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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Make Mirror classes actual mirrors


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Sometimes I wonder if BW is actually reading the forums and missing posts like these or worse. ...


Someone claimed they got an infraction for posting something in this thread, so someone saw it. Not sure if it was the right someone, but it was someone none the less.


Now if that particular moderator plays Sith, he may not have brought it to the attention of anyone =)

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I can only speak for myself when it comes to Jedi Shadow play and the use of Project.


As other jedi sages and shadows know, the delay on Project is quite huge compared to the instantcast that Sith Assassins and Sorceres have.


There are a few bugs related to this delay in damage as someone mentioned earlier.


Example: Someone "vanishes" when the Project is in the air. The caster, gets a cooldown on the abilty, but the damage was never applyed to the target.


This is a pretty huge bug, since (speaking from my point of view) some of jedi shadows burst damage is coming from Project.


But! If these bugs are fixed, and the project works as intended. I would NOT want the Project animation changed.

As a concept for a spell i think its a very cool looking animation. Im a medium Star Wars fan, and seeing as they throw things at eachother pretty often in fights i like it.


When it comes to PvP and the use of Project, i love the delay.

The reason is simple. When the Project damage is applyed and the animation is done, the global cooldown is also gone.


So a quick example:

Spinning kick

2x Clairvoyant Strike

Project *While in the air, use Force Potency and Relic*

Force Breach


With the above combo, you can do alot of burst. Im not fully champion geard and my Projects + Force Breach hit for around 3,5 each.


For short: Fix the bugs, but leave the animation.

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Said my piece some pages back, but this thread deserves to be on page one. Hi devs, by now your silence on these issues makes the conspiracy theories seem more likely.


While this does need to be kept in the forefront of their minds, it is disingenuous at best to say they have been silent on the issue. Not only have they fixed some of the issues, they have said they are fixing more of them. They have publicly stated they are addressing them. Just because they have not responded to this specific thread does not mean there has been no response. Most people just have not seen it.


For example three to four times a DAY I see threads from people asking when they are going to fix the issue of wins not counting for the PVP daily... well that fix has been posted on the PTR for almost a week now. Publicly posted for all to see, yet people still have no idea it is there.


The best way to track developer responses is to read the developer tracking forum, that way you will not miss anything that is officially put out there.

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Inquisitor: Shock = Damage instantly.

Consular: Project = Damage after 1.5s.


They are supposed to be mirrors, they are not.



Bounty Hunter: Death from above = Damage instantly.

Commando: Mortar Volley = Damage starts after 1.5s.


They are supposed to be mirrors, they are not.



The imbalance between the two factions is a major issue in SWTOR.

The issues regarding wrong mirrors giving the advantage for imperials is one of the factors of influence for this population imbalance.

Even if this is a minor factor, IT HAS TO BE FIXED.


Please spread.


Thanks for reading.


Forwarded my other post from general threads.


Thanks for your post, it is indeed a major issue.

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Something I noticed between Sniper and Gunslinger


Ambush, if you hit your explosive probe quick enough Ambush can actually set it off making for a huge burst potential


Aimed Shot However can Not set off Sabotage charge if used directly after making the burst potential lacking and not as good as sniper


This is cause by the animation delays that are constantly being brought up.


Explosive probe show up instantly on a target dropping from above, While Sabotage requires the smuggler to go through a tossing animation before it show up on a target.


The difference is between .5 and 1 seconds but when you add the extra a 1.5 Global cool down then 1.5 to cast a charged burst for smuggler to set off there Sabotage charge its easily 3 seconds required for the Gunslinger to match the same amount of damage the Sniper was able to put out almost instantly.

Edited by Daraco
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From the 1.1.1 notes.


Funny how they jump right on the one thing Reps had going for them...



Salvation: No longer heals targets twice on application. It now correctly heals all affected targets once when applied.

To be fair actual ability numbers being off is a completely different issue than an animation discrepancy.


From the same patch notes:


Freezing Force: Now correctly lasts 9 seconds (up from 6 seconds)."




"We're also working on improvements to the responsiveness of individual ability animations, including faction specific timing differences and issues where shortening an ability activation time does not properly shorten it's animation. "


It is not some grand conspiracy against the republic. They made mistakes (on both sides), they admitted it, and they are working on fixing it.

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The problem is that these ability differences very much needed to be evened out more than a month ago.


I started playing with a guild group from RIFT.


I, like many, started characters on both factions, so did my friends. After the first week, my guild overwhelmingly voted to go Empire, some because of the storyline, but everyone noticed the empire toons did everything smoother and faster.


I was one of the minority who actually liked the republic trooper story more than the empire BH, but the time difference in abilities was unbelievable. It honestly felt like my latency would drop out on the trooper or something, everything was just clunky and more difficult. Not so much that it ruined the experience, but in PvP the disadvantage is obvious.


I honestly prefer the trooper. I think they look cooler, I like the ship more, the story is more entertaining, and I like to be the good guy. Even with all that, unless this gets fixed there is no way I would ever switch. Even with a free faction change and an extra million credits. The empire classes have a clear advantage.


These "mirror" ability imbalances should have been addressed long before launch. Maybe then the player base might not have been so overwhelmingly Imperial. I hope they've made this the top priority... for the Republic's sake.

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You'll get no argument from me. There is no excuse for BioWare releasing such a unpolished and buggy product. They got greedy and wanted the Christmas sales rather than working on it the extra 2-3 months it needed and releasing a much better product.


Them being greedy and releasing a crappy product, however, does not mean there is a conspiracy to punish the republic. Take out all the angst and focus on the issues and you'll get a better response.

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LOL 60 pages of this silly tripe. Yup the devs favor the Sith, of course they would I mean why set out to make things balanced. Every game has this silliness. You keep at it and I'm sure your silly conspiracy theory will find adherents. Fortunately they devs have better things to do, like organize a sock drawer than answer insane conspiracy theorists. I bet you folks think the moon landing was fake. I'm glad you people exist to take away from the serious issues with your entertainment.

I applaud the OP, because that sarcasm was awesome. I mean anyone who would really believe that is a complete moron. Obviously some people took you seriously which is even funnier. Irony often wasted on the foolish.

Thanks for the laughs. :D

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LOL 60 pages of this silly tripe. Yup the devs favor the Sith, of course they would I mean why set out to make things balanced. Every game has this silliness. You keep at it and I'm sure your silly conspiracy theory will find adherents. Fortunately they devs have better things to do, like organize a sock drawer than answer insane conspiracy theorists. I bet you folks think the moon landing was fake. I'm glad you people exist to take away from the serious issues with your entertainment.

I applaud the OP, because that sarcasm was awesome. I mean anyone who would really believe that is a complete moron. Obviously some people took you seriously which is even funnier. Irony often wasted on the foolish.

Thanks for the laughs. :D


Shock instantly does damage.

Project does damage after about 1.2 seconds or doesn't even do damage if someone stealths during the travel time.


Take your head out of your ***.

Edited by savionen
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I like this, it's fun. Especially the part where no one brings up how the mechanics favor the republic in many ways:


Rupublic Salvation heals for more than 1k more than Revification does.



Grav round has a shorter travel time than tracer missile.


etc. etc. etc. WHERE IS YOUR OUTRAGE PEOPLE?! WHY IS THERE NOT MOAR QQ?! The sky is falling, why is everyone so calm?

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I like this, it's fun. Especially the part where no one brings up how the mechanics favor the republic in many ways:


Rupublic Salvation heals for more than 1k more than Revification does.



Grav round has a shorter travel time than tracer missile.


etc. etc. etc. WHERE IS YOUR OUTRAGE PEOPLE?! WHY IS THERE NOT MOAR QQ?! The sky is falling, why is everyone so calm?


You're right. But almost every skill difference favors Empire. Try to find more than 2 that favor Republic, because about 20 favor Empire.

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LOL 60 pages of this silly tripe. Yup the devs favor the Sith, of course they would I mean why set out to make things balanced. Every game has this silliness. You keep at it and I'm sure your silly conspiracy theory will find adherents. Fortunately they devs have better things to do, like organize a sock drawer than answer insane conspiracy theorists. I bet you folks think the moon landing was fake. I'm glad you people exist to take away from the serious issues with your entertainment.

I applaud the OP, because that sarcasm was awesome. I mean anyone who would really believe that is a complete moron. Obviously some people took you seriously which is even funnier. Irony often wasted on the foolish.

Thanks for the laughs. :D


I don't think it's physically possible to type something with crayons, but I'm pretty sure you figured out how.

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You'll get no argument from me. There is no excuse for BioWare releasing such a unpolished and buggy product. They got greedy and wanted the Christmas sales rather than working on it the extra 2-3 months it needed and releasing a much better product.


Them being greedy and releasing a crappy product, however, does not mean there is a conspiracy to punish the republic. Take out all the angst and focus on the issues and you'll get a better response.


People dont pay attention, at least to what I said about the "Conspiracy theory".


I never said their necessarily was one. I said all of the action and inaction of the devs leads people to believe in one. And when you look at the picture as a whole, from gear to story to quicker abilities to Sith free farm on Illum + Dev silence it really does look like it was done on purpose.


And im not saying I know one way or the other, but you cant say the same either. You have no idea what the Devs play, what Mr L's Kids play, the Devs friends and families etc...


For all we know the Devs are part of some HUGE empire PvP guild that seriously benefited from that farm, and so they didnt want to punish their friends so they didnt do a rollback.


Im not saying I know one way or the other, so please dont do the same. When you say "You know it isnt.." or "That is ridiculous..." or "Noone would do that..." you are using the exact same absolutes that someone who says the know it is a conspiracy is.


We have no way to know one way or the other, all we can look at is evidence, and right now the evidence points towards yes.

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LOL 60 pages of this silly tripe. Yup the devs favor the Sith, of course they would I mean why set out to make things balanced. Every game has this silliness. You keep at it and I'm sure your silly conspiracy theory will find adherents. Fortunately they devs have better things to do, like organize a sock drawer than answer insane conspiracy theorists. I bet you folks think the moon landing was fake. I'm glad you people exist to take away from the serious issues with your entertainment.

I applaud the OP, because that sarcasm was awesome. I mean anyone who would really believe that is a complete moron. Obviously some people took you seriously which is even funnier. Irony often wasted on the foolish.

Thanks for the laughs. :D


We have video proof of alot of the issues and thousands of responses from people on both sides saying they know the issues exist... You are the moron for saying this stuff doesnt exist.


As far as conspiracy theories go, see my above post.


I run a gaming company (not an MMO) and one thing ive learned as a developer is that to your players perception is reality. You need to tread lightly in everything you say and do because players will believe what they perceive.


So if I was a developer of this game, and I admitted I play Sith (that happened) I would go so far above and beyond to make sure sith were absolutely not more powerful as to not be judged by my player base.


In pre launch interviews several Devs admitted to playing sith at launch, add that to all of these invisible buffs and everything else and it makes complete sense to think this stuff was done on purpose.

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I like this, it's fun. Especially the part where no one brings up how the mechanics favor the republic in many ways:


Rupublic Salvation heals for more than 1k more than Revification does.



Grav round has a shorter travel time than tracer missile.


etc. etc. etc. WHERE IS YOUR OUTRAGE PEOPLE?! WHY IS THERE NOT MOAR QQ?! The sky is falling, why is everyone so calm?


Actually that was brought up, but before I could add it to the OP the fix was put in the patch notes.


Which ironically made it work more in the favor of my argument because it took a few posts and immediately the one ability republic had working for them in favor against the sith was changed.


As far as grav round having a shorter travel time, post a video for proof. Noone has mentioned that before and like everything else if I am faced with legit evidence I will put it in the thread.


If you have followed and or read the thread as it progressed you would see I havent added some thing that I know were speculation, or people misreading lag or ability delay. And in several cases I have asked for video proof on some issues before putting them in the OP.


So if you want that added, let me see some proof. Chances are though you are just some troll trying to cause trouble. But if their is any legitimacy in that issue, someone let me know.

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Just to see how Sith like it, and to let Republic catch up, they should make Republic completely OP for ages, like, Troopers grav rounds take up no ammo, have no charging up time, and do 3 times as much damage, smugglers dirty kick is instant kill, Jedi's cast unbreaking area CC's which last 24 hours.
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