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Favorite Force User Class?


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Story: LS Warrior maaaybe or Sith Inquisitor (I do have five of them).

Play: Inquisitor, Lightning Sorc. I like having a lightsaber, but raining down lightning upon your enemies is my favorite AOE by far. :D


Though I am having fun with my new Sentinel slashing things. Old Sentinel from years ago was meh. Probably didn't pick the right spec or something.

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Most to least favorite

Assassin > Jugg > Marauder > Sorc



haven't completed any force classes past chapter 2 yet.


Does legendary status give a presence bonus or some stat change? Gameplay incentive to complete them? (Besides the heroic moment legacy abilities)

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Does legendary status give a presence bonus or some stat change? Gameplay incentive to complete them? (Besides the heroic moment legacy abilities)


Yes, though I can't remember how much.



For me, Story is a toss up between SW and SI.

Gameplay is SI (both specs), no contest.

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I was a big fan of the Knight, Consular, and Warrior stories. It's a very close call between the Knight and Warrior, but I think maybe I might give the slightest edge to the Warrior story as my favorite.


Gameplay wise it's also close, but I think I give the edge to my Shadow over my Juggernaut, although my Sentinel and Sorceror gameplay was fine.

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Tough question...


If I had to choose, I'd say Sith Warrior for story, there's just not a moment in that story where you don't feel like a walking WMD, and both the male and female Sith Warrior have excellent voice acting. Though Sith Inquisitor and Jedi Knight should get honourable mentions.


For gameplay I'd have to say assassin.

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Story: Sith Warrior

Gameplay: Juggernaut


I also love my Inquisitor, but I think Baras and the Emperor are more interesting foes than Zash and Thanatos. Warrior also had way better companions... I only liked Khem for the Inquisitor. I love Inquisitors personality though.

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Probably the Knight for story, closely closely followed by the Inquisitor, it was my first love in this game after all. First story I played was a Zabrak SI, then a Twi'lek Knight.


Gameplay I'd say Guardian/Juggernaut. Love the utility that lets you saber-throw/jump from combat to combat since the cooldown auto-completes when you exit one instance of combat. Feel like such an unstoppable force sometimes.

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Gameplay: Sith Inquisitor (Sorcerer more than Assasin)


Story: Sith Inquisitor and Sith Warrior are both good, but if I had to choose, than Sith Inquisitor wins by a hair. The Jedi stories don't appeal to me as much which is disappointing. I always play my Sith characters LS instead of DS. I really want a Jedi story that is as good as the Sith stories.


Favorite companions for force users are Vette, Ashara and Lord Scourge, however, Kira, Nadia and Jaesa are not too bad.


Overall, the Sith Warrior had the best companions, but I absolutely hated Broonmark (Worst companion ever in my opinion).

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Gameplay - Marauder; Fury/Carnage, Juggernaut; Rage/Immortal/Vengeance, Assassin; Deception/Hatred/Darkness.

Most favourite for fun has to be Fury, Immortal and Hatred. Rage/Darkness are very close seconds, Deception/Carnage/Vengeance are too fluid/rotation dependant that it get's boring.


Story - Sith Warrior, Sith Inquisitor and Jedi Knight.


Most favourite abilities are Force Choke, Force Crush, Death Field, Crushing Blow (AOE), Raging Burst and Force Scream they would be my choice of abilities if we could choose like in KOTOR. (Mostly because of sound and animation)

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