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Moments of Cringe in Story So Far


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Having to listen Senya and Valkorion sing. Ew.

I had erased this from my mind, now it's back. This bit is beyond cringeworthy :mad:


On Iokath it was weird trying to figure out what to say about his dad.
speaking of Theron and his dad, cringe-worthy is any interaction between Theron and Jace Malcolm. Worst of all is Theron's "full-of-tears" voice when either Jace or Acina dies depending on your choice. Really Theron?


The PC not being able to express really any suspicions about what Valkorion was up to. Come on, the Jedi Knight, Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor at least would have been able to figure it out.

Agreed. The Inquisitor is an expert on head-ghosts and depending on your class choices still has one in her/his head; Horak-Mul decided to stay as he thought is would be better than his tomb on Hoth. I'd have thought he would have taken issue with Valkorian moving in!


More I thought of:


Any aspect of the game in which the player character could not make any useful choice and/or was forced to say things that he/she would never have said based on how to created your character during the class story.


Everyone's original crew being revealed as completely disloyal and useless from the start of kotfe. Yes there are some class crew members who would have left and done other things (and good riddance) but none of the LIs from the original class story would rest until they found you or were part of the Lana crew to break you out of carbonite. All the LIs could have easily replaced Koth.


Koth most unsatisfying death. A betrayer of that magnitude should have have his guts decorating the room when I finished with him. At least a clean-up detail was required for Kaliyo.


During "Dream of An Empire" if you're an inquisitor when Valkorian says some rubbish about you being happy about Marr's death. What? That bit makes no sense and always makes me cringe.


Acina's voice. Awful.


Voices that don't match the NPC: Commander Ivan on Yavin 4 - complete fail voice and Tarro Blood in the BH class story. His voice is so wrong and can't space bar anything he says quickly enough.

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Acina's voice. Awful.


Her voice reaaally sounded to me like the Inquisitor's but like she was talking from the back of her throat. Completely different actress though. I like Acina a lot, from the Dread Seed onward (wish they'd have kept her original face, I don't know how she aged 25 years instead of the actual 5 years it would have been. Lana didn't age 25 years... But that said, I love the detail in her new face anyway)--if they had ever allowed all those teasing flirts to go anywhere she'd be my main squeeze but she rebuffs or ignores everything.


That's pretty cringe-worthy to me--all the flirt options that go nowhere.


I hate it when Doc does it, I would hate it when my PC is doing it--but then why don't they just NOT give flirt options if they're not going to do anything with it? Hundreds of other NPCs don't have any flirt options--just don't put them in there if you're going to make us feel stupid for using them.

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Thanks everyone for your comments.


I forgot to mention. The entire Chapter VII: The Dragon's Maw was cringeful when you think the entire galaxy is actually watching when Vaylin goes crazy, you threaten Zakuul and Arcann bows or gets killed.


Yes. That whole chapter was cringeworthy. I think it's chapter 6 actually, though. The puzzle part wasn't so bad, but all the speeches, Vaylin's voice at a 12 out of 10 in volume, Indo... seriously, ***? Devs had to have been smoking some Indo when they thought that dude up, Arcann bowing and his stupid llittle speech and your painfully long one after. Thank gawd for spacebar.

Edited by kodrac
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I didn't mind Acina's voice, but some of the battle comments they gave her were awful. "Feel my wrath?" Yeah, that's not awkward at all if you're playing as Sith Warrior. They are (or were) the Wrath. They'd prefer greatly that nobody in that jungle takes that suggestion.
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Yes. That whole chapter was cringeworthy. I think it's chapter 6 actually, though. The puzzle part wasn't so bad, but all the speeches, Vaylin's voice at a 12 out of 10 in volume, Indo... seriously, ***? Devs had to have been smoking some Indo when they thought that dude up, Arcann bowing and his stupid llittle speech and your painfully long one after. Thank gawd for spacebar.

Parts of Chapter 6: the Into the Dragons Maw were done well - the various puzzles and being in disguise for example. Indo Zal however: look up cringe in the dictionary and his face will be there. He was just awful. In fact, for me he is worse than Vette and I DETEST her. They better not bring him back (though I will accept Indo Zal's corpse). His worst moment is his attempt to speak to you in a whisper behind his hand. I let him die on purpose a few times in the bit where he has to survive just for the satisfaction and lack of kill option /evil.

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Something cringeworthy I just thought of was doing the Ziost daily yesterday, the one that has you scanning ashen remains of the people who got vaporized during Vitiate's world-eating.


There was a quest on pub Taris where you're assisting this couple who are 'corpse counters', checking the remains of all the people killed during Malak's attack 300 years before. Somehow from that quest BW got the idea that players would enjoy doing a quest where THEY got to be corpse counters too. And not just a one-time quest either, a daily.


So I was doing it yesterday as part of 2XP, just running around Ziost scanning burnt corpses and suddenly I stop and think '*** am I doing!?' Somehow it's a lot more freaky than doing a bonus where you have to kill 20 people.

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The Nathema Character Returns - All those Characters brought back for a few minutes and now they're all dead.


Arcann - I hate what you did to Arcann. He's been turned into this weird submissive character and we're expected to say accept him? He should be sitting in a jail with Saresh and Theron.


"You're beyond redemption" - Really? My Consular spent the better part of his story combating the influence of the dark side yet when he gets to finally engage Vaylin, he doesn't even bother to act like the Barsen'Thor. My Knight even tried to redeem what the Jedi thought was the Emperor.


Vaylin's brainwashing - My agent says to Valkorion she wouldn't wish the brainwashing on her worst enemy, then uses it anyway.


Valss - A force sensitive Chiss, that's rare and he's working with Theron? He may know what Theron ... and he's dead.

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The Nathema Character Returns - All those Characters brought back for a few minutes and now they're all dead.


Arcann - I hate what you did to Arcann. He's been turned into this weird submissive character and we're expected to say accept him? He should be sitting in a jail with Saresh and Theron.


"You're beyond redemption" - Really? My Consular spent the better part of his story combating the influence of the dark side yet when he gets to finally engage Vaylin, he doesn't even bother to act like the Barsen'Thor. My Knight even tried to redeem what the Jedi thought was the Emperor.


Vaylin's brainwashing - My agent says to Valkorion she wouldn't wish the brainwashing on her worst enemy, then uses it anyway.


Valss - A force sensitive Chiss, that's rare and he's working with Theron? He may know what Theron ... and he's dead.


Not to mention Theron's weird sounding relationship with the Chiss. Was he seducing both Valss and Syndic (shudders)?


Arcann - yea they turned him into a milquetoast of a man.

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Not to mention Theron's weird sounding relationship with the Chiss. Was he seducing both Valss and Syndic (shudders)?


Arcann - yea they turned him into a milquetoast of a man.


No idea. At one point I thought Valss was secretly working with Theron to oppose Zildrog but we killed him regardless so we'll never know.


I think every character has suffered from the last two stories. PC, Arcann, Koth, Lana, Senya, Theron, Valss, Vaylin. The last few stories screwed over everyone.

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