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I'm sure this topic has come up many times, but I'd still love show my support of it. Nautolans: An amphibious species made popular by Kit Fisto and currently modeled in the game, capable of wearing any gear set that current races can, but not currently playable. It'd be great to see that change, since we could probably use a few new races. I mean if we can have blindfolded humans (Miraluka) then we certainly can have Nautolans, a far more popular choice I might add. They're already able to do anything that current models can so all that's needed is the ten minute process of adding them to the playable roster: It's that easy.


Add any opinions on races you'd like to see, and any support if you agree that Nautolans would be fun to see in the game. Possibly even involved in an undersea expansion or campaign.

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I'm sure this topic has come up many times, but I'd still love show my support of it. Nautolans: An amphibious species made popular by Kit Fisto and currently modeled in the game, capable of wearing any gear set that current races can, but not currently playable. It'd be great to see that change, since we could probably use a few new races. I mean if we can have blindfolded humans (Miraluka) then we certainly can have Nautolans, a far more popular choice I might add. They're already able to do anything that current models can so all that's needed is the ten minute process of adding them to the playable roster: It's that easy.


Add any opinions on races you'd like to see, and any support if you agree that Nautolans would be fun to see in the game. Possibly even involved in an undersea expansion or campaign.

Edited by Azterion
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I'm sure this topic has come up many times, but I'd still love show my support of it. Nautolans: An amphibious species made popular by Kit Fisto and currently modeled in the game, capable of wearing any gear set that current races can, but not currently playable. It'd be great to see that change, since we could probably use a few new races. I mean if we can have blindfolded humans (Miraluka) then we certainly can have Nautolans, a far more popular choice I might add. They're already able to do anything that current models can so all that's needed is the ten minute process of adding them to the playable roster: It's that easy.


Add any opinions on races you'd like to see, and any support if you agree that Nautolans would be fun to see in the game. Possibly even involved in an undersea expansion or campaign.


Notice anything familiar about this post? It's not the OP for this thread! It's the op of a thread you made six hours before this one with the same title and same copypasta speech.


Keep this up and you'll get reported. Your pet issue is not worth two identical threads.

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Notice anything familiar about this post? It's not the OP for this thread! It's the op of a thread you made six hours before this one with the same title and same copypasta speech.


Keep this up and you'll get reported. Your pet issue is not worth two identical threads.


The servers were down earlier, so I thought the post never made it up: That being said, your reaction is both toxic and childish. Go report yourself for being petty and off topic. "Keep this up"? Quit pretending you're important.

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So is this a thread to support Nautolans coming to the game or the two of you trying to start a small forum fire for no reason?

you want to get back to the point, yes?


There is a thread from last month that you should check out and you should of used the search feature first:



That thread is about nautolans.

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So is this a thread to support Nautolans coming to the game or the two of you trying to start a small forum fire for no reason?

you want to get back to the point, yes?


There is a thread from last month that you should check out and you should of used the search feature first:



That thread is about nautolans.



Despite grumpy's incessant complaining, my thread is still very much in support of Nautolans being playable. And no, I don't use the search engine because it always pays to have more than one thread supporting an idea, and I'm used to WoW forums where ideas are routinely taken down in the mad scramble of threads being started. That being said, despite grumpy's inability to understand this, my second thread was a genuine accident because I thought the servers being down prevented it from being posted.

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All good suggestions, man. Not sure why they haven't done it yet, because literally ALL those models are in the game


Nautolans I can see them adding. Just not the other two. When it comes to playable species, they follow these guidlines as it's easier to implement and doesn't require things like animation changes in cut scenes, romance changes or dialogue changes.



  1. Must speak Basic
  2. Must work within existing cutscenes
  3. Must work with existing armor sets
  4. Must work with existing romances



For #2 this means no Jawa or Wookie for example as they wouldn't fix the camera due to being too short / too tall and they don't speak basic. For #4 that means their face must be human like in appearance. Neither Rodian or Kel Dor have this.

Edited by Nightblazer
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Nautolans I can see them adding. Just not the other two. When it comes to playable species, they follow these guidlines as it's easier to implement and doesn't require things like animation changes in cut scenes, romance changes or dialogue changes.



  1. Must speak Basic
  2. Must work within existing cutscenes
  3. Must work with existing armor sets
  4. Must work with existing romances



For #2 this means no Jawa or Wookie for example as they wouldn't fix the camera due to being too short / too tall and they don't speak basic. For #4 that means their face must be human like in appearance. Neither Rodian or Kel Dor have this.


There's no rule book on what races can be used in Star Wars...Most of the races do speak basic, and even the ones who don't can easily be subtitled with the appropriate gibberish language audio laced over it. They can be placed in any cutscene quite easily, as the current races can be augmented from very small and frail, to large, towering individuals. As for the gear, those other threads you read were wrong because they don't understand how 3D modeling and textures/skins work: The gear can be applied to any form in the game, even serpentine, it just might look funny on the less humanoid ones and require modification for future models, which is how WoW has been doing it for 14 years. Naga for example can wear any gear that a Human, Orc, or Gnome can wear - all very distinct shapes and forms - this game's engine is the same in that regard. They don't reformat every single suit to fit every new race that comes to the game: whoever told you that is just ignorant. I have friends who make models like this for fun on the side, believe me, it's not that hard.


As for the Romance, add new stories for them. They don't need romance in all the previous chapters, and the game already has platonic companion dialog.


You're basically implying that they shouldn't have to do any work. It kinda defeats the purpose of an MMO when you don't evolve the story or visuals. It's well past time we got some new races.

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Things change. What good is an MMO that doesn't evolve? Besides, most races do work for it and speak basic.


Because they will not put in the time and resources to redo every single conversation from the day one, re-record every single line in order for it to make sense as well as go back through every armor and weapon to make them work with different types of body.


That is why companions such as Khem Val for example have pre-fixed templates for the companion customization. All existing playable species are essentially a skin of the base human model and as such to ensure it works as is each new playable species they add would be a mirror of that.


As such no wookie, yoda species, kel dor, etc playable species. Speaking basic isn't just the main make or break feature. The existing cut scenes, lines of dialogue, romance options, It would require far too many resources that they don't have to redo everything, make kissing in the romance make sense and work correctly and adjust.


This is just being realistic with what to expect, how they do things when it comes to adding new species to play as in the game. So it's more then likely not going to change given the current template they follow, resources and design of the game and is not a sandbox like SWG.


Also just to give you basic idea, the base game itself when it first launched had over 200,000 lines of recorded dialogue.

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Because they will not put in the time and resources to redo every single conversation from the day one, re-record every single line in order for it to make sense as well as go back through every armor and weapon to make them work with different types of body.


You seem to be under a mistaken impression when it comes to the technical side of how this works. Each species in the game uses the exact same voice and conversation files, so they don't need to redo anything. Did you really think that they record a new convo for each race??? As for races that don't speak basic, they don't need anything more than the voice files they already use in game for npcs that don't speak basic. Even if Bio did have to put resources in, what do you think we're paying for?? I have never understood why some make excuses for the companies that we're paying for a service. It's like all those people formulating justifications for all the blunders in The Last Jedi, and doing the work of the writers for them.


That is why companions such as Khem Val for example have pre-fixed templates for the companion customization. All existing playable species are essentially a skin of the base human model and as such to ensure it works as is each new playable species they add would be a mirror of that.


As such no wookie, yoda species, kel dor, etc playable species. Speaking basic isn't just the main make or break feature. The existing cut scenes, lines of dialogue, romance options, It would require far too many resources that they don't have to redo everything, make kissing in the romance make sense and work correctly and adjust.


This is just being realistic with what to expect, how they do things when it comes to adding new species to play as in the game. So it's more then likely not going to change given the current template they follow, resources and design of the game and is not a sandbox like SWG.


Also just to give you basic idea, the base game itself when it first launched had over 200,000 lines of recorded dialogue.


Like I said already, they don't need romance options right away. There are platonic versions of the dialog between characters. For example a female Sith Inquisitor doesn't have the same conversations or romance options with Ahsara, that the male one has. She has a platonic one that can be translated to any race that might be added, aka: Wookies. Taking out the odd line or two isn't difficult, and most of the content revolving around romance for these races can be added in further expansions. Besides, someone seeking to play a Wookie generally isn't seeking romantic Wookie-sex....at least not most of them.... As for the camera adjustments, those are easy and they already do it with all the races and sizes. The models are preprogrammed to look up at targets that are taller than them, or look down at someone shorter than them. The camera is already placed on the face of your character, regardless of the height, so it doesn't require any extra work.


The point of suggestion forums isn't to make excuses for the devs, it's to express our ideas and what we'd like to see.

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