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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why is there no option to amicably part ways with Lana?


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Not about being a golden trophy.


It's about not being an eye for an eye and making the whole world blind. :p


It's just that the people going, "Mine had a kill option so all should have a kill option" makes them some really pathetically sad people, when they want to do unto others what they whined about happening to them.


What's being said now, is give a kill option for Scourge, Kira, Tharan, Zenith (all companions that haven't returned) because someone lost a companion they liked more.


Do people really want to see none of these companions anymore? Just new faces every single new storyline, never to see a familiar face again, because people were so deplorable that they would want that?


Why yes, colour me pathetically sad. Why? Because my companion hasn't said a peep since Iokath. Or my other companion favorite doesn't get to participate in an Alliance he helped build. Or the others that get killed off or silenced. So yes, I hereby declare myself pathetically sad for my lost companions and lost game enjoyment, and for those other unfortunate pathetically sad people who lost theirs too. You can call me whatever you want, (heck I'll do it myself and save ya'll the trouble, evil, spiteful, pathetic, simpering, hateful, uncaring, heartless or non progressive Lana disliker.) I don't give a crap :cool:.


You think you're going to throw Scourge in my face and I'm going to cower down and see it your way? Nope. Bugger it, give them all kill options, fair is fair right? Do that and Kill Lana (bugger the vacation, I was trying to be nice) and kill Ashara especially. Because in the end, you'll get your way, because you adore The Lana, precious untouchable, unvacationable darling of Bioware. Enjoy her for however long it lasts because I won't be the only one pulling a sub.


What I want to see is a chance for all the LIs to play a part, even if it's just a brief Alert to have a few words about the mission, some tenderness or concerns, or even enjoy a celebratory moment alone with them after a mission well done. I'd like to see Theron actually give a mission about which he's an expert in like the SIS and his good friend Gnost-Dural for those who kept him alive. For those that didn't, well, give them an alert with the golden goose.


And on that note, I'm going to go bake some evil spiteful peanut butter cookies. Ta.

Edited by Lunafox
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What's being said now, is give a kill option for Scourge, Kira, Tharan, Zenith (all companions that haven't returned) because someone lost a companion they liked more.


Do people really want to see none of these companions anymore? Just new faces every single new storyline, never to see a familiar face again, because people were so deplorable that they would want that?


I want to see them all. But instead, all I see is Lana.


I know it's okay and all to be hopeful that when Scourge, Kira, Tharan, and Zenith are returned they'll have content, but let's be realistic here. They won't. They won't have anything beyond a class-locked alert, and then after those one-hundred-and-twenty-seconds of pointless blubber about how they were gone despite not making a lick of sense, we'll never hear from them again.


I don't want to see any companions killed. I never wanted to see any companions killed. But I will say that it's absolute buillspit that all we see is Lana, and that some may have a point in saying that if Lana -were- to have an exile/goodbye/whathaveyou-button over her head, BioWare might be forced into giving content to more than just a single companion. That perhaps she would get content for people who have her. Theron might get content for people who have him. We know they can do it. They did it in KOTET for those who killed Arcann. But now they're just going the lazy route and shoving a single companion down everybody's throats because she's the only one who can't be dead/exiled for everybody across the board. See where I'm going here?

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AA Companions may never be recruited, so they can't do more content with them, as some might not have them.


Pierce requires PvP to obtain as does M4.


Everyone does have to get Yunn, but does one even need to do Yunn's mission to advance the story?


Vector is Agent only (so bricked there).


SF Companions never had much of anything, may as well say "Why doesn't my companion pet have screen time?"


T7 though, you're right. Where's T7? Talk about easy to throw into any cut scene without them speaking and everyone would him.


Dismissing the points I made and calling people cruel, homophobic, etc... Makes Lana worse to some of us. Originally, my dislike was based on how badly she reacted to my choices. Now I'm starting to hate her because of how you and others treat people who don't like her. It's you who are cruel and offensive.

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AA Companions may never be recruited, so they can't do more content with them, as some might not have them.


Pierce requires PvP to obtain as does M4.


Everyone does have to get Yunn, but does one even need to do Yunn's mission to advance the story?


Vector is Agent only (so bricked there).


SF Companions never had much of anything, may as well say "Why doesn't my companion pet have screen time?"


T7 though, you're right. Where's T7? Talk about easy to throw into any cut scene without them speaking and everyone would him.


Here's the deal. Just because they are an AA doesn't mean they can't be used in story content. Just because they are class locked now, doesn't mean they can't be introduced to everyone later. An npc doesn't have to be a companion to be used in the story. There is absolutely nothing stopping those characters from being used beyond the writers' willingness to do so. Everything you listed as an objection are artificial barriers that can be overcome by a minute or two of conversation for the people who didn't recruit them.


And FYI, everyone has an alive and well Temple, yet she is still bricked too.

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Minor nitpick ... Leliana was only a love interest in DAO. She was not one in DA2 or DAI.

I didn't say she was a love interest in DA2 or DA:I. She was a love interest and introduced in DA:O and gained plot armor and special status in DA2 and DA:I


Because there's no way to part amicably with anyone? Apart from being able to decline certain Alliance Alert companions, I can't think of any companions we can tell to leave, politely or otherwise. Which is a shame. It's always either a case of don't recruit in the first place, put a lightsaber through, or rudely tell them to get lost.

You can tell Kaliyo, Jorgan, and Theron to leave without killing them :)



So, you made another get rid of Lana thread, but want to say, do it nicely?


It's still the same problems people whine about with the other companions. Have an option to get rid of the companion, and we don't see them anymore.


So, it goes back to, you complained about this happening to a fave companion of yours, and want to do it to other players?


You want to inflict your pain on others? Not very progressive of you. Open your heart. You don't have to like the companion, but do you really want to be so reactionary?

This is the first "get rid of Lana" thread I've made. I don't care if it's "progressive," my game is significantly worse because of her constant presence. If BioWare gets their act together and writes options for characters that have a death or dismiss option then it will be the same for Lana, no problem for you. If not, I'm going to campaign for MY enjoyment(not having a character I hate shoved down my throat) over YOUR enjoyment(your companion getting special treatment) any day of the week.




/\ /\


Not even a letter. Nothing.


"But, but BioWare said they had hopes of giving old companions new content...!" But, but nothing. Bullspit. They're saying what we want to hear so we shut up. Those companions are gone. They bricked Theron...you think they're going to give new content to Quinn? Or Andronikos? Or...any of the past love interests who are nothing more than hood ornaments?


We have Lana. Apparently that's all we need, even if it makes no sense in the story. I like her just fine as a character, but even I'm at my last rope with her being shoved to the forefront over every other character after the last update. We get a "Be good, kbye..." from Theron and that's it. Despite his being a founding member of the Alliance. That's right. He was just as integral to the inner workings of the Alliance as Lana. But nope. He dun care apparently. And nothing from anybody else...not even a placeholder, unvoiced hug. Nothing.

^This. I have given up all hope that we're going to get any content for previously bricked companions and that at best we might get a token scrap here and there for Theron but nothing from any other non-Lana companion. More likely Theron will join Arcann in full brick-land from now on. Any reunions with characters like Kira and Scourge will be brief and they'll be added to the brick pile. I think we have enough bricks to start building a castle by now.



Male gamers have always been favored over female gamers.


Case and point- You get to fight with Nadia on Ossus but not Doc.

Lana gets 2 romance scenes whilst Theron gets one.

Theron, Aric, Torian, Koth, Quinn and Arcann all have kill options on their heads whilst only Vette and Kaliyo do for the guys.

Some of the vanilla class stories have 2 romance options for the guys. For us girls we get one in each, no, im not counting pierces one night stand and Tharan ditching us for holiday.

F/F until recently only had one option, Lana whilst M/M had 2, throughout all of KotFE and KoTET.

Until Arcann we had no force user romance option.

We still at this point only have one non-human option.


I could go onto other bioware games to but this list alone is getting long enough.


Female players always have and always will get shafted in bioware games.

Agreed. Don't forget the betrayals too: Anders, Solas, Quinn, it's almost always male love interests.

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Why yes, colour me pathetically sad. Why? Because my companion hasn't said a peep since Iokath. Or my other companion favorite doesn't get to participate in an Alliance he helped build. Or the others that get killed off or silenced. So yes, I hereby declare myself pathetically sad for my lost companions and lost game enjoyment, and for those other unfortunate pathetically sad people who lost theirs too. You can call me whatever you want, (heck I'll do it myself and save ya'll the trouble, evil, spiteful, pathetic, simpering, hateful, uncaring, heartless or non progressive Lana disliker.) I don't give a crap :cool:.


You think you're going to throw Scourge in my face and I'm going to cower down and see it your way? Nope. Bugger it, give them all kill options, fair is fair right? Do that and Kill Lana (bugger the vacation, I was trying to be nice) and kill Ashara especially. Because in the end, you'll get your way, because you adore The Lana, precious untouchable, unvacationable darling of Bioware. Enjoy her for however long it lasts because I won't be the only one pulling a sub.


What I want to see is a chance for all the LIs to play a part, even if it's just a brief Alert to have a few words about the mission, some tenderness or concerns, or even enjoy a celebratory moment alone with them after a mission well done. I'd like to see Theron actually give a mission about which he's an expert in like the SIS and his good friend Gnost-Dural for those who kept him alive. For those that didn't, well, give them an alert with the golden goose.


And on that note, I'm going to go bake some evil spiteful peanut butter cookies. Ta.


Well I was using people in a general sense, so people could decide for themselves if they were that way.


I didn't call you personally anything.


Also, I don't want Scourge dead, I'm pretty sure in another thread I said I wanted him as a M/M only romance.


As for my love of Lana. That's only on some characters. My Agent it's all about Vector. Warrior went with Theron and now I'm guessing he's not going to be seen. Lana is not with all my characters :p She's just one of my favorite companions and I don't want to see her bricked. :p


Tharan and Kira are some others. Really, I was hoping to get Tharan and Kira on all my characters, which I don't feel is going to happen now :(

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Dismissing the points I made and calling people cruel, homophobic, etc... Makes Lana worse to some of us. Originally, my dislike was based on how badly she reacted to my choices. Now I'm starting to hate her because of how you and others treat people who don't like her. It's you who are cruel and offensive.


Pretty sure I haven't called anyone homophobic.


As for the cruel part, I only said that of people who wanted to kill Lana because their favorite was killed. If someone bashes your head in because you accidentally hit them in the head, to you call that fair or do you call that cruel?


Same thing.


Also, I've never specifically pointed out anyone, so if you take my general "people" comment to be pointed at you, it's you doing the pointing, not me.

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Also, I don't want Scourge dead, I'm pretty sure in another thread I said I wanted him as a M/M only romance.



Not to derail this thread, but since I believe the other was deleted...


You're calling out people who want Lana gone, in fear that it will take her away from you and those who want to keep seeing her...but you're perfectly fine with the idea of taking Scourge away from anybody who might want to romance him with a female character? Seems...kind of...yeah. The door swings both ways.


I'll say it again...new characters as gender-gated romances...fine. Original previously unromanceable companions who people of all shapes, sizes, and persuasions have been campaigning for for years? They should be open for everybody...if they're made available at all.

Edited by Dracofish
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Dismissing the points I made and calling people cruel, homophobic, etc... Makes Lana worse to some of us. Originally, my dislike was based on how badly she reacted to my choices. Now I'm starting to hate her because of how you and others treat people who don't like her. It's you who are cruel and offensive.


I still like Lana. I've liked Lana since Forged Alliances. I don't want to get rid of Lana. However, the toxic nature of the Space Waifu Lana fans has pushed me towards the belief that all LIs having a kill/dismiss option is the lesser evil over most LIs having a kill/dismiss option with one author favorite being singled out for special treatment. Especially when those same Space Waifu Lana fans who insist Lana can never be given a kill option and all the 'haters' are awful people for asking for one will go on and on about how they (using one player's statements for example) hate Theron's guts and saw his kill option as "karma" and justified. I can't stand hypocrisy.


Getting called evil, heartless, cruel, spiteful, "not very progressive", homophobic, deplorable, racist, argumentative, immature, ignorant, shameful, nasty, etc. for expressing an opinion regarding my distaste for Lana being given 90+% of dev attention and screentime while all other LIs have turned into bricks has soured me on the character's presence in the game a million times more than the character herself (or her writing) ever did. At least if there's an option to get rid of Lana in the game, the devs will have to give us alternatives based on story choices again--or wipe the slate clean, which would definitely suck but at least we would all be on the same level then. Having one LI with plot armor while the rest can be killed off for little to no reason engenders nothing but resentment and toxicity.

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This is the first "get rid of Lana" thread I've made. I don't care if it's "progressive," my game is significantly worse because of her constant presence. If BioWare gets their act together and writes options for characters that have a death or dismiss option then it will be the same for Lana, no problem for you. If not, I'm going to campaign for MY enjoyment(not having a character I hate shoved down my throat) over YOUR enjoyment(your companion getting special treatment) any day of the week.


I didn't say you made the previous one. Just found it odd you made another.


Since it hasn't happened yet, you're campaigning for something you just admitted you didn't like happening to your favorites.


Which, I just find off from people who likely consider themselves to be open minded individuals. Which you may or may not consider yourself to be, not pointing fingers, it's considered rude.


Also, the only companion I've ever wanted a kill option for is Skadge and just for my Hunter, because I hated the way he forced his way on my Hunter's ship and I wanted that kill option retroactively added to the Hunter's story and it's not an LI :p


What is a problem for me, is my fave companions which are more than Lana, but these threads are about Lana, not being part of the story.


So, it's not that Lana is the only one, which a lot of people seem to poorly judge it to be, but I also don't want to see a lack of Kira, Tharan/Holiday, Vector, Nadia, Vette, Torian (yeah...got screwed on that one) I was hoping KotET would be our way to make our own crews out of all the vanilla companions :p

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Not to derail this thread, but since I believe the other was deleted...


You're calling out people who want Lana gone, in fear that it will take her away from you and those who want to keep seeing her...but you're perfectly fine with the idea of taking Scourge away from anybody who might want to romance him with a female character? Seems...kind of...yeah. The door swings both ways.


I'll say it again...new characters as gender-gated romances...fine. Original previously unromanceable companions who people of all shapes, sizes, and persuasions have been campaigning for for years? They should be open for everybody...if they're made available at all.


Not really. He was never an option before. Any romance he's had up to this point is purely in people's imaginations. So, making him M/M only adds and doesn't take away from anything, not even people's imaginations as they can continue to imagine whatever it is they're imagining.

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Well I was using people in a general sense, so people could decide for themselves if they were that way.


I didn't call you personally anything.


Also, I don't want Scourge dead, I'm pretty sure in another thread I said I wanted him as a M/M only romance.


As for my love of Lana. That's only on some characters. My Agent it's all about Vector. Warrior went with Theron and now I'm guessing he's not going to be seen. Lana is not with all my characters :p She's just one of my favorite companions and I don't want to see her bricked. :p


Tharan and Kira are some others. Really, I was hoping to get Tharan and Kira on all my characters, which I don't feel is going to happen now :(



I know how I am, I'm a good person, and I don't feel I have to prove that to anyone. You say you didn't personally call me a name, but it was implied with your 'biblical' quote about an 'eye for an eye etc'. Eye for an eye implies spite and a certain degree of meanness, so maybe not directly, but you did in fact imply it.


I don't want Scourge dead either. I want to romance him with my FEMALE characters and said in the other thread that I'd like him available for all to romance, so that everyone is happy.


I don't romance Lana on anyone. I did think of her as a friend on all of them but yeah, I'm getting pretty tired of having her foisted on me at every opportunity. I was trying to be reasonable and just ask for a vacation for her, nothing permanent, give other companions and LIs a chance to shine. Give her one line for the next few updates and let Theron or someone else do the talking for a change. What upsets me, is that just because I want a vacation from her people imply all sorts of nasty things about those who don't like or want a break from her. People have discovered they can imply all they want against people and skirt the TOS of the forums, instead of calling people things directly which earns them a ban. It's beyond ridiculous to think that implied words and names don't hurt as much.


Like I said before, I didn't want ANY deprived of anything, but why should I have to accept with a smile that my favorite got killed, no one cared about me or how I felt. The devs and writers laughed about killing Quinn and their bias is obvious. They don't give him his full name and rank, they don't give him a commemorative statue and they don't even ensure his customizations work for people who don't use the default. They indulged the haters and were part of that themselves, and with this, started this whole mess that we're all killing each other over.


Now it's just a matter of fairness because why should mine get taken away? Why should I be punished by being stripped of those companions I enjoy. I pay a sub, I pay for all manner of crap in the store, why is my presence any less important than anyone elses, that I don't deserve the same bang for my buck?


I figure you'll get the other comps back, but it'll be a crappy 2 minute return and then brick. Just like for every single one of the ones I like, including Vector, who my female agents also love without question.

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Not really. He was never an option before. Any romance he's had up to this point is purely in people's imaginations. So, making him M/M only adds and doesn't take away from anything, not even people's imaginations as they can continue to imagine whatever it is they're imagining.


Except that it's already been established that it's -not- accepted for people to keep on imagining their female characters with him if such a thing were to happen. BioWare has always stated that they embrace the fanart and fanfiction community and the past eight years of fanart and fanfiction that features Scourge with a female character would instantly turn into hate-fodder in one fell swoop. So yes...it would take away. Your point is missing the mark.


Anyways, I don't wish to derail this thread further. There must have been a reason the other was deleted. That's just how I, and many others, feel about the return of old fan-favorites. Everybody should be able to enjoy them if they are opened for romance...and there's no changing my mind on that.

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I didn't say you made the previous one. Just found it odd you made another.


Since it hasn't happened yet, you're campaigning for something you just admitted you didn't like happening to your favorites.


Which, I just find off from people who likely consider themselves to be open minded individuals. Which you may or may not consider yourself to be, not pointing fingers, it's considered rude.


Also, the only companion I've ever wanted a kill option for is Skadge and just for my Hunter, because I hated the way he forced his way on my Hunter's ship and I wanted that kill option retroactively added to the Hunter's story and it's not an LI :p


What is a problem for me, is my fave companions which are more than Lana, but these threads are about Lana, not being part of the story.


So, it's not that Lana is the only one, which a lot of people seem to poorly judge it to be, but I also don't want to see a lack of Kira, Tharan/Holiday, Vector, Nadia, Vette, Torian (yeah...got screwed on that one) I was hoping KotET would be our way to make our own crews out of all the vanilla companions :p

The reason I made this thread for parting ways without killing Lana is listed in the OP, it's because they refuse a kill option on the grounds of "Lana is loyal so it makes no sense" and "we don't want to let people be evil for the sake of evil when it comes to her." Not everyone who wants her gone just wants to kill for no reason, we just don't want her in our story anymore and being able to go our separate ways peacefully is a way to get her out of the games of those who hate her in a way that makes sense.


I don't like that it happened to my companions, but this weird limbo of bricking all companions but one (who is one I absolutely hate) and giving that one remaining companion all the attention and screen time and special treatment just makes things worse. If they gave Lana a dismiss or kill option then it would force them to stop being so complacent and just giving Lana all the content.


You really underestimate how much I and some others hate Lana. If she continues to be our only companion then I have no reason to keep playing the game both because of the lack of any companions I like and because I despise her and am sick to death of the Lana Variety Hour and her being constantly shoved down my throat. She is a detriment to my game. Again, if my only choice is between a game *I* like and a game *you* like but I hate then I'm going to campaign for the game I like.


The only chance for the other companions is for Lana to be given the same treatment.

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I know how I am, I'm a good person, and I don't feel I have to prove that to anyone. You say you didn't personally call me a name, but it was implied with your 'biblical' quote about an 'eye for an eye etc'. Eye for an eye implies spite and a certain degree of meanness, so maybe not directly, but you did in fact imply it.


I don't want Scourge dead either. I want to romance him with my FEMALE characters and said in the other thread that I'd like him available for all to romance, so that everyone is happy.


I don't romance Lana on anyone. I did think of her as a friend on all of them but yeah, I'm getting pretty tired of having her foisted on me at every opportunity. I was trying to be reasonable and just ask for a vacation for her, nothing permanent, give other companions and LIs a chance to shine. Give her one line for the next few updates and let Theron or someone else do the talking for a change. What upsets me, is that just because I want a vacation from her people imply all sorts of nasty things about those who don't like or want a break from her. People have discovered they can imply all they want against people and skirt the TOS of the forums, instead of calling people things directly which earns them a ban. It's beyond ridiculous to think that implied words and names don't hurt as much.


Like I said before, I didn't want ANY deprived of anything, but why should I have to accept with a smile that my favorite got killed, no one cared about me or how I felt. Now it's just a matter of fairness because why should mine get taken away? Why should I be punished by being stripped of those companions I enjoy. I pay a sub, I pay for all manner of crap in the store, why is my presence any less important than anyone elses, that I don't deserve the same bang for my buck?


I figure you'll get the other comps back, but it'll be a crappy 2 minute return and then brick. Just like for every single one of the ones I like, including Vector, who my female agents also love without question.


I never said accept with a smile that your favorite got killed. I never said anyone should accept it. I hated that I had to choose between Torian and Vette.


Why should I be punished and have to choose between those two?


I pay a sub. I pay for all manner of crap in the story, why is my presence any less important?


Yeah. So, back to wanting to kill off any of the LI's, not just Lana, because they did it to other faves already.


You go, "Kill them all."


I say, "Stop doing it."


That's the difference. I hate it and don't accept it with a smile, I just don't wish to make it worse for others.


Other people seem to be that way.


As for the implying. The way I wrote it, was those who took it as me pointing at them, obviously knew they were being that way. If they weren't, then they wouldn't think I was pointing at them, because it obviously wouldn't apply to them.


We've seen many took it as pointing at them. I'd say deep down that speaks for itself. *shrug* People are often cruel and not nice people only out for themselves.


What I want, keeps companions possibly, but not 100% in the story. What those wanting kill options shows, is them most likely never being seen again.


Until the devs show otherwise, I prefer no kill option.

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Except that it's already been established that it's -not- accepted for people to keep on imagining their female characters with him if such a thing were to happen. BioWare has always stated that they embrace the fanart and fanfiction community and the past eight years of fanart and fanfiction that features Scourge with a female character would instantly turn into hate-fodder in one fell swoop. So yes...it would take away. Your point is missing the mark.


Anyways, I don't wish to derail this thread further. There must have been a reason the other was deleted. That's just how I, and many others, feel about the return of old fan-favorites. Everybody should be able to enjoy them if they are opened for romance...and there's no changing my mind on that.


No. You assume it would. You have no idea what would happen. You just want to ASSUME the worst.

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No. You assume it would. You have no idea what would happen. You just want to ASSUME the worst.


Have you ever seen what happens to someone who ships Dorian or Sera with a character of the opposite sex? (They're Dragon Age characters, by the way). Cytharat? No? Okay, then.


As a very involved member of the fanart and fanfiction community, I can safely say that no, it's not an assumption.

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There are convenient excuses for the majority of companions and contacts, for Bioware not to bother;

- Died

- Can be killed

- Can be exiled

- Is limited to class

- is an Alliance Alert and possibly not recruited

- Can choose not to join/reunite with the Commander


Now we're adding; "Won't follow Commander to faction/saboteur/whatever", as I've heard about companions such as T7. The vast majority of companions who have ever taken part in the game, have one of the above attached to them. I'm trying hard to think of one who doesn't but other than Lana, I can't think of a single one (truly, someone feel free to correct me because my fever brain is drawing blanks). Hell, I'll make a list;



Kira = MIA

Scourge = MIA

Doc = Apparently he can't be avoided when doing the Republic story but only Knights can actually recruit him? I haven't played it yet.

T7 = Leaves Empire-siding player

Rusk = AA



Felix = Class only AA.

Nadia = Not sure on her situation for the same reason as Doc's.

Zenith = MIA.

Tharan = MIA.

Quyzen = AA.



Corso = Class only AA.

Risha = Class only AA.

Akaavi = AA shared with BH.

Bowdaar = AA.

Guss Tano = AA? I don't even remember, I never picked him up.



Aric = Exile/Killable.

Elara = Rejectable/can refuse, afaik?

M1-4X = AA.

Tanno Vik = Dead/Not coming back etc.

Yuun = AA/Skippable if you just play the chapters without side business.



Vette = Possibly dead.

Quinn = Killable/rejectable.

Pierce = AA.

Broonmark = AA/killable I think?

Jaesa = ? Again, not done Ossus yet but possibly class-only?



Khem = AA/Class only?

Andronikos = AA/Class only.

Ashara = AA/can leave/class only.

Talos = AA.

Xalek = AA.



Kaliyo = Exiled/Killable.

Vector = AA/class only.

Lokin = AA.

Temple = Safe and not skippable? :eek:

SCORPIO = Dead/left/crazy.


Bounty Hunter;

Mako = AA/Shared with Smugglers only.

Gault = Surprise, I think he's also safe actually and comes as a package deal with Vette unless I'm unaware of a reject/kill mechanic?

Torian = Possibly dead.

Blizz = AA.

Skadge = AA.


Then some 'main' KOTFE/ET companions;

Arcann = AA/killable.

Theron = Possibly left for dead.

Koth = Killable.

HK-55 = Dead but revived depending on old subscriber conditions.

Lana = +10 Plot armor forever safe.


Ship companions are safe, as are Cartel Market and sub-reward companions but the latter two obviously depend on the player account.


So, if my recollections are accurate then it would seem only three companions are currently safe and condition free; Raina Temple, Gault Rennow and Lana Beniko. Out of those three, only one of them is still utilized today at an extremely frequent rate. Yeah, this is so fair.


Anyway, I was going somewhere with this... ah, yes, Bioware. They have an out for almost everyone which I'm sure suits them just fine. They don't even have to consider using those guys or spending the resources (scripting, animating, hiring multiple VAs) because <reasons as listed above>, and so it's really easy for them to grasp for Lana at every turn. They could use Raina or Gault (freakin' love Gault, he amuses me), but they were never key players, that privilege is reserved for Lana. Only Lana, despite promises that those options wouldn't mean those companions are gone for everyone. I'd say yes, add an out for Lana too, and Gault and Raina. Put Bioware in a position where all companions have conditions attached and they have no excuse left to favor one over the other.


That said, I honestly think companions are on their way out. They were meant to be on their way out with KOTFE/ET, most of them, but players rallied so a few were added with chapters while others trickled in via alerts. They're still trickling in 3+ years later and we'll likely be near 4 years by the time the last ones have returned for their 2-minute kiss & tell. Meanwhile, new ones are being added and who knows what their lifespan will be after their little story spotlight? Makes me wonder why they're bothering at all when they clearly cannot follow through on the presence of these companions beyond their "Hey, I'm Whatshisname, we're team buddies now!" or "Good to see you again lover" moment.


Just stick a memory-gem on my ship that I can interact with to relive past companion/romance conversations and have a droid give me my quest objectives, there's your money saver and the end to companion bickering.

Edited by JennyFlynn
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Not to derail this thread, but since I believe the other was deleted...


You're calling out people who want Lana gone, in fear that it will take her away from you and those who want to keep seeing her...but you're perfectly fine with the idea of taking Scourge away from anybody who might want to romance him with a female character? Seems...kind of...yeah. The door swings both ways.


I'll say it again...new characters as gender-gated romances...fine. Original previously unromanceable companions who people of all shapes, sizes, and persuasions have been campaigning for for years? They should be open for everybody...if they're made available at all.

All of this, I said something somewhat similar in the thread you're referring to which wasn't deleted but moved to Suggestions here.

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Have you ever seen what happens to someone who ships Dorian or Sera with a character of the opposite sex? (They're Dragon Age characters, by the way). Cytharat? No? Okay, then.


As a very involved member of the fanart and fanfiction community, I can safely say that no, it's not an assumption.


It's called, "Don't care what they say." "Oh no! You hated my story!" or "Oh no! You have an opinion on my story I don't care about."


Not to mention, with Scourge the simple response is, "He wasn't when I starting writing." :o

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Because there is no one left but Lana. So, of course, you don't.


Don't bother answering me, we'll never see eye to eye and keeping on with this is a waste of time and energy.


You do realize companions have been pointed out that haven't had a kill option, that everyone has, and OMG could still be put into the cut scenes. Temple comes to mind.


Then there are those we haven't even gotten back yet.

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It's called, "Don't care what they say." "Oh no! You hated my story!" or "Oh no! You have an opinion on my story I don't care about."


Not to mention, with Scourge the simple response is, "He wasn't when I starting writing." :o


I take it you're not a content creator who depends on community and word of mouth for exposure. :rolleyes:

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You do realize companions have been pointed out that haven't had a kill option, that everyone has, and OMG could still be put into the cut scenes. Temple comes to mind.


Then there are those we haven't even gotten back yet.


What, all two of them other than Lana, that Jenny mentioned? Temple and Gault? I enjoy Gault, but he's not enough to keep me subbed.

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