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How dare the SWTOR team have the holiday period off...


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And those of you expecting them to snap their fingers and make this game interesting and/or playable for you again ought to manage your expectations, imo. Sub when you have time/interest to play, and unsub for the rest of the time. Don't make a production out of it.


It's called being a *customer* we pay for them to *manage* the *product* we're paying for. They don't pay us to manage our expectations. IMO Telling people to unsub because you can't cope will work great? You've tried to sound smart yet sound pretty naïve at best.

Edited by DarthSealth
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I am all for the team or any employer having the holidays off. That said, I do also feel this is an irresponsible situation. If you're going to schedule a major content patch for the 2nd week of December, so close to the holidays, then you need to make sure it is as bug-free as you can get it via internal testing and PTS and assure there's a team on standby to address any unexpected issues that may arise. Granted that none of these bugs are 'game breaking' in the strictest sense, it is a bugged product pushed out to release and followed up with a "See y'all in 3 to 4 weeks". That to me is careless and irresponsible.


Imo, better would have been to wait until you're in a position where your team can tackle any problems head-on and provide a timely fix for players. On the other hand, players then would have screamed about the patch delay and "How dare they delay the patch because of the holidays, I was going to play my arse off during Christmas!!" because that's just what people do. Still, that would have, for me, been preferable over the appearance of carelessness toward their own product.


Yeah, especially since they didn't just have bugged new content, they also broke some old stuff. My SH is ruined since many decor are not correctly showing.

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You can check my post history, I'm not a white knight or anything but:.


You're White Knighting check the bug list and how much content is bugged since this patch. or any other things.


Also I have no such desire to check someone's post history especially when using such words as a statement to open their argument with.


Sorry you're the Weakest Link, Goodbye.

Edited by DarthSealth
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Holidays for an appropriate time (until the new year has arrived) is totally ok but being out of the door until around mid February while running a 24/7 business and unload a ******** of bugs in the game in December every single year is just highly unprofessinal but that's how they roll unfortunately. Hence the status of the game and its population, a very big part of this is this unprofessional attitude. Edited by Khaleg
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Take Christmas eve and Christmas day off and get the beep back to work the day after Christmas like everyone else...


I sure as Hell did not go back to work after those days. I’m taking the whole week off and not going back to work until the first Wednesday of January.

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I sure as Hell did not go back to work after those days. I’m taking the whole week off and not going back to work until the first Wednesday of January.


Being situated in the giant nanny state of the EU I am also off until the 3rd January. Fully paid to sit on my *** stuffing my face and drinking whiskey. If I were in BW's situation of unpaid leave I would probably return sooner :D

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I have no issues with the team taking the holdiay.


I do have issues with timing buggy content to be released just before said holiday. This was known to be buggy from PTS posters and simply because they haven't released a major patch that was not buggy since 5.0.


I personally would have been far happier waiting until january than dealing with the current state of the game.


Exactly this. Dumping a patch, known to be buggy or not, and then leaving the fallout unattended for 4 weeks is the part that is a no-go. Every software patch has a high probability to cause unexpected errors or bugs and it is common practice, at least where I work, to stick around to deal with it. And if that's not possible, the release is postponed, not the customer left with a buggy product for weeks.


The full rotation of existing in-game events would have been enough for the holidays.


But I guess the calculation was once again that a new story release would bring up subscriber numbers to fluff up the stats before the FY closes. It's been a recurring theme since the game was released. FY and Q are the main driving factors.

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It's called being a *customer* we pay for them to *manage* the *product* we're paying for. They don't pay us to manage our expectations. IMO Telling people to unsub because you can't cope will work great? You've tried to sound smart yet sound pretty naïve at best.


So you were serious in the OP after all? That makes me lol.


You might be taken more seriously in the future if you avoid melodramatic lines like 'how dare...' People [including me] thought you were being sarcastic or something, but apparently not.


I said you should unsub if you aren't happy, or simply disinterested in playing the game as-is. Explain to me how it's naive to play the game as it is instead of hoping BW will - despite years and years of acting EXACTLY this way - will somehow defy expectations and habits, and release content that works properly out the gate. People are also upset about the gear grind, and because BW ignored them during the PTS. Again, this is not new behavior.


It's okay to vent, but I struggle to understand how anyone is remotely surprised, much less threads like this where you apparently think...what? That BW will notice and go "oh gee, we have ruined the magic of christmas/ holiday capitalism for you, let's fix all these problems right away!" You heard what Musco said, if you think the game is unplayable, come back in late January / early February when they release a fix.


There would be a lot less forum whining if everyone took my advice and subbed only for the times when they actually want to play without needing the devs to DO anything, and a lot less self-suffering martyrs on here who think their continued sub is the only thing keeping the game afloat.


Naive. I don't think you know what this word means.

Edited by Ardrossan
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I always wonder when these threads come along if the people making grand gestures of being Okay with employees taking vacations work themselves or are in anyway affiliated with company.


As many people that have full time jobs are aware that you get Christmas Day and Boxing day and New Years day off at best. Many people specially those in the service industry have to work on these days and get the days off elsewhere in the year. So if people are pro vacation time how about giving it to the hospital works, law enforcement, service industry, infrastructure workers etc etc etc etc etc that have to work round the clock.


Equally unless you are responsible for the EA vacation policy, it seems a little meaningless to be pro or against EA employees taking leave. Its not going to change whether they can take leave or not.


What instead you can be for or against is releasing a buggy update and then not addressing the bugs or issues brought up by the patch till after a peek period of time for the product. If the product doesn't meet your level of satisfaction then as a consumer you have every right to voice this and suggest that you will take your business elsewhere. Hell thats more than most companies get, when I can supplier for something I don't give the first company written and detailed accounts of where their product has failed to meet my expectations and why I am going elsewhere but should they meet my requirements I would be happy to stay with them.

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Should they all be forced to work all day on Christmas - no.


Should we expect them to be professional, releasing a quality product with transparent and honest communication, with appropriate scheduling of staff to address any bugs or issues - yes.


Not like they all go on break for several weeks and suspend billing during that time.

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