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rules for naming and shaming people?


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Sorry but it's not allowed. You can report players directly if the player is in violation of rules, but not just for the reasons you have listed. You can however put the individuals on you ignore list. Which dependant on how a group is formed may at least prevent you being group with them, but not always if I understand some posters here correctly.


Players behaving how you describe is not new unfortunately also the reason I no longer group for anything and I was not even the player who was on the receiving of such behaviour.

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wondering if its allowed? played with 2 bad trolls if they can be called that who kicked me out of battle of rishi fp because i wasnt a stealth class and didnt hack. refused to help me kill the mobs that were in the way


In a broader perspective, there will be other flashpoints, other days.


It's like getting upset because a car drifted into your lane right in front of you while you're going down the highway. If you dwell on that, and stay upset about it, you'll be that less prepared and mentally ready to handle the next car that does the same thing, and eventually you're preemptively shooting at cars through your windshield in the slight chance they may cross into your lane.



Edited by xordevoreaux
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Sorry but it's not allowed. You can report players directly if the player is in violation of rules, but not just for the reasons you have listed. You can however put the individuals on you ignore list. Which dependant on how a group is formed may at least prevent you being group with them, but not always if I understand some posters here correctly.


Players behaving how you describe is not new unfortunately also the reason I no longer group for anything and I was not even the player who was on the receiving of such behaviour.


not sure if it works. have for example reported people who sell credits for real money and the ticket has been closed automaticly after roughly 1 week sometimes abit more


thought bioware though by extension ea would care since its in their best interest

Edited by Hefaiston
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While he didn't answer your question and what he said was a bit over the top, I would hardly say that xordevoreaux's response was victim blaming.


If you reported someone for selling credits then I'm not surprised the ticket was closed without a response. It doesn't mean they ignored it but they do have to investigate and they're not going to keep you updated on the investigation or the results.


Name and shame can be too easily abused and thus isn't allowed on the forums. Trolling someone is not generally a reportable offense although I would send a report if they tried to get you to hack and especially if they told you how. You would probably need proof though. I also wouldn't expect a response from that ticket.

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A lot of tickets that come in are closed while they investigate, supposedly. Also if someone is on your ignore list, they will not be matched with you in a FP on that char, but you could still meet them on other chars, and in wz's. Best thing to remember is, the game has ******s, most do, but just ignore them, find the decent players, and try to keep in contact with, and run stuff with them
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wondering if its allowed? played with 2 bad trolls if they can be called that who kicked me out of battle of rishi fp because i wasnt a stealth class and didnt hack. refused to help me kill the mobs that were in the way


Very simple, no naming, no shaming, that's the whole rule. :-)

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wondering if its allowed? played with 2 bad trolls if they can be called that who kicked me out of battle of rishi fp because i wasnt a stealth class and didnt hack. refused to help me kill the mobs that were in the way


Skipping mobs and stealthing isn’t hacking by any means whatsoever.


What happened here most likely: The group wanted to skip mob packs in Rishi, which you can do without stealth, but OP decided that he wasn’t much of a teamplayer and pulled every mob pack. The majority in the group simply had enough with OPs narcissisms and kicked him.


There’s not even a hint of troll, hacks or otherwise bad scent from anything except the OP hinself in this situation.

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Skipping mobs and stealthing isn’t hacking by any means whatsoever.


What happened here most likely: The group wanted to skip mob packs in Rishi, which you can do without stealth, but OP decided that he wasn’t much of a teamplayer and pulled every mob pack. The majority in the group simply had enough with OPs narcissisms and kicked him.


There’s not even a hint of troll, hacks or otherwise bad scent from anything except the OP hinself in this situation.


My thoughts exactly, how can you "hack" a flashpoint? Skipping mobs and stealthing aren't in any way shape or form hacking. Experience has taught me that players who want to shame someone and are rather aggresive when not agreed with (referring to the "victim blaming" response here), those are the ones who didn't get their way and dwell upon it. If you feel the need to shame someone then perhaps you should better ask yourself if the problem is not with you.


I agree, if the players in question wanted to skip the mobs in the FP and OP didn't understand the concept of it or wasn't proficient at it, they should have explained it or tried to teach him how to do it. However, they aren't obligated to, it all depends on goodwill. So best OP can do is just get over it and not falsely accuse someone of hacking. I repeat, skipping mobs and stealthing through them is not hacking, it's a normal practice in the game. If the OP insists on killing all the mobs they should play the FP in solo mode, because it is totally understandable that a group might want to speedrun a FP.

Edited by Ylliarus
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Skipping mobs and stealthing isn’t hacking by any means whatsoever.


What happened here most likely: The group wanted to skip mob packs in Rishi, which you can do without stealth, but OP decided that he wasn’t much of a teamplayer and pulled every mob pack. The majority in the group simply had enough with OPs narcissisms and kicked him.


There’s not even a hint of troll, hacks or otherwise bad scent from anything except the OP hinself in this situation.


While it is true that the mobs can be skipped even while not stealthed, the OP's post would seem to indicate that he was not aware of that. If the other people were in a rush and left him behind, it is quite possible that he was left alone to deal with mob packs.


In that case the other people in the group maybe were the jerks they are being accused of. While a lot of players have been playing the game for years and have run Flashpoints enough times to have them completely memorized, that is not true of every player and that level of knowledge shouldn't be expected in Veteran. Master Mode is of course a different story.

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oh yes i can skip mobs in battle of rishi when there is only 1 path to take and im a sorcerer? and cant people atleast be creative


and you can hack so mobs avoids you. use third party programs


You can make accusations all you like in the forum (but cannot name players) ... but you do understand that none of us can verify anything you are claiming, right?


Nor are we hearing, or able to observe, both sides of the "conflict" you have presented here. And there are ALWAYS two sides to every story.


My point? Like every other thread that follows the same theme here in the forum.....nothing you are claiming here in your accusations can be verified by any of us. You can of course report the other players in game to the studio, and if you are specific as to time, location, and character names the studio will investigate and if they agree with you.. they may take action against the other players. If they do not agree with you... well you had you say and the studio did not concur with your view on the matter. Regardless.. you cannot prosecute these other players in the forum, or in game, nor should you... lest you get sanctioned for harassment.


Report what offended you to the studio, put them on your /ignore list so you do not get matched with them again in PvE, and move on. That is your remedy here. Random grouping is always a risk, and you chose to take the risk and had a bad experience (allegedly, since again.. none of us here can verify any of your claims).

Edited by Andryah
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While he didn't answer your question and what he said was a bit over the top, I would hardly say that xordevoreaux's response was victim blaming.


If you reported someone for selling credits then I'm not surprised the ticket was closed without a response. It doesn't mean they ignored it but they do have to investigate and they're not going to keep you updated on the investigation or the results.


Name and shame can be too easily abused and thus isn't allowed on the forums. Trolling someone is not generally a reportable offense although I would send a report if they tried to get you to hack and especially if they told you how. You would probably need proof though. I also wouldn't expect a response from that ticket.


Bw do act upon credit seller reports on mass but it's so infrequently maybe once or twice a year. Players that do credit selling are band but they just start a new characters or accounts. As such it never going to end.

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I'm suspecting the "hacking" being referred to would be related to the fact that you can shoot the barrels in the beginning from a very long way away, far enough to avoid all mobs. The stealthers, likely operatives, were stealthing past everything and shooting the barrels without pulling mobs, and the OP wasn't aware of the barrel thing and might have been fighting mobs thinking they had to be cleared in order to be close enough to the barrels to stab them with his sorc (probably doing things the same way all non-stealth, non-ranged classes have been doing this flashpoint since it was released)


It wasn't nice of them to not clue in the rest of the group on what they were doing, though, especially if they were so "good" at the game that they would have noticed that sorc can't stealth. They just assumed everyone else thinks and acts like they do and since the OP didn't, they decided to boot for a stupid reason (can't stealth, like it's his fault that Bioware didn't give every class stealth) instead of teach/inform.


OP is selfish for playing the way his class is supposed to? For not knowing every single shortcut to take when the rest of the group unselfishly expects you to have memorized regardless of actual experience with the shortcuts in all flashpoints? (they're not all gaping holes, a lot of them are quite tight to navigate) For being in a group with jerks who assume everyone has the same ability and **** you if you aren't as experienced?


It's such a huge wonder the GF queues don't pop instantly, isn't it?

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I'm suspecting the "hacking" being referred to would be related to the fact that you can shoot the barrels in the beginning from a very long way away, far enough to avoid all mobs. The stealthers, likely operatives, were stealthing past everything and shooting the barrels without pulling mobs, and the OP wasn't aware of the barrel thing and might have been fighting mobs thinking they had to be cleared in order to be close enough to the barrels to stab them with his sorc (probably doing things the same way all non-stealth, non-ranged classes have been doing this flashpoint since it was released)


It wasn't nice of them to not clue in the rest of the group on what they were doing, though, especially if they were so "good" at the game that they would have noticed that sorc can't stealth. They just assumed everyone else thinks and acts like they do and since the OP didn't, they decided to boot for a stupid reason (can't stealth, like it's his fault that Bioware didn't give every class stealth) instead of teach/inform.


OP is selfish for playing the way his class is supposed to? For not knowing every single shortcut to take when the rest of the group unselfishly expects you to have memorized regardless of actual experience with the shortcuts in all flashpoints? (they're not all gaping holes, a lot of them are quite tight to navigate) For being in a group with jerks who assume everyone has the same ability and **** you if you aren't as experienced?


From what I can actually glean from the OP, it seems like there may be enough blame to go around for everyone involved. But as was pointed out, we're only getting half the story, which is one of the big reasons Naming/Shaming isn't allowed, someone could be mad that the group didn't do it the way they wanted it done, and presto, it's a **** show.


It's such a huge wonder the GF queues don't pop instantly, isn't it?


I do agree with this assessment however.

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