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The Third-Faction Compromise


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The Third Faction Compromise (feel free to add to it if you have any ideas about improvements):


I’ve brought up my idea in other threads, but given that it can be difficult for people to find individual posts among the multitude, I thought I’d make a dedicated thread instead – especially for anyone who has the ear of developers or if developers swing by on occasion.


My idea is that the current Alliance should remain as is and become a dedicated smaller and sovereign faction for player-characters who do not wish to return to either the Republic or Empire. This third-faction is to help stem the potential loss of subscribers (and improve BioWare’s dwindling income) by offering a compromise solution to upcoming content.


Effectively, Odessen is enlarged to become a land-based ‘fleet’ with all the ‘bells and whistles’ and functionality of the current Republic and Imperial Fleets. The Alliance Commander would have the opportunity to either formally ally the Alliance with the Republic or Empire, or alternatively give conditional support to either faction depending on whether the mission aligns with the principles, morals and goals of the Alliance Commander – in this regard the Alliance remains a true neutral force, whether lawful/chaotic/etc.


The improvements to Odessen would be as follows:


- Unique player housing accessible from the Odessen base.

- Shuttles that enable Alliance players to commute to either Imperial or Republic fleets.

- More merchants, expanded bank and galactic trade area, and class trainers.

- Also, a new diplomatic area where envoys from the Republic and Empire are available as mission and quest givers, or as a staging point where the Commander is sent onto either Imperial or Republic space for missions.


The only real new content would be unique player housing – everything else already exists or will exist in-game and can be recycled into an expanded Odessen base.


Feel free to add additional and considered ideas. I'd appreciate that this thread is not derailed or dismissed - my idea I believe is workable and would be a win/win for both the community and BioWare's bottom line.

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That's very good, whether the Devs would do this is another question.


I mean, what do we really know about the new storyline? That you ask Lana, or Theron to contact either the Empire of Republic. Maybe I missed it, or didn't understand but did anyone say the Alliance was done, like, total history, like give any definite answer to the Alliance's future?

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I mean, what do we really know about the new storyline? That you ask Lana, or Theron to contact either the Empire of Republic. Maybe I missed it, or didn't understand but did anyone say the Alliance was done, like, total history, like give any definite answer to the Alliance's future?

That's the problem, we don't know for sure anything about the fate of the Alliance.

There are people who want nothing to do with it anymore, and want nothing but go back to the exact place their character was before KOTFE, and i've seen at least some of these people actively campaining for the new storyline to end the Alliance for good even if it means that the people who like will just loose everything they liked (some of them seem to be ok with the compromise that's being discussed here though, and i thank them for that).


But, there are also other people who are not particularly happy with the return to EvsR and could accept it if they're sure they'll be able to keep their Alliance as the 3rd smaller neutral faction it currently is.


I think this compromise would really be the best option for everyone, it would probably let people who want to go home to do so, while letting people who want to stay neutral do so, and even let people who want to openly change their alliegance so as well.

Edited by Goreshaga
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Read at your own peril.


Note General points will be in main text and spoilers will be more descriptive or further analyze an issue or problem, totally optional, don't need to read to get general points,


I dont have any objection really to a 3rd faction but there are really some massive continuity issue that make the "Alliance" not really all that viable for a choice. - Now do not mistake the tenor on my post, I know it will seem adversarial, but it is more about addressing massive plot holes and legitimacy factors that are rather problematic in the coming storylines directions. I make joke in the manner in which I describe it, but, I don't see there not being some very real reasons why this doesn't work all that well. No matter how it seems, if these 'massive plot holes and legitimacy factors' can be addressed in the coming storyline while allowing the character to make massively different decisions that would undoubtedly effect the state of the Galaxy as whole and therefore those contingencies must be considered, if it can be made to plug up those holes, I hope they do make The Zakuul Empire available to the players, But even in the event that doesn't seem likely, I am still not opposed to a 3rd faction in theory, just perhaps some other basis for a third faction that could work in the storyline even if its a completely new 3rd faction.


Issue #1 - There is no more Alliance, and player cannot decide for the soldiers whether or not they still have loyalty to their home faction that they came to fight for and the Alliance isn't an Alliance anymore between the two factions who will be at war again - .The Commander has no soliders of his own once those soliders go home, and commander shouldn't be able to say all those soldiers dont want to go home and just because I want hate and ally with this faction or another, that doesn't mean that's how they feel too -

Namely, an Alliance needs two seperate soverngn enttiles to come into an agreement with each other for some specfic reasons. Now, there is no longer two seperate sovergn entities working together me and most certainly will not be once to tell one of them you will side with them to destroy the other.


Those soldiers from the Republic and the Empire, are not your soliders. They came to free their home factions from the rule of the Eternal Empire which has now been defeated. While you are free to make up any reason why you for no reason really deciede you know hate your home faction whom you presumably cared a little about because you were kinda placing yourself in a little bit of danger fighting against an opprosser who was subjgugating your home faction whom for some reason you still wanted to free from it, even though for no good reason you hate its guts and want nothing to do with it any more heh


So like, yeah, these soldiers, they have no reason whatsoever to, like the player, come to hate their home factions for not one eartjly reason whatsoever. Now that's okay with the player because, ya know, your playing them, but that doesn't mean that you get to deciide for all these solders who came and fought and risked thier lives to free their home factions from the very same people you now want to rule with no lawful precident to do whatsoever, the reasons why they too hate their home factions for no reason and never want to see their families, their homes, their friends, their pets, that chick at the end of the block who gave you your first <bleep> and than didn't complain that you didn't warn her in time, and every other friggen thing that they ever knew.


But lets just pretend for a second they decided to stick around for a while after, to help you for no justifiable reason whatsoever to take over and the leader of the people whom they just were killing 5 minutes ago and would have been happy to have erased them from all known existance like most people feel when they are at war and than win about the people they just friggen beat. Those Zakuulains who's Empire, who ruled the entire galaxy and was as prosperous a culture as ever existed, you and the commander just demolished and killed it's former 5 Emperors in the last week and half, for some unknown, unfathomable reason, dont hate your guts and are fine with some stranger whom they were calling the "Outlander" 15 minutes ago, want to be their soverign ruler and they are loyal to this idiot.


Ok, so the soliders will stick around for a while to prop up your newly declared empire of....you really should be starting to think up a name for it, because you call it an alliance anymore, because its over and the two groups that were in that alliance before ended are now going to be in open war with each other again and most allainces I have seen usually don't have as part of the alliances goals the total systematic destruction in mass of the other ally they are in Alliance with [it does kinda defeat the purpose of calling it an alliance] so, after you come with some other name to call your...whatever it, your '3rd faction, they are gonna stick around for a little to help you prop up this facade of a 3rd faction because in total it now has the military strength of a unit of the salvation Army's poorest and most understaffed unit ever, because you have like 3 ships and 5 blaster rifles left with only enough ammo to use two of them and two of those ships are taxi cab ships that don't even have weapons on them. Which, really, is awefully nice of these soldiers.


Okay, so we're cooking here now, so now that they are helping you to look like your 3rd faction could pose a threat to ohh, I don't know, an Old age home, now you want to turn them and say = "Hey guys, thanks for sticking around for while so that the Zakuulians we just destroyed and whom we now are not giving the choice to have any governmental representation to anyone who evereven spent more than a month among them while not killing them so they dont realize they could take back their Empire from us with nothing more than the amount of people necessary to man a garbage truck for pick ups on garbage day, while I appreciate that a whole I kinda need you to do one more thing for me before you go home, unless I make you stay by threatening your lives, I've decieded it would be best for my new empire who doesnt even have a name for itself yet that it ally with the Republic and to help it to destroy the Empire. Now, I know half of you are from the Empire and that you came here to kill all of these people who think that I have any way of enforcing my claim to their Empire to free the Empire from its rule, I'm really going to have to insist that you help your enemy faction, destroy your homes, your people, your families, you pets, your culure, and that ***** at the end of the block that sexed u up some nicely, and everything you ever knew. - I hope you don't mind, than I promise after that you can go ho...umm....wait a sec....you can go....umm....well, I guess you're welcome to stay if you like, providing you don't kill me right this very second, for telling you i am insisting that you help the enemies of your home faction to destroy your home faction whom you have absolutely no reason, whatsoever to hate, let alone seek to help it's enemies destroy it. Thank's Guys, I appreciate the assit."



Okay now, even those of you who are totally into the whole you play Emperor of Zakuul thing and hate your own peoples, which I totally support being an option if you are so inclined, is there even one of you, that thinks that above mentioned storyline that is being proposed, makes even the slightest bit sense and that even with artistic licsene doesn't think that doesn't sound like the stupidest possible scenario that virtually by the Laws of Phyics itself all but ensures it's implausibility? heh :eek:


Okay, just so we're clear here. I have no objection to a 3rd faction. I just don't understand how that could work, when I as the Alliance Commander want abosultely nothing whatsoever to do with the Zakuulians other than, kill half of the immediately, destroy Zakuul and Oddesson and turn them into asteroid fields, annex all former territory of the former Eternal Empire which no longer exists because I destroyed it, and than uses the other half of the Zakullian people as force labor to serve the Empire in whatever the hell way I tell them too and anyone who doesn't do that will join the half of the Zakullian people I had killed out of hand immediately upon it losing the war.


Additionally, because the idea of any 3rd faction would be the player having a choice of all three, that means, that you have to still include Zakuul in the story ruled by someone who isn't/wasn't the Commander, because some dedcided not to hate their home faction for no earthly reason and remained loyal to the home faction, so who the hell is the leader of Zakuul than?


But why can't that happen if the player chooses to actually be that stupid, except for the fact that they would only do that so that they themselves could play Emperor. Okay, thats fine too, that's your choice. But it's not the only choice, and it is not the choice all players would choose. So we must take into consideration for the storyline people would make some very big different choices. Here's why that won't work in my story and presumably many others -




There is no way, I or any other sovergn entity would after defeating an enemy in war would just hand back full control to the poeple who were just warring me and let them rebuild. That's why their are occupations forces left in former theaters of War wherein the beligerent party resides. They don't let them rule themselves and they certainly don't let them have any military reactionaries of any kind. In this cases that country has no military at all. And also why the occupying powers first thing take control of the food supply so that the conquored people entirely dependent on the occupying force for their very day to day survival. So Zakuul can't exist independently. And if they idea is that that is why it would ally with one faction that is also the same exact reason why the other faction would immediately attack it again because it has no military if it's own to defend itself and therefore couldnt help the other faction militarily, it would be the other faction helping Zakuul to survive when I immediately attack it to take it out of the picture.



There are also some problems as to how independnce of the Zakuul Empire could realistically be achieved in the context of the story and what is to come.


It has no military of it's own, it has no ships, it couldn't attack an asteroid belt let alone something that might actually shoot back at them. If a 3rd faction is to exist is there anyone who would want to play in a faction that cannot even defend itself? It has no standing, no one would have any reason to deal with it other than to totally exploit it which wouldn't endear it's people to them.


I'm not trying to place blocks in the road here, I'm saying straight up even I think it should be a choice, I simply don't see how it could be something under the conditions of the storyline wherein a player is given a choice to be in it or go home, that that faction could exist independently at all. It has no teeth. Here's some examples of said issue


Issue - Independence without power.



There isn't one country in the entire world that doesn't have a military that is not currently being occupied by a foreign military force that is in control of that country which means it has no sovereignty because it cannot not it cannot back up and claim to sovereignty and thus no one will recognize its sovereignty.


It isn't enough to simply declare sovereignty. That taliban tried that, it was ruled a criminal organization and thus no sovergn country in the world recognized its right to exist and rule afghanistan. And not surprisingly, it didn't last for long.


There is one mandatory element to any person wishing to support a claim of rulership [whether a president, a shah, a King or Queen, or even an Emperor or dictator. The people whom the claim is made on [the citizen] must recognize that individual as being the leader of their nation.


You don't have to like a leader, or want them, for them to be the leader, but as long as that person is recognized by the overwhelming majority of the citizenry as the legitimate ruler, that person is in charge even if the office was obtained by unlawful means. Dictators don't ask if any one would mind if he assumed complete and total autocratic rule. Fear is just as legitmate reason for people to recognize someone's claim to ruler ship as any other. Fear makes those people not oppose his rule, and if the people arent opposing his rule, it doesn't matter what they think of him or how he came to rule. The people must recognize him as such.



The Zakullians hate your guts. You just destroyed their Empire which was the most powerful Empire ever known to exist and was in control of the Entire galaxy. You also just killed it's last 5 Emperors in what apparently is a 2 week stretch of time, no mean feat.


You are a foreign invader. You destroyed many of it's worlds, there is probably scarcely 9 people of whom's relatives you didn't kill. So now the dude or dudess whom they were still calling "Outlander" up until about 15 minutes ago and subjugated them, this is someone you think they want and wouldn't try to kill the very first semi-reasonable chance they get??


If that 3rd faction takes a side of one faction over the other, no we have some more problems that we need to address based on players choice of loyalties and where they will be living. For example -

I don't have a problem with a 3rd Faction, but if that 3rd faction poses a threat in any way, to my faction, i am going to seek to destroy it. But, even more so, there is no way that after the events of the Eternal Empire story line which took the Eternal Empire out of existence as it's enemy that the people of that former Empire, would be allowed autonomy and a military of any strength what soever.


So the storyline must figure out a way to allow for a circumstance wherein either the player themself is taking the rulership of the Former Eternal Empire, or some NPC does and come up with a reason that both the Empire and The Republic would allow it to rise to be any power whatsoever or have any military stregnth of its own.





So is there any way than we could have this 3rd faction exist wherein it can sort of close enough of the humongous pIot holes that are created by very radically different players choices and points if view? I can only think of one - In my opinion that is total and honest neutrality on it's part. Why do I think it could only as a purely nuetral faction? It seems to me to be the only true chance it could have in it;s early stages of development because it cannot back any stance or move it makes with any threat of force to any other power and everyone knows it. Certainly, I would imagine the player character themselves would know that better than anyone.


Neutrality Option -



I will say this in furtherance of how that could be accomplished within the current and coming storyline, The Zakuul Empire can exist realistically only if it is a neutral faction because it cannot support any claim to influence either of the other two factions that was not in the best interest of the other two factions at the same time. On its own, The Zakuul Empire cannot defend itself, nor influence with any authority or position of power outside its boarders. I am not going to lead, and I am not going to let it have autonomy or a military, no faction that was just at War with it and had been subjugated by it would.


Some might say but if it allies with one of the other two factions that it could survive. Well, in thoery yes that's true, the only thing is, the very second, it declares for one faction or another, it will have immediately and irrevocably signed it's death warrant because the second to does declare it will immediately be attacked by the other faction with priority because it is still weak and because it could be blockaded and if it is that means it can't survive without contact from the allied party.


If the Empire and the Republic are at War with one another, if one of those factions were allied with the Zakuul Empire and had to help defend it, that would be mean it's putting itself into a two front war. It would have to expend an amount of military strength and resources to defend the ally while the other faction could use it's entire military strength against one target at a time.


Countries fighting two front wars, very seldom win wars against countries only fight on one front.

That the Zakuulian Empire has no military of it's own at all would mean that in order for the Republic as it's ally to protect the Zakuulain Empire space from the Empire, that they would have to lend to it a sufficient amount of military force to hold back the entirety of the Empires military strength, which means it could defend Republic space were that to come under attack either by the Empire or an ally the Empire might entreat to have now that the Republic has Zakuul as an ally.




Zakuul has no power.Zakuul and it's Emperor would be foolish to maintain any other posture other than Neutrality. It has no military. If it was smart, and really wanted to survive it would remain neutral while the Empire and the Republic wared with each other, thereby losing militaty stregnth in that conflict while buying itself time to recover and build up its ability to stand on it's own in the meantime. The ruler of Zakuul would really have no choice but to break all ties with it's former faction lest be labeled as nothing short of a satellite state, which is essentially a 5th column scenario.


If all of these contingencies can be addressed without denying players their right to make these massive galaxy wide effecting decisions, I totally support this option for a 3rd faction.


Personally, I see as a more viable 3rd faction something along the lines of a Hutt Cartel, a criminal organization like the Black Sun, or the Mandalorians. Those ideas would allow players to interact and go between both factions, make sense, and allow it true independence as a perfectly viable and self sustaining 3rd faction.


Anyway you cut it, there are some players who are desirous of a 3rd faction and therefore some very real consideration of the possibilities would be prudent for their sake.

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I'm kind of hoping that with a new storyline away from wildspace and back in the core and seat of the empire once more, a new base would be setup to stage attacks from, but it isn't an alliance base, it is a factional base and you are just another pawn on the board until your betters want you out there for a mission. :p


Odessen base turns into a stronghold after the Nathaman conspiracy and confirmation that you accept you can't go back and the storyline will assume you finished everything behind you (recent livestream mentioned this anyway) and you can do what you like with it. a free stronghold on a seperate map of Odessen and areas that you could see but not access can be accessed now, albiet behind one time paywalls.

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i've seen at least some of these people actively campaining for the new storyline to end the Alliance for good even if it means that the people who like will just loose everything they liked.


Those people are ******es then. It only makes sense to keep the alliance, for those that don't want to return home to either goliath faction. Specifically because Bio would need some other way to explain all of our companions if they didn't keep the alliance. I don't think our ships at the moment could house all of them, they were crowded as they were when we had 8 and tbh, imagine 8 people all living together on those ships for years? :D


Maybe I'm a little too optimistic, but I'm choosing to have faith that Charles won't do those people dirty, that like the alliance with how open ended the story was left.

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@ WayOfTheWarriorx

Sorry, can't really remember where i saw that part about Zakuul in your post.

If you choose to go the pacekeeper road at the end of KOTFE, at the end of Nathema you receive a mail from a guy named Axion (iirc) who tells you that the zakuulians mostly disapprove of what Vinn did and that they are forming their own government (which is exactly what you advise them to do during you galaxywide podcast at the end of KOTFE), he adds that for now they want to be on their own but hope that one day, they may become allies of the Alliance and keep good relationships with it (sorry i don't have his mail before my eyes, so i only go by memories here.)


Clearly Zakuuls reaction to you varies greatly (which is pretty logical) depending on wether you always tried to limit civilian casualties or if you just want to slaughter as many of them as possible.

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I absolutely agree with this idea and find it a solid solution to please all the players. Because the portion of the playerbase that wants to return to their original faction gets what they want and the portion od the playerbase that wants to keep the Alliance get what they want.


The only point of concern is whether Bioware would have the resources to do this. But even if it would cost them more resources than they would like to spend I believe the solution the OP is proposing is worthwhile to execute, because it gives all the players something they'd like.

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I mean, what do we really know about the new storyline? That you ask Lana, or Theron to contact either the Empire of Republic. Maybe I missed it, or didn't understand but did anyone say the Alliance was done, like, total history, like give any definite answer to the Alliance's future?


That's another thing, just because the Fleet may be destroyed, doesn't mean everything else is as far as ground and some other space forces. Also, so many different Worlds put so much investment to have a peace between both the Empire and the Republic, that i doubt most would really want to go back to their faction because we had such a great peace, then to go back to war, is like knifing your brother or sister in the back.


Only the people that hated the Alliance in the first place would be so eager to go back to war.

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Suppose we got an Odessen SH and nothing else, would that be enough for you?


I like collecting SHs, but I don't really get what they have to do with the story. It's not as if the Umbaran SH encouraged me to play that FP ever again, it's just the design [and it's a laggy mess, so not a very good design].


Personally, I prefer SHs to be on planets that we normally have to travel to by ship, like NS and Rishi. The alliance base effectively is our SH, we just don't get a say in decorating it. If anything, what I would like is elements of the Odessen base added to existing SHs. I want comps that lounge around, I want flavor text from NPCs grousing (that Private Shore is a piece of work...good shot though.) and I want vendors who aren't ugly droids or women in funny hats.

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My idea is that the current Alliance should remain as is and become a dedicated smaller and sovereign faction for player-characters who do not wish to return to either the Republic or Empire. This third-faction is to help stem the potential loss of subscribers (and improve BioWare’s dwindling income) by offering a compromise solution to upcoming content.


Sounds good to me.

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Suppose we got an Odessen SH and nothing else, would that be enough for you?

I can only speak for myself, but nope, not for me.


I don't care about getting an Odessen SH (and i'd really love to have at least some private quarters there that i can decorate the way i want) if i have no Alliance left to put in that Odessen base.

As much as i would clearly not care about any new storyline, no matter how good it may be, if my main character is forced back into being a Jedi Master while it would make absolutely no sense for her to do so.

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I really like the OP's ideas and think it would be a viable compromise.


There are numerous 'third factions' in the game, like the Chiss Ascendancy (Imperial) and Gree (Republic, in the planetary quest on Coruscant) that are allied with one faction or the other, but aren't absorbed into them, and the faction does have to treat them separately. There are also places like Voss or the Hutt Cartel that rule over planets, both sides are currying favor and neither has taken over. Thus the Alliance wouldn't be an anomaly within the established galaxy.


As to an Odessen stronghold, I'd love one, but not if there's no reason for my character to be on Odessen. It would break my heart if the stronghold were just the empty base. That broken throne room is awful and I wouldn't want any more of that. I'd rather have that remain as my PC's base of operations, with whatever power base they keep.


And dailies? Yes, please. There's all that wilderness out there we only get to see briefly during a few chapters.

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A third faction is actually just an illusion in most MMOs. As long as a faction is NPC driven, or contived by story ... it's simply illusion.


The only MMO that I believe designed and deployed a three faction approach to game play is Mythic with DAoC. And even in the case of DAoC... on most servers it was two faction with the third faction always an underdog of "redheaded step child" proportions. But it remained true 3 faction mechanics because to create a character you 1) picked a faction. 2) picked a character class. 3) played the character within the faction chosen. There were no faction changes allowed, no race or class changes allowed, you lived with the results of your initial choices forever.

Edited by Andryah
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Suppose we got an Odessen SH and nothing else, would that be enough for you?


No, because ultimately we are still being forced to return to either the Republic or the Empire.


What about an Odessen daily area and rep?


A great idea, but I think for the moment it should be small steps. Let's ask for a third-faction and if the Devs decide to do that, then they may feel inspired to create reputation for the Alliance via dailies. I really don't know what their resources are so I'm trying to propose a compromise that wouldn't be too resource-intensive for BioWare.

Edited by AureliaSulis
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Personally I would like to have my BH characters joining Mandalore the Avenger and help her reconquer the Mandalorian home worlds. No more working for the Sith Empire or Galactic Republic, no more Alliance , just follow "my" true leader and regain "my" identity as a Mandalorian, accompanied by Mako, Akaavi Spar and whoever wants to stay by my side.
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Personally I would like to have my BH characters joining Mandalore the Avenger and help her reconquer the Mandalorian home worlds. No more working for the Sith Empire or Galactic Republic, no more Alliance , just follow "my" true leader and regain "my" identity as a Mandalorian, accompanied by Mako, Akaavi Spar and whoever wants to stay by my side.


A future "Mandalorian arc" would be ****** tbh, though, I don't know whether they would be able to reconquer the Mandalorian homeworlds. I don't know enough about the SW lore, not to mention there would be at least two other factions in the arc and some players mightn't want to help the Mandalorians.


If the Mandalorians did become a third faction, everything would have to be left open like with the Republic and Empire.

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You know I thought about how Bioware/ EA is again forcing us to go in a direction that some of us dont want and others do. Regardless of how everyone feels we are all being taken advantage of by EA. We spend our hard earned money expecting to get a great story and fun things to play. But EA does not spend the money it takes to really have a great experience for the players of this game. They wont spend money like other MMO's do because they dont care. There are three or 4 really big MMO's and even some smaller ones that get expansions all the time and most of them are really good. We got a update called Nathema that was rushed , plot hole filled and didnt make much sense. EA is taking advantage of us because we love star wars. If they are not willing to put money in this game to make it a good experience why are we all paying them? Why do we constantly sub to get inferior expansions compared to other MMO's? I think we all need to make a statement so we are heard. Because they wont listen to our petitions for better expansions, for bugs to be fixed etc etc.The only way to get thru to them is in their pockets. I am tired of half arse expansions and bug fixes etc. Here we are worrying if they have enough money for a third faction.That is utterly ridiculous, if they cant afford to do stuff in this game it is because they ran off players by mismanagement of this game just like Warhammer. If they cant put money back into this to give us a top notch story and fun missions why Am i paying for it?
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You know I thought about how Bioware/ EA is again forcing us to go in a direction that some of us dont want and others do. Regardless of how everyone feels we are all being taken advantage of by EA. We spend our hard earned money expecting to get a great story and fun things to play. But EA does not spend the money it takes to really have a great experience for the players of this game. They wont spend money like other MMO's do because they dont care. There are three or 4 really big MMO's and even some smaller ones that get expansions all the time and most of them are really good. We got a update called Nathema that was rushed , plot hole filled and didnt make much sense. EA is taking advantage of us because we love star wars. If they are not willing to put money in this game to make it a good experience why are we all paying them? Why do we constantly sub to get inferior expansions compared to other MMO's? I think we all need to make a statement so we are heard. Because they wont listen to our petitions for better expansions, for bugs to be fixed etc etc.The only way to get thru to them is in their pockets. I am tired of half arse expansions and bug fixes etc. Here we are worrying if they have enough money for a third faction.That is utterly ridiculous, if they cant afford to do stuff in this game it is because they ran off players by mismanagement of this game just like Warhammer. If they cant put money back into this to give us a top notch story and fun missions why Am i paying for it?


If you're insinuating people do, what I think you're trying to say ;) then, no. You (general you) should continue to pay, to support the game because we very likely won't ever get another SW MMO. I'd be surprise if we see any new MMOs period. WoW might still be going, but even that isn't doing as well, even WoW has started to go F2P, a more *******r version of F2P than TOR but F2P nonetheless.


You should only unsub from this, if you truly hate the game, but not if you're expecting something better because that just leads to bitter disappointment

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If you're insinuating people do, what I think you're trying to say ;) then, no. You (general you) should continue to pay, to support the game because we very likely won't ever get another SW MMO. I'd be surprise if we see any new MMOs period. WoW might still be going, but even that isn't doing as well, even WoW has started to go F2P, a more *******r version of F2P than TOR but F2P nonetheless.


You should only unsub from this, if you truly hate the game, but not if you're expecting something better because that just leads to bitter disappointment


makes no difference if you unsub, sub or stand at the top of the EA building wearing a pink tutu complete with a "shoot me" sign.


The terms of use are clear that you are only entitled to rent the service and play the game, that is all you are entitled to until it is withdrawn or you stop using the service, what EA does with the game is on them as they can change the game how they like without informing us if they so wished it, but the fact they have over the last 7 years means they are being stand up about it telling us up front what changes are being made, it means they are at least acknowledging they wish to do more.

Edited by Celise
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