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State of Alliance Companions


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I think that's a little off though. As it doesn't match up with the rest of the story, as one of the things a Knight can do, is convert a Pure Blood Sith to the Jedi order.


Then Scourge comes along and they're all "Sith! Can't be redeemed!"


Yeah, their own prejudices come out. Kira also says she was afraid to tell the Jedi Council about her background because she doesn't know how they'll react. If they truly accept anyone who "comes to the light" why would they have minded? There are also at least two times they don't like it if you bring them Force users to train as Jedi who are from backgrounds they don't care for. One is the Fleshraider Force user IIRC, and there's one more that I can't remember now.


But they still seem to think that anyone who isn't a Jedi isn't okay and is in need of redemption. It never seems to dawn on the Jedi to accept that other Force users might have different beliefs and might not need or want their 'redemption.' :D

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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I'm sure there are a few of the OC companions that joined the Alliance (either in story or as an alert) that will have an issue with switching sides. And perhaps even a few who wont. I think most of the Republic companions that have returned would have an issue with joining the Empire since most of them have an issue with the Empire as part of their story. Scourge probably wouldn't mind. On the other hand, I could see several of the Imperial companions going over to the Republic. Vette, LS Jaesa, Quinn (maybe), Talos (his whole "for the Empire" always seemed forced to me, like he was watching his words around a powerful Sith Inquisitor who could make his eyes pop out of his head with force lightning at any moment), Ashara (especially if you followed the light path), Reina Temple (another maybe, she's not really loyal to the Empire), and any of the BH companions except Skadge and maybe Torian. 2V-R8 will serve anyone, especially if they don't threaten to scrap him, melt him down, riddle his chassis with blaster bolts, shock him, or introduce him to the business end of a lightsaber.


What I really want is for my choices to matter. My Sorcerer sided with the Republic. Repeatedly. So I will be very disappointed if all of a sudden I'm Vowrawn's lap dog. If given the option my Sorcerer will switch sides in a heartbeat. It would be even more cool if someone does switch sides their old faction were to send assassins, bounty hunters, commandos, etc. after them. I very much doubt they will (or even can) introduce a mechanic that would actually switch my Sorcerer to the Republic side, but at least for the upcoming story I want my Sorcerer to fight for the Republic.

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Yes please. I lost the marriage note on my main and it never showed up on some of the others, and I'm concerned that will affect future content.


I do hope that Lana will still have a role in the content, and that other LIs will get time, too. Actual conversations and companion quests are probably #1 on my wish list.


what... do you guys mean? there should be a NOTE about marriage? ***, i have 5 or 6 toons who make proposal to her and i'm pretty sure that none of them have any notes about it, i thought it's normal... well up until now

what the hell?

i really don't want to reroll any of my toons because of this... bug or... whatever, i already did that few times and it's... frustrating, to say the least

cuz it's very boring to do all chapters kotfe and kotet yet again, from the very beginning... ugh...

i think it'll be a really good idea to add some kind of checkbox for cleared chapters for new characters in same legacy which will allow to make at least important choices

p/s: sorry for my english

Edited by evilwit
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what... do you guys mean? there should be a NOTE about marriage? ***, i have 5 or 6 toons who make proposal to her and i'm pretty sure that none of them have any notes about it, i thought it's normal... well up until now

what the hell?

i really don't want to reroll any of my toons because of this... bug or... whatever, i already did that few times and it's... frustrating, to say the least

cuz it's very boring to do all chapters kotfe and kotet yet again, from the very beginning... ugh...

i think it'll be a really good idea to add some kind of checkbox for cleared chapters for new characters in same legacy which will allow to make at least important choices

p/s: sorry for my english


Yes. There should be a note. After you finish the Nathema story flashpoint, if you have proposed to Lana, there should have been a note in her companion interactions screen saying something like "you proposed to Lana and she accepted." It's been an issue that people who did the flashpoint before 5.9.1 never got the note (IIRC it affected Theron as well if there was a proposal there) and some of those who did it after 5.9.1 got the note, and then lost it.


The devs have addressed it and supposedly there's going to be a fix in the next patch (they said so on a podcast). I hope it will fix it for everyone who never got the note or got it and lost it.

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The devs have addressed it and supposedly there's going to be a fix in the next patch (they said so on a podcast). I hope it will fix it for everyone who never got the note or got it and lost it.


This is what I'm hoping for, as one of my characters has had the relationship disappear entirely, and one had it reverted from engagement to begun a relationship.

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It would be nice if BW do both a state of the galaxy (Which is already in the works according to development tracker) and a separate ones for companions. As the next story go's back to Republic vs. Empire there has to be a reason why certain companions stay with the outlander. Personally I could not see many republic character companions switch over to imperial even more so if you played your character as darkside. So I agree with the OP a write up on comps or even a chapter dedicated to companions would be welcome IMO.

I also wonder if you have switched factions by the end of the last FP how that will affect BW's next story arc. So for me even though I personally think going back to Rep vs Imp is a huge step backwards it will be interesting only because of the possible change of faction.

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I think probably w/ the conflict returning to Pub vs Imp, and the next companions supposed to return IIRC are Kira, Scourge & Jaesa, the next storyline will again be Force-based, and may have something to do w/ rebuilding either the Jedi Order or the Dark Council depending on which faction you sided with.


With Zakuul being pretty much done w/o the Eternal Fleet's technology, what happens to Koth, Senya & Arcann are anyone's guess. I'd imagine the Outlander asking them to join his rebuilding effort as an outside perspective on the Force could strengthen the chosen faction. They'd either join depending on how they were treated during KOTFE & KOTET or decline and return to Zakuul to help their people, but promise to return if the Outlander needs them.

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I just hope whoever kept Arcann alive is gonna get lot of dirty looks from Reps and Imps alike, the bloke was oppressing both sides for years :D


Kinda like Elara/Quinn I hope some companions won't be ok with whichever side you go with and follow their own mind for once rather than blindly following PC around the galaxy like lost pups. I could imagine Senya/Arcann leaving to live in Zakuul as well.


Probably unpopular opinion but I really don't like an army of NPCs following my characters and be available to summon at whim. I'd like to imagine the characters have lives beyond scavenging for PC at every turn :p

Edited by Kiesu
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I'll be curious to see what happens to companions who haven't yet returned if we chose the opposite side after Nathema. My DS JC has turned his back on the Pub side long ago and will be curious to see how Nadia responds to this, or how Doc/Kira responds to you joining the Imps.
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I just hope whoever kept Arcann alive is gonna get lot of dirty looks from Reps and Imps alike, the bloke was oppressing both sides for years :D


Kinda like Elara/Quinn I hope some companions won't be ok with whichever side you go with and follow their own mind for once rather than blindly following PC around the galaxy like lost pups. I could imagine Senya/Arcann leaving to live in Zakuul as well.


Probably unpopular opinion but I really don't like an army of NPCs following my characters and be available to summon at whim. I'd like to imagine the characters have lives beyond scavenging for PC at every turn :p


I don't think what you said is unpopular or unrealistic (well as realistic as this game can be) I think its more that some players like me have spent a lot of time building up affection levels for some of our characters companions. So only from that point of view do I have concerns about the new story arc. If we were to lose them as we lost many of the original comps at the start of KOTFE. I do agree with you a lot of the companions would not follow your character into any situation. I really could not see Jorgan staying with a darkside character going back to the Empire, after all was not the troopers first chapter all about defection?

So yes on this I think we are on the same page, though from a story point of view it will be interesting even if I end up say no way would that happen. lol

Edited by StormForceDax
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I don't think what you said is unpopular or unrealistic (well as realistic as this game can be) I think its more that some players like me have spent a lot of time building up affection levels for some of our characters companions. So only from that point of view do I have concerns about the new story arc. If we were to lose them as we lost many of the original comps at the start of KOTFE. I do agree with you a lot of the companions would not follow your character into any situation. I really could not see Jorgan staying with a darkside character going back to the Empire, after all was not the troopers first chapter all about defection?

So yes on this I think we are on the same page, though from a story point of view it will be interesting even if I end up say no way would that happen. lol

I don't think you need to worry about losing your max influence companions forever. After all Odessen magic terminal brings back companions you've had and who you left or killed along the way.

Even if you got Torian and Vette max inf at the end of KOTET, you still got back back whichever one you left trough it. I don't see a reason why they would change this in the future (even if I think the console is complete bollocks and never touch it, I'm not gonna say no to get your credit sink follower back at crafting :D).

I'd just like to see more character development happening, even if that development meant they decided I wasn't cool enough for them anymore, heh

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Because of the influence levels I care about most of them, and there are many I'd like to continue having in my story, but as Kiesu said, with the terminal, if we can reclaim them from the terminal at least the influence isn't wasted and they can still be used as companions.


I was actually surprised that the terminal offered me both Quinn (whom I'd killed) and Elara Dorne (who refused to join my Alliance because my characters always stay Imperial), but that's good for those who want them.


I'm just concerned with keeping Lana (my characters' LI) and about ten of the others, but they're mostly Imperial companions anyway. My characters will never side Republic, regardless of alignment or original faction. There are about four Republic companions I'd prefer to keep, but luckily I think all of them would be fine with following an Imperial commander. The one I worry about leaving is T7-O1, but since he worked with an Imperial (Lana) before, maybe he'd stick with a more LS Empire-allied commander.

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Because of the influence levels I care about most of them, and there are many I'd like to continue having in my story, but as Kiesu said, with the terminal, if we can reclaim them from the terminal at least the influence isn't wasted and they can still be used as companions.


I was actually surprised that the terminal offered me both Quinn (whom I'd killed) and Elara Dorne (who refused to join my Alliance because my characters always stay Imperial), but that's good for those who want them.


I'm just concerned with keeping Lana (my characters' LI) and about ten of the others, but they're mostly Imperial companions anyway. My characters will never side Republic, regardless of alignment or original faction. There are about four Republic companions I'd prefer to keep, but luckily I think all of them would be fine with following an Imperial commander. The one I worry about leaving is T7-O1, but since he worked with an Imperial (Lana) before, maybe he'd stick with a more LS Empire-allied commander.

Well I don't know what the devs will do but I wouldn't worry about T7 not joining imperials because of lore reasons. Droids are re-programmable and it's often referenced how R2-D2 is just a unique case for an astromech because his owners didn't like wiping his memory like they were supposed to, hence he developed a bit of an adapted personality. If he is gonna walk (or slide) away it's gonna be a story reason rather than lore one.


Though I haven't lost any high influence follower myself (I usually only keep one high per character anyway) I'd probably snatch back whoever i was using as a crafter/ main combat backup as well. Just having a small army of no-life minions feels... not realistic at all

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Droids are re-programmable and it's often referenced how R2-D2 is just a unique case for an astromech because his owners didn't like wiping his memory like they were supposed to, hence he developed a bit of an adapted personality.


Actually, the same was true for T7 as well, if you check his codex entry for the jedi knight.


Regarding the OP, I think this is an interesting discussion. Lots of story spoilers below


So, there are several characters who are loyal to you no matter what. For example, you can cause Koth to leave and Tora will still stay loyal to you. If you've redeemed Arcann, he even pulls you aside before you head to Nathema to confront Theron.


Companions that are rewards, namely Nico Okarr, Shae Vizla, Master Ranos, Darth Hexid, HK-55, and Z0-OM are all people that are very unlikely to be taken from you. Same with Treek and HK-51. With Ranos, for example, its pretty easy to justify since she was never a huge fan of the Jedi Council and she could just attribute remaining with you to "the will of the Force" and the fact that you get things done.


Some of the companions I'm not sure about. Like for example, Veeroa Denz, the resistance leader from Nar Shaddaa that joins you as part of the Star Fortress mission series. She obviously has no loyalty to the Sith Empire, but she's not willing to embrace Jedi teachings either. She stayed as a promise to Lana Beniko, with the caveat that she was only going to stay until the Eternal Empire was defeated. This has happened by the end of "Nathema Conspiracy" so there is certainly a lore reason for her to abandon the alliance come 6.0. I see no reason for Skadge to stick with you long term, especially if you are light aligned. Choza Rabbat, the Ithorian Jedi who is the Alderaan Star Fortress contact, seems pretty committed to the light, so if you are a dark-aligned Alliance Commander, I could see him leaving you. Temple is more loyal to the Ascendancy than the Empire, and she decides to leave the Ascendancy to join you even if you aren't an Agent. But come 6.0, she could decide your interests don't mesh any longer, and go back to the safety of the Ascendancy. Kaliyo also doesn't have a lot of reason to stay once you've defeated the Eternal Empire. I could see her being written so as to leave the alliance.


Considering the empire-affiliated Alliance Followers, folks like Talos Drellik and Eckard Lokin have their own personal agendas that don't really seem to depend on the Outlander siding with the Empire, let alone being light or dark. Xalek, on the other hand, while he fully embraces the Dark Side, respects your power and I think one can make the case he would stay merely for that reason, even if you are light sided. The Dashade is bound to you, regardless of your alignment. Broonmark is unobtainable if you don't let him get his revenge AND you are not a sith warrior, so his loyalties to you aren't in question.


Most of the other companions that are part of Oggurob's division or Hylo Visz' smuggling operation are loyal more to success than a particular side of the Force, so as long as you are successful, they'll probably stick around. For example, Yuun was a loyal member of Republic military for the Trooper story, but its pretty clear he was discriminated against by the larger republic military and went to follow his own path after the leader of Havoc Squad vanished in wild space. So, as long as he thinks you and him are on the same path, he'll stay with the Outlander. Same with Bowdarr, although he owes a life debt to the Smuggler and would stay for that reason.


Iresso and Jorgan have both been disappointed by the Republic, so its easy to think they'd follow the Outlander no matter what. Rusk clearly respects Admiral Aygo, so he might stay simply out of respect for his CO, and while he is determined to obtain victory at any cost, I don't know that said victory has to be over the Sith Empire. I got the impression Rusk was following the chancellor's orders on NS with the Dead Man's Legion not so much because he believed in the cause, but because he wanted to see the mission through. He believes criminals should be punished, so if your version of the Outlander was super dark I'm not sure he would stay, but there's certainly room for debate. Like, maybe he's a "Lawful Neutral," as opposed to "Lawful Good?"


If you are a Warrior, Quinn follows you no matter what, if you forgive him. In that scenario, like Iresso and Jorgan, you learn he became disillusioned with the Empire, which all makes sense given your history with him and how he was treated when you disappeared.


I actually don't know what happens to Elara Dorne if you are a Trooper that allies with the Empire on Iokath, regardless of whether you ever romanced her. The way her return was written when I went through Iokath with my Vanguard who romanced her and sided with the republic, versus any other character class, I would bet that she is a loyalist and would not follow any Outlander, Trooper or not, who sided with the Empire. On an unrelated note, Quinn's return was so much better written than Dorne's. Similarly consider Forex or Pierce … I mean they pretty much only joined you because public opinion and military morale improved after you beat up the opposite faction in 20 pvp matches. They are obviously pretty loyal to their faction, or at least, vehemently opposed to the other faction. I have a harder time believing they'd follow the Outlander, unless the outlander is a Sith Warrior, barring a deliberate re-programming of Forex.


The companions added back post KOTET, who can only be recruited by a player of the right class (except for Temple), well, its pretty obvious they're going to stick with you, because you went to them and recruited them, on the basis of your shared history. You only get those alerts if you are the right class, so lore wise it doesn't make sense for them to leave you just because of siding with the Empire or Republic at the end of Nathema.



All that being said, I don't take much for granted at this point, except to say that reward companions are probably never going to leave your side except for some temporary gameplay reason, much like HK-51 and Treek remained available to you for crew skills and non-chapter content during chapters 1-8 of KOTFE.

Edited by phalczen
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Actually, the same was true for T7 as well, if you check his codex entry for the jedi knight.

Yes this is true. But T7 is already re-programmable (or memory-wipeable) in the story as well (dark side story option), so both ways are fine. He could be loyal to you or you could simply reprogram him. Both are already demonstrated in game.

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