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Why GXP is still character rather than legacy wide?


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Discussed to death already, and clearly not going to happen.


On a more general note.. at the pace you are going in the forum.. you may soon qualify for your very own personal sub-forum for filing your personal complaints/wants/needs. :p:)

Edited by Andryah
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Discussed to death already, and clearly not going to happen.


On a more general note.. at the pace you are going in the forum.. you may soon qualify for your very own personal sub-forum for filing your personal complaints/wants/needs. :p:)


There indeed are many stuff to change, we should get a major overhaul patch.

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Well I may not exactly agree that CXP should be legacy as it is just post game XP bar for your characters, I do believe they should have added a CXP bonus to the guild like the regular xp and reputation bonus guilds have.
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It would be much better to make it legacy wide so ppl don't have to worry about using different characters.


Probably because they want you to actually work to get different characters to that level? I mean it's an MMO, grinding is a staple in them. It might not be fun to do but it's something you have to do if you want to get multiple characters to 300 and that's how it should stay. They give plenty of cxp buffs if you work for it and after the first 4 different non-mirrored classes you get there, you get an extra 100% boost to anyone else under 300. Asking for this to be legacy wide is like asking for every character you make to start at 70 because you have 1 character there. It isn't going to happen and it rightfully shouldn't. Instead I implore you to ask for more CXP buffs and double xp/cxp events. Get enough people asking for those and they'll likely take it under consideration.

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I'm in a snarky mood, so I'll be blunt:


Gearing is so easy now, including for alts, that it is difficult to entertain ideas to make it easier / less time consuming.




That’s a complete load of cods whollop. You are coming from the position of playing more than the average player and also as someone who already has multiple Alts geared to CXP 300.


If you are new or don’t have any characters at CXP 300. It is still difficult and too grindy for a lot of people who don’t play more than 20 hours a week. Even those of us who do play more than that and have a tonne of Alts they like to switch to, it is hard to hit CXP 300 unless you want to only grind one character till you get there. I play a total of 16 characters over 2 servers and I’ve not got one to CXP 300 since 5.0 dropped.


Yes it is easier than 5.0-5.2, but it’s still not fun or easy when you compare it to the old system.

The only people I know that think this system is perfect are those already geared :rolleyes:

Everyone else recognises it for the Frankenstein monster that it is. Put together and pulled apart and put back together in the wrong way or with 3 arms and a missing leg. It hobbles along half alive and half decomposing and should just be put out if it’s misery or made stupidly easy to stream line.


The system is trash and will never be good. It needs to be removed and something else put in its place. Either that or they needs to be stream lined better and make it less about grind and disintegrating trash. Adding CXP to be legacy wide or even making all CXP BOP items BOL and removing that stupid step to go from one vendor to the next when gearing with UCs. All would certainly help it to be more user friendly

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Yeah.. next the OP will want regular XP to be legacy wide as well. :p

Pfff, it's another thing to make 70 levels than 300 +. ;):p


A Char 300 all Chars 300.. That would be best. Despite everything, you still have to grind a lot.

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That’s a complete load of cods whollop. You are coming from the position of playing more than the average player and also as someone who already has multiple Alts geared to CXP 300.


If you are new or don’t have any characters at CXP 300. It is still difficult and too grindy for a lot of people who don’t play more than 20 hours a week. Even those of us who do play more than that and have a tonne of Alts they like to switch to, it is hard to hit CXP 300 unless you want to only grind one character till you get there. I play a total of 16 characters over 2 servers and I’ve not got one to CXP 300 since 5.0 dropped.


Yes it is easier than 5.0-5.2, but it’s still not fun or easy when you compare it to the old system.

The only people I know that think this system is perfect are those already geared :rolleyes:

Everyone else recognises it for the Frankenstein monster that it is. Put together and pulled apart and put back together in the wrong way or with 3 arms and a missing leg. It hobbles along half alive and half decomposing and should just be put out if it’s misery or made stupidly easy to stream line.


The system is trash and will never be good. It needs to be removed and something else put in its place. Either that or they needs to be stream lined better and make it less about grind and disintegrating trash. Adding CXP to be legacy wide or even making all CXP BOP items BOL and removing that stupid step to go from one vendor to the next when gearing with UCs. All would certainly help it to be more user friendly


Hahaha yeah I agree with most of what you said. My main issue is EA and there GDMF loot box.... seriously gear form loot boxes...…..

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Hahaha yeah I agree with most of what you said. My main issue is EA and there GDMF loot box.... seriously gear form loot boxes...…..


There have always been boxes with random gear in them, even way back to the days of planetary comms. Also, as I understand it, the command crates are meant to be a supplementary way to gain gear not the primary way - the primary way being grinding flashpoints/ops/pvp to get unassembled components. Even before they introduced the unassembled components the primary way was still supposed to be through flashpoints/ops/pvp.


With the command tokens, all of my 30+ lvl 70 characters are in at least purple 230 gear. That's more than enough for solo pve things and definitely good enough for veteran flashpoints (and most master fps).

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Even before they introduced the unassembled components the primary way was still supposed to be through flashpoints/ops/pvp.


Thats not entirely correct, orriginaly when Galactic Command was introduced the Loot Boxes where supposed to be the only way to get Endgame gear. Tokens in OPS were only added after PVE players started complaining/unsubbing and Unassembled Componens in turn were added when PVP players did the same.


While it is much easier now to gear up your characters it's still a long way, and many duplicate gear piece, to CR 300 for someone that just reached 70 on his first toon.


Personally I think it would be more usefull to ask for an icrease in overall CXP gained (for example double XP Events) then for Legacywide CXP.

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Honest question:


After all the changes to CXP, is it really still worse than previous?


From my very limited understanding (I never did Ops or PvP), it used to be that the only way to get top level PvE gear was through Ops. Maybe also NM mode FP's?? And there was an RNG element in that in that you had to win the roll on the drop. So I never had near BIS gear.


Now, you still have that. But there's also the (slooow) option to just do whatever you want, and you'll (slooowly) accrue the gear through CR crates. Plenty of RNG, but you will most definitely get at least to a ton of 246's if not 248's.


So again, at its current state: is it worse than previous. And if so, how? If you just ignored it and did the old way (run Ops ... NM FP's?) - is it slower/worse than before?

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Honest question:


After all the changes to CXP, is it really still worse than previous?


From my very limited understanding (I never did Ops or PvP), it used to be that the only way to get top level PvE gear was through Ops. Maybe also NM mode FP's?? And there was an RNG element in that in that you had to win the roll on the drop. So I never had near BIS gear.


Now, you still have that. But there's also the (slooow) option to just do whatever you want, and you'll (slooowly) accrue the gear through CR crates. Plenty of RNG, but you will most definitely get at least to a ton of 246's if not 248's.


So again, at its current state: is it worse than previous. And if so, how? If you just ignored it and did the old way (run Ops ... NM FP's?) - is it slower/worse than before?


I prefer this way to the old way TBH. I love being able to get gear doing any type of content. I used to just grind SnV and TFB over and over to get gear, and now I can just play the game anyway i feel like and still get rewards. I could essentially run old content and still get a crate box.


That being said there are some issues.


1) The unassembled components are a good “token” system to be able to obtain the pieces of gear you are missing, but I think the reward and costs need to be re-evaluated a bit. It seems a bit steep.


2) I believe there is truth that being level 300 is the lowest level in that tier and so the loot drop rate is low.


3) relics, earpieces and implants should be legacy bound or able to be converted into some legacy bound chip that you can cash in at the vendor


4) a way to sell back duplicates for tokens or trade them in for different pieces.


This being said, we can buy the 230 gear sets right out the gate now, which changed a lot; At least we have the set bonus which makes any new character viable for all story mode content.


One thing I would like to see; is an increase in loot box prizes, not just gear but maybe some old cartel items and decorations. Adding cosmetic stuff would make them more “fun” and less of a chore for gearing

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I have 2 characters at 300 my sage and smuggler and what gear they don't need I send to my sorceress and operative. My sage has all 248 and my sorceress is one shy of 248. My smuggler is about 5 short and so is my operative. My sorceress and operative are barely at tier 2 on the command rank.


I work on 2 characters at a time to get to rank 300 and what gear those don't need I pass to my alts, since I have mirrors of each of them. I will eventually get them all to 300.


The unassembled components also help to gear your characters especially when you disintegrate a piece of gear you don't need. It makes it easier to get your characters in 248 if you only do solo activities. If you do group activities the gearing can be faster.


I like the fact that I can do whatever content I want and get command boxes, unlike the past where it was primary pvp or operations. While I have done some group activities I don't do group pickups, was subjected too many times to jerks so I rather do group activities with my guild/friends.

Edited by casirabit
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That’s a complete load of cods whollop. You are coming from the position of playing more than the average player and also as someone who already has multiple Alts geared to CXP 300.


If you are new or don’t have any characters at CXP 300. It is still difficult and too grindy for a lot of people who don’t play more than 20 hours a week. Even those of us who do play more than that and have a tonne of Alts they like to switch to, it is hard to hit CXP 300 unless you want to only grind one character till you get there. I play a total of 16 characters over 2 servers and I’ve not got one to CXP 300 since 5.0 dropped.


Yes it is easier than 5.0-5.2, but it’s still not fun or easy when you compare it to the old system.

The only people I know that think this system is perfect are those already geared :rolleyes:

Everyone else recognises it for the Frankenstein monster that it is. Put together and pulled apart and put back together in the wrong way or with 3 arms and a missing leg. It hobbles along half alive and half decomposing and should just be put out if it’s misery or made stupidly easy to stream line.


The system is trash and will never be good. It needs to be removed and something else put in its place. Either that or they needs to be stream lined better and make it less about grind and disintegrating trash. Adding CXP to be legacy wide or even making all CXP BOP items BOL and removing that stupid step to go from one vendor to the next when gearing with UCs. All would certainly help it to be more user friendly


Given the weekly dailies bonus, I have little sympathy for anyone who doesn't have at least one character to 300 by now unless they are new. It has been 10 months now with that bug. Even just taking 20-25 minutes / week and doing JUST ZIOST AND CZ-198, you would have at least one 300 by now or dang close.


I appreciate that those two heroic weeklies are not terribly engaging, particularly Ziost if done ad nauseum, but if you throw in a couple others like Yavin or Iokath (which is shockingly easy to do, when you divide it up so you do the easy quests) -- then my sympathy level goes down to zero.


That's just math and assumes you do no other activities. It's also the reason you hear complaints now in general about "Ziost Heroes" -- in other words -- people who have (or close) to BIS but no idea how to play their class.


For a SUPPLEMENTAL gearing system, that's pretty good and unheard of in the MMO genre to the best of my knowledge, particularly one where alts can help gear up final slots for mains given legacy-wide UCs. This doesn't even touch on the ability to get decent crafted gear, mods, bolster, etc.


Sorry Trix, on this one we are just going to agree to disagree, though we probably agree that CXP points should be calibrated (e.g., PvP) better across activities.




Edit: Agreed with pretty much everything Kirorx said, though the issue of exchange token for left side gear would depend on ratio. It exists now, but agreed the cost is a bit steep.

Edited by Jdast
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Thats not entirely correct, orriginaly when Galactic Command was introduced the Loot Boxes where supposed to be the only way to get Endgame gear. Tokens in OPS were only added after PVE players started complaining/unsubbing and Unassembled Componens in turn were added when PVP players did the same.


While it is much easier now to gear up your characters it's still a long way, and many duplicate gear piece, to CR 300 for someone that just reached 70 on his first toon.


Personally I think it would be more usefull to ask for an icrease in overall CXP gained (for example double XP Events) then for Legacywide CXP.


The only benefit that the CXP grind has over the old system is that you can get the best gear whilst grinding solo to 300 rank. As you have pointed out it is a long ordeal. As an example I just took an assassin with no CXP boost whom was already at command rank 4 through Makeb, SOR,Oricon, KOTFE and KOTET along with more than a dozen or so Heroics and I am at command rank 51 with 174 points in with an item rating of 230. I was expecting that going through all of those expansions would of at least of gotten me higher than the rank I finished out.

Edited by Bakgrind
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The only benefit that the CXP grind has over the old system is that you can get the best gear whilst grinding solo to 300 rank. As you have pointed out it is a long ordeal. As an example I just took an assassin with no CXP boost whom was already at command rank 4 through Makeb, SOR,Oricon, KOTFE and KOTET along with more than a dozen or so Heroics and I am at command rank 51 with 174 points in with an item rating of 230. I was expecting that going through all of those expansions would of at least of gotten me higher than the rank I finished out.


It’s sad that you hardly get any CXP doing the story. The fastest way to get CXP is in pvp/GSF (if they pop fast enough) or doing heroics. Operations and Flashpoints still give good CXP, but it’s time vs reward and pvp and heroics deliver more CXP for the time spent.

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To slow down your progression across your account. Your progression needs to match their content release cadence (p.s. it's slow). They wouldn't want you running out of things to do too soon now would they?
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The only benefit that the CXP grind has over the old system is that you can get the best gear whilst grinding solo to 300 rank. As you have pointed out it is a long ordeal. As an example I just took an assassin with no CXP boost whom was already at command rank 4 through Makeb, SOR,Oricon, KOTFE and KOTET along with more than a dozen or so Heroics and I am at command rank 51 with 174 points in with an item rating of 230. I was expecting that going through all of those expansions would of at least of gotten me higher than the rank I finished out.


Well, yes and no. I agree with you that each of the examples you cited have a CXP award that is far, far too low. But you also knew that going in since they actually tell you how much is rewarded.


While I hate to speak for the forum, I will do so now: Absolutely, every post I have ever read agrees with you that the CXP reward for certain activities is too low, notably leveling quests and places like Makeb and Rishi where there are significant travel times. It's even worse for planetary quests like Belsavis and Corellia.


But that's a different argument. If you want to argue that they need to readjust the rewards for CXP to be commensurate with time / effort -- I'm all on board. I imagine others are too. Frankly, about 8 months ago they said they were doing a review of CXP and I predicted (incorrectly) they would lower the bugged planets like Ziost, Yavin, etc., but increase overall for everything. My naive (and incorrect) thought was they would do this so we wouldn't get tired of Ziost, Oricon, etc.


But -- the point still remains: If one plays it smart and does certain activities, gearing to do the content now through a SUPPLEMENTAL wait, sorry, one more time SUPPLEMENTAL system is incredibly easy.



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