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I think you should lose no rating if a member of your team quits


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Losing 0 elo, while it sounds good, would make a lot of games worthless. If I knew I would loose 0 elo if a team member quits, I would either not try every single solo ranked match where its a 3v4 or vote kick a member on my team every single time I know it's a loss.


The problem with 3v4s in solo ranked as of right now, is that nothing happens if someone leaves. You loose/win the same amount of elo in a 3v4 as a 4v4, regardless if they leave or never show up. The amount you loose should definitely be more forgiving. It doesn't matter how good the 3 players on your team are, 3v4s are very very very hard win.

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Unbalanced lineups should automatically stop the match. If one side only has 3 players or perhaps no healer / tank which the other side has, then simply prevent the game from ever starting. Stop the game with no loss or gain on either side.
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Unbalanced lineups should automatically stop the match. If one side only has 3 players or perhaps no healer / tank which the other side has, then simply prevent the game from ever starting. Stop the game with no loss or gain on either side.


Wouldn't work either. As they quit once the match starts.

Had that happen the other day. Frustrating. Dude quit soon as the match started. In Granked at that.

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Wouldn't work either. As they quit once the match starts.

Had that happen the other day. Frustrating. Dude quit soon as the match started. In Granked at that.


Maybe I didn't explain it correctly then, but in your case the guy was already load in, so my concept would not come into effect.



You have 3 people and they have 4 and nobody have come and gone = match is stopped before it starts.

You have 3 dps and 1 healer and they have 4 dps and nobody have come and gone = match is stopped before it starts.

You have healer / tank and 2 dps and they have 4 dps and nobody have come and gone = match is stopped before it starts.



I am simply asking for the game to be stopped if the lineup is unbalanced from queue decline or similar. If the match is unbalanced because someone leaves, then no, the match should start even though it sucks for one part as it otherwise would open stuff up for abuse.

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I think the quitter (in solo ranked only) should lose more (double/triple) rating, whilst everyone else neither lose or gain rating as a result of that match. This should deter quitters from leaving games they will probably lose, or because their friend is on the other team. The match may also be ended prematurely as Lundorff said, to prevent time wasting.


To prevent people from kicking a "scapegoat" when losing s-ranked, rating gain/losses should remain the same if someone was vote kicked (i.e. the usual amount lost for the the kickers and kicked player). Even though 2 win-traders can still kick someone to make sure their friend gets the rating, but the chance of 2 win-traders getting in a group together against their friend is a bit lower than 1 win-trader/quitter, and if you're ever in that bad situation, the 2 win-traders won't even need to vote-kick as they can throw the game by just playing bad.


This should only be applied to solo ranked as well, or g-ranked teams will exploit it by having one designated quitter in unfavourable matches.


Unfortunate for people who pug t-ranked with unknowns who quit mid-game, I know. But I think in t-ranked it's important to play with people who you can trust and work with(unless you are there to farm mats). I also feel a little bad for the people who actually DC'ed, but if they are excluded and don't lose rating for DC then people will just Alt+F4 out of ranked all day.


In my opinion, the current system is not bad, except it gets ruined by the many people who exploit it frequently to get a higher rating. Every time there's a new idea to make things more fair for people who takes all the pops, gear up properly, try their best etc, some savvy individual comes up with 5 ways to exploit the system. :rolleyes:

Edited by Ice_Princess
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My idea of how the current elo system could be, would a degradeing reputation.


you gain X elo for playing a match, you gain X+X elo for winning. if you stop playing for more than a week, you X elo drops by X amount. the prizes at the end of 4 months are a tier system of 4 tiers, you have 3 months to build your tier, you have 1 month of conclusion and reward buying. all rewards from previous seasons would be avaible for proportionly higher "currency" for each season passed since. so season 3 gear cost X more than season 4, but X amount less than season 2.


the "competition" imo should just be elimitated all together, its what bred all the hacking, frankly, bioware just doesn't have the resources to combat any of it effectively.

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I think the quitter (in solo ranked only) should lose more (double/triple) rating, whilst everyone else neither lose or gain rating as a result of that match. This should deter quitters from leaving games they will probably lose, or because their friend is on the other team. The match may also be ended prematurely as Lundorff said, to prevent time wasting.


To prevent people from kicking a "scapegoat" when losing s-ranked, rating gain/losses should remain the same if someone was vote kicked (i.e. the usual amount lost for the the kickers and kicked player). Even though 2 win-traders can still kick someone to make sure their friend gets the rating, but the chance of 2 win-traders getting in a group together against their friend is a bit lower than 1 win-trader/quitter, and if you're ever in that bad situation, the 2 win-traders won't even need to vote-kick as they can throw the game by just playing bad.


This should only be applied to solo ranked as well, or g-ranked teams will exploit it by having one designated quitter in unfavourable matches.


Unfortunate for people who pug t-ranked with unknowns who quit mid-game, I know. But I think in t-ranked it's important to play with people who you can trust and work with(unless you are there to farm mats). I also feel a little bad for the people who actually DC'ed, but if they are excluded and don't lose rating for DC then people will just Alt+F4 out of ranked all day.


In my opinion, the current system is not bad, except it gets ruined by the many people who exploit it frequently to get a higher rating. Every time there's a new idea to make things more fair for people who takes all the pops, gear up properly, try their best etc, some savvy individual comes up with 5 ways to exploit the system. :rolleyes:


Taking away rating only works if they cared about it in the first place.

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Taking away rating only works if they cared about it in the first place.

Yes, some people don't care about rating in ranked, but simply put: if they quit, their buddies on the other team won't gain anything. And their poor teammates won't suffer for it.

Edited by Ice_Princess
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Yes, some people don't care about rating in ranked, but simply put: if they quit, their buddies on the other team won't gain anything. And their poor teammates won't suffer for it.


Even this allows for a lot of exploitation. So you play with a friend who doesn't care about his elo (or use an alt account) and then if your team is outmatched, just have the friend/alt account quit, and now your main doesn't lose elo.


Shrug, my best idea is basically someone leaves, that person is locked out for a long period of time. An hour, 24 hours, something, if it was important enough to leave a ranked match, then it's important enough to not do ranked for 24 hours, or even longer. Yeah, people will screw up individual matches, but then that toon is locked, and folks have a finite number of toons, and that would be a really easy thing to check for BW. "We noticed that you have 5 different toons all leave a ranked match within a 2 hour period of time, and each of them has been locked from doing ranked. Since clearly you are having real life issues that ranked pvp is interfering with, we've decided to prevent you from playing ranked the rest of the season in order to allow you to focus on your real life issues. All the best. -BW"

Edited by LordTurin
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Hey Turin, please read my first post.

I admit that people can still exploit it for the benefit of their friend. However, you have to get lucky with q-sync and whatnot to be on the same team. I think your lockout idea is pretty great, because it will reduce the incidences and make people re log until they run out of alts. They can make it even stricter with an account-wide lockout as well.

Edited by Ice_Princess
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Hey Turin, please read my first post.

I admit that people can still exploit it for the benefit of their friend. However, you have to get lucky with q-sync and whatnot to be on the same team. I think your lockout idea is pretty great, because it will reduce the incidences and make people re log until they run out of alts. They can make it even stricter with an account-wide lockout as well.


My understanding of your post is that if someone leaves, that person loses a lot of elo, and then basically the rest of the players (on both sides) don't gain or lose elo regardless of the outcome. My point was that in that case, it doesn't matter which team the leaver is on, if he is"teamed up" with one of the other players. If he is on that players team, he leaves, and now the match doesn't count. If his on the other team, again, the match doesn't count. And the "leaver" is using a alt toon that he/she doesn't care about, so a huge loss of elo doesn't really matter. The only solution is really to limit how many times they can do that (for example, by locking them for a significant amount of time).

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