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Trailer released for the next animated series -- Star Wars: Resistance


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The trailer already has 83,000 dislikes on youtube.


Star war fans really really really don't like this. I think the franchise is broken tbh, it's hit the point of no return, unless Episode 9 is freaking amazing alot of SW fans are never gonna forgive Disney for TLJ and now this.


I don't put any stock, positive or negative, in social media likes/dislikes for this franchise anymore. There are people on both sides that take action to inflate (and enrage) reactions.


It's not like they're going to s-can this project at this point in time. It's good to go. We'll see what comes of it. I would give it a chance, if I had Disney Channel. People just need to remember that it is aimed at children. Full stop.


And if people really want to see things "improve" with this franchise, I find it amazing and mind-boggling that they trash anything new before even giving it a chance. I bet most people who trash this show will never even watch it, but they'll sure have opinions about it.


In short, make up your own mind. Don't hop on the hate wagon just because it's in style right now.

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I don't put any stock, positive or negative, in social media likes/dislikes for this franchise anymore. There are people on both sides that take action to inflate (and enrage) reactions.


It's not like they're going to s-can this project at this point in time. It's good to go. We'll see what comes of it. I would give it a chance, if I had Disney Channel. People just need to remember that it is aimed at children. Full stop.


And if people really want to see things "improve" with this franchise, I find it amazing and mind-boggling that they trash anything new before even giving it a chance. I bet most people who trash this show will never even watch it, but they'll sure have opinions about it.


In short, make up your own mind. Don't hop on the hate wagon just because it's in style right now.


That is a fallacy. Aimed at kids. I've seen far better cartoons of much higher quality aimed at kids.


And answer me this. What channel puts on a cartoon aimed at kids at 10pm on a Sunday during a school year?

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And there was a great deal wrong with the old EU. Just because it's better than what replaced it doesn't mean there was "nothing wrong"

Having just finished the solid Thrawn: Alliances novel, I think I'm approaching a tipping point on whether I consider Legends or the new Canon "better". I love the old EU / Legends universe, warts and all, and up to now I've been saying "I like the stuff that's coming out in the new Canon, but overall I prefer Legends." For all its missteps, there were just so many great characters, events, and developments of the setting that accumulated over the course of twenty years of Legends continuity.


But while some entries in the new Canon have certainly been mediocre or forgettable (like Heir to the Jedi and the Princess Leia comic miniseries), I haven't run into any that I find outright bad -- which is more than I can say for some old EU stinkers like The Crystal Star. At the same time, there seems to be a growing number of Canon works that go toe-to-toe with the best Legends stuff, such as the Darth Vader and Doctor Aphra comics, the Twilight Company, Lost Stars, and Thrawn novels, and the campaign in the Battlefront II game.


To me, the overall weight of the "good" in the new Canon feels like it's catching up to what Legends provided, without as much "bad" holding it back.


I'm still a bit bitter that they didn't keep Legends going as a separate "Alternate Universe" imprint (like the "Ultimate" Marvel continuity, for example), so that we could get both the stories of Doctor Aphra and Rey and the stories of Jaina Solo and Cade Skywalker continuing into the future. But if the new Canon keeps going this strong, I think soon I might end up preferring it even over my strong love of Legends.

Edited by DarthDymond
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The trailer already has 83,000 dislikes on youtube.


Star war fans really really really don't like this. I think the franchise is broken tbh, it's hit the point of no return, unless Episode 9 is freaking amazing alot of SW fans are never gonna forgive Disney for TLJ and now this.


It may be for the best. If they keep producing tepid tea like Soylo and letting corporate and private politics poison the creative process further, then perhaps Disney will come to conclusion that Star Wars is a spent property and try to sell it off again to somebody who will treat it with more respect. Or they'll go the EA route squatting on the copyright if they want to troll for profit but never making anything new and thus stopping the defilement of the corpse.

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It may be for the best. If they keep producing tepid tea like Soylo and letting corporate and private politics poison the creative process further, then perhaps Disney will come to conclusion that Star Wars is a spent property and try to sell it off again to somebody who will treat it with more respect. Or they'll go the EA route squatting on the copyright if they want to troll for profit but never making anything new and thus stopping the defilement of the corpse.

This right here.


Disney right now needs to look at the world and how most people are sick of the whole forced politics SJW BS. If they can't well... They will be left behind.

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Having just finished the solid Thrawn: Alliances novel, I think I'm approaching a tipping point on whether I consider Legends or the new Canon "better". I love the old EU / Legends universe, warts and all, and up to now I've been saying "I like the stuff that's coming out in the new Canon, but overall I prefer Legends." For all its missteps, there were just so many great characters, events, and developments of the setting that accumulated over the course of twenty years of Legends continuity.


But while some entries in the new Canon have certainly been mediocre or forgettable (like Heir to the Jedi and the Princess Leia comic miniseries), I haven't run into any that I find outright bad -- which is more than I can say for some old EU stinkers like The Crystal Star. At the same time, there seems to be a growing number of Canon works that go toe-to-toe with the best Legends stuff, such as the Darth Vader and Doctor Aphra comics, the Twilight Company, Lost Stars, and Thrawn novels, and the campaign in the Battlefront II game.


To me, the overall weight of the "good" in the new Canon feels like it's catching up to what Legends provided, without as much "bad" holding it back.


I'm still a bit bitter that they didn't keep Legends going as a separate "Alternate Universe" imprint (like the "Ultimate" Marvel continuity, for example), so that we could get both the stories of Doctor Aphra and Rey and the stories of Jaina Solo and Cade Skywalker continuing into the future. But if the new Canon keeps going this strong, I think soon I might end up preferring it even over my strong love of Legends.


I was poisoned a bit I think by Aftermath and haven't really been able to get into anything since. I made it most of the way through the first novel wondering when we were going to get someone interesting or memorable. When it became clear we weren't, I gave up.

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I was poisoned a bit I think by Aftermath and haven't really been able to get into anything since. I made it most of the way through the first novel wondering when we were going to get someone interesting or memorable. When it became clear we weren't, I gave up.

I binged all three Aftermath novels as audiobooks while traveling for work, so they kind of blur together, but while I remember the first being the weakest of the bunch (to the point where I don't really blame anyone for checking out partway through it if the plot was boring them), I thought Life Debt and Empire's End were both fine. Overall, I felt the trilogy was just . . . uneven. (But I also almost pulled something rolling my eyes so hard at the cries of "SJW!" and "Disney's agenda!" that got lobbed at them when *gasp* they included not just one, but a few gay characters out of the dozens and dozens of characters in the cast.)


Throughout the trilogy, I liked the random "interludes" that checked in on so many different places around the galaxy (I thought they gave a nice sense of scope to how things were developing after Endor), several of the characters (particularly Sinjir, Rax, and especially Sloane), a lot of the humor (such as Mr. Bones' ax-crazy dialogue), and seeing how it fit with other Canon stories that dealt with the Battle of Jakku and Operation: Cinder (like the Shattered Empire comic and Battlefront II's campaign). That being said, I didn't care for the present-tense narration (although I got used to it), hated Mr. Bones being super-powerful when the plot demanded, and was repeatedly annoyed by Temmin (I liked him existing as a complication for Nora, causing tension with her sense of duty to the New Republic, but not as a major POV character).


Spoiler for a plot line in Empire's End:


The story also had a pet peeve of mine when the climax ran into the ol' Sci-Fi Writers Have No Sense of Scale trope -- setting up a plot where nearly all of the Republic navy and all of the largest Imperial Remnant's fleet were massed around a single planet. That was as much a misstep for me as the First Order having to chase down the Resistance at sub-light speed in TLJ.


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(But I also almost pulled something rolling my eyes so hard at the cries of "SJW!" and "Disney's agenda!" that got lobbed at them when *gasp* they included not just one, but a few gay characters out of the dozens and dozens of characters in the cast.)


This didn't bug me in those novels, as it was handled in a "it just is" sort of way, if that makes sense. Reminds me of how homosexual characters are handled in Pern. It wasn't an agenda, it's just how it was.


Sadly the same can't be said for the Ahsoka novel. That was shoe horned in so hard it's amazing the author still has feet...

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This didn't bug me in those novels, as it was handled in a "it just is" sort of way, if that makes sense. Reminds me of how homosexual characters are handled in Pern. It wasn't an agenda, it's just how it was.


Sadly the same can't be said for the Ahsoka novel. That was shoe horned in so hard it's amazing the author still has feet...


Did I miss something in that book? All I remember from Ahsoka that could be vaguely interpreted as "homosexual-agenda" was

the one moment when the farmer girl said that she could kiss Ashoka when the latter rescued her from imperial custody. To which Ahsoka didn't even really react in any way.

Or was the german translation just more conservative than the english book?

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Did I miss something in that book? All I remember from Ahsoka that could be vaguely interpreted as "homosexual-agenda" was

the one moment when the farmer girl said that she could kiss Ashoka when the latter rescued her from imperial custody. To which Ahsoka didn't even really react in any way.

Or was the german translation just more conservative than the english book?

Sounds like the German translation might be more conservative. The English version makes it clear throughout that Kaeden (the farmer girl) is romantically interested in Ahsoka. Her sister brings it up, and some of Kaeden's own internal dialogue confirms it when she's the point-of-view character for a bit.


That being said, I really don't see how that non-relationship constitutes any "agenda" unless the agenda is "women who are attracted to other women exist." The story seems like it would have played out exactly the same if Kaeden had been a younger guy with a crush on Ahsoka or (ignoring for the sake of argument that she's a pre-established character) if Ahsoka had been a guy that Kaeden had a crush on -- it's the same sort of unrequited affection story you see in stories all the time with straight characters, too. This time it was just one young woman crushing on another young woman.

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Sounds like the German translation might be more conservative. The English version makes it clear throughout that Kaeden (the farmer girl) is romantically interested in Ahsoka. Her sister brings it up, and some of Kaeden's own internal dialogue confirms it when she's the point-of-view character for a bit.


That being said, I really don't see how that non-relationship constitutes any "agenda" unless the agenda is "women who are attracted to other women exist." The story seems like it would have played out exactly the same if Kaeden had been a younger guy with a crush on Ahsoka or (ignoring for the sake of argument that she's a pre-established character) if Ahsoka had been a guy that Kaeden had a crush on -- it's the same sort of unrequited affection story you see in stories all the time with straight characters, too. This time it was just one young woman crushing on another young woman.


Had that been a heterosexual crush then it would have been annoying and out of place. It really didn't contribute to the story at all and I would have called it shoe horned as well. Simply put, I thought it was very poorly written, and felt like it was just added on at the end (or perhaps Filoni shot down what it originally was so they had to edit it).


Trouble is, due to the sensitivity of all things LGBT, it is practically impossible that it was put in the story without being very deliberate about it. When that addition feels tacked on like that, especially with a well established character, it gives off a bad smell, so to speak. Agenda might be a little strong to describe it (I don't think there is a grand conspiracy afoot or anything) however it does give off strong hints of ideological injection where I don't think it belongs.

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Agenda might be a little strong to describe it (I don't think there is a grand conspiracy afoot or anything) however it does give off strong hints of ideological injection where I don't think it belongs.

No, that is exactly the proper term both in connotation and denotation. Lucasfilm under Disney has packed the worldbuilding side of the company with ideologues and I don't care how much people sympathetic to the same point of view want to deny it. Gaslighting and fellow traveler shilling won't affect those of us with clear vision.

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No, that is exactly the proper term both in connotation and denotation. Lucasfilm under Disney has packed the worldbuilding side of the company with ideologues and I don't care how much people sympathetic to the same point of view want to deny it. Gaslighting and fellow traveler shilling won't affect those of us with clear vision.

Romance elements (whether full-blown plot-lines, minor subplots, or just informed character attributes where character X is attracted to character Y) are pretty standard fare for genre works in general, including Star Wars media. This stretches back to the Luke/Leia/Han love triangle set up in the OT -- and the resolution to that plot-line shows that handling romances somewhat awkwardly is pretty much par for the course as well.


Seems like the problem is that we went for almost 30 years with those romances being exclusively straight in the SW universe (there was one same-sex Mando couple introduced in 2006 as supporting characters), so now having even a modest amount of representation in the stories is such a contrast that it strikes some people as meaning the creative team is "packed with ideologues." There have been way, way more straight romances in the New Canon stories, but the inclusion of a smattering of same-sex ones in the mix apparently irks some people.

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Romance elements (whether full-blown plot-lines, minor subplots, or just informed character attributes where character X is attracted to character Y) are pretty standard fare for genre works in general, including Star Wars media. This stretches back to the Luke/Leia/Han love triangle set up in the OT -- and the resolution to that plot-line shows that handling romances somewhat awkwardly is pretty much par for the course as well.

Which was not created so that Lucas and crew could pat themselves on the back and humblebrag on social media about how well they represented people who had incestuous crushes as teens.


Seems like the problem is that we went for almost 30 years with those romances being exclusively straight in the SW universe (there was one same-sex Mando couple introduced in 2006 as supporting characters), so now having even a modest amount of representation in the stories is such a contrast that it strikes some people as meaning the creative team is "packed with ideologues." There have been way, way more straight romances in the New Canon stories, but the inclusion of a smattering of same-sex ones in the mix apparently irks some people.


No the pandering is more than just token gays being peppered about for free and easy public corporate genuflecting by the seal clapping diversity cred crowd, but by all means continue to disingenuously imply it's only homophobes who are dissatisfied with such tone deaf cultural propaganda. Yes, the creative team is obviously and rather undeniably packed with ideologues more interested in altering the lore of Star Wars to make them feel comfortable and vindicated visa their social and cultural beliefs and that rightly irks people who can exercise critical thinking.


As a queer fellow myself I've always been insulted when big business tried to pander to my identity in a self-consciously progressive variant of some 1990s youth ad campaign trying to prove how radical and tubular their products were. I've been more disgusted when other ****** turn cartwheels like good little circus animals whenever faceless corporation X "acknowledges gays exist" mostly by using them as a cynical shield from criticism for something of poor quality. Inclusivity and representation uber alles; merit and taste be damned. EA is particularly notorious for trying to pretend that the people who loathe what BioWare put out under their umbrella were just far-right maniacs angry that there were gay romance options.


Seems that's the real problem. People who fall for corporate snow jobs and then defend them against consumer rebuke in return for more signaling, winks, and nods.

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Which was not created so that Lucas and crew could pat themselves on the back and humblebrag on social media about how well they represented people who had incestuous crushes as teens.




No the pandering is more than just token gays being peppered about for free and easy public corporate genuflecting by the seal clapping diversity cred crowd, but by all means continue to disingenuously imply it's only homophobes who are dissatisfied with such tone deaf cultural propaganda. Yes, the creative team is obviously and rather undeniably packed with ideologues more interested in altering the lore of Star Wars to make them feel comfortable and vindicated visa their social and cultural beliefs and that rightly irks people who can exercise critical thinking.


As a queer fellow myself I've always been insulted when big business tried to pander to my identity in a self-consciously progressive variant of some 1990s youth ad campaign trying to prove how radical and tubular their products were. I've been more disgusted when other ****** turn cartwheels like good little circus animals whenever faceless corporation X "acknowledges gays exist" mostly by using them as a cynical shield from criticism for something of poor quality. Inclusivity and representation uber alles; merit and taste be damned. EA is particularly notorious for trying to pretend that the people who loathe what BioWare put out under their umbrella were just far-right maniacs angry that there were gay romance options.


Seems that's the real problem. People who fall for corporate snow jobs and then defend them against consumer rebuke in return for more signaling, winks, and nods.

Completely agreed.

I'm part of the LGBT "community" (god i hate labels, wheres the individualism) as well and it is so blatantly obvious when a company is trying to use "diversity" as a marketing tool to show everyone how "progressive" they are. It's a seriously perverted way of selling a product by making it a part of your marketing plan.


Trust me, if you got genuine diversity that just came with the writing rather than have it put there out of necessity to attract X audience, people will notice, you don't need to shove it in their face to make sure they see it. It's obnoxious and just as insulting as "all white America" speech at a Trump rally, it's just done in the complete reverse and these left wing ideologists refuse to see it because it caters to their own agenda, because what they are saying is effectively "Everywhere must be diversity!" which is a equality of outcome speech, not equality of opportunity speech. When you stuff anything into an art form as a "necessity" it's propaganda plain and simple: agenda first art second.

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I'm not seeing where some line has been crossed between "genuine" diversity in the work vs what's supposedly "pandering" or "forced" diversity. There isn't a same-sex romance in every SW work by a long shot, most don't have any. It's just appearing as part of the larger mix, now, instead of being completely absent. We had 30 years where SW works included plenty of romances, but none of them were same-sex. Now, among the scores of romances that show up in books, comics, and games, there are some same-sex relationships and attractions appearing alongside all the straight romances.


I haven't heard any author saying they were mandated to include a same-sex relationship in their work. It seems like LucasArts has given authors a free hand to write the characters and relationships they want to, and some of those are now LGBT in addition to all the straight ones.

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I'm not seeing where some line has been crossed between "genuine" diversity in the work vs what's supposedly "pandering" or "forced" diversity. There isn't a same-sex romance in every SW work by a long shot, most don't have any. It's just appearing as part of the larger mix, now, instead of being completely absent. We had 30 years where SW works included plenty of romances, but none of them were same-sex. Now, among the scores of romances that show up in books, comics, and games, there are some same-sex relationships and attractions appearing alongside all the straight romances.

You wanna know why Star Wars had nonexistent gay representation before Disney? Because of George Lucas. He was in charge of the franchise and his world views have always been anti-gay, it's no secret he has stated this in interviews that he didn't want gay relationships in his Star Wars.

SWTOR was originally going to have more gay/bi flirts, but Lucas was against it.

And this was propaganda decision catering to his own agenda of gay-free galaxy. You see? It is not just the leftists ideologists who force "literally every minority must be represented", it's also people forcing "gayless" writing, "white only" world, "no ugly people" movies... When they put a restriction on the freedom of creation by demanding that something must be added or kept away from said art, it is agenda-ist propaganda first art second by forcing the vision to stay in their agenda mold.


I haven't heard any author saying they were mandated to include a same-sex relationship in their work. It seems like LucasArts has given authors a free hand to write the characters and relationships they want to, and some of those are now LGBT in addition to all the straight ones.

Pff ofcourse nobody would say that, it'd be terrible PR, are you kidding me. Why would anyone in their right mind go out saying stuff like that if they were trying to sell that work they just did to earn a living?

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So this new video makes this show sound a good bit better than earlier promos. This promo has a "Top Gun" feel to it.




That trailer upped my interest, especially on part of cast. I love to hear more of Stephen Stanton (who did excellent job in voicing Tarkin and many other characters in TCW and Rebels) and Mary Elizabeth McGlynn (whose voicework was great as Governor Pryce in Rebels).

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All I'm going to point out, is that the YouTube video itself the amount of upvotes to down votes and thr amount of criticism the trailer got, I doubt thst resistance lasts very long.


My 2 credits.


I'd be fine with that, maybe we can get something better, without anime, in a more interesting time period.

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I'd be fine with that, maybe we can get something better, without anime, in a more interesting time period.


Get clone wars back for a few more seasons and put resistance to shame. when Disney sees the numbers and screams unnaturally in horror, maybe this will convince them to keep Anime away from Star wars, forever.

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Get clone wars back for a few more seasons and put resistance to shame. when Disney sees the numbers and screams unnaturally in horror, maybe this will convince them to keep Anime away from Star wars, forever.


Actually anime can work just fine. Just look up the Tie Fighter short episode on YouTube. It's done in the anime style and looks freaking awesome.

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Actually anime can work just fine. Just look up the Tie Fighter short episode on YouTube. It's done in the anime style and looks freaking awesome.

^This^ (beat me to it :p)


Anime style can be great at giving a sense of speed and movement, which could be a perfect fit for a series focused on the fighter-pilot / dogfighting aspect of Star Wars.


CGI series like Clone Wars and Rebels can do it well enough if handled just right, but a lot of times they can also fall into a bit of an "uncanny valley" effect when it comes to weight and motion that can be distracting.


The cel shaded look that Resistance is using has never really been my favorite approach, but I binged The Dragon Prince on Netflix over the weekend, and it's apparently something I can get used to.

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The worst thing about these previews aren't the visual direction and animation. Cheap, crude, highly experimental, or stylized art in episodic cartoons can often be forgiven if the narrative is appealing and the world building holds interest. This show just isn't something I'm looking for in Star Wars. A color-coded team of pilots having races above a flat oceanic environment centered around a base/academy with occasional incursions by sneak spies? It could easily be another light sci-fi kids' show like what used to pepper Saturday morning programming blocs on weaker television networks if not for the regular appearance of an alien race or legacy article to remind you, "Oh yeah, this is supposed to take place in the Galaxy Far Far Away." It could have easily been something completely different and so far lacks any proof of having an inherent and deep connection with this universe. The exoticism, mystique, and high adventure are absent or will at least take quite awhile to build up and by then the opportunity to garner interest may be wasted.
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