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Manaan stronghold - can't access Rooftop Garden


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Since patch 5.9.2a dropped, I've been unable to access the Rooftop Garden section in my Manaan stronghold. I get the black screen as if I'm loading, then I get popped back to the entrance elevator. I can go to the Underwater section just fine, but if I try to go the Rooftop from there, I get 'ported back to the entrance elevator again. I could access it just fine this morning, prior to the patch.


I've got a fulled unlocked stronghold, I've used all the hooks. Yes, all 800 of the damn things (thanks for that, by the way :mad:). I've tried on Imps and Pubs. I've even popped into other people's strongholds; some at 100%, some at 81% and some below 50%. Can't access the Rooftop in any of them.


Anyone else having this problem?



Just to sate my curiosity, I rolled a new toon on a different server. I had no legacy there, nor any strongholds. After getting to the fleet, I tried a few public Manaan strongholds.

One at 100% (800 hooks filled) - I could not access the Rooftop Garden

One at 81% (650 hooks filled) - I could access the Garden

One at 51% (below previous cap) - I could access the garden.


It looks like something in 5.9.2a has borked the Garden for those of us who used the extra hooks.

Edited by tuulem
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Neither my husband or I can access our Rooftop Gardens. Submitted a bug report just now. My SH was at 47%, now it's at 51%. My husband's is over 50%, I think it's somewhere in the 70s....because he just loaded it up with Zakuulan turrets and medical scanners. Such style. Much wow.


Not that mine is much better--the walkway outside is lined with dozens of Lifeday potted trees. But, yeah, if somebody could get on this, that would be great.

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Yep, me either. 5 or 7% of hooks used, can't get myself onto roof garden.

Reported this bug via game support yesterday, now hope they will fix it asap. I had plans =)


Yeah I'm trying to figure out where my third (I swear I have a third) jukebox is and listen to what it plays. But, I can't access the top level of the Manaan SH, which is most likely where the thing is.

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I'm having the exact same problem.


In a Manaan SH at 67% completion, I can not access the Rooftop Garden.


In a Manaan SH at 40% and 32%, I can.


And right at a time when I had an RP event scheduled to happen in the particular Manaan SH I now can't access. Naturally. Thanks, Murphy. :mad:

Edited by JediBoadicea
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Been away on vacation since before patch 5.9.2, just got back, saw they increased the number of hooks in the Manaan SH from 650 to 800, so my formerly 100% completed SH is now ... not. :mad:


And then the elevator refuses to take me to the Rooftop Garden.... :mad: :mad:

Edited by Adric_the_Red
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Seriously? Why.... do.... you.... care? It's Manaan. Our little toons run around with our weapons missing half the time or stuck on our backs, lag in various maps of the game, "less taxing shadows" that never happened, but hey, we can't get to the roof access of the worst hook placed SH. I mean, priorities right? Thank God the Cartel Market thumbnails were updated.


Sorry, grumpy about this buggy game.

Edited by Zerileth
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I'm having the same problem and it's seriously aggravating. One, I can't pull up decorations I had put up there because I can't access the floor, which means I can't access assets (some of which I bought with cartel coins and some I bought with cartel certificates) to put them in the new stronghold like I want. Second, many players paid for unlocking the Manaan stronghold with cartel coins, and now they can't access that floor that they purchased with real money.


C'mon EA, at least acknowledge this bug. I know you like ignoring bugs for years, but this one in particular is unacceptable. It's preventing us from accessing things we bought, again, with real money.

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I was able to use the elevator to get to the rooftop by removing all decorations from the last segment of the hallway before the elevator. It seems like the decoration after archway towards the elevator is causing this.
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I was able to use the elevator to get to the rooftop by removing all decorations from the last segment of the hallway before the elevator. It seems like the decoration after archway towards the elevator is causing this.


Thank you!!


After picking all my decos up, putting them down one at a time, and hopping up and down the elevator like some kind of mad person, I can say that in my stronghold, it was the floor hook that was causing the issue for me. The end of my hallway is now rugless, and I have access to the garden again. At least it's a workaround.


Now I just have to remember why I wanted to get up there in the first place.:rolleyes:

Edited by tuulem
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