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Why is there no kill option for Lana?


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I agree that he seems torn up over it on Ziost, but when you meet with him after, he gets really rude and nasty if you call him out. You have to play it as a Republic character. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be in the romanced version and that's all I can find on YouTube, but for non-romanced, after you tell him he should be fired, you can respond with. "getting mad at me isn't going to change that you failed" or something, and he says "you sanctimonious..." and storms out. He can be pretty rude to a romanced character too, though.




1:29 - when the JK brings up all his mistakes, he says "you don't know a d**n thing" and walks out. In the last choice, he says she's a "piece of work" and also leaves.

Honestly, i'd react the same way he does if someone was talking to me the way she talks to him.

Especially considering he already holds himself responsible for what happened there.

Edited by Goreshaga
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I'll just point it out that while people here are tearing each other new ones over who's moar predatory sexual predator, Doc or Lana, there is one love interest -- Malavai Quinn -- who's entire romance is textbook sexual harassment, and his love thread seldom leaves page 1 of general. Guess it's not harassment when it's our own character who's doing the harassin', innit. :D

Yeah it is. (But Vette's a slave and you have to turn Jaesa into a lunatic to romance her, so the Sith Warrior's romance choices are very skeevy in general)

I play my Sith Warrior very strongly, and I wouldn't condone that behavior in real life at all. (I also don't condone murder or pretty much like 99.99% of what the DS SW does) But...he does like strong females, and you can be respectful if you choose too. And even my pushy Warrior has her limits.

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If anybody was incompetent on Ziost, it was Theron (no matter how much I love him) and even worse, Kovach. If he hadn't of been a traitorous double (triple) agent, Ziost might (might) have been avoided. It was the landing of Saresh and the Republic fleet that gave Vitiate all the bodies he needed.


Kovach's job was working with Saresh. That was his job. He wasn't a traitor. He was a spy. He didn't work for Theron, he worked for Saresh.

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Wanna know why i dislike Lana so much? Because she acts like a babysitter, like the mandatory advisory we didn't asked for. Is like she has to "teach" us what to do, like we won our titles at pazaak or something. Let's see:


- Sith Inquisitor/ Warrior won their Darth titles by going through some serious trials ( corrupting Jedi padawans, learning rituals, absorbing ghosts, defeating big league guys like Thanaton & Baras)

- Jedi Consular - sacrificing their strength, learning rituals, fighting ancient Sith like Morrhage , healing corrupted Jedi,

saving lives

- Bounty Hunter : some nobody from Hutta actually winning The Great Hunt, doing what no one else could do ( defeat Jicoln Cadera) and Master Arrogant Dude with a whinny padawan on Aurora.


Then comes this "lord" of the Sith , inferior to our characters in any single way and gives orders . Sorry, but that's way too much, as a Darth i won't take orders from an inferior, as a Jedi Master i don't listen to a Sith and as a BH, Mandalorian or not, i couldn't care less about what she has to say.


Warrior didn't win a Darth title. Last I recall, they don't even story wise, have a Darth title. They're not Darth Wrath. They're, The Emperor's Wrath, or just, The Wrath.


So, just clarifying, Sith Warrior did not win a Darth Title. :p

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Even Lana realizes this isn't her forte, too. In the letter she sends to you, she mentions she didn't really feel she had an option to refuse Darth Marr's offer.


It's one reason I get so salty about people saying she's incompetent on Ziost. She's doing the best she can in a job she's got no experience in (Arkous was military, not Intelligence), up against an enemy that literally nobody has been able to defeat in 1000 years who can wipe out entire planets, with the Republic's Jedi and troops invading and the Dark Council doing nothing to help her (where is the military sphere, exactly? Oh right, Darth Marr says he's not sending anyone to help).


It was like sending a dentist into an operating room and expecting her to be able to do 10-hour neurosurgery. If anything I blame Marr for what happened with Sith Intelligence and for not doing anything to mitigate the chaos on Ziost, not Lana.


Wasn't that a Dark Council as a whole thing, and not just Marr, while Marr was willing to put Lana in charge?

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Kovach's job was working with Saresh. That was his job. He wasn't a traitor. He was a spy. He didn't work for Theron, he worked for Saresh.


And in doing so bought down an entire army to Ziost who fed Vitiates power.

The whole thing was one huge screw up of people ignoring warnings etc.


So back to the main part of this conv Theron and Lana both weren't really to blame. They were supposed to be watching for the emporer and both spies just doing their jobs also.


If it wasn't for Kovach spying on Theron for Saresh it all would have been kept on the down low, how they both intended it to be and Vitiate wouldn't have gained the power that destroyed Ziost.

Edited by Suzsi
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I assumed Doc was going to be an alliance alert that I could skip and only my JKs would have to worry about anyway but he's part of the Republic story D: plus Lana is still giving us our quests as usual ugh! Why did they have to hit me with both of them? I guess I should be grateful that Theron got a few lines too rather than being completely thrown away like every other non-Lana love interest. Also is it just me or was there a lot of autodialogue in this little story segment? Edited by Nefla
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Kovach's job was working with Saresh. That was his job. He wasn't a traitor. He was a spy. He didn't work for Theron, he worked for Saresh.


Um, no. Kovach was Imperial. And was a member of Sith Intelligence. He worked for Lana. He committed treason in working with Saresh, thus becoming a double-agent and traitor. (And Theron, though i think that might have been a ruse for Saresh's benefit.)

Edited by Dracofish
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I assumed Doc was going to be an alliance alert that I could skip and only my JKs would have to worry about anyway but he's part of the Republic story D: plus Lana is still giving us our quests as usual ugh! Why did they have to hit me with both of them? I guess I should be grateful that Theron got a few lines too rather than being completely thrown away like every other non-Lana love interest. Also is it just me or was there a lot of autodialogue in this little story segment?


There has been a lot of auto-dialogue for a while now.

I dont mind so much when it's romance flirty tho i just assume that's how itd be after a while together and doesn't always need prompting

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Wasn't that a Dark Council as a whole thing, and not just Marr, while Marr was willing to put Lana in charge?


From what I gathered at that time the Dark Council was such a mess that it was basically Marr and a few others trying to hold things together. IIRC the Dark Council had a Sphere of Influence for Intelligence - Darth Jadus and then his daughter and then whoever. But they were apparently not taking care of things, since Marr was able to step in and appoint Lana.


On Ziost, Marr sends you a letter about halfway through saying that he's not going to send any help and that he trusts that you and Lana will figure out how to solve things. The rest of the Dark Council doesn't even bother responding.


To be fair the letter also says that he feels that sending troops would make it worse (in terms of feeding Vitiate, it would have) but on the other hand, if Marr's fleet had bombed Saresh's ships and stopped their attack on Ziost from orbit, or the rest of the Dark Council had given two ****s, it could have really helped.

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And in doing so bought down an entire army to Ziost who fed Vitiates power.

The whole thing was one huge screw up of people ignoring warnings etc.


So back to the main part of this conv Theron and Lana both weren't really to blame. They were supposed to be watching for the emporer and both spies just doing their jobs also.


If it wasn't for Kovach spying on Theron for Saresh it all would have been kept on the down low, how they both intended it to be and Vitiate wouldn't have gained the power that destroyed Ziost.


I'm not sure about that. Theron is the one who independently decided to bring that team of Jedi to Ziost, and they're the ones who ended up functioning as Vitiate's main killing machines. Kovach certainly made it worse by disclosing it all to Saresh, who saw it as a golden opportunity to attack, though.


IMHO Vitate would have possessed the population and gained enough strength to wipe out the planet anyway. There were millions or billions on Ziost for him to take over and eventually that would have been enough fuel. The Republic debacle just meant that it probably happened much faster, and that there were less people saved.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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I assumed Doc was going to be an alliance alert that I could skip and only my JKs would have to worry about anyway but he's part of the Republic story D: plus Lana is still giving us our quests as usual ugh! Why did they have to hit me with both of them? I guess I should be grateful that Theron got a few lines too rather than being completely thrown away like every other non-Lana love interest. Also is it just me or was there a lot of autodialogue in this little story segment?


At least only JK has to keep him.

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Well Theron got ONE line and a letter, while Lana got two whole scenes and a letter in 5.10. :mad: And it wasn't bricking but I'm still so disappointed 😞. If I decided to go Imp, I'd understand but that was just dumb.:mad:


Wait, Theron gets a letter? I didn't get a letter...

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Um, no. Kovach was Imperial. And was a member of Sith Intelligence. He worked for Lana. He committed treason in working with Saresh, thus becoming a double-agent and traitor. (And Theron, though i think that might have been a ruse for Saresh's benefit.)


Did you not play Ziost as a Republic character? Kovach was a double (triple?) agent from the get go. Theron planted him in Imperial Intelligence. What Theron didn't realise was that Saresh planted Kovach in the SIS to spy on them. He was never technically a traitor to the Empire as his loyalties were never with the Empire to begin with.

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I assumed Doc was going to be an alliance alert that I could skip and only my JKs would have to worry about anyway but he's part of the Republic story D: plus Lana is still giving us our quests as usual ugh! Why did they have to hit me with both of them? I guess I should be grateful that Theron got a few lines too rather than being completely thrown away like every other non-Lana love interest. Also is it just me or was there a lot of autodialogue in this little story segment?


I ran my smuggler through it and he wasn't really flirty. Sure at the end he makes a comment about being the best doctor in the galaxy and being handsome but you can make a comment to that as well so really don't see a problem of having to talk to him in the story.

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I ran my smuggler through it and he wasn't really flirty. Sure at the end he makes a comment about being the best doctor in the galaxy and being handsome but you can make a comment to that as well so really don't see a problem of having to talk to him in the story.


And you only get the Alliance Alert if you're a Jedi Knight and it's an optional Alert so .... not sure what the big deal is.

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Did you not play Ziost as a Republic character? Kovach was a double (triple?) agent from the get go. Theron planted him in Imperial Intelligence. What Theron didn't realise was that Saresh planted Kovach in the SIS to spy on them. He was never technically a traitor to the Empire as his loyalties were never with the Empire to begin with.


Yes, I've played both. Have you not played the Imperial story? Again, Kovach is Imperial. He was a member of Imperial Intelligence/Sith Intelligence *before* Ziost. He turned on the Empire at some point (we're never told exactly when, but it happened some time before Ziost) because of his beliefs...and there's a giant conversation with him during the storyline where he gives his reasons (playing as a Sith Inquisitor he goes on to say that of all people, she should be the one to understand why he did what he did). He worked for the Empire first. So yes, he technically did betray the Empire because that's where he started. He only started working with Saresh *after* he decided he could no longer support the Imperial government. He says numerous times that he's Imperial and that he loves the Empire, but he could no longer turn a blind eye to the "atrocities".


No matter how many ways you slice it, and no matter how justified he was or wasn't, depending on your perspective...he committed treason against the Empire.

Edited by Dracofish
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Yes, I've played both. Have you not played the Imperial story? Again, Kovach is Imperial. He was a member of Imperial Intelligence/Sith Intelligence *before* Ziost. He turned on the Empire at some point (we're never told exactly when, but it happened some time before Ziost) because of his beliefs...and there's a giant conversation with him during the storyline where he gives his reasons (playing as a Sith Inquisitor he goes on to say that of all people, she should be the one to understand why he did what he did). He worked for the Empire first. So yes, he technically did betray the Empire because that's where he started. He only started working with Saresh *after* he decided he could no longer support the Imperial government. He says numerous times that he's Imperial and that he loves the Empire, but he could no longer turn a blind eye to the "atrocities".


No matter how many ways you slice it, and no matter how justified he was or wasn't, depending on your perspective...he committed treason against the Empire.


After reading both the Republic and Imperial codexes ... codices ... whatever ... I concede I was wrong in that Kovach was always Imperial. However, he does not appear to have originally been in either Imperial Intelligence nor Sith Intelligence. He was apparently part of the Ziost Liberation Front, then recruited by Theron into the SIS, did some assignments for them, then was sent back to Ziost where he was recruited by Lana into Sith Intelligence.


So I guess we were both right and wrong. :p

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Well Theron got ONE line and a letter, while Lana got two whole scenes and a letter in 5.10. :mad: And it wasn't bricking but I'm still so disappointed 😞. If I decided to go Imp, I'd understand but that was just dumb.:mad:

Well my consular's husband Felix got precisely nothing, not even a letter (on the loyalist path). Maybe there'll be more content with 6.0, but for now the bricking seems true. :( It particularly hurt because the cutscene with Lana at the start is exactly the sort of thing my consular would've liked with Felix. The stunning natural scenery, the warm lighting... I bet it was especially lovely for those who romance Lana.


But at least my consular got Nadia back, which was great. And with Nadia's role on Ossus, finally the consular joins the ranks of classes who have companions who appear in the main story. It's just for the Republic side, so it's not as strong a story role as previous companions who appear for everyone, but at least it's something. I just hope it's not the last we see of her too.


After reading both the Republic and Imperial codexes ... codices ... whatever ... I concede I was wrong in that Kovach was always Imperial. However, he does not appear to have originally been in either Imperial Intelligence nor Sith Intelligence. He was apparently part of the Ziost Liberation Front, then recruited by Theron into the SIS, did some assignments for them, then was sent back to Ziost where he was recruited by Lana into Sith Intelligence.

I love Kovach as a character. It takes courage to oppose the Empire from within. As an Imperial, he was clearly familiar enough with the Empire's oppression (including those horrendous anti-rebellion measures) that he wanted to do what he could to move things in a more positive direction for ordinary people. It's a shame how he ended up doing precisely the opposite by enabling Saresh's destructive actions (though ultimately let's not forget the one with the most blame is the Emperor). I think even those who hate Kovach should acknowledge that result wasn't what he wanted.

Edited by Estelindis
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Well my consular's husband Felix got precisely nothing, not even a letter (on the loyalist path). Maybe there'll be more content with 6.0, but for now the bricking seems true. :( It particularly hurt because the cutscene with Lana at the start is exactly the sort of thing my consular would've liked with Felix. The stunning natural scenery, the warm lighting... I bet it was especially lovely for those who romance Lana.


But at least my consular got Nadia back, which was great. And with Nadia's role on Ossus, finally the consular joins the ranks of classes who have companions who appear in the main story. It's just for the Republic side, so it's not as strong a story role as previous companions who appear for everyone, but at least it's something. I just hope it's not the last we see of her too.


Yeah, I was disappointed to not get anything from Andronikos...but it seems like all the letters have a platonic tone to them.


I think the Sith Inquisitor is the one in the dark now with no companions having story involvement. :(

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Yeah, I was disappointed to not get anything from Andronikos...but it seems like all the letters have a platonic tone to them.


I think the Sith Inquisitor is the one in the dark now with no companions having story involvement. :(


None of the smuggler's companions had story involvement either. :(


I honestly think they should have had at least one companion from each class have something to do with the story. Oh well too late now.

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I think the Sith Inquisitor is the one in the dark now with no companions having story involvement. :(

I think smuggler is the same.

IIRC, Guss is an AA, Bowdar more or less too, and Risha, Corso and Akaavi are all class specific AA, well Akaavi is available to BH too, but it's not that much better.


JK and JC are still missing 2 companions each too

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