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Current DPS Ranking


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Die hard PVPers have very little reason to ever go to Parsley which is unfortunate as it's one of the best community shared 'tools' that is relative to all classes and specs and gives a realistic appraisal of what the majority 'means' are in different areas. This is used obviously much more for PVE but, the class rankings apply everywhere. Individual player skill and gear effect performance of course, but you can find both max and averages, the averages taking such aspects into account if you use the link below as you can find a more specific breakdowns.


The following is the current DPS ranking pecking order. This is based on parses shared and uploaded by players of all classes and specs on all servers uploaded to the site with Star Parse which is the recognized Parsing program standard used by most players. It is self updating and is as close to a fair ranking as we can get and given it's utility it should be considered a fairly accurate appraisal of the rankings.


Dummy parsing is the only way to make sure there is an "even ground" for all in measuring specs performance as any situational player variables would vastly affect it's accuracy. Currently 2.5 million is the standard utilized by this meta. 4 Million may have been appropriate were it not for the vast class nerfs that have been going on throughout 5.x.


500k/1.5 million doesn't provide enough time to get an accurate appraisal of performance given uptime necessities as well as execute phases. Additionally this doesn't take into account any other ability usages during the parse which would effect the GCD differences of the attacks thereby causing a delay in the next attack time. As that applies to everyone, that in no way diminishes it's resource value and consideration. It doesn't reflect live combat conditions which would obviously effect the DPS but again, it's relative to all and the 'even ground' aspect allows the parse to concentrate solely on the optimal performance specs are capable of [DPS ceilings] and where those differences can be seen.




1 - Plasmatech / Pyrotech

2 - Concentration / Fury

3 - Watchman / Annihilation

4 - Vigilance / Vengeance

5 - Tactics / Advanced Prototype

6 - Ruffian / Lethality

7 - Serenity / Hatred

8 - Focus / Rage

9 - Saboteur / Engineering

10 - Scrapper / Concealment

11 - Assault Specialist / Innovative Ordnance

12 - Dirty Fighting / Virulence

13 - Infiltration / Deception

14 - Balance / Madness

15 - Combat / Carnage

16 - Telekinetics / Lightning

17 - Sharpshooter / Marksmanship

18 - Gunnery / Arsenal

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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How is this relevant?


When do you actually sit down and dummy parse on people in a warzone?


Pvp is little to do with your maximum dps potential and everything to do with how your class works and how well your can survive under focus fire. So parses are extremely misleading in the context of pvp.

Edited by kissingaiur
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I didn't get a point of this thread. Parsing programs are strictly PVE tools that have incredibly little meaning for PVP. Bosses have different defensives than players, and PVE rotations aren't always great in PVP due to variety of DCDs.

And as BW said some time ago, their purpose was to make ranged burst specs having the least DPS, because of easiness of target swapping.

Melee sustained, on the other hand, should have the highest DPS, that's why we see pyro PT on top of the list.

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Posts like this are not very helpful. Parses are for PVE, in PVP you don't have the ability to stand still and pull off the 'perfect' or 'optimal' rotation. Nor do parses account for survivability, mobility, or crowd control. Even the numbers themselves are meaningless; nobody cares how fast you can do 2.5 damage, they care how fast you can do 100k while moving, cc-ing, and surviving.
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Uhh clearly Arsenal is weak and needs buffed. :rolleyes:


to be fair, when bioware nerfed their dmg... blazing bolts should never have been nerfed. the only thing it needed was its 15% lowered to 10%, and only cuz thats everyone elses crit bonus.


dps was never the glaring issue with merc... but they are underperforming a little currently in dps

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Let my try this again, as apparently no one read the first paragraph.


"Die hard PVPers have very little reason to ever go to Parsley which is unfortunate as it's one of the best community shared 'tools' that is relative to all classes and specs and gives a realistic appraisal of what the majority 'means' are in different areas. This is used obviously much more for PVE but, the class rankings apply everywhere. Individual player skill and gear effect performance of course, but you can find both max and averages, the averages taking such aspects into account if you use the link below as you can find a more specific breakdowns."


You see people saying such and such spec/class have higher DPS that other said class.


DPS stands for 'damage per second'. Parsing programs are the ONLY way to measure DPS and this is the only way DPS can be appraised.


Furthermore all of the "complaints" in the replyes are addressed in the text before the DPS rankings.


What the DPS rankings mean, and the reason I shared it is because as I said, I see a lot of people saying such and such spec has higher DPS than other such and such class. Which can be, and often is categorically wrong.

So for example if someone said that Lethality has higher DPS than AP, they would be wrong. If someone says that Virulence has higher DPS than hatred, they would be wrong. If someone said that pyrotech does less DPS than Fury, they would be wrong. This is spec to spec, not player to player. We talk all the time about the different specs and things they can do and I'm pretty sure Ive seen people talk about DPS before.


It would be impossible to address the question of DPS output among the specs and not include and not take the variances in spec DPS into account.


DPS is a math equation and there is absolutely no other way to measure DPS in any other format. If you don't think that DPS in this manner isn't relivant to spec's performance I will be dumbfounded like I have never been before. How can anyone who plays this game with any regularity not know that a spec's DPS output potentials are based on spec perimeters and that there is a level of DPS that isn't achievable under any normal perimeters by certain specs but is by others.


Anytime any one has ever asked for buffs or nerfs to a specs DPS there reasoning for doing so cannot be based on anything other than this math equation. If you do not know how DPS is measured or the differences in DPS levels among specs how could anyone possibly justify any request to buff or nerf a specs DPS?


You can parse in WZs and doing so would be no different than Parsing in Operations.

Hover over your total damage on a WZ and you will see something that tells you your "DPS", so this is completelu relivent even in PVP. The only problem with the DPS being measured in PVP is that what you see listed as DPS when you hover over Total Damage is that it only takes into account the last combat state before the WZs finish. It is not you DPS from the entire WZ, only the last time you entered a combat state. If you wanted to know how your DPS was during the entire WZ you have to use a parsing program. It functions idenically in PVP as it does in PVE. With a parsing program the results will list every single combat state you entered and finished during that WZ and what your DPS was for all of them. In don't parse in WZs either anymore and I haven't for a long time, because I don't need to because I know where my personal DPS. If I didn't employ these methods to measure my DPS I would have no way of knowing how my personal DPS stacks up or what I am capable of doing DPS wise under all conditions and in all areas of play


Please understand what I'm trying to say here because it isn't meant in any way to insult or belittle anyone. To those of you who do not see the relivence here, that means you have no idea about the level of DPS output you are putting out as an individual or are even capable of.


There is no other meaning to DPS and there is no other way of measuring DPS other than this. It's a math equation and math is never wrong, only people not following proper formula can be. Total damage is not DPS and does not measure DPS. If you do not know how to properly measure DPS you have no way of knowing if a spec is in need of a buff or nerf to DPS and have no grounds therefore to speak about differences in DPS output among the specs.


So for example when we see people complaining about sorc DPS being to little without this information their complaints to its DPS output are groundless. Neither DPS sorc specs have the lowest DPS. Neither DPS sorc spec has the second lowest DPS spec. Those ranks belong to Arsenal and Sharpshooter. Simply put Lightning has better DPS than either of them.


If you think this has no effect in terms of performance in PVP you couldn't possibly be more wrong. - Two people can have the exact same total damage at the end of a fight, but if it took one player 15 seconds to do a certain amount of damage and took another player 20 seconds to do that same amount of damage, the person who did it in 15 seconds is putting out more DPS than than the player who took 20 seconds to do.


If you don't care about how much DPS the specs are capable of or even their average median or your own personal DPS levels, that's fine, not everyone cares about such things.

But the level of DPS output potential that the various specs are capable of cannot be ascertained any other way nor the personal DPS output of an individual.


I'm not exactly sure why sharing the various specs DPS rankings upset some of you, quite honestly, I thought it would be a welcome source if information based on all the discussions about dps and as a basis for considering the needs of certain specs relative to it's strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, this is one of the basis' that the Devs used for determining class balance issues because without this information they'd have no idea which specs were in need of a DPS buff or nerf. I'd think even if that were the only relevance it had in PVP it would still be of value to PVPers.


Anyone that does not know the level of their own DPS is being out DPSed by those that do. Sorry for rustling anyone's feathers in sharing the DPS rankings of specs.



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Posts like this are not very helpful. Parses are for PVE, in PVP you don't have the ability to stand still and pull off the 'perfect' or 'optimal' rotation. Nor do parses account for survivability, mobility, or crowd control. Even the numbers themselves are meaningless; nobody cares how fast you can do 2.5 damage, they care how fast you can do 100k while moving, cc-ing, and surviving.


If you don't know how fast you can do 2.5, you have no idea what your DPS is.If you don't know how fast you can do 100k while moving, CCing or eating or taking nap or any other variable for that matter, you don't know what your DPS is.


A rank 10 DPS spec is not capable of reaching the heights of DPS a Rank 1 spec can


Damage per second.


Again, if you don't care about what your personal DPS is, that's fine, not everyone does. If you don't care about the level of DPS a spec is capable of putting out, that's fine too, not everyone does care.


I can promise you one thing, as someone who was a HM/NiM progression raider all the way up til 5.0, if you don't know what your DPS is like and you don't know how it's measured a progression raider who does know those things would out DPS you by a mile.


Again though if you don't care what kind of DPS [actual DPS] you are doing or are capable of, none of it matters anyways. Should you ever decide to find out, I would keep your expectations low because you will not be happy with what you find as it compares to other players playing the same spec because you won't be any where near the top of the list.

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to be fair, when bioware nerfed their dmg... blazing bolts should never have been nerfed. the only thing it needed was its 15% lowered to 10%, and only cuz thats everyone elses crit bonus.


dps was never the glaring issue with merc... but they are underperforming a little currently in dps


The irony is that no was ever even bringing up DPS issues with mercs and when they announced the changes even the anti-merc population was telling the devs on the forums don't nerf their DPS, DPS isn't the issue. No one was asking for DPS nerfs to anyone before class balancing was announced to be in the works.


That's why you don't want Bioware touching anything because they will break it. Asking for changes is akin to asking to open a can of worms. They ruin everything they touch and class balance is far worse now that it was originally by wide margin. 5.x worst meta ever.

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Let my try this again, as apparently no one read the first paragraph.


Sorry. Let me try again to restate what others have previously said as apparently you have not read what 3 other people have previously told you in this forum post alone.


This is used obviously much more for PVE but, the class rankings apply everywhere.


It. is. not. In pvp (assuming the player has actual skill, which many dont) players know how to use cds to counter other players. This 1) lowers your dps. 2) throwers off your rotation 3) forces you to kite 4) forces you to peel. The general gist of it is that you can not complete a full rotation of ur optimal dps. Here's an example using your examples:



So for example if someone said that Lethality has higher DPS than AP, they would be wrong.


People do not call for buffs to AP because of their dps, but because of their survivibility. PTs die first, have no reliable cooldowns, no offhealing abilities (except for a 30% kolto), no range, no way to disengage from the fight, no way to mitigate substantial burst. It doesn't take a genius or an expierenced player of PvP to understand that powertechs are under preforming IN COOLDOWNS.




If you don't think that DPS in this manner isn't relivant to spec's performance I will be dumbfounded like I have never been before.


Again like before, not a relevant argument because in PvP DPS is reliant on a couple factors. Looking at your list right now I can tell you that when you say "Ruffian/Lethality operative is #6" that is not true. Lethality operatives have practicly no cooldowns and should get focused first every time. Now if you are a lethality operative kiting for your life, rolling on CD, and spamming your heals, your dps will be significantly lowered. On the other hand, when you say "Gunnery / Arsenal is #18" I can tell you in a PvP environment that is also not true. While operatives need to actively use GCDs to heal and kite, commandos can just pop their CDs and continue putting out maximum dps.



You can parse in WZs and doing so would be no different than Parsing in Operations.


No, because, again, for the third time, in PvP you need to change your rotation to counter player's CDs as well kite/heal.


You can not do full parsing in PvP the same as PvE.


To those of you who do not see the relivence here, that means you have no idea about the level of DPS output you are putting out as an individual or are even capable of.


Nope. Just shows you've never PvPed before.


I'm not exactly sure why sharing the various specs DPS rankings upset some of you, quite honestly, I thought it would be a welcome source if information based on all the discussions about dps and as a basis for considering the needs of certain specs relative to it's strengths and weaknesses.

No one's agitated man. Just amused that you can walk around thinking you know all the **** in the world, when you don't.


Additionally, this is one of the basis' that the Devs used for determining class balance issues because without this information they'd have no idea which specs were in need of a DPS buff or nerf.


Hey man, the devs make a lot of balance changes in the sake of PvE as well. If you'd like, I will make a 15 page long forum post about me ranting about **** I have no idea about and post it in the PvE section.

Edited by septru
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I can see where Grim is coming from. He is using it as a “tool” to show the potential of damage per second. Not to rate how well a class does in pvp.

There is no harm in having such tools to reference what sort of dps a class can pump out. But it should only ever be a tool of reference and nothing more. We all know (and I know Grim would probably agree) that parsing isn’t a representation of how a class performs in pvp.

But short of having any other way to measure dps, parsing is the only way you can see what sort of damage a class can do in a rotational environment.

Obviously pvp isn’t a rotational environment and has other factors like DCDs, etc, and this is where the problem lies and why I think Bioware themselves can’t balance anything because they only look at statistic parsing numbers and not the whole picture.

When ever you look at DCDs, survivability, Mobility, stuns, mez and DPS/HPS as seperate entities, there can be no balance.

I think we all agree that Bioware only look at dps performance first and foremost and then consider the rest as an after thought. It’s why Grim’s post is relevant because we can get an idea of the numbers Bioware are looking at when they balance only on numbers.

I find it interesting to see just how well some specs pve parse vs others who completely dominate them in pvp, which a lot of the time comes down to survivability and DCDs (and other factors).

Looking at these numbers makes me wonder what would happen if they gave Plasmatech more survivability? Yes they could use some, but how much before they become the next over the top FOTYear (new term because month doesn’t cut it anymore).

Grim is right that people often say x class produces more dps than y class and they are wrong if they are going on the potential dps a class can pump out. All I think Grim is trying to do is clear up a few misconceptions about what dps a class can do vs another class. I’ve not seen him once use the parsing numbers to say which are the more viable classes or higher dps producers in pvp.

Some of you guys need to chill out and take the numbers for what they are, a tool to see what Bioware look at when they decide a class needs a buff or nerf.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Oh yes, that would be interesting, and also a few other data points as well having to do with buffs applied.


In fact, maybe we also need a wz companion dummy! That would keep some us quiet for a while as we noodle around our ship parsing buffs.

Edited by TacoClaw
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Once i died 12 times on my Pyrotech in a single The Ancient Hypergates without healers. Im a burden to my team despite of my fluffy numbers, that is how your ranking is applied to PvP. :o Edited by Glower
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If you don't know how fast you can do 2.5, you have no idea what your DPS is.If you don't know how fast you can do 100k while moving, CCing or eating or taking nap or any other variable for that matter, you don't know what your DPS is.


A rank 10 DPS spec is not capable of reaching the heights of DPS a Rank 1 spec can



In PvE. Not PvP.



I can promise you one thing, as someone who was a HM/NiM progression raider all the way up til 5.0, if you don't know what your DPS is like and you don't know how it's measured a progression raider who does know those things would out DPS you by a mile.



In PvP, not PvE.



Again though if you don't care what kind of DPS [actual DPS] you are doing or are capable of, none of it matters anyways. Should you ever decide to find out, I would keep your expectations low because you will not be happy with what you find as it compares to other players playing the same spec because you won't be any where near the top of the list.


A PvP player will *never* be able to reach the same DPS as a PvE player on a parsing dummy, because of accuracy. That same PvP player can achieve 3x more "DPS" in a warzone than the PvE player will.

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I can see where Grim is coming from. He is using it as a “tool” to show the potential of damage per second. Not to rate how well a class does in pvp.

There is no harm in having such tools to reference what sort of dps a class can pump out. But it should only ever be a tool of reference and nothing more. We all know (and I know Grim would probably agree) that parsing isn’t a representation of how a class performs in pvp.

But short of having any other way to measure dps, parsing is the only way you can see what sort of damage a class can do in a rotational environment.

Obviously pvp isn’t a rotational environment and has other factors like DCDs, etc, and this is where the problem lies and why I think Bioware themselves can’t balance anything because they only look at statistic parsing numbers and not the whole picture.

When ever you look at DCDs, survivability, Mobility, stuns, mez and DPS/HPS as seperate entities, there can be no balance.

I think we all agree that Bioware only look at dps performance first and foremost and then consider the rest as an after thought. It’s why Grim’s post is relevant because we can get an idea of the numbers Bioware are looking at when they balance only on numbers.

I find it interesting to see just how well some specs pve parse vs others who completely dominate them in pvp, which a lot of the time comes down to survivability and DCDs (and other factors).

Looking at these numbers makes me wonder what would happen if they gave Plasmatech more survivability? Yes they could use some, but how much before they become the next over the top FOTYear (new term because month doesn’t cut it anymore).

Grim is right that people often say x class produces more dps than y class and they are wrong if they are going on the potential dps a class can pump out. All I think Grim is trying to do is clear up a few misconceptions about what dps a class can do vs another class. I’ve not seen him once use the parsing numbers to say which are the more viable classes or higher dps producers in pvp.

Some of you guys need to chill out and take the numbers for what they are, a tool to see what Bioware look at when they decide a class needs a buff or nerf.



That is exactly correct and the entirety of what I was saying and trying to share with people here, Thank you Trixxie, you were the only person to understand what this means and my intentions. Much obliged.


I am shocked how no one else literally knows what DPS is, how it measured and what it means. I would love to see people parse and share the results. Their DPS would be terrible.


Thank you again for taking the time to read what I said and understanding the sole intents as to why I was sharing this in the PVP section.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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There certainly are some discrepancies between the dummy parses and the PvP performance, but I don't really see how pertinent that is. It's like saying that my Sorcerer in Nevenwinter Nights does more damage than my Sorcerer in SWTOR. It's an anecdote (not a good one), but that's it.
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In PvE. Not PvP.




In PvP, not PvE.




A PvP player will *never* be able to reach the same DPS as a PvE player on a parsing dummy, because of accuracy. That same PvP player can achieve 3x more "DPS" in a warzone than the PvE player will.


How DPS is measured is the same exact forumla anywhere and everywhere.


The reaon for Dummy parsing with regard to specs is two show what how high a specs DPS can get, not what a persons personal performance may be doing any content.


In the original post I said everything you just wrote to me and that live action results would be different, how you are disagreeing with me when I said everything you said already is beyond me. Here is what I said


"Additionally this doesn't take into account any other ability usages during the parse which would effect the GCD differences of the attacks thereby causing a delay in the next attack time. As that applies to everyone, that in no way diminishes it's resource value and consideration. It doesn't reflect live combat conditions which would obviously effect the DPS but again, it's relative to all and the 'even ground' aspect allows the parse to concentrate solely on the optimal performance specs are capable of [DPS ceilings] and where those differences can be seen."


Everypoint you made, I made first in the original post. There is a difference between a specs capabilities/DPS ceilings and someones personal DPS.


The "even ground factor" is relative in the respect that conditions don't favor one player over another and thus eschew the skill level between players by variables beyond thier control and not reflect only the level of skill and understanding of maximizing a specs potential. So if you parse on a 2.5 mill dummy and I do so as well and we are using the same spec. and your DPS is higher than, that means I do not posses the skill and understanding of said spec and how to maximize it's potential as well you do. The conditions being the exact same way while doing so means that there can be no other possible reason why I couldn't get my DPS as high as you could because we were facing the same exact conditions.


Everyone knows that live fights are different on dummy, what idiot doesn't know that? Of course the DPS will be different [lower] the conditions are different that's true in raiding and PVP and I said so in the original post.


For those who want to say that DPS doesn't matter in PVP, I think everyone would agree that TTK does matter in PVP.


Guess what? Personal parses ratings are not based on DPS in ranking, they are based on TTK. So what that means is, if two Madness sorcs upload their parses and the first guy did 8.9k DPS and had a ttk of 156 and a second Madness sorc did 9.1K DPS and had a TTK of 157, the Madness Sorc who did 8.9K DPS with a TTK of 156 will be ranked higher than the Madness sorc that did 9.1K with a TTK of 156.



The following is an except from what BW said when it introduced the start of Class Balancing in 5.3 and how it was going to go about it -




"The deeper reason for a “buff” or a “nerf” lies in a Discipline’s ability to perform at their target DPS (for damage dealers), HPS (for healers), or DTPS (for tanks). The target DPS, HPS, and DTPS values determine which content (Veteran Operations, Master Uprisings, etc.) players can successfully complete in a given set of gear. And in PvP situations, they determine the speed of player kill times and the ability for healers and tanks to extend the life of an ally under attack. So to clarify, there is a comparison that takes place for damage, tanking, and healing balance, but that comparison is not among Disciplines or Classes – it is between the target DPS, HPS, or DTPS value and the Discipline in question."


The following is a link to my personal highest DPS that was uploaded to Parsley -




If you look at this link you will see that the very first cateogories in the parse breakdown are 'start' and 'end' followed by duration. Duration IS TTK. If you look at the specs cateogiries and peoples parses the very first thing you will see listed is TTK.


It is impossible to know what your TTK on anything is, whether that is a dummy, a raid boss, another player, an add, anything anywhere, any other way unless you feel confident in counting seconds in your head while you are fighting and trust that your counting is 100% definitively accurate which no human being short of Rainman could do.


Personal DPS is different than spec DPS. Without parsing you have no idea what your DPS is, not on a dummy, not in operations, not in PVP, not in FPs, not in uprisings, not in heroics.


There is no other way or formula to measure DPS. You have no idea what DPS is, how it is calculated under any conditions, or the DPS you are doing. Damage per second can not be calculated in anyone's head.


DPS is calculated the same exact way everywhere.


There is a very easy and reproachable way to prove me wrong. Beat the TTK listed on the above parse on one of your own and you will prove me completely and undeniably wrong. We are facing the same exact conditions there are no other possible variables, there can be no excuse as to why one of our TTKs is better than the others other than better DPS and more skill.


TTK is the standard used in personal DPS rankings [which is usually accompanied by the highest DPS but not always].


That you won't beat my TTK [assuming you do not ever parse or know how DPS is really measured] won't be because I am a better player or PVPer than you are, I very well might not be, in fact, I'm probably not because I'm a one trick poney, it will be because you don't even know what your own DPS is and you don't know that there is only one way to measure DPS and it's a math equation.


BTW, ya know all the recommended builds for Optimal stat spreads that everyone bases their gearing on? That comes from Bant. The same guy who taught people how DPS is measured and what that math equation is. The optimal stat spreads everyone uses is based on Optimal DPS output potential, information that could only be obtained by parsing. You've undoubtedly seen his work on the forums and just in case you didn't, here it is - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=847112


I'm not trying to be an *** here, I'm not trying to show anyone up. I'm an idiot, which is exactly why I need a parsing program to tell me what my DPS is because I'm not smart enough or knowledgle enough in math to do it myself. The only person that I know of that is smart enough to figure out DPS in their head is Rainman. This isn't philosphy, this isn't faith, this isn't open to interpertation, DPS is a mathimatical equation. There is no other DPS and it is measured the same exact way everywhere, in any content, under any conditions.


Here is the math equation for you to do in your head without a parsing program -


"[DPS] = 1 / ( 0.7 / [Normal DPS] + 0.3 / [Execute DPS] )

[Normal DPS] = sum of all individual [Abilities DPS]

[Execute DPS] = sum of all individual [Abilities DPS] when sub 30%



[Ability DPS] =

( ( [Avg Mainhand Weapon Damage] x [1 + AmountModifierPercent] + [bonus Damage/Force/Tech/Heal] x [Coefficient] + [Avg StandardHealthPercent]*[base_DMG or Base_Heal] ) x [Accuracy %] + [Avg offhand Weapon Damage] x [1 + AmountModifierPercent] x [Offhand Accuracy] )

x ( 1 + [Ability Bonus Damage] + [Ability Active Damage] + [Debuff for F/T/M/R] + [Debuff for I/E])

x ( 1 + [Ability Damage Multipliers] )

x ( 1 + [Debuff for AOE] )

x ( 1 + [Execute Bonus Damage] )

x ( [# of Hits] )

x ( 1 + ( ( [Crit %] + [Ability Crit % bonus] ) + [Autocrit Proc Rate] / [Time Averaged Usage] ) x ( [Crit Bonus Damage] + [Ability Crit Damage Bonus] ) )

x ( 1 - 1 / ( 1 + ( ( 800 + 240 * [Level] ) / ( [Target Armor] x ( 1 - [Armor Debuff] ) x ( 1 - [Armor Penetration] ) ) ) ) )

x ( 1 + [Alacrity %] + [Average Alacrity % bonus] ) / [Time Averaged Usage]"


Unless you can do this math equation in your head, every single time you ever hit an attack button, you have no idea the DPS you are doing.


Measuring DPS any other way would first require you to break the laws of physics.


This isn't about me saying to you my e-pen is bigger than yours [which it is because I'm huge, King Kong huge. I once had sex with a girl who was in a different state than me. It was amazing and I only wish someone from the Guinness Book of World Records was there. That would have ruled! =[].....this is me sharing with you the mathematical equation that is used in determining DPS in any content, anywhere, against any opponent whether or not they are a computer generated opponent or another player, whether in PVE or PVP. It's the same exact equation.


There is no one in this world who is worse at doing math than I am. I still use my fingers and my math equation solving skills stop the very second any number involved exceeds 20 because that's when I run out of fingers and toes. If you can do this crap in your head you should call the Guinness Book of World Records because you could be in it than.


It's this equation or it isn't DPS. - You want to talk about DPS and you don't even know the DPS you yourself are doing or what you are capable of. That's sad as all hell.

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No grim it’s actually not the same thing. You could have 10000000000000 potential dps but no actual dcds and your class would still be trash in pvp. Take the healers for example, operative has the most hps potential but that doesn’t mean they are suddenly the best in pvp? Sorcs have lower potential but can burst heal on the move. Sorcs are by far better healers in pvp because they are mechanically better while also having lower parses.


Threads like these make no sense because they are incredibly misleading and have no context. You do realize to get some of the highest parses players cheese right? Using stealth out and pve adrenal? That alone is enough to make the parse numbers meaningless. This post is so irreverent.. I don’t know how many people have to tell you this for you to understand.

Edited by kissingaiur
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1 - Plasmatech / Pyrotech

2 - Concentration / Fury

3 - Watchman / Annihilation

4 - Vigilance / Vengeance

5 - Tactics / Advanced Prototype

6 - Ruffian / Lethality

7 - Serenity / Hatred

8 - Focus / Rage

9 - Dirty Fighting / Virulence

10 - Scrapper / Concealment

11 - Assault Specialist / Innovative Ordnance

12 - Saboteur / Engineering

13 - Infiltration / Deception

14 - Balance / Madness

15 - Combat / Carnage

16 - Telekinetics / Lightning

17 - Sharpshooter / Marksmanship

18 - Gunnery / Arsenal


there is basically zero correlation between pvp strength and dummy parses


there is a lot of correlation with class, I wonder why? Provided that bioware doesn't allow any specs to become wildly out of control (in either direction) on a dummy the 2 things primarily governing PVP effectiveness will be


1) ability to deal optimal damage/healing in ***suboptimal*** circumstances (e.g. you're being tunneled)


2) ability to not die.


inb4 my point is completely ignored and people just split hairs with my tiers instead

Edited by yellow_
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