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Moments of Cringe in Story So Far


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First of all, this is not a doom and gloom or sarcasm thread. This is just for fun. This an MMO, and like all the others, it has limitations regarding how the story follows due to gameplay restrictions. I just wanted to compile my list of embarrasing / illogical moments having played this game for 5 years, and I encourge you to do so too :D Needless to say, a lot of spoilers…


Here is my top 10


1. "Forging" a full-automatic Assault Cannon on Odessen Forge with my trooper. Force-attuned too… I laughed out loud in tears at that scene as my trooper said "It's finished."


2. Broadcasting a galaxy wide message to ALL CHANNELS just to ask Theron to "please" return to my side. What kind of a leader puts themselves in such a situation lol. Just imagine an actual president / prime minister doing that to a traitor admitting they are betrayed by one of their closest allies like that. As a note, putting a bounty on his head was great too. All those kids watching…


3. Garza calling me "a disgrace to Havoc Squad" having allied with the Empire as a trooper. Hey, Garza, may I remind you that all the previous members of the Havoc were betrayers too? Maybe it is just cursed or something…


4. Senya, Arcann and Vaylin getting sad over Valkorion saying "A god has no family." Surely, you didn't think the Immortal Emperor was a family guy.


5. Asking Satele Shan (flirt) please be real. Also Senya with Valkorion inside you… Also, all male force-sensitive characters being able to flirt with their students. Choices yes but still...


6. Killing Valkorion with a headshot and Vaylin with a shot on her chest. At least it was relaxing. Reminded me of another game's (Fable 2) ending.


7. My Jedi Knight crushing the Emperor by making a column drop on his face. The milennia-old Emperor deserved better...


8. Darth Baras actually managing to deceive the Emperor and the entire Dark Council save for Vovrawn. He actually manipulates the Sith Emperor to get trapped by Sel Makor and proclaims himself Voice of the Emperor, who is actually the Emperor himself. Made me wonder if all those most powerful of the Empire came to power with their good looks.


9. My psychopathic Sith Warrior who makes all his decisions with emotional reasoning sparing Quinn's life after his treachary because he needs him. He doesn't, and he wouldn't even if he actually did anyway. And then you get to kill him years and years later on Iokath. No thanks. That ship sailed off loooong ago.


10. The Emperor making my Jedi Knight do "terrible" things like smashing droids.

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The SI story is my favorite but I still would love to have an explanation as to how in King Adas' name Naga Sadow built a Temple for his Elite assassins... on HOTH. Which is in the opposite side of the Sith Empire....


Maybe Sadow hated his assassins.

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I want to know why Keeper forced us to take Kaliyo onto our ship. There was no reason to do so and heaps of reasons not to. "Hey, subtle undercover government operative, take this loud, impulsive anarchist who has betrayed everyone she has ever known with you. What could go wrong?" There had to have been a good backstory behind this, because it makes zero sense as it is.
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I'm not sure if cringe is the right term for what I felt during this, but the worst Swtor moment was the end of KotFE when my superhero, the mighty Outlander wasn't able to shoot a laser a few meters straight forward at a spaceship right in front of him/her. It was at least a /triplefacepalm moment. ;)
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I want to know why Keeper forced us to take Kaliyo onto our ship. There was no reason to do so and heaps of reasons not to. "Hey, subtle undercover government operative, take this loud, impulsive anarchist who has betrayed everyone she has ever known with you. What could go wrong?" There had to have been a good backstory behind this, because it makes zero sense as it is.


Keeper is an incredible mind.


Notice what he does with her later.


He knew "this time" the outcome would be different.


Does he get thing wrong? Perhaps here or there.

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I want to know why Keeper forced us to take Kaliyo onto our ship. There was no reason to do so and heaps of reasons not to. "Hey, subtle undercover government operative, take this loud, impulsive anarchist who has betrayed everyone she has ever known with you. What could go wrong?" There had to have been a good backstory behind this, because it makes zero sense as it is.


Proof that Keeper really does have a sense of humor. He might think that Kaliyo to you, is what you are to him (if you pick certain choices that rub him wrong) :D

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My post contains many, many, many SPOILERS. You've been warned.




Every injury causing you, your companions and just about every NPC to have left-side pain and a limp :rolleyes:


Theron limping into the room after he is supposed to have been cured of his injuries. Space medicine must be rubbish.


Theron holding out his hand for a handshake to his girlfriend (if you romanced him) in the same scene


Just about all of the chapter Visions in the Dark. I was embarrassed for BW. As OP said, non-force users forging weapons? Nope? Darth Marr weak & pathetic? Nope. Your character not realising Vaylin was a vision? Nope


Lana being in my face in every scene where an LI or no one would have been more appropriate.


2. Broadcasting a galaxy wide message to ALL CHANNELS just to ask Theron to "please" return to my side. What kind of a leader puts themselves in such a situation lol.
Agreed. This was pretty cringe-worthy and could should have been removed before launch. My characters would send coded messages for Theron's eyes only (and I don't believe for one minute that a spy as good as Theron would not have created a secret coded channel accessible by him and his LI only the minute Valkorian was out of the picture). Any orders for finding Theron would be discussed within my senior alliance staff & alliance specialists. Galaxy shouldn't be knowing my business. It's not reality TV


Asking Satele Shan (flirt) please be real.
I can't work out why they would even add that as an option.


The whole of Chapter 9 (kotet): The Eternal Throne. Being able to kill the ghosts of Valkorian, Vaylin and Arcann in my own mind. They say with the force anything is possible but this made no sense even for force using characters. If the emperor was still powerful enough to summon the spirits of Arcann and Vaylin, why not Thexan too? And how did Senya get there? The entire story line in this chapter really made me cringe. Same for kotfe chapter Dream of an Empire. It's not the Matrix dammit :rolleyes:


Anything Vette says or does. Go away and die please.


Quite a few things Corso says - though this problem can be solved by being nasty to him

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Thanks everyone for your comments.


I forgot to mention. The entire Chapter VII: The Dragon's Maw was cringeful when you think the entire galaxy is actually watching when Vaylin goes crazy, you threaten Zakuul and Arcann bows or gets killed.

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Balmorra: Imp side mission to help the officer with the adultress wife with the pub spy. If you take the light side option at the end of the conversation with Harez, the subtitle says "For you, sweetie, anything" but what the audio and animation say are

"For you, sweetie, I'll come anywhere you like" with that funny little animation where it looks like he's jackin' it in your direction

like a friggin' adult movie. I hate hate hate that because not all of my imps are bloodthirsty at the drop of a hat but that deserves death every time and when he says/does it the conversation is over so you cannot "correct" the situation if you already chose that option. I cannot believe that has been in the game since launch...

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Spoilers ahead, obviously.




I think it's ridiculous that Skadge forces the BH to take him along. Um, no.


I also think the companion quests where you actually go out with your companion should have been done with all the Love interests and not just the first companion you pick up. Additionally, your LI should be with you when you go to Marr's ship at the beginning of KotFE, not whichever companion you picked up first. The first companion default is silly.


I don't get why Lana is the one to rescue Republic characters. It should have been Theron or an original companion. There are many places where Lana just doesn't make sense.


The entire traitor story was a mess. I could have gotten behind a mind control or clone angle, but the whole "I couldn't find a single way to signal you so I had to play along" thing was just so stretched. Also, it was completely unimaginative and predictable.

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I'd like to know how we gained the knowledge to instantly and effortlessly pilot an alien giant robot thing on Iokath with no prior knowledge of such thing even existing.


I'm pretty sure it's just a joystick with a fire button. Isn't that how all robots operate?

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Having to take Skadge. No. My bounty hunters, even the really nice ones, would have shot him instantly or radioed over to the ship to have the crew take him out.


The broadcast after Umbara. No way my Commanders would ever be airing their dirty laundry on the Holonet that way, either for the bounty or asking Theron back.


Having to listen Senya and Valkorion sing. Ew.


All of the conversations with Doc where he continues to hit on the JK even when she says numerous times that she's not interested.


Having to take Quinn back onto my ship after Force choking him and throwing him into a wall.


Having Theron in my PC's face and having his family drama aired at some points in the game. On Iokath it was weird trying to figure out what to say about his dad.


ETA a few more:


The PC not being able to express really any suspicions about what Valkorion was up to. Come on, the Jedi Knight, Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor at least would have been able to figure it out.


The "light side = letting Arcann totally off the hook" thing.


The numerous sexist comments and harassment directed toward female PCs in just about every class from various NPCs


The "flirt once = the companion thinks you're married for 20 years" phenomenon that occurs in almost every class, as well as the numerous conversations where the only choices are to flirt or be a jerk to the companion.


The devs' failure to put more than one F/F LTR in the entire game


Jaesa either being completely sociopathic evil or thinking you're a secret Jedi with no moderation

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Oh this is fun... spoilers (duh) ;)


1. Having my smuggler rule the Eternal Alliance. That was truly a LOL moment.


2. The weapon forging thing - I would have to agree totally with. It only worked with a force user.


3. Quinn - yes others already commented on that. Why wasn't I given the option to reject him like we were with Ashara.


4. Ashara acting like she was equal to Darth Nox now....


5. Hunter's attempts with flirting with my agent.


6. Not being able to sleep with Jonas Balker but male troopers can do it with Jaxo.


7. I agree on the Garza thing. Plus, I had empathy with Tavus and hated Garza.


8. Always having to choose option dialog choice 1 with practically every trooper conversation so that I could get companion influence.


9. Not being able to tell Watcher 2 to stuff if when she rejected my agent because he was flirting with Kaliyo.


10. Theron Shan the best in the SIS failed miserably in the whole Iokath to Nathema story. His explanations were just awful and the plotholes in that story....ugh. And he waited until it was too late to do anything except let a droid win. That's been discussed in detail in other threads.


11. Lord Scourge adamant that we have to kill Vitiate because he's the emperor. But doesn't confirm that the Emperor is dead. Nor does he even know about Valkorian. Maybe my jedi was just on a "need to know" basis.


12. Arcann's redemption without any justice served.


13. Killing off Khem Val


14. Darth Marr dying after teasing me that I would have him as a companion (which lasted all but 10 mins).


15. Giving male characters multiple romance options and love triangles and not doing the same for females. If I am playing a Femme Fatale agent give me some good choices. No I get some fat guy on Nar Shaddah. One kiss from Aristacra Saganu and a walking off holding hands with Sanju. Wow....

Edited by Swingkittie
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The Sith Warrior sleeping with Vette's sister as a condition for having her freed from slavery, and Vette then crowing about how the Sith Warrior is such an awesome guy who does awesome things for people.


It may make a certain amount of sense for the Sith Warrior to make that request, since the Sith are the series' villains, but it would have been nice if Vette actually acted like a real person in response to it. As in viewing it as as the completely sleazy action it is. It should have also ended the romance arc with Vette.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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15. Giving male characters multiple romance options and love triangles and not doing the same for females. If I am playing a Femme Fatale agent give me some good choices. No I get some fat guy on Nar Shaddah. One kiss from Aristacra Saganu and a walking off holding hands with Sanju. Wow....

Hey! You forgot the dude on Hutta! (The F!Agent has the earliest storyline flirt to black of all the classes, and the M!Agent has the earliest flirt to black with a companion.)

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All of JK chapter two. I mean really, that plan was *so* monumentally and obviously stupid, or at least risky beyond risky, and yet all these people, including the JK him/her self, are all gung ho rah rah rah about it, and yet it goes exactly the way I predicted from the moment it was suggested.
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Hey! You forgot the dude on Hutta! (The F!Agent has the earliest storyline flirt to black of all the classes, and the M!Agent has the earliest flirt to black with a companion.)


That is true and that first fade to black scene on Hutta was pretty cringe worthy. Even my agent was skeved out afterwards.:)

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All of JK chapter two. I mean really, that plan was *so* monumentally and obviously stupid, or at least risky beyond risky, and yet all these people, including the JK him/her self, are all gung ho rah rah rah about it, and yet it goes exactly the way I predicted from the moment it was suggested.


Yes, that had trainwreck written all over it. The best (and by 'best' I mean completely cringeworthy and hilariously awful) part of that was when they were asking Vitiate to go back to Tython with them and they were completely sincere about it. Sure, the thousand year old Emperor will simply up and go become a Jedi because you asked so nicely. :rolleyes:

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Yes, that had trainwreck written all over it. The best (and by 'best' I mean completely cringeworthy and hilariously awful) part of that was when they were asking Vitiate to go back to Tython with them and they were completely sincere about it. Sure, the thousand year old Emperor will simply up and go become a Jedi because you asked so nicely. :rolleyes:


Tol Braga was pretty naive. No wonder he failed miserably.


I don't generally like Mater Kaedon's attitude at times, but in this case his objections to even consider going on this mission should have been taken more seriously by Grand Master Satele

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Tol Braga was pretty naive. No wonder he failed miserably.


I don't generally like Mater Kaedon's attitude at times, but in this case his objections to even consider going on this mission should have been taken more seriously by Grand Master Satele


It's ironic how afterwards Tol Braga becomes extremely nihilistic, and fitting considering that seemed to be his first failure.

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Yes, that had trainwreck written all over it. The best (and by 'best' I mean completely cringeworthy and hilariously awful) part of that was when they were asking Vitiate to go back to Tython with them and they were completely sincere about it. Sure, the thousand year old Emperor will simply up and go become a Jedi because you asked so nicely. :rolleyes:


The entire plot was just poorly conceived, and it made the Jedi look really naïve and incompetent. Having played both the Sith Warrior and JK class stories, I was thinking to myself at the time, "It's not the Jedi who ultimately win the war, it's the Sith in-fighting that wins it for them." Then later with Satele at her camp on Odessen she talks about sending Jedi to their deaths. Yep, I was there.

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2. Broadcasting a galaxy wide message to ALL CHANNELS just to ask Theron to "please" return to my side. What kind of a leader puts themselves in such a situation lol. Just imagine an actual president / prime minister doing that to a traitor admitting they are betrayed by one of their closest allies like that. As a note, putting a bounty on his head was great too. All those kids watching…



hahaha I thought this was stupid as hell myself. It had be looking for the Starship Enterprise on the scanners when I heard that!


Only reason I wanted to find that peice of ^&*% [bannable word, don't want to get banned again so soon] is because that traitorous pub dressing idiot must die a slow and painful death at my hands. Never has there been a more deserving companion for a kill option.


All pubs must die.



I got some laughs from your post, thanks for that!

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