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Time to merge the US servers... again. Primetime window getting smaller and smaller.


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I really wasn't intending to belittle anything. PvPers HAVE been complaining that nobody plays lowbie. There also have been statements that rewards in lowbie PvP are bad (ie, not appealing enough to encourage people to play) and there have been pages now on how to ameliorate that. Statement of facts of what people are saying in the discussion. Not an insult.


Apologies, I might have been too sensitive due to my lack of sleep. But I feel you wouldn't appreciate it if I painted your position as "solo players are complaining their easy mode content doesn't give them same rewards as more challenging content". Really, I find it strange that you don't seem to care what happens to a certain game style in this game -- aren't you often calling out group oriented players for not caring enough about solo players? Now you don't seem to care about group oriented players, or at least as long as they're not getting something you're not getting.

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Guys, I think you just got your wires crossed. From my perspective, you were both nearly talking about the same thing.

No need to keep fighting with each other :D


Yeah, I probably shouldn't be dealing with forums this late. Language barrier, lack of sleep and anxiety disorder don't mix well. x.x I just don't much care for it when forum folks criticize the pvp community for being "toxic" when I find these forums to be much worse than your usual warzone chat.

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Yeah, I probably shouldn't be dealing with forums this late. Language barrier, lack of sleep and anxiety disorder don't mix well. x.x I just don't much care for it when forum folks criticize the pvp community for being "toxic" when I find these forums to be much worse than your usual warzone chat.


I understand.

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Apologies, I might have been too sensitive due to my lack of sleep. But I feel you wouldn't appreciate it if I painted your position as "solo players are complaining their easy mode content doesn't give them same rewards as more challenging content". Really, I find it strange that you don't seem to care what happens to a certain game style in this game -- aren't you often calling out group oriented players for not caring enough about solo players? Now you don't seem to care about group oriented players, or at least as long as they're not getting something you're not getting.


I actually do think both group and solo areas should get regular bug free content and that the player base would be happier and more active if they did. But I don't think any play style should get extra incentives to attract players. Including solo. If they gave UCs for the class stories and nothing else I would actually object too.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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I’ve thought of this before because it’s an old discussion from years ago.


The way around that is to also have a legacy Valor for each class and total legacy. I like the idea of both working in conjunction.


This is how it would work.


1. Class legacy Valor - if your class legacy is valor 40. You can go into lvl 70 the same as your other class Alt.

2. Total legacy Valor - if you achieve Valor 100 on a class, you can take any class into lvl 70 even if you don’t have that class legacy at Valor 40.

Yeah I'd be totally fine with some legacy-valor and then introducing the midbi-cap.

But midbi-cap with the current valor system tied to each individual character... ~heeeel no.


If we talk about endgame, sure. But I've been trying to explain why many pvp players, who normally would choose to pvp despite getting worse rewards than raiders, don't bother with lowbie/midbie.

Oh I know. And you've been doing a fine job. But the XP issue is tied to both lowbie and 70 pvp. It just swaps from regular xp to cxp (and cxp bring boxes=extra reward). Maybe I should have clarified that point...

Edited by Kiesu
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The lack of real expansions and sluggish content update cadences have really hurt this game in the long run. Satele Shan is dying. Primetime window gets smaller and smaller and ranked PvP won't pop generally until it's almost ET evening hours. Even SF is very quiet until ET evening hours.


This is also another Shadowlands vs. Jedi Covenent situation. Two same servers competing for the exact same demographic. There is no reason to have 2 separate servers keeping the vast majority who do the same things away from each other.


I think the reasoning that keeping 2 servers due to "technical limitations" is a cop out, too. This game has bled out so much of its population that it frankly only needs 1 server, and you guys certainly have the hardware and knowledge to maintain that for the rest who play this game on a regular basis. The server won't be overbloated, that's for sure.


Please merge the servers. You're doing what little players remain a disservice by not doing so.



NO! It needs to open up those servers back up. Merge cause a lot of problems.

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NO! It needs to open up those servers back up. Merge cause a lot of problems.


Honestly I don't agree with this. While I do not think a merger is needed, we definitely do not need the old servers opened up. I do not believe our population is large enough to have additional servers. Lets face it, we're down to 5 total servers for a reason.

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Planetary comms were different, as they only bought leveling gear -- now you get the gear directly from heroics. ^^ But I explained why pvp players feel some sort of reward needs to be given for lowbie/midbie. If you feel some other reward is better, feel free to share your ideas. If you don't care that there isn't many matches going on in lowbie/midbie, then you certainly have the right to feel that way, but people who do either enjoy those game modes or feel they have a place in the game (=a place for new people to learn pvp before endgame) feel very differently.


Except it doesn't? UCs are end game rewards for completing content, including PvP. That's where you need them, not before. If you have to start considering incentivizing lowbie PvP by giving out end game rewards for participation, it might be time to just shut it down instead. It will not have the effect you think it will. What will happen is people will just quit. It's insult to injury to those that stuck out wave after wave of nerfs to turn around and find that people are getting end game rewards at level 10, for just showing up for lowbie PvP.

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Except it doesn't? UCs are end game rewards for completing content, including PvP. That's where you need them, not before. If you have to start considering incentivizing lowbie PvP by giving out end game rewards for participation, it might be time to just shut it down instead. It will not have the effect you think it will. What will happen is people will just quit. It's insult to injury to those that stuck out wave after wave of nerfs to turn around and find that people are getting end game rewards at level 10, for just showing up for lowbie PvP.


As I said, you certainly have the right to not care about lowbie/midbie queue pops, but don't expect people who do enjoy that game mode to agree with your "perhaps it should be shut down"-mindset. It used to give endgame comms, it stopped giving them, and several people on the forums have said that's when they stopped doing it. If going back to something similar to the old system is enough for you or people you know to quit, that's within your rights too, but more people were participating back during that system.

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Except it doesn't? UCs are end game rewards for completing content, including PvP. That's where you need them, not before. If you have to start considering incentivizing lowbie PvP by giving out end game rewards for participation, it might be time to just shut it down instead. It will not have the effect you think it will. What will happen is people will just quit. It's insult to injury to those that stuck out wave after wave of nerfs to turn around and find that people are getting end game rewards at level 10, for just showing up for lowbie PvP.


I guess you missed my post on how to make that work.


Actually, you couldn’t use the pvp Comms till max lvl either and the gear was always 1-2-3 lvls lower than the max gear operations guys could get, so the gear was crap for anything other than story.

It was only useful for pvp or OWPVP.

PVP Comms could be used for gear at lvl 70 or for medpacks from lvl 10.

From lvl 10 and lvl 64, pvpers had to wear pve gear that they had to farm or buy for their lvl. Bolster didn’t work as hard to give everyone the same gear lvl like it does now in pvp.

In pvp today, you can literally wear lvl 10 gear at lvl 69 in pvp and hardly lose any stats.


One idea I thought of is they make UCs a pvp currency only.

1. Allow pvpers to collect them in lowbies and Mids

2. Have 2 pvp gear lvls 244 and 248 (cap it at 248). Gear under this remains pve and bolsters to 242.

3. Reintroduce expertise and reorganise some stats in pvp gear, ie remove some accuracy (not needed as much in pvp by some classes and not needed at all by others). This will make it less affective in pve.

4. Make expertise a main pvp stat again so that higher lvl pve gear isn’t as good in pvp as the 248 pvp gear

5. Make command Comms for pve gear and don’t require UCs to buy the pve gear.


AKA, similar to the old gearing system.


This system keeps pvp and pve gear seperate. It allows pvers and pvpers to have their own currency for gear. The higher tier pve geared players won’t have a gear advantage in pvp and the pvp gear won’t be BiS for end game pve content.


It’s a win - win for both communities, importantly, it’s fair for everyone


Edit: command tokens could be added from lvl 10 as rewards at differring amounts for different content and scaled for the character lvl. Both pve and pvp. This could include conquest as well.

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I guess you missed my post on how to make that work.


Nope, I didn't miss it. If they liked the old system so much, they should have just stayed with it, instead of spending all that time and money going through all these changes, only to revert them. There are a lot of other things I'd rather see them roll back than a gear system, like making some of the specs they broke in the name of balance viable in PvE again. Concession after concession has been made in the name of getting more people involved in PvP, including gating companions behind it, and it's not working, apparently. Since it's not working, maybe it's time to see if those dollars wouldn't be spent better somewhere else.


Not like it matters much to me, however. As I said earlier in the thread, they haven't done enough to make me want to keep spending money, so in about a week, I'll be done for a while, yet again. Too many games rolling out now that are either making me interested in spending money, or keeping me that way. So maybe I come back in 6 months to a year, again, and see if they've fixed any of the stuff I consider broken, and if not, it'll be another month of sub, and gone again, perhaps for the last time. I've got better things to throw my money at than developers that aren't interested in keeping my money coming in. They had it for a long time, I've never played this game F2P, despite it being that way, but I'm not funding it if it's not doing anything to keep me.

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Nope, I didn't miss it. If they liked the old system so much, they should have just stayed with it, instead of spending all that time and money going through all these changes, only to revert them. There are a lot of other things I'd rather see them roll back than a gear system, like making some of the specs they broke in the name of balance viable in PvE again. Concession after concession has been made in the name of getting more people involved in PvP, including gating companions behind it, and it's not working, apparently. Since it's not working, maybe it's time to see if those dollars wouldn't be spent better somewhere else.

"I don't want them to revert this system they changed because time effort and money, but I want them to revert this other this other system no matter the time effort and money"

Ok mate.

Edited by Kiesu
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"I don't want them to revert this system they changed because time effort and money, but I want them to revert this other this other system no matter the time effort and money"

Ok mate.


Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication. What I actually said was "there are things that I would rather see them revert", not "that I want them to revert". I already know "but it will break my PvP" will be reason enough to not see the revisions I'd like to see, that's why they were changed in the first place. So by all means, argue against what I actually said, instead of what you want me to have said.

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Maybe we should start promoting this option to the Devs before they get too far into the development of the new gearing system.


Would you care to take a shot at making a thread? I think if I do it, I might attract too many haters.


I feel like it is pretty well known that I hate PvP so anything I might say supporting it would be suspect. But if a thread is created by someone else I would be glad to support it.

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The lack of real expansions and sluggish content update cadences have really hurt this game in the long run. Satele Shan is dying. Primetime window gets smaller and smaller and ranked PvP won't pop generally until it's almost ET evening hours. Even SF is very quiet until ET evening hours.


This is also another Shadowlands vs. Jedi Covenent situation. Two same servers competing for the exact same demographic. There is no reason to have 2 separate servers keeping the vast majority who do the same things away from each other.


I think the reasoning that keeping 2 servers due to "technical limitations" is a cop out, too. This game has bled out so much of its population that it frankly only needs 1 server, and you guys certainly have the hardware and knowledge to maintain that for the rest who play this game on a regular basis. The server won't be overbloated, that's for sure.


Please merge the servers. You're doing what little players remain a disservice by not doing so.


Game's population is always there before merge or after and you can't expect everyone log-in to make a group for you. This game got a lot of companions now that a player could make a group with their own companions but needs to add that option inside the next expansion and this can bring the game better. Games don't have to be just only player group with players.


I have heard this merge thing before that Sony Entertainment got caught up from those post thread pushing server merge and didn't work. Sony Entertainment had rebels to cause fail Star Wars Galaxies. Rebels from Sony Entertainment could be working on messing up this game and they don't need to be inside this company. I love Keith and Eric make Star Wars stories alive.

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I feel like it is pretty well known that I hate PvP so anything I might say supporting it would be suspect. But if a thread is created by someone else I would be glad to support it.


That’s why you would be the best person as it would show bi-partisanship on the topic and more likely to garner wider support and show the Devs a united front instead of a divided community.

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"I don't want them to revert this system they changed because time effort and money, but I want them to revert this other this other system no matter the time effort and money"

Ok mate.


I’d give up. He’s just here to argue with everyone and offer no substance to the conversations. (Even Luna and I had more constructive points when we were arguing), If you say white he’ll say black or gray.

He use to do this a lot when he was last subscribed, he’s trying to troll but just isn’t very good.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I have heard this merge thing before that Sony Entertainment got caught up from those post thread pushing server merge and didn't work. Sony Entertainment had rebels to cause fail Star Wars Galaxies. Rebels from Sony Entertainment could be working on messing up this game and they don't need to be inside this company.


What are you talking about?

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