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I hope that future story doesn't limit you to using companions chosen by the writer.


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:) Me Too. /Signed, Agreed and whatever else 100%. Forcing the players to use only one companion limits one of SWTORs best assets. I remember just after finding the Gravestone 1st time and thinking "I'm stuck out here with a bunch of people I don't know or like"; That was still for Shock Effect for the stories beginning but after a while forcing everybody to only be with the same Comp, even the best would soon wear thin and become "Oh, you again".
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doesn't matter in the end, the game has always been around a main character and a specific companion at your side.

This is only true for KotFE and KotET.


Every other story-based activity in the game could be done not only with any companion you choose, but it could also be done without a companion at all.

what it comes down to in effect is an illusion of choice and that was ironically the thing some people hated the most in FE, yet you offer it like it was an option for something different?

You're conflating "choice affecting the story", and "choice affecting gameplay".


For example, while playing KotFE, I could respec my sage from heals to dps . That's not an illusion of choice. It's an actual choice. It has no impact on the story, but does have impact on gameplay.

On that basis? no, it isn't a change and i'd rather bioware keep to their preferred choice of character in their place where they can do the most good.

How about the compromise brought up several times in this thread, whereby the player has their chosen companion along side the one chosen by Bioware for the story?


Similar to how Chapter 13 was handled with Gault and Vette.

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This is only true for KotFE and KotET.


Every other story-based activity in the game could be done not only with any companion you choose, but it could also be done without a companion at all.


This isn't exactly true. There were various places in the class stories where you had to take specific companions along. One of the reasons I will never make another Jedi Knight is because you're forced to do a piece of the Balmorra story with Doc.


Off the top of my head I can think of these examples from the main class stories (not companion quests):


Jedi Knight: Doc (Balmorra); T7-O1 (final fight); Kira (Children of the Emperor scene)

Inquisitor: Talos (Hoth); Andronikos (Tatooine)

Bounty Hunter: Torian, Mako (Taris); Skadge (Belsavis)

Sith Warrior: Vette (Korriban)

Agent: Raina (Hoth)

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Jedi Knight: Doc (Balmorra); T7-O1 (final fight); Kira (Children of the Emperor scene)

Inquisitor: Talos (Hoth); Andronikos (Tatooine)

Bounty Hunter: Torian, Mako (Taris); Skadge (Belsavis)

Sith Warrior: Vette (Korriban)

Agent: Raina (Hoth)

Well I'll be darned. I guess that's what happens when it been so long since I leveled a character.


Were there any for the Trooper that you recall? I did a leveling experiment with a trooper several years ago where I had no companion out at all the entire time. But now I'm wondering if there weren't a couple of missions that did require a companion that I had to put on passive.

Edited by Khevar
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It's *Convenient and Cheaper for B.W. to only have 1 V.A/ NPC or a minimum atleast but it really kills the best parts of this game and brings it down to the NPC levels of basically every other game. Other games have better PVP, some have huge giant maps and some have great game mechanics and variable class's; but for Story, its SWTOR and B.W. The Bean Counters (E.A.) are strangling that down.
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My main issue with companions being forced on me in KOTFE/ET is that unless I happen to be romancing one (like Koth, Theron, Jorgan, etc) then I usually have the other companions at very low influence because I have no plan on ever using them. So I end up having to either feed them loads of gifts so they're not utterly useless on whatever mission I have to use them on (Raina Temple) or I just have to deal with them being useless, whilst my level 50 influence companions are just hanging back at base whilst their lover/best friend/whatever is off running some dangerous mission without them.


As much as I hated the companions being mute in certain stories (Scourge having nothing to say to Revan during the SoR stuff and vise versa) at least I could bring whoever I wanted with me.


Sometimes it feels very much like writers pet when I'm constantly forced to keep bringing certain companions with me that my character would never willingly use.




From a story standpoint it would actually make sense if you took along a second companion of your choice, too. In KOTFE and Copero it didn't make sense for the Outlander, who was wanted dead by so many and had been betrayed by so many, to waltz off with random people they didn't know well without anyone from the Alliance to watch their back.


Though I agree, I believe the excuse with Copero is that the Chiss would only allow Temple to go with you (even though she's not Chiss).

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I'd much rather private moments with the LIs, because well, who chooses what companions get recorded VO work over others?


Like what has already been said, some actors cost more than others, and I think it's a little unrealistic to think that they all could return. I just don't think there's any fair way to determine who would/should have VO done.

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Well I'll be darned. I guess that's what happens when it been so long since I leveled a character.


Were there any for the Trooper that you recall? I did a leveling experiment with a trooper several years ago where I had no companion out at all the entire time. But now I'm wondering if there weren't a couple of missions that did require a companion that I had to put on passive.


There was, during the gauntlet mission you are forced to firstly take Sgt yunn with you then swap to tanno vik half way through. It got even worse if you ran with Jorgen or elara and made the wrong choice on which roles you delegate on forex, Jorgen or elara as you could potentially loose your chosen companion for another short mission at the start of chapter 3.

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Off the top of my head I can think of these examples from the main class stories (not companion quests):


Jedi Knight: Doc (Balmorra); T7-O1 (final fight); Kira (Children of the Emperor scene)

Inquisitor: Talos (Hoth); Andronikos (Tatooine)

Bounty Hunter: Torian, Mako (Taris); Skadge (Belsavis)

Sith Warrior: Vette (Korriban)

Agent: Raina (Hoth)


Its been a while also that I did the agent story but don't you also 'loose' kalyio for a bit? If she was you chosen companion it forced you to use someone else.

Edited by Jedi_riches
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I get that the idea was to create a more "cinematic" story, and that it also saved on writing and VO work by having fewer lines of dialogue.


But it is one of the things that makes it hard to run through KotFE / KotET again.


I'm not sure what the plans are for future content, but I sincerely hope that more options are available. I'd rather have the companion of my choice that doesn't have much to say during a cutscene than a companion of someone else's choice that cannot be changed, even for non-cutscene combat.


Just my 2cr.


We can hope against hope that Bioware have learned from their past mistakes.


Although I genuinely don't see any evidence of such. Conquest demonstrated they had learned none of the lessons that the Command Rank debacle should have taught them.


All The Best

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Its been a while also that I did the agent story but don't you also 'loose' kalyio for a bit? If she was you chosen companion it forced you to use someone else.


Yes, you do. Kaliyo gets arrested and is taken away for a while, and she's unavailable as a companion during that time.


You also lose Torian for a little while in the Bounty Hunter story, because there's a part where he's kidnapped.

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You're conflating "choice affecting the story", and "choice affecting gameplay".


For example, while playing KotFE, I could respec my sage from heals to dps . That's not an illusion of choice. It's an actual choice. It has no impact on the story, but does have impact on gameplay.


How about the compromise brought up several times in this thread, whereby the player has their chosen companion along side the one chosen by Bioware for the story?


Similar to how Chapter 13 was handled with Gault and Vette.


what has changing advances classes got to do with companions? stick to the point.


I already said it doesn't matter, if its one companion or multiple, if they all say the same thing then what is the point in it? a specific companion by your side who advances the storyline on purpose is a better choice to have than an all purpose dialogue for univeral companion choice which won't be nearly as interesting to have in the storyline.


if you really want an actual choice? your companions needs to have individual doalogue free of story limitations, where they can say that this or that idea would work better from their point of view and you'd have dozens of mission actions by following that companions choice.

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I'd much rather private moments with the LIs, because well, who chooses what companions get recorded VO work over others?


Like what has already been said, some actors cost more than others, and I think it's a little unrealistic to think that they all could return. I just don't think there's any fair way to determine who would/should have VO done.


I think it has something to do with the popularity of certain companions, even if sometimes this factor is highly debatable - aka Jaesa Willsaam not being return in an early chapter of KOTFE despite of her huge popularity.

And no there is no fair way to determine who should have VO done, since each and every companion has its group of fans.


Best option at the moment? Let everyone use whoever they want even if there will be no dialogue at all. Or the team of 3 formula : the player + 2 comps ( one default one chosen by the player)

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what has changing advances classes got to do with companions? stick to the point.


I already said it doesn't matter, if its one companion or multiple, if they all say the same thing then what is the point in it? a specific companion by your side who advances the storyline on purpose is a better choice to have than an all purpose dialogue for univeral companion choice which won't be nearly as interesting to have in the storyline.


if you really want an actual choice? your companions needs to have individual doalogue free of story limitations, where they can say that this or that idea would work better from their point of view and you'd have dozens of mission actions by following that companions choice.


I think he is running with the principle of its not the destination that's important rather than the journey, the choice he made altered his journey ie as a healer not a damage dealer but ultimately still ended up in the same place.


Making this idea relevant to the thread different companions with different dialogue is a slightly different journey.

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I don't hold my breath, because they clearly want particular people of their choice, even if it's not necessary for the story.


Example: When you go to talk to the Scions on Iokath after completing the story part for the cutscene before the operation, it doesn't matter who is with you. In the cutscene: it's Beniko. She doesn't say anything, no lines, nothing to do, she just idly stands there. Something that any random comp could do, including creatures and droids. But no, she is hard-written into the cutscene for no other reason than a dev wanted it. :mad:


Once the cutscene ends, right by your side is whoever you entered the phased area with.

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I think he is running with the principle of its not the destination that's important rather than the journey, the choice he made altered his journey ie as a healer not a damage dealer but ultimately still ended up in the same place.


i don't understand, if the journey and destination are not that important but it still ended up in the same place, what is it the OP is asking?

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i don't understand, if the journey and destination are not that important but it still ended up in the same place, what is it the OP is asking?

Actually, AdornedBlood was suggesting that the journey WAS important. Something I agree with.

what has changing advances classes got to do with companions? stick to the point.



I was trying to clarify the word "choice" in my post title. Choice can apply to story, certainly. And while it would be wonderful to have actual meaningful player choice that changes the story, I have no expectations that such a thing would be done. I'm not asking for this.


Gameplay is what happens when you've got control of your character. Cutscenes are not gameplay. There are player choices that affect gameplay. Choosing one's spec is a choice that affects gameplay. Choosing a companion is a choice that affects gameplay. It's not a meaningful choice. But it still is a choice.


In KotFE and KotET, inside a chapter, one has NO ability to decide who to bring along. Think about how this could be important to people.


My Jedi Knight and T7 spent the bulk of the vanilla game as partners. At the start of Chapter 3, we're reunited. But he's not allowed to fight by my side (except for a few minutes of Chapter 7). I would have enjoyed having T7 fight with me to escape the prison.


Heck, this could have fed into the beginning of Chapter 4. HK-55 is your companion instead of Lana or Koth because of his droid sensors finding the Gravestone. Imagine if one could choose HK-55 OR T7. They're both droids, right?


Or how about at the start of Chapter 11? Theron has introduced me to Jorgan. And then vanishes. Where does he go? Why not have Theron fight by my side, with Jorgan as an AI-driven companion.


Now, just in case you misunderstand my point here, I'm NOT asking for changes to KotFE or KotET. I'm merely giving examples about how one could give more choice for the player without having to record a million more lines of dialogue, or re-writing the story.


And it is my hope that in future content, more choice is given the player in terms of which companion they would like to experience the story with.

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I've realized this is actually the primary reason I don't do some of my favorite chapters on hard mode--I want to bring the companion I actually like, not the required companion.


I wish they would change that detail, so that at least I can bring the companion I want during combat!


Anyway, yes, I support this post 100%.

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