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How you deal with ganking ?


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My main character is a shadow and i saw on Tattooine for example tons of imperials waiting in line to gank people on quests. Having stealth and vanish saved me 100% of the time, what do you do as a guardian ? You just die ? hehe. I really like everything about the guardian but going into open pvp with them seem scary as hell.
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Well Tat can be pretty crazy sometimes especially depending if there aren't a lot of Republic players around. The only thing that's saved me thus far is attempting to talk to people and having friends on the server I've made while leveling.


Keep your friends list growing and be a good friend and they'll come help you when you need it! What is the worst that could happen? You have fun and die!

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My server is probably one of the more balanced as far as republic vs imp population, so basically were outnumbered but not by such a degree that if you roam out into PvP zones you will generally see plenty of both but more imps.


We do have a lot of level 50s in Tat and Alderaan helping out with the gankers so that helps.

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of all the ganking attempt on me, only 1 was successfull on hoth (mainly because i had already a full group of mobs on me)


generaly i will force static the person as soon as whatever CC he cast on me, then forcepush him and force leap on him, that will max out my focus and then i will lay down on him hard. very few player will survive plasma brand + overhead slash + bladestorm (almost always crit)


if the person managed to hurt me badly enough in the first round i will pop blade ward + refuge and a medic pack (biochem as profession give me an extensive supply of those)


but as one of the early lvl 50 of my server, i rarely had to be on the receiving end of a ganker :p

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