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Do you give your characters more than one outfit?


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Usually when it comes to a MMO, I try to stick to just one main look per character. However, I couldn't help myself but do the complete opposite here on SWTOR. The ability to have several outfit slots, dye, mix-and-match several sets and the numerous cosmetic sets available only helped my immersion within the game even further. And I would like to ask you guys if you have done something similar.




  • Usually, my first outfit of choice is tied to the prologue and it heavily depends on whether or not my character is or isn't a Force User. If it's a Force User I'll try to give him or her something that goes along the lines of a Padawan / Acolyte.
  • When the Tython / Korriban arc is done, I'll usually stick to that Level 10-12 gear you're given after finishing that planet and change to their definitive and main look after they gain their own ship. This is their Main Outfit, and it's the one outfit these characters will use throughout most of the game.
  • Besides from their Main Outfit, I'll usually set up other two distinctive ones: one for Tatooine and another for Hoth and Ilum. The weather and temperatures in those three planets are quite distinct from the others we get to visit, so I thought it would make sense to give my characters something that allows them to travel these landscapes accordingly.
  • I also give them something that's rather casual for whenever they need to hide amongst the crowds or talk with their companions on the ship.
  • My other two main outfits comes in when massive story updates take place. As soon as the Alliance is established during the events of KOTFE, I give my characters their Outlander Outfit and stick with it all the way to the Ossus arc, which then excuses something new due to the nature of the events at hand.
  • Any other outfits are meant to be extras. They can be used for jokes, Life Day or for just one quest in particular. It varies.



This kinda sums up to seven outfits per character in general.

Edited by TheRandomWolf
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I'm quite the same. I usually use around 6 slots on my characters


I usually have 1 outfit for the starter planet, then another one for the capital planet all the way to the end of chapter 1, then 1 for chapter 2, another one for chapter 3, another one for everything between the end of chapter 3 and more or less untill they arrive on Odessen.

Haven't found really nice outfits for Tatooine and Hoth so far, so they don't have that yet, but i'll do it as soon as i find something i like.


But my JK has more outfits than that, she also has 1 more casual outfit for when she needs to go unoticed or hang around the Odessen base, and as my "canon" Commander, she also has something to interact with other leaders (like the chapter on Dromund Kaas where she has to meet Acina) and a battle outfit with some armored parts.


My IA will probably be the one with the most as i intend to change her outfit whenever she was to go undercorver, which is quite a lot :D


I just wish i could do the same with some of my companions, at least being able to have 2-3 different outfits slots would be really nice.

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I'm kind of mix of both of you: Momentous occasions like leaving the starter planet or pivotal story moments [like faking one's death] get a new outfit. Generally I change at least once a chapter in vanilla. I've started to change for bad weather conditions but don't do it as often. Usually I have about five outfits, including the original, by the end of the game, sometimes more. I also sometimes do a montage of different outfits for each zone of Corellia.


Of course, before the outfit designer came along, I just had one outfit, and even after it came out it took a long time to actually use it and pay for unlocks.

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I do that too, especially the desert and cold weather gear. Some characters have more outfits than others. Such as my main, who has 11 outfit slots and wears three different styles each dyed in different colors. My main also has a Life Day outfit. My Scoundrel also has a lot of outfits. In addition to the desert and cold weather outfits they also have a forest themed outfit for Yavin similar to what they wore on Endor in RotJ. For new characters I like to do as you do and establish different looks for the different stages in their career. I like to do that early when it's cheap to stamp those outfits. Sometimes what I'll do, if I have more looks than outfit slots, is keep extra chest pieces in my cargo hold and just change those out every once in a while.
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I used to begin every new character starting out by outfitting them. For one, I had all 16 slots unlocked across my account, for two, it's cheap at lvl 1-9!


So, I would spend 1-2 days standing in the noob zone, going through all my collected outfits, mixing and matching them according to how I viewed that character's personality.


I also would pick a weird outfit, a sexy outfit, a armored outfit, etc. Just for whatever situation I thought my character was in at that time.


To clarify, you can create a new outfit saved for like 160 total credits iirc at lvl 1, while at lvl 70 it ends up being something like 65-70k. So you save a ton if you outfit your characters in the lower lvls.

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On my main I have like six or seven outfits ready. Other toons that go through vanilla story have tipically one outfit per chapter. Other toons have one or two outfits, depending.


As an aside, I have a really hard time finding decent outfits for my Agents.

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Depending on the toon I have between 8-16 slots unlocked. They change clothes when they leave their starter planets, and they have winter jackets for the snowy planets, a casual outfit, something more upscale for Alderaan and Dark Council appearances, something for Life Day, etc. Some of the characters seem like they'd be more conscious about clothes than others.
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To clarify, you can create a new outfit saved for like 160 total credits iirc at lvl 1, while at lvl 70 it ends up being something like 65-70k. So you save a ton if you outfit your characters in the lower lvls.


That's very good to know!


This is why I read these forums. Not for the drama, not for the dev reports, not for the camaraderie. Sometimes people reveal very useful information about the game.

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To clarify, you can create a new outfit saved for like 160 total credits iirc at lvl 1, while at lvl 70 it ends up being something like 65-70k. So you save a ton if you outfit your characters in the lower lvls.

Well i learned something new today, thanks for that ^^

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When I started recording the stories, I realized I needed a basic outfit, a Tatooine outfit and a Hoth outfit at the very least.


There are a few story related costume changes too that I found I needed to address. Some examples - agent on Hutta needs to blend in until she gets to DK then she switches to a uniform. My warrior switches from a robe or long jacket to an armored chest piece after Quesh. My smuggler dyed her outfit black and red after getting fashion tips from the sith lady on Tatooine. Lessee, Gault ruins his shirt at the some point in the story so he needs to change his outfit.


The problematic class for me is the bounty hunter, because I refuse to wear that hooptie looking stuff that people constantly refer to during the story. So all I could do was put her in a long jacket with some metallic elements on it and called it a day. :o

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Well i learned something new today, thanks for that ^^


That's very good to know!


This is why I read these forums. Not for the drama, not for the dev reports, not for the camaraderie. Sometimes people reveal very useful information about the game.


NP. I loved making outfits and naturally I also enjoyed saving my credits so it only made sense to do it this way.


Good to see you guys read posts even those written by awful doomsayers like myself sometimes. :D

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NP. I loved making outfits and naturally I also enjoyed saving my credits so it only made sense to do it this way.


Good to see you guys read posts even those written by awful doomsayers like myself sometimes. :D


Yeah, thank you for that information too, I guess my lower level characters will all be getting their outfit slots now. :)

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Yeah, thank you for that information too, I guess my lower level characters will all be getting their outfit slots now. :)


Besides PVP, my favorite activity was to outfit new characters. It's the one shining bright spot on this game that they only improved on over the years. Except when they took away the ability to dye pieces that did not have dye slots available, used to be you could dye primitive armor pieces on the character dye slot instead of having to put the dye directly onto the armor.

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Yes for the most part. I do have favourite outfits which I use more. Some of my characters have 8 outfits. Companions will also have different outfits dependant on the class of the character I am using.


I guess I see it like this, I have paid real money for these, so I use some.

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I am completely eclectic when it comes to outfitting my toons. I'll think "Hey, <character name> would look really good in this outfit!">, and then spend however long it takes tracking down the articles to assemble said outfi (one of the reasons I'm a fan of direct-buy off of the Cartel Market...I can now give my IA's a proper uniform, and my SW's and JK's nice weapons that aren't lightsabers).


My one hiccup is Dancer/Slave Girl outfits. If someone complains about how these things aren't respectful, or mutter about how they break immersion, or <insert another argument I think is irrelevant here>, then I have no choice - none - but to buy another slot on a toon and stuff her into a dancer's get-up. I don't start out seeking to have them wear one, but I am more than willing to have my toons scoot along on Hoth or Ilum looking like multi-species Maxim models in lieu of actually trying to convince someone of an argument that differs from their own (kinda like politics, except about Jedi in bathing suits). :D

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My mains are usually the ones who change, my alts pretty much stay the same, with a few exceptions:


My female Trooper acquired an alternate outfit as her main one seemed rather out of place during cold weather. Her cold weather outfit was just as suitable in representation of her character in its own way. Heck I took it a step further and made sure to remove her "goggles" when indoors, so you would or wouldn't see them depending on where a conversation took place.


Recently, my Imp main also got a new haircut and attire. My incentive for doing so are twofold, but they coincide; she's been wearing the same thing for far too long, and wouldn't it be awkward for Jaesa to see her as the same way she was all those years ago? Seeing Jaesa again was a big deal for us, so I thought it sensible to dress up for the occasion.


Since Darth Acina has had a prominent hand in the story, and given her personality and whatnot, I also feel that my Warrior/Imp main has been influenced by her, both being "Sith"; women; similar in character to a degree; and leaders of their own factions.


I'm thinking of doing the same to my male Trooper too, but only after he joins the Empire ...if Bioware ever gives him more of a reason to switch sides.


As for my Main pubside character, she had stayed the same for quite a while. I never thought to try something else on her as I was already satisfied, and if I did, I just wasn't happy with the results. A change of appearance dawned on me quiet heavily, however, after her experiences in KotFE Chapter 12. The events that took place therein as well as the words said, changed her. Being told that just the Lightside and being a stereotypical Jedi wouldn't be good enough pained her greatly. She didn't want to believe it, but she knew what she was being told was the Truth. Highly stressed out with her ordeal, my Pub main showed up in the next chapter adorning a new her.


Ever since then, I've been adding to and switching her wardrobe around depending on the flavor of the content update, and what would look good on her depending on the location and whatnot.


Here are all her appearances as well as the parts in the story in which they were utilized. I have a unique lightsaber and a mount for each of them.




1. Consular's Headgear (Head) - 1. Traditional Shadowsilk (Chest) - 1. Cadet (Gloves/Belt/Pants) - 1. Introspection (Boots) - 1. Layered (Wrists) - 1. Righteous Harbinger (Lightsaber, Blue Crystal)

SWTOR/Class Story Chapter 1 - Knights of the Fallen Empire Chapter 12

Mount: Prinawe Aggregate


2. Scout (Chest/Pants) - 2. Jedi Initiate (Hands/Feet) - 2.Cadet (Wrists) - 2.Formal Tuxedo (Belt) - 2. Attuned Force-Healer (Lightsaber, Magenta Crystal)

Knights of the Fallen Empire Chapters 13 - 17, Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapters 3 - 5, Jedi Under Siege (Cinematics preceding Ossus)

Mount: Aratech Rose


3. Civilian Pilot - 3. Watcher (Lightsaber, Farmhand Blue Crystal)

Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapter 1, Jedi Under Siege

Mount: Vectron WGF Veteran


4. Exemplar Force-Mystic - 4. Vicious Assailant (Lightsaber, White-Black Crystal)

Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapters 2, 6 - 9, Crisis on Umbara (Flashpoint, aftermath), The Nathema Conspiracy*

Mount: Kukri Subjugator


5. Eternal Commander Force-Mystic - 5. Consular (Lightsaber, Green Crystal)

The War For Iokath, Crisis on Umbara (Cinematics preceding Flashpoint), A Traitor Among The Chiss, The Nathema Conspiracy (Cinematics preceding Flashpoint)

Mount: Eternal Empire Patroller


6. Cunning Statesman - 6. Tythonian Force-Master (Lightsaber, Farmhand Blue Crystal)

Sometime in the future...

Mount: Alliance Consul's Dais


*I may or may not have worn Outfit #4 during this Flashpoint and its preceding mission; I don't remember and forgot to write down whether or not I did.


I also have a seventh outfit, another not yet used in the story just like Outfit #6; it's just not listed or shown here. Too lazy to update! It's more stripped-down than the others. Got bored and thought it wouldn't hurt to let Neveah have some sun for a change.




I know some people refer to this game as Space Barbies Online or whatnot, but you have to admit, character customization is one of the things SWTOR excels at, and that is very important for an RPG to have. It did make a difference when my Consular entered the hangar (in which Saresh was giving her speech) with a black cape flowing from her (Outfit #4) while "Emperor Palpatine's theme" was playing in the background.

Edited by ForfiniteStories
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All my characters have different outfits.

I don't wear one outfit in RL, either, even as a man, because I need several outfits for work. Especially if my trousers have become dirty because of work, for example. Or based on the weather.


I even gave my characters different outfits for different climates.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I usually have 2-3 outfits for my characters.

I have only two rare characters that are a definition of space barbie because they look good in literally every outfit :p

I have too many toons anyway to keep swapping outfits and expect anyone to actually ever see me wearing all of em.


-First outfit is usually their normal work garb (jedi robe, sith garb, uniform, civvie outfit, whatever) that fits their character and i usually never swap out of this outfit on most toons.

-Second outfit is always some ridiculous joke outfit for PVP shenanigans and giggles.

- Third is whatever other outfit that looked good on them, usually has some rp value.

Edited by Kiesu
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All my characters have different outfits.

I don't wear one outfit in RL, either, even as a man, because I need several outfits for work. Especially if my trousers have become dirty because of work, for example. Or based on the weather.


I even gave my characters different outfits for different climates.


Do you wear jeans with the bottoms rolled up, or bell-bottom hippy style trousers?

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My outfits tend to be meteorologically appropriate variants or otherwise appropriate to the situation.


Troopers generally get the least outfits... though whatever I end up with gets duplicated onto the rest of Havoc Squad (I’m fond of the Zakuulan pistol and rifle because they’re the same mesh and the only difference is how they’re held and whether they go on the back or the hip... thus a vanguard, jorgan and elara can all have the exact same gear).


Bounty hunter seems to get the most earliest since I like to have both the “on the job” combat armor and one for where full armor wouldn’t make sense. Conversely they also tend to lack the cold-weather costume since their battle armor feels heavy enough to keep them warm.


My Sith by far though end up with the most outfits which they basically don at my whim. The exception there is that one of my Sith Inquisitors keeps things ridiculously simple... they’re the least pretentious Sith Lord ever wearing basically a black hoodie (with hood down), black leather pants and comfortable boots.


The other major outfit change that my characters get is a distinctive pirate outfit for when I arrive on Rishi... the more ostentatious and provocative the better... particularly the Pubs what with all the “cannibal” bits in their dialogues. It’s particularly fun when you’ve been playing a very straight-laced Jedi who then plays the pirate role to the hilt. It typically goes away once you take out the Nova Blades, but it’s fun while it lasts.

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