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De Sync and Mobility due to this ruin pvp


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As a returning player I was looking forward to come pvp but the lastest huttball map just shows the core fundamental issue this game has where players are rubber banding and falling through floors then being teleported back up. Every match is decided in huttball by who has the most operatives and whether it will register if you will see them on the map.


I am leaving sadly because of this its a massive issue that has been here since release I find it odd that they have to know about it by now and keep adding these rediculous mobility effects.


Also the issue where someone has the ball but it hasnt highlighted them is hilarious btw.


You need to fix the desync.

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If they were smart they'd add an option that let the player have some control over what WZs they wanted to play. If they did that, it would eliminate the plethora of quitters each OPG and Huttball WZ has. Just give the player either a choice of what to play, or allow them to deduct certain matches, just like the group finder does for FPs/OPs.
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Or stop people using mobility abilites with the ball.


You can't take abilities off a class that actually make it fun. They already added inability to use stun breakers or stuns when carrying the ball which has only discouraged people from grabbing the ball.


Adding more restrictions to what a player can do in the WZ would totally ruin any fun of the class.


Easiest thing to do is simply allow people to avoid queing huttball or whatever else it is they hate.


I honestly didn't find de-sync issues gamebreaking when I played. I did find them nerfing my abilities when carrying the ball atrocious though, and it only made me not try to carry the ball.


For people that find de-syncing a game breaker just being able to avoid the HB WZs would be fine imo.

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I've already replied in several threads regarding new HB map and dsync. I barely recall any other map that made so many people leave as soon as it is loaded. It is not enjoyable, it is not designed to perform well with existing game engine problems and moreover it is a constant reminder to me that my devotion to SWTOR is rather a Stockholm syndrome.


A friend of mine who tried this game once around 2.0 and quit after a week was watching me playing this map shortly after the patch, he laughed and asked why I’m even still playing this ****. If dsync can’t be fixed it is a good reason to leave. Any half- brain player can exploit it in many ways outside of the ****fest that happens anyway when you use mobility skills on any elevation with no intention to dissappear.



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…...my devotion to SWTOR is rather a Stockholm syndrome.


Too funny you said that. When my wife and I were discussing my reasons for permanently quitting the game (my sub expires in two weeks), and why she's still remaining, she used this exact same quote almost word for word. I thought it a little odd at the time, but I see now she's not alone in her reasoning.


Anyway, I stopped playing the new Vandin HB map about a week after it was introduced. It's atrocious, by any standards, and with the ninja nerf to ball carrier CC break, most HB matches now have devolved into deathmatching. It's rare to see anyone actually playing the map as it's designed, and the longstanding desynch issue has only exacerbated the problems with these matches.


Bioware has made it clear that they don't see this issue as a priority, or as you suggested, they don't have the ability to fix it due to their extremely outdated engine limitations. Either way, it's one more reason added to a pile of reasons why another player exodus is starting to happen.

Edited by Mournblood
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You can't take abilities off a class that actually make it fun. They already added inability to use stun breakers or stuns when carrying the ball which has only discouraged people from grabbing the ball.


Adding more restrictions to what a player can do in the WZ would totally ruin any fun of the class.


Easiest thing to do is simply allow people to avoid queing huttball or whatever else it is they hate.


I honestly didn't find de-sync issues gamebreaking when I played. I did find them nerfing my abilities when carrying the ball atrocious though, and it only made me not try to carry the ball.


For people that find de-syncing a game breaker just being able to avoid the HB WZs would be fine imo.


Really cause i can't use my phantom stride on quesh huttball BECAUSE THEY TOOK IT AWAY! Yet operatives can roll through crap all day long, sorcs can pop bubble in acid no problem. If you neuter one you should neuter all

Edited by Kazz_Devlin
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Really cause i can't use my phantom stride on quesh huttball BECAUSE THEY TOOK IT AWAY! Yet operatives can roll through crap all day long, sorcs can pop bubble in acid no problem. If you neuter one you should neuter all


Phantom stride is akin to leap or guardian leap, which guardians also can't use with the ball near the endzone.


Try force speed. Its more akin to oper roll., and sorc cant bubble without driopping the ball

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Really cause i can't use my phantom stride on quesh huttball BECAUSE THEY TOOK IT AWAY! Yet operatives can roll through crap all day long, sorcs can pop bubble in acid no problem. If you neuter one you should neuter all


Just because some classes have some restrictions doesn't mean all classes should be gimped with restrictions. If you feel phantom stride ought to be available, then bring it up and ask for change.


How does it help by saying "since my class has an ability gimped all class abilities should be gimped too!"


It's like having a bad job with crappy benefits and complaining other jobs are better and have better benefits thus they should have their benefits removed. I rather Try to improve myself before complaining about others having things I do not.


There are some extreme exceptions but I think you get my point.


Options in a game are fun, and classes should be able to operate in WZs freely not have half their abilities gimped because the map is poorly designed and can't accommodate them.

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Phantom stride is akin to leap or guardian leap, which guardians also can't use with the ball near the endzone.


Try force speed. Its more akin to oper roll., and sorc cant bubble without driopping the ball


You know the force leap thing in Quesh Ball is a bug. It’s not intended. Musco has said over and over if it’s not in the patch notes, it’s a bug.


Musco confirmed the Warrior leap was a bug 2 years ago and they’ve still not fixed it. I’ve also personally confirmed it’s a bug because it works sometimes and not others.


It is quiet possible that the phantom stride has turned into a bug because of their recent changes. Even outside of pvp it’s bugged for me sometimes. It doesnt work anymore on some Mobs and NPCs I’ve been able to use it on in the past to take short cuts.


Until Bioware come clean and start putting things into the patch notes properly, how are we ever to know what’s intended and what’s a bug. It’s the same as not being able to use stun if you have the ball. Nothing in the patch notes about it and wasn’t on the pts. So is that a bug or intended? Bioware refuse to answer either way.

Edited by Totemdancer
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