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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Make Mirror classes actual mirrors


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These are all documented imbalances and "strangly" enough all favor the Imps. Roll that into the fact that Imps MASSIVELY outnumber Republics on pvp servers and you get a very bad combination.




Dont forget they spent WAY more time making their nice storylines and quests. Spent WAY more time making actually decent looking tier gear. etc

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In case it hasn't been pointed out -


Operative Medicine tree skill Accomplished Doctor :


"Increases the critical healing bonus of Kolto Injection, Kolto Infusion and Recuperative Nanotech by [10 / 20 / 30]%"


Scoundrel Sawbones tree Accomplished Sawbones :


"Increases the critical healing bonus of Underworld Medicine, Kolto Pack and Kolto Cloud by [5 / 10 / 15]%"


Considering how patronising Georg Zoeller has been towards the community this kind of rank incompetence by him and his team is breaktaking.


I guess they're too lazy or arrogant to even read their own tooltips because they're obviously never wrong about anything.

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I see the DEVS have decided to still remain silent on this matter ...





i mean did a few devs that decided they were going to play SITH / Empire really think they were smarter than the entire player base and we would never figure out all these small empire advantages all through out the "MIRROR ABILITIES" ( sure they are mirrors what a joke ) that add up ...


so ridiculous that upper managemnet has not paid this issue attention yet and delved into why some of their devs decided to make their chosen side roll given equal player ability and gear the empire will always win wiith these advantages that certainly do overwhelm like a horde of insects over a cornfield in their entireity


the most entertaining thing of all is the empire side chars who desparatley do not want a change keep trying to convince the commuinity everything is okay


well its not



I am going to use today as the first day i call the DEVS out and call them


OUTRIGHT to THEIR FACE in this THREAD UNETHICAL AS HECK becuase i no longer believe these small little differences that favor the empire are unintentional fupars in the game but rather design choices for a slight edge some devs figured wouldnt get noticed ... well they did .... FIX IT NOW


I beleive they are intentional and if not fixed will kill the pvp side of this game and in the process tarnish an otherwise good rep of bioware

Edited by Trushott
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I see the DEVS hae decided to still remain silent on this matter ...





i mean did a few devs that decided they were going to play SITH / Empire really think they were smarter than the entire player base and we would never figure out all this small empire advantages that add up ...


so ridiculous that upper managemnet has not paid this issue attention


the most entertaining thing of all is the empire side chars who desparatley do not want a change keep trying to convince the commuinity everything is okay


well its not



I am going to use today as the first day i call the DEVS out and call them


OUTRIGHT to THEIR FACE in this THREAD UNETHICAL AS HECK becuase i no longer believe these small little differences that favor the empire are unintentional fupars in the game but rather design choices for a slight edge some devs figured wouldnt get noticed ... well they did .... FIX IT NOW


I beleive they are intentional and if not fixed will kill the pvp side of this game and in the process tarnish an otherwise good rep of bioware


I am really not sure if in the next 10 days I will be around with these GLARING issues and their lack of communication on them.


It's as if they say "Maybe if we say nothing the issue will just go away" well to an extent that may be true but along with the issue a good portion of the playerbase may follow.


When people had concerns I always stuck up for Bioware and said "Man they are an amazing company they wont let crap slide"...to all of those I said it to, I apologize I apparently out right lied.

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The devs are acting like the kid that was caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Its almost light these differences were intentional and they are now guiltily slinking away because they were caught.


There are blatant differences, and a lot of them. If there were one or two, fine- but there are tons.


We need an explanation for how this happened and also a quick fix to make them actual mirrors.

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Of course there is also the people flying off the handle in this thread with blinders on.... oblivious to the Dev Tracker posts or something I suppose.




The ability is the same on both the IA and Scoundrel. A simple typo.


Now get down off your crosses and queue up for some warzones.


rexell you are so misinformed i dont know where to begin

and its actually not worth it becuase i believe your trolling so i will not ... suffice to say your wrong and most of us dont care what the devs say at this point on the matter until its fixed anything else is lipservice or untruths


did you even read that dev post ? first part was bull malarky second part he admitted that the EMPIRE side had a huge advatage on that one thing .... i might add of dozens and dozens and dozens



read before you speak

Edited by Trushott
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Also, I have heard, but not corroborated that the SI ability Overload blasts back opponents farther than the consular ability force wave. I would like to hear from some SI's about this. I know for me, force wave only knocks back about 8 meters.
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Of course there is also the people flying off the handle in this thread with blinders on.... oblivious to the Dev Tracker posts or something I suppose.




The ability is the same on both the IA and Scoundrel. A simple typo.


Now get down off your crosses and queue up for some warzones.


I don't believe them. And without a combat log, we'll never know.

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rexell you are so misinformed i dont know where to begin

and its actually not worth it becuase i believe your trolling so i will not ... suffice to say your wrong and most of us dont care what the devs say at this point on the matter until its fixed anything else is lipservice or untruths


Enlighten me.




Hi guys,


A little bit of an update on this.


The way it looks is that the 'Accomplished' ability issue is just a typo, the data underlying the abilities is identical. Scoundrel's Accomplished Sawbones is 5/10/15 in the tooltip, the IA's is 10/20/30 (both are actually 10/20/30 behind the scenes). We're obviously fixing the typo.


The flash grenade cooldown being unmirrored is a legitimate bug and rather embarrassing oversight (sorry about that guys) that is going to be fixed.


-- Georg

seems very clear to me

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Also, I have heard, but not corroborated that the SI ability Overload blasts back opponents farther than the consular ability force wave. I would like to hear from some SI's about this. I know for me, force wave only knocks back about 8 meters.


im a consular and see it all the time ... just another "pversight"

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Enlighten me.





seems very clear to me


read your own quote then read whole dev post he clearly states empire has advantage on one issue and they are EMBARRASED by it ... man really ... thats your big quote to prove the doznes and dozens of individual imbalances across many so calle d mirror classes do not exist????


so stop with your ad homenim antics .... there are dozens and dozens of these so call "mirrored" abilities that have small advantages empire side and when they all pile on its a HUGE EMPIRE advantage given same player skill empire side wins

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Just going to throw this can of gas on the fire.....


Near the end of the video, watch the republics 10 ticket lead and how slow it ticks...then watch the imps cap and their tick rate to catch up.


Again this is a youtube video NOT MY video.



Pretty sure this is just players not understanding how the node ticks work.


It's very likely that there are preset time intervals that tick, regardless of when you take a node. So if you took a node right before a tick it would LOOK like it ticks faster for that faction (or some other ludicrous explanation).

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Where did anyone state that smugglers had an advantage? All the advantage goes to the IA.


IAs Stun is better because it doesnt stop the IA from moving, where as dirty kick does.


IA's Flash bomb has a lower CD then Smuggler.


IA's version of sab charge doesnt have as long of an animation, and activates instantly where as the smugglers Sab charge makes to stand up, throw the charge, and kneel back down, AND you have to wait for the charge to visibly travel to the target.


All that is advantage IA, and over all, its advantage empire.


Look at all the other things people have pointed out. BH version of mortal volley is better, BH version of full auto is better. Sith version of Project is better....


Its all better stuff for sith.


Also I dont think you understand what "mirror" means.


In wow, all the classes do everything.


In this game, their are 8 classes, not 16. They just each have a "Mirror" which has different names, animations, RP and story lines.


Each Mirror should be the same logistically so that their is balance between factions.


Troopers should be the same as BHs, and Smugglers should be the same as IA's. What you are talking about is IA's being the same as Troopers, which has no bearing on this topic at all.



In the respective heal trees: Accomplished doctor vs accomplished sawbones the operative gets 15% more crit bonus than the scoundrel...

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Just going to throw this can of gas on the fire.....


Near the end of the video, watch the republics 10 ticket lead and how slow it ticks...then watch the imps cap and their tick rate to catch up.


Again this is a youtube video NOT MY video.



just about every SINGLE MATCH in aldaraan with capping about the same starts with empire advantage .... look for yourself pay attention



I believe there is a TIME DIFFERENCE CODED into the game on how much DPS the rmpire and republic turrewts do .. not quite enough for average player to notice but very noticable and empire friendly


next time you wonder how you lost a close match as republic and were two capped a LOT longer than they were through game ... this is WHY


get a stop watch out and note the total time of game then notice the time your team was two capped verses the time the other time was 2 capped ... notice how often empire can win when republic had the two cap longer ...


crazy crap

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Also while you are at it, take a look at electrocute. From what I gather from reading and doing actual PvP, nothing stops this ability. It stuns people with full resolve bars, it pulls people out of cover, and when a scoundrel blows dodge (for you WoW players its cloak of shadows) it still lands. In fact, i was playing my scoundrel who had a full resolve bar and dodge up, and I got stunned by electrocute.


Force stun definitely doesnt do any of that.



This, right here, is a complete and utter FARCE, and is making me question YOUR ENTIRE PREMISS.


Resolve works on electrocute, PERIOD. You are LIEING about what you experiences on your scoundrel, or are simply altering what really happened, which is not much different.


I have NEVER, EVER, in my 7+ days of playing time had a stun/mez work on someone full resolve. NEVER.

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Full Auto does dmg 3 times during the channel. ANY hit will set the bar back and you miss out on the 3rd tick.


Unload does dmg 5 or 6 times (not sure) and does not seem to suffer set back as easily as Full Auto, I have had it happen though so it is not immune to set back.


Also the Commando talent Steadied Aim does not work with Full Auto, I ALWAYS get set back regardless of talent.

Edited by portedGoblin
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Don't know if it was mentioned (kind of in a hurry), but the IA's explosive probe, and the scoundrel's sabotage charge are also different. In favor of the IA, of course :-P

The IA's skill happens immediately, which means you can charge up ambush or snipe, and right as it finishes cast explosive probe, and the probe will detonate from the ambush/snipe. Basically in you do a crap load of burst damage.


With the smuggler, there is actually travel time on the sabotage charge, so it's impossible to do the same combo, and requires a 3rd shot to detonate it.


I enjoy playing both classes, but the IA has a clear advantage in burst damage here.


As a smuggler/sniper you throw the sabotage charge first then do aimed shot. its kinda reversed and takes a slightly bit longer to do.

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Didn't have time to go through all the pages, but I would like to add a few things as a Sage


Besides the whole project thing that has been beaten into the ground.


Tele Throw also is slightly delayed before damage is shown (For interrupt purposes, not sure if this is the same as Imp side as I have never tried) Try interrupting someone that is about to cap by throwing pebbles at them, they'll cap it anyway...


Also, Tele Wave.. I know the cast animation has us holding our arms up, praising the lord with wind circles underneath or something like that.. which is fine if i was actually using the cast time...


But if I were to use it after gaining PoM from using Tele Throw.. i would toss the blue wave but I would still praise the heavens for awhile.. preventing me from using certain other skills or abilities... Not all, but certain ones.. like force wave for example.. or sometimes it wouldn't even let me health stim.. (Is sith side like this too?.. somehow i don't think so)


Also, it could just be me and my comp/lag.. but I feel that my heals don't come off right when the cast bar finishes.. buuuut that could just be me..

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Just going to throw this can of gas on the fire.....


Near the end of the video, watch the republics 10 ticket lead and how slow it ticks...then watch the imps cap and their tick rate to catch up.


Again this is a youtube video NOT MY video.



Ive noticed same thing ever since i started doing WF's. I thought it could be some odd problem. But ive rushed each time to left side and cap it before empire and EVERY time republic side looses points at start much faster rate.


This is known commonly by most players who done alot WF's. No idea why we havent got answer from Bioware yet. Just another small oversight favor empire?

Edited by Divona
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Just going to throw this can of gas on the fire.....


Near the end of the video, watch the republics 10 ticket lead and how slow it ticks...then watch the imps cap and their tick rate to catch up.


Again this is a youtube video NOT MY video.



WOW i actually just watched the video.


Its at the very last seconds of the video, but that is ridiculous.


Id love to see two teams go in and agree to test this by capping one node each and just watching how they tick down side by side.


Unreal how favored im starting to see one side is.

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