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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why is there no kill option for Lana?


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Anyway back on topic, I hope they won't entirely stray away from Lana.

While I'm not her biggest fan, she is still the only female character for females to romance. As a Bi woman, I'm not into her myself, but if I were to be more attracted to females and did like her, I'd be pretty darn sad to see her fade away.


You forgot Jaesa and Nadia, they will be sgr too.

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You forgot Jaesa and Nadia, they will be sgr too.


There's a very big difference between characters that you have a long history with like Lana and characters who come back as Bi/playersexual when we're talking about romance.

Yes, we all love our vanilla companions and Jaesa and Nadia are included. But in terms of romance, Lana is really deep in there. As Female/Female you just never had that with Jaesa and Nadia.

Is it great that they add to SGR? Absolutely! Is it the same as Lana? No.


What if Arcann has two lumps of coal and a candy stick? :D


I will show myself out.



Edited by Eshvara
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There's a very big difference between characters that you have a long history with like Lana and characters who come back as Bi/playersexual when we're talking about romance.

Yes, we all love our vanilla companions and Jaesa and Nadia are included. But in terms of romance, Lana is really deep in there. As Female/Female you just never had that with Jaesa and Nadia.

Is it great that they add to SGR? Absolutely! Is it the same as Lana? No.


All of this. There's no comparison between a character who has built that relationship with the PC over time. Lana's relationship is really well developed in that sense because she and the player start out very tentative about each other and it grows into something special. That's not the same as Nadia coming back and saying, "hey, I think I like you!"


Plus, Nadia and Jaesa are class-specific which means that for 6/8 of the classes, the only possibility is still Lana. In fact probably 61/2 because AFAIK only LS Jaesa will be SGR. Those characters are also only Alliance Alerts, so you'll likely get one kiss with them and then they'll fade into the ether.

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All of this. There's no comparison between a character who has built that relationship with the PC over time. Lana's relationship is really well developed in that sense because she and the player start out very tentative about each other and it grows into something special. That's not the same as Nadia coming back and saying, "hey, I think I like you!"


Plus, Nadia and Jaesa are class-specific which means that for 6/8 of the classes, the only possibility is still Lana. In fact probably 61/2 because AFAIK only LS Jaesa will be SGR. Those characters are also only Alliance Alerts, so you'll likely get one kiss with them and then they'll fade into the ether.


Yeah there's that as well. Which devalues it even more to be honest. Want more SGR? Go reroll!!! Yeah, no.:rolleyes:

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I'd really like if they'd give 2 SGR only new romances, one male for male PC only and one female for female PC only. That'd give a bit more diversity if some LI would be exclusively attracted to their own gender, but i guess it's pretty unlikely. and all new romances will be for both male and female PC.
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I'd really like if they'd give 2 SGR only new romances, one male for male PC only and one female for female PC only. That'd give a bit more diversity if some LI would be exclusively attracted to their own gender, but i guess it's pretty unlikely. and all new romances will be for both male and female PC.


So only M/M & F/F is accepted? I wouldn't oppose to it IF any of the original class heterosexual LIs would still have a part in the story or any kind of interactions with the PC. Two for each class, one M/F and one F/M ( for example, Ashara & Andronikos) . But this won't happen and i refuse to change my character's sexual orientation because Lana is the only option left.

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So only M/M & F/F is accepted? I wouldn't oppose to it IF any of the original class heterosexual LIs would still have a part in the story or any kind of interactions with the PC. Two for each class, one M/F and one F/M ( for example, Ashara & Andronikos) . But this won't happen and i refuse to change my character's sexual orientation because Lana is the only option left.

Never said that, i was talking about new romances, not old ones. The best would be 1 M/M, one F/F, one F/M and one M/F, but well, if we have to whoose, i'd go for at least one M/M only and one F/F only as we have plenty of F/M and M/F already.


Of course, i'd love for the old LI to also get screen time and not only new ones. At he very least romance exclusive curscenes, and some letters here and there would already be great.


As for Ashara, i don't want to see her anywhere near any of my characters unless i can chop her head off. Her return was bad enough that i really don't want to have to see her face ever again.

But i'm alright with her having romance exclusive cutscenes for people who romance her as it won't force her upon me.

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Never said that, i was talking about new romances, not old ones. The best would be 1 M/M, one F/F, one F/M and one M/F, but well, if we have to whoose, i'd go for at least one M/M only and one F/F only as we have plenty of F/M and M/F already.

Of course, i'd love for the old LI to also get screen time and not only new ones. At he very least romance exclusive curscenes, and some letters here and there would already be great.


As for Ashara, i don't want to see her anywhere near any of my characters unless i can chop her head off. Her return was bad enough that i really don't want to have to see her face ever again.

But i'm alright with her having romance exclusive cutscenes for people who romance her as it won't force her upon me.


Yes, there are a lot of M/F & F/M , but none of them says anything at all.

And about potential new ones : i don't remember who's that Jonas Balkar everyone is cheerleading for ( also had a hard time remembering Cole Cantarus) and i certainly don't want Aristocra Saganu, it works only for a chiss IA, not for every class.

And about bisexual women feeling discriminated : it is not my fault there were no SGR in the class stories, i don't see why i am punished for that by having every hetero LI bricked.

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Yes, there are a lot of M/F & F/M , but none of them says anything at all.

And about potential new ones : i don't remember who's that Jonas Balkar everyone is cheerleading for ( also had a hard time remembering Cole Cantarus) and i certainly don't want Aristocra Saganu, it works only for a chiss IA, not for every class.

And about bisexual women feeling discriminated : it is not my fault there were no SGR in the class stories, i don't see why i am punished for that by having every hetero LI bricked.

Jonas is a SIS agent in the trooper class story who you can flirt with on a female trooper.


Well i'm a straigh girl too, hence why i mainly have straight female PCs, but that doesn't mean that i don't have a gay character that i'd like to have a gay LI for (Cytharat would've been perfect if he was not possibly dead by the end of Makeb), which so far is not the case as among the male LIs available to male PCs, only Koth is still free for my main characters (as Theron is with my JK and Arcann with my SW), and well, first i don't think he'd fit very well with my Nox and second, after he got the kill option the romance did not go much further wich is not very intersting.


As for Jonas, if he was to become a LI, i'd have a very hard time seing him with a man, as he's always been shown flirting only with women.

Edited by Goreshaga
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I think the one thing everyone in this thread has been able to agree on is that bricking companions has been a very bad thing that has detracted from the story. Nobody wants anyone else to be punished that way, regardless if the romance their PC is pursuing is opposite-gender or SGR.


But that doesn't mean that people won't express what they want for the future. Bisexual and lesbian women have been the most marginalized group in the game. One full romance, and that's it. Two upcoming class-specific romances with companions who will probably never be heard from again. Every other orientation has gotten more.


I certainly hope there will be more F/M and M/M options for those who want them, and I also hope that all the bricked LIs will be given some screen time and moments with the PCs they've romanced. But of course I'm also going to hope that they don't forget F/F and will include more for players like me.

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I think the one thing everyone in this thread has been able to agree on is that bricking companions has been a very bad thing that has detracted from the story.


That was the worst thing to do and affected a lot of people,some of them rage quit . I see no way out unless they retcon KOTFE/ET or create new LIs for all tastes.

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Okay, there are a few things here that might be overlooked...


1. Why do people believe we'll never get more out of the Companions we have? New update soon, new Expansion coming!


2. Lana doesn't fit as a comp or an LI for *everyone* in fact, it makes no sense for her to follow a sadistic lunatic anymore than it does for her to follow Light V characters. Doesn't that bother anyone?


3. Accusations of prejudice are insulting and destructive.

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That was the worst thing to do and affected a lot of people,some of them rage quit . I see no way out unless they retcon KOTFE/ET or create new LIs for all tastes.


Yes, it was the worst thing to do. They got people all attached to those LIs and then pulled them.


The problem with reconning KOTFE/ET is that it negatively affects those who romanced any of the four companions during that expac (Lana, Theron, Koth, Arcann). I doubt that anyone who romanced one of those characters wants their relationship erased. Especially those of us who did not have any options in the class stories.


The best solution IMHO would be to start offering content with all the existing love interests again. Even small things like emails and two-minute scenes, the way they had in KOTFE and the last chapter of KOTET, would help people feel their favorites haven't been bricked. It's what people have been asking for all along - that the 'save' option means something and that those who save characters continue to have them around.

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Yes, it was the worst thing to do. They got people all attached to those LIs and then pulled them.


The problem with reconning KOTFE/ET is that it negatively affects those who romanced any of the four companions during that expac (Lana, Theron, Koth, Arcann). I doubt that anyone who romanced one of those characters wants their relationship erased. Especially those of us who did not have any options in the class stories.


The best solution IMHO would be to start offering content with all the existing love interests again. Even small things like emails and two-minute scenes, the way they had in KOTFE and the last chapter of KOTET, would help people feel their favorites haven't been bricked. It's what people have been asking for all along - that the 'save' option means something and that those who save characters continue to have them around.


I fully agree.There are so many possibilities out there!

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I honestly don't believe the "bricking" is forever. Remember they had to go through a transition from Mr. Irving to Mr. Keith. They've already made huge strides in getting the story back to what the majority wanted, we have got almost everyone "returned" now, and a whole new part of the Saga is beginning very soon. All this doom and gloom about companions being useless is premature and far too negative.
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I honestly don't believe the "bricking" is forever. Remember they had to go through a transition from Mr. Irving to Mr. Keith. They've already made huge strides in getting the story back to what the majority wanted, we have got almost everyone "returned" now, and a whole new part of the Saga is beginning very soon. All this doom and gloom about companions being useless is premature and far too negative.

Did we really get the story back to what the majority wanted, vs. some previous awfulness? Broadly speaking, the way companions were treated in repeatable chapters was much better than than the two-minute returns. I wish we would've received full chapters for all LI returns, so I don't see how what we've been getting since the change from that is somehow better.

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That was the worst thing to do and affected a lot of people,some of them rage quit . I see no way out unless they retcon KOTFE/ET or create new LIs for all tastes.

Well as Io said, retckoning would completely erase 4 romances.


Considering that my fav so far is with Theron, and that my JK was single untill she met him, i'd really hate loosing that romance because of that. This could make me rage quit.


No, the best they could do would be add some new romances for everyone and give some private moments and letters with the old LIs

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Did we really get the story back to what the majority wanted, vs. some previous awfulness? Broadly speaking, the way companions were treated in repeatable chapters was much better than than the two-minute returns. I wish we would've received full chapters for all LI returns, so I don't see how what we've been getting since the change from that is somehow better.


I'm not saying it's where it should be yet. However, it is heading there. Also it can't be forgotten that this is not a game to the Devs it's a profit generating resource. It's here to make $$$$$$$$$$. The Masses want Empire vs. Republic, Jedi vs. Sith, and action, not long conversations and mushiness.


I LOVE CONVERSTATIONS AND MUSHINESS! ;););););););););););););););););););)


Do I think we're getting back into the mode of the Vanilla Game where there is something for all? Absolutely! So, I keep the faith, and wait patiently. The day I stop liking this game is the day I stop paying for it.

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