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Plz let us Alliance members in Ossus and other 5.10 and 6.0 Content.


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In light of the Bad and Good News for us Star Wars players, I must as the Developer and Keith and Sir Eric Musco and and Beardman Boyd, to please please allow those of us who do not want to take part in this Republic vs. Empire mindlessness to be allowed some way to progress to Ossus and other content into the future, including 6.0.


I know the Devs can do this, i have faith in you all.


I do love Ossus, some of us knew it was, and want to give it a try.

Edited by MandFlurry
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While not the perfect choice I would have chosen you can play saboteur to our old factions if we want or you can remain loyal so at least we have that option. Not perfect but workable and also sounds interesting in light of :


I have at least 1-2 (right now) that will definitely be a saboteur to the empire p.

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But it makes no sense at all if you do not want to go work for the Republic or Empire in sabatageing(misspell) either side, when you don't want to have anything to do with either because they are just bloody corrupt as hell and just damned stupid. Edited by MandFlurry
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I'd imagine that the saboteur idea is a way to deal with people who wish to switch factions without having all the logistics of programming, but I am not happy with it either.


My Jedi, troopers and smuggler want to LEAVE the Republic. LEAVE. My Jedi do not want to be a Jedi anymore and they don't want to pose as Jedi. My others do not want anything to do with the Republic even as a double agent.


Not to mention that since my Republic characters are all DS-aligned they all killed Saresh and they have sided exclusively with the Empire, nobody would believe they'd come back anyway.


This also very neatly is going to erode your Alliance's trust in you. It was mentioned on Twitter that only you and Lana and the faction contact will know if you are a saboteur, so you've just become Theron 2.0 and you're going to be lying to almost everyone around you in the Alliance. NO, I'm sure nobody will leave over that. :rolleyes:

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I'd imagine that the saboteur idea is a way to deal with people who wish to switch factions without having all the logistics of programming, but I am not happy with it either.


My Jedi, troopers and smuggler want to LEAVE the Republic. LEAVE. My Jedi do not want to be a Jedi anymore and they don't want to pose as Jedi. My others do not want anything to do with the Republic even as a double agent.


Not to mention that since my Republic characters are all DS-aligned they all killed Saresh and they have sided exclusively with the Empire, nobody would believe they'd come back anyway.


This also very neatly is going to erode your Alliance's trust in you. It was mentioned on Twitter that only you and Lana and the faction contact will know if you are a saboteur, so you've just become Theron 2.0 and you're going to be lying to almost everyone around you in the Alliance. NO, I'm sure nobody will leave over that. :rolleyes:


Exactly, it's just bs really that makes no sense. I had Saresh killed on i think all characters i did this stuff on, including and Republiv players. Why?? Because she needec to be killed because she wanted a Stupid Republic vs. Empire War. I was trying to keep the peace, whereas Saresh was trying to do the opposite.


My Republic players went to the Imperial side for awhile because the stupid Republic over and over was trying to make war with even Theron's father getting into the feud. "While i did side with the Empire for Only that short time, i never made a choice to join their faction, as it was the Empire that was joining the Alliance". Big difference


Both the Jedi and Sith along with their factions are just self centered Egomaniacs,

Edited by MandFlurry
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I feel this is a good compromise. Is it perfect? Not to all. Is it exactly what every player wants? No. But you also have to ask yourself what's realistically feasible here. Try and consider all the technicalities involved in creating a true, full faction swap for players and the amount of extra work this would involve, and then think about the workforce and resources BW:Austin has at their disposal. Not to mention the number of bugs it may introduce and we all know how well they do at bug fixing.


This is a nice middle road that falls within the studio's capabilities, I'm happy enough we're even getting this much.

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I feel this is a good compromise. Is it perfect? Not to all. Is it exactly what every player wants? No. But you also have to ask yourself what's realistically feasible here. Try and consider all the technicalities involved in creating a true, full faction swap for players and the amount of extra work this would involve, and then think about the workforce and resources BW:Austin has at their disposal. Not to mention the number of bugs it may introduce and we all know how well they do at bug fixing.


This is a nice middle road that falls within the studio's capabilities, I'm happy enough we're even getting this much.


I just want the option to not have to go into Any faction, really, and be able to do things on Ossus and later on. I don't see that part as a big deal programming wise, sense we still don't have 5.10 implemented yet.

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Well the entire premise of the story going forward is the conflict, the best thing you can do is not play it. I don't see them making a third option for people who want to remain neutral or do their own thing.


This is really the only answer possible for this thread. No, they are not going to make a completely different story for people who want to play a third faction, the story going forward revolves around the conflict. Like how would they do that?


This thread - and OP - makes me lol.

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This is really the only answer possible for this thread. No, they are not going to make a completely different story for people who want to play a third faction, the story going forward revolves around the conflict. Like how would they do that?


This thread - and OP - makes me lol.


Obviously, since you have No idea of how to make a story, or even how to make things work together, I am very glad you do not work for BioWare or EA for that matter.

Edited by MandFlurry
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Obviously, since you have No idea of how to make a story, or even how to make things work together, I am very glad you do not work for BioWare or EA for that matter.


True, don't forget I'm not a lore expert like you, therefore my opinion is invalid.

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True, don't forget I'm not a lore expert like you, therefore my opinion is invalid.


Oh c'mon, i don't think people's opinion is invalid unless they attack someone personally. Sometimes i can get too steamed up about my own personal beliefs, but it isn't right when we get too personal.:cool:

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I just want the option to not have to go into Any faction, really, and be able to do things on Ossus and later on. I don't see that part as a big deal programming wise, sense we still don't have 5.10 implemented yet.

Your request still means an additional story, one catered to those remaining in the Alliance, will be required. It means additional cutscenes, additional NPCs (since those assigned to carry the Republic or Imperial part of the story wouldn't be interacting with you as an Alliance member), thus additional voice acting and so on. It's way more involved than simply writing "The Alliance, still recovering from the aftermath on Nathema, also seeks to claim Ossus". Maintaining three separate factions, thus three separate storylines going forward, per each expansion, just isn't feasible.


I get it, it sucks for you and others who enjoyed their Alliance but they had two options; stick with the whole Alliance deal from now on, or go back to Republic vs. the Empire. They chose the latter.

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I'd have preferred to stay in the Alliance. We all know that ship has sailed. Understood. I'm not planning on playing 6.0 at this time.


I just think that the loyalist/saboteur concept has enough holes in it to drive a truck through. And I do worry about the effect it will have on any Alliance ties someone would like to keep (ie, ones you might like or have upped the influence on) when you're essentially lying to everyone.


If they're going to force us back into a faction I'd have greatly preferred if they had approached it like Iokath, where you could full out say who you wanted to align with and get filtered to that storyline.

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Your request still means an additional story, one catered to those remaining in the Alliance, will be required. It means additional cutscenes, additional NPCs (since those assigned to carry the Republic or Imperial part of the story wouldn't be interacting with you as an Alliance member), thus additional voice acting and so on. It's way more involved than simply writing "The Alliance, still recovering from the aftermath on Nathema, also seeks to claim Ossus". Maintaining three separate factions, thus three separate storylines going forward, per each expansion, just isn't feasible.


I get it, it sucks for you and others who enjoyed their Alliance but they had two options; stick with the whole Alliance deal from now on, or go back to Republic vs. the Empire. They chose the latter.


Pretty much this, as much as it would be cool to have the option to remain neutral just for the sake of multiple player choices it just isn't feasible.

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IThis also very neatly is going to erode your Alliance's trust in you. It was mentioned on Twitter that only you and Lana and the faction contact will know if you are a saboteur, so you've just become Theron 2.0 and you're going to be lying to almost everyone around you in the Alliance. NO, I'm sure nobody will leave over that. :rolleyes:


Not sure how much stock I would take in twitter posts since Eric stated that Malora was everyone's 6 letter sith that begins with M. She's not my favorite.

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Not sure how much stock I would take in twitter posts since Eric stated that Malora was everyone's 6 letter sith that begins with M. She's not my favorite.


It came from Charles Boyd, though, and he's usually very truthful with his answers about story questions. If he can't say, he won't answer instead of making a joke. It would also make sense that you wouldn't share the fact that you're a double agent with a lot of people because it would get back to the faction.

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You never heard heard of the Knights of expansions? Because that's exactly what they did. And they enforced it.


Yes, and there is only one path. The Alliance, you can't go back to the Empire or Republic.

Edited by FlameYOL
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Yes, and there is only one path. The Alliance, you can't go back to the Empire or Republic.


But but but, as soon as you could you still know you had the option to re-do the Empire and Republic. Only thing is is that having the Alliance and having both factions makes more sense in the way that we have both factions working together, and not killing each other senselessly.

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I just really wish they'd taken the Iokath path where you could say, flat out, which side you want to work with. Having the characters who want to defect essentially lie to everyone they know and sneak around that way, instead of being straight up about the faction they want to support...it seems cowardly unless we're talking to the Imperial Agent who knows how to be a double agent.
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Exactly, it's just bs really that makes no sense. I had Saresh killed on i think all characters i did this stuff on, including and Republiv players. Why?? Because she needec to be killed because she wanted a Stupid Republic vs. Empire War. I was trying to keep the peace, whereas Saresh was trying to do the opposite.


My Republic players went to the Imperial side for awhile because the stupid Republic over and over was trying to make war with even Theron's father getting into the feud. "While i did side with the Empire for Only that short time, i never made a choice to join their faction, as it was the Empire that was joining the Alliance". Big difference


Both the Jedi and Sith along with their factions are just self centered Egomaniacs,


Most Sithlord's are. :cool:


When exactly was the Empire going to join the Alliance? Annex it's former territory to the Empire? Yeah, need the Alliance now that the Eternal Empire is defeated? No chance. Zakuul is in tatters, it is utterly defeated and it is in no position to go to War with the Eteranl Fleet now destroyed. The Salvation Army could defeat it in War.


Assuming the Alliance still exists going forward [Which I want no part of. I've never stopped being an Imperial, I never stopped being a Sithlord, the Jedi and the Republic never stopped being my enemy. I wasn't there because I wanted to be, I was there because I had no choice and was the only hope of Freeing the Empire from the Eternal Fleet, just as was the reason for Pubs. Alliances are inherently temporary and have very definative objectives. The War with the Eternal Empire is over which means the Allaice is over.


I don't give to craps about the Alliance, in my story I would disband the Alliuance, return to my home in the Empire having annexed all former Zakuul space into the Empire. Other than that Zakuul can burn for all I care, and would actually love to see.


All the Imperial and Republic soliders that joined the Alliance did so with the wish to see their faction free of the rule of the Eternal Empire, they risked thier lives and died for it. There is absolutely no reason why those soldiers wouldn't want to go home, back to what they had been fighting for.


That said, if in fact the Alliance does still exist going forward and with some players staying in Zakuul as it's Emperor, it would be stupid as hell not to give them access to Ossus and other 5.10-6.0 content. I firmly agree. But in my storyline the Alliance is over and I never wanted to be in it in the first place. I very much want to go home and do want to attack the Republic.


I wouldn't be concerned over it, I cannot imagine if they left the Alliance as an option that they would not allow them in Ossus and going forward in new content storyline. To each their own.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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But it makes no sense at all if you do not want to go work for the Republic or Empire in sabatageing(misspell) either side, when you don't want to have anything to do with either because they are just bloody corrupt as hell and just damned stupid.


They kind of hinted in the stream that in the future things may change and you could completely switch sides. I guess there would be nothing stopping them from adding a third faction (Alliance) in 6.0 (it’s not likely, but it’s an idea) after you’ve sabotaged one or the other sides.

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to please please allow those of us who do not want to take part in this Republic vs. Empire mindlessness to be allowed some way to progress to Ossus and other content into the future, including 6.0.




Don't play 5.10 and 6.0 and You'll remain neutral, and show that You don't care about their conflict. That's the only way :D

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Outlander's Alliance got wrecked by Zildrog. Gravestone is ded, eternal throne is ded, he doesn't have an army, he doesn't have a fleet, both Republic and Empire could wipe the remaining alliance out in one fell swoop if they wanted to. I don't see why either side should respect our Alliance anymore, our cards have been revealed and burned. It's unrealistic to think Alliance at this point has any notable power in this conflict. Apart from the demi-god immortal player that is. And both sides no doubt want revenge/justice for all possible caused faction deaths during the story.


It's better to pick one side than to be squished between both, that'd be suicidal.

Edited by Kiesu
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