed like a great companion at first. Haven't taken my Inquisitor to KOTFE and KOTET yet but I hear her return has the same problem with her acting like your greatest desire is to be a secret champion of the light side (just like LS Jaesa). It's unfortunate.


Lastly I must give "honorable mention" to Lana Beniko. She's my Warrior's LI and I love her but lately she has also started to annoy me more and more as I've played through the expansions with my other characters. She's the automatic BFF who gets all the screen time and is almost always at your side. She's also not a very good Sith. I almost liked her better in the Hutt Cartel and Revan when she seemed to at least have her own thing going on with the Sith Intelligence. Then she just became your personal assistant - the kind that won't ever leave you alone. I'm getting tired of hearing her voice all the time. I want more Arcann, Koth and Theron, please.


Yeah. I want to kill Lana in the future.

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1st hated Vette - I am probably the only person/being in the universe who hates her. I love it that she is killed off every time I play through KOTET though I'd prefer if I got to deal the killing blow. I just hate her especially her irritating voice. When I play through the warrior class story I just ignore her completely and really wish I'd been able to space her the minute I got my ship. I have to play through the KOTET chapters where she is forced on us as a companion with no sound and superfast space-barring. Gault can **** off with his "a star has gone out...boo hoo Vette" letter too. She's dead. Good riddance.


2nd hated Bowdaar he's only in the game because it's Star Wars and they felt a smuggler needed a wookie a la Hans Solo. NO. THEY. DON'T. Trandoshans have the right idea - kill and skin them.


3rd hated Arcann - I agree with Paulsutherland - he was so much better evil.

Arcann: I hate what they did to him. He was far more interesting as a villain. As a 'good guy' he's rather bland.

Out curiosity I did the Arcann romance one one character (it was nonsensical and bland - I may delete that character) and kept him as a non-romanced companion on my main but after those he dies in every play through now. I would have preferred to have had a dark-side Arcann companion.


4th hated Holiday. NOPE


5th Hated M1-4X the dictionary definition of jingoistic


Edited to add:

6th Hated Treek hwo could I forget this shower of *****. Another very annoying one. I wish I had not wasted any time/effort/money on this one.


Special hate mentions for all the Smuggler's remaining companions - Corso, Risha, Akavi, Guss - as I said in another thread how can a group of companions be so awful ans so pointless?

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1st hated Vette - I am probably the only person/being in the universe who hates her. I love it that she is killed off every time I play through KOTET though I'd prefer if I got to deal the killing blow. I just hate her especially her irritating voice. When I play through the warrior class story I just ignore her completely and really wish I'd been able to space her the minute I got my ship. I have to play through the KOTET chapters where she is forced on us as a companion with no sound and superfast space-barring. Gault can **** off with his "a star has gone out...boo hoo Vette" letter too. She's dead. Good riddance.


Haha I can't say I hate Vette but she does annoy me at times. Especially in KOTFE/KOTET where her personality seems to be back to what it was when we first encountered her on Korriban. Like she never grew up. I also used lot of space-barring to get through her scenes and saved Torian instead of her. Still felt sorry about her death. I liked her sister Tivva, it's too bad she was never mentioned again.

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This thread should be a case study in just how widely people's opinions/interpretations can vary and just how much people can see what they want to see in a particular character.

Yes, but if we all felt the same it would be terribly boring, but would we know what boring was if we all felt the same? Too much thinking so soon after Christmas (my brain is still full of cake and chocolate)! And I stand by my companion hatred :D I love threads like these - good job it's just a game (though I also stand by my previous statements that force choke would be very useful in real life).


I still can't decide whether I hate Blizz and Ashara. I think I will keep them in my "indifferent" pile.


Edit yet again

7th Hated Senya She was in my indifferent pile until they changed her features to make her look younger. Add that to the ridiculous cut scene with girl madwad and she is truly annoying. She's marked for death every run through of kotfe/kotet even on my light side characters along with her changed-to-pathetic son. And stop her from singing - it's grating :mad:

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for me. kaylio takes the top spot. though quinn and skadge are up there. but there's a reason i rarely play the agent. sides being one of the few who doesn't like the story. but being forced to use kaylio for the majority of chapter 1 really doesn't help. and yeah there's other comps you can use now cept for the core comps being required for some missions. just easier for me to use the vanilla comps till knights. and kaylio is the one comp i truly enjoy getting the "x disapproves" messages from. it's the only bright spot.
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Eh I don't see what the problem is supposed to be. He doesn't annoy me at all unlike that droid - his voice is awesome and he looks cool, has an interesting character arc from your nemesis to ally/LI - what more can you want from a companion? Besides I'm pretty sure my Wrath and Nox have done their fair share of awful things... who are they to judge? And then my sweet Jedi Knight and Consular believe in second chances and redemption so they'll forgive him too. He did have kinda hard childhood.


Calling Arcann space Hitler is just stupid and ignorant. :rolleyes:


You don't see a problem with imprisoning your character and leading the murder of billions across the galaxy and then compare it to Wrath and Nox/Occulus/Imperius's body counts which if going by the stories, may only be in the hundreds if not thousands? For an ideal, mind you. Not just because daddy didn't like them. Even Hero of Tython and Barsen'thor have killed enemies for much less with far lower body counts and acts of terror.


His nemesis arc was awful, did nothing but provoke further confrontation upon every meeting, give reason for our character to like him at all or at any point and his redemption rates were likely based on his fate being tied to Senya's for some dumb reason after all this talk about bringing justice to her monstrous children.


His redemption adds absolutely nothing to the story and it was another sign of BioWare being inept and caving to pressure from a vocal minority that wanted to romance him for reasons unknown. He's just a terrible person and anyone that can argue otherwise or rationalize his actions away (because BioWare sure didn't try) have no right to complain about any of companion faults. He's just the worst. I'd have very much liked the non-angry dead brother more. I'm sorry but liking him and or defending him is stupid and ignorant. /rant :p

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Yes, but if we all felt the same it would be terribly boring, but would we know what boring was if we all felt the same? Too much thinking so soon after Christmas (my brain is still full of cake and chocolate)! And I stand by my companion hatred :D I love threads like these - good job it's just a game (though I also stand by my previous statements that force choke would be very useful in real life).


I wasn't complaining nor did I mean any disrespect towards anyone. :)


Mostly I just find it fascinating. I don't really care if someone hates a companion I like unless they try to harass me about it. Also, wouldn't Force Push also be fun irl?

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Meh, for my trooper all are just 'the worst'.

Faceless Elara drone,

Grumpy cat mc justice,

Repulsive Warcriminal tanno,

Oblivious Yun, he just care for his path, so why should anyone care for him.

And the grand ballade of fail droid mx4.



But to be honest, the worst was always that ship droid. Period.

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::chuckle:: So much Kaliyo hate here.


I admit, when I first got her as a companion I wasn't all that thrilled, but she grew on me as a surprisingly fun personality to keep around.


As for me, probably T7, if not solely because reading his poorly written droid subtitles is annoying and they often skip by too quickly for me to fully read them. I'm also not a big fan of Skadge.

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T7 judgmental trashcan on wheels. My hate only grew when I hit the end of the JK story and found I was forced to use it. Excuse me the single companion I haven't touched since Kira and the other companions showed up? There's a reason they had to add a crate of gear for T7 on that part of the story.
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Broonmark. Offers absolutely nothing to the Hoth storyline or anything of note afterwards. Companion conversations were just gibberish noises. All the other ones being mentioned here at least offered something to the story even if it was something you hated. Broonmark is just a speedbump.
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You don't see a problem with imprisoning your character and leading the murder of billions across the galaxy and then compare it to Wrath and Nox/Occulus/Imperius's body counts which if going by the stories, may only be in the hundreds if not thousands? For an ideal, mind you. Not just because daddy didn't like them. Even Hero of Tython and Barsen'thor have killed enemies for much less with far lower body counts and acts of terror.


His nemesis arc was awful, did nothing but provoke further confrontation upon every meeting, give reason for our character to like him at all or at any point and his redemption rates were likely based on his fate being tied to Senya's for some dumb reason after all this talk about bringing justice to her monstrous children.


His redemption adds absolutely nothing to the story and it was another sign of BioWare being inept and caving to pressure from a vocal minority that wanted to romance him for reasons unknown. He's just a terrible person and anyone that can argue otherwise or rationalize his actions away (because BioWare sure didn't try) have no right to complain about any of companion faults. He's just the worst. I'd have very much liked the non-angry dead brother more. I'm sorry but liking him and or defending him is stupid and ignorant. /rant :p


Your opinion is clear. But no I don't hate him and don't really care what he's done. He didn't kill anyone I liked (I might feel differently about him if he had kill Lana for example). Perhaps his redemption arc could be slightly better written but I'm just happy we had the chance to recruit him and didn't have to kill him. He's probably the best character in the entire game (or one of the best at least).


Regarding body counts: as I recall you can pretty much condemn Makeb and millions of civilians die because of your actions. Also as the Emperor's assassin I'm sure you did your fair share of killing personally. Arcann used his troopers and fleets to kill more, but probably hasn't killed as many personally as Wrath or Nox or Knight.

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as I recall you can pretty much condemn Makeb and millions of civilians die because of your actions.


Did you play Makeb? In case you didn't, as an Imperial you save the planet that's now unpopulated because, as a pub, you evacuate the entire population on a Hutt ship.

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Did you play Makeb? In case you didn't, as an Imperial you save the planet that's now unpopulated because, as a pub, you evacuate the entire population on a Hutt ship.


It's been a while... but I remember there being some kind of option at the end where you use a weapon that kills Hutt forces, mercenaries, civilians, etc.

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The darkside ending of Makeb for Imperials kills tens of thousands of civilians and mercenaries. That's a pretty far from Arcann's body count, but still the same type of terrible thing. You can't kill the same number of people that Arcann did, but you can play someone who probably wouldn't have a problem with it.
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Jumping into this whole Arcann companion discussion...


I kill him on all my DS toons, no question. On my LS JC 'Emperor' storyline, I keep him alive to bear witness to taking the throne away from his family 'for the greater good'. On my LS Male SW 'Peacekeeper' storyline, I romanced him, on the basis that they're pretty similar:


They're both strong men, powerful force-users, who served father-figure masters who later betrayed them, and in fact the SW ends up serving Arcann's dad immediately after, and having to put up with him in his head through two expansions. So they have a lot to relate to. The only real difference is that the Wrath was never put in a [class story] position to murder entire planets, despite being the Wrath. Arcann did do that, but he took too much power, too quickly [much like the SI] and it corrupted him.


In that sense, I think the romance, and Arcann's character value, works. I don't know how well it works without that. I think, implicit to the narrative, is there's a power dynamic difference with the whole carbonite thing, that creates a Vette/DS SW stockholm syndrome, where you come to love the guy who enslaved you and screwed up your life.

Edited by Ardrossan
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1st hated Vette - I am probably the only person/being in the universe who hates her.


Oh you are not alone, I loathe her so very much, although I'm not enamored with the competition either. I recall someone calling Skadge "Edgelord McTryhard" in some other thread? Well, that someone clearly never met Dark Jaesa "Saturday morning cartoon villain to end all Saturday morning cartoon villains" Wilsaam. Between her, Vette the "Whee lol imma so cyyyyuuuuteh whimsyquirkalicious manic pixie dream girl everyone must love me because imma writer's pet wheee~~~", snivelling sycophant with nasally voice Quinn and non-entity Broonmark, that gorilla Pierce wins by simply being least irritating.

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They're both strong men, powerful force-users, who served father-figure masters who later betrayed them, and in fact the SW ends up serving Arcann's dad immediately after, and having to put up with him in his head through two expansions. So they have a lot to relate to. The only real difference is that the Wrath was never put in a [class story] position to murder entire planets, despite being the Wrath. Arcann did do that, but he took too much power, too quickly [much like the SI] and it corrupted him.

I ship Arcann with my SW as well, and for quite the same reasons.


She's not LS though but a more pragmatic DS, the likes of Marr.

Other difference is that she's not my "canon" Outlander, so she was not the one he put in carbonite, i guess that wotks better that way.

But in my HC, they're both powerfull warriors who have pledged their loyalty to my JK and are both trying to protect her


On another note, the JK as LS as they can be end up blowing Angral's ship at the end of chapter 1, i guess they killed a fair amount of people who were just working there in the process

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Lana is easily the worst companion for me. I hate when writers become so enamored of their own creations that they lose sight of the story. I knew I was going to hate her at the end of the Revan story line when my character said that I played a huge part in defeating Revan and Marr responded with "Yes, but it was Lana....". Oh joy, the writers have a pet.


Second place for me is Koth. While I understand the idea of overlooking the evils one does to others as long as no evil is done to me, I still detest him almost beyond description.


I tried Arcann as a companion on an alt and found him as unlikable as a companion as I did when he was a villain.


I think my final spot has to go to Corso. He makes smugglers unplayable for me.


As an unrelated aside, does anybody else think that Laura Bailey should get a voice acting part in pretty much everything?

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