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FIX THE HACKS - beware rage


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Fix the hacks... fix the hacks... ban the stupid hackers...


Yes I’m having a tantrum and hissy fit... I’m fed up :mad: after 6 years of seeing the same stupid hacks used over and over again.


I know the road map says you are going to address the problem.... let’s hope you are going to fix the coding that allows them to do it in the first place.


Seriously, how can the same teleporting, walk through wall, speed hack, flying .... still be in the game unless the code is bad.


There is a difference between exploits, hacks and other cheating... there really isn’t any reason why these old hacks from 6 years ago are still possible in this game :rolleyes:


Enough said !

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Here's an issue I can 100% agree with you on. The actual, outright hacks are something I see incredibly rarely (EU-DE server), but if you see them often on your server then that should definitely be a priority.


What I see constantly is the position glitching where players appear to fall through the floor and become momentarily untargetable (thus invulnerable), most glaringly abused in Huttball. For those unaware of it, it merely involves the use of a movement ability like roll or Force Speed before and during a change in altitude like a ramp. It looks completely normal and functional on their screens, and it's super easy to do accidentally, meaning the perpetrators can't be punished. That doesn't change the fact that people know exactly the kind of glitching it causes on other players' screens and abuse of the glitch has become commonplace in both Huttball arenas.


Please BioWare, Huttball is such a fun concept, but it's ruined by this one glitch. Before adding a new Huttball arena, fix this.

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^ what he said. There may be hacks in this game but I have personally never seen any. Whenever most players say things about "hacking" it's either a game glitch or an L2P issue. The other day someone was accusing an enemy team of using "speed hacks"; instead of correctly identifying it as Transcendance being used in succession.
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Fix the hacks... fix the hacks... ban the stupid hackers...


Yes I’m having a tantrum and hissy fit... I’m fed up :mad: after 6 years of seeing the same stupid hacks used over and over again.


I know the road map says you are going to address the problem.... let’s hope you are going to fix the coding that allows them to do it in the first place.


Seriously, how can the same teleporting, walk through wall, speed hack, flying .... still be in the game unless the code is bad.


There is a difference between exploits, hacks and other cheating... there really isn’t any reason why these old hacks from 6 years ago are still possible in this game :rolleyes:


Enough said !


End the Free to play to freeloaders will stop it.

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^ what he said. There may be hacks in this game but I have personally never seen any. Whenever most players say things about "hacking" it's either a game glitch or an L2P issue. The other day someone was accusing an enemy team of using "speed hacks"; instead of correctly identifying it as Transcendance being used in succession.


Yes, yes... people get confused with abilities etc etc... yadda yadda... I don’t.


I know most people don’t see them or wouldnt even know if they did... the same as most people who call hacks can’t tell their arse from their elbow


The problem is when you can tell and you do see them and realise it’s the same dumb hacks being used for the last 6 years.


I’m overly pissed off tonight because there is a group of them... only 4... but they are in 7/10 of my matches and there is nothing I can do except leave the matches and requeue. Which is a problem because there aren’t enough people in the queue to get another pop till that match finishes and then I end up with the same A-holes.

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Yes, yes... people get confused with abilities etc etc... yadda yadda... I don’t.


I know most people don’t see them or wouldnt even know if they did... the same as most people who call hacks can’t tell their arse from their elbow


The problem is when you can tell and you do see them and realise it’s the same dumb hacks being used for the last 6 years.


I’m overly pissed off tonight because there is a group of them... only 4... but they are in 7/10 of my matches and there is nothing I can do except leave the matches and requeue. Which is a problem because there aren’t enough people in the queue to get another pop till that match finishes and then I end up with the same A-holes.


Are all 4 of them using these hacks?

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Yes, yes... people get confused with abilities etc etc... yadda yadda... I don’t.


I know most people don’t see them or wouldnt even know if they did... the same as most people who call hacks can’t tell their arse from their elbow


The problem is when you can tell and you do see them and realise it’s the same dumb hacks being used for the last 6 years.


I’m overly pissed off tonight because there is a group of them... only 4... but they are in 7/10 of my matches and there is nothing I can do except leave the matches and requeue. Which is a problem because there aren’t enough people in the queue to get another pop till that match finishes and then I end up with the same A-holes.


Trixxie, give me names.-=p


BW ain't gonna do it because that would require banning people who pay subscription fees. They'll "look into it", they'll make a show of it for the sake of honoring the roadmap, but at the end of the day the almighty dollar will win out. It's the same thing with 'credit/gold spammers' and bots. To do away with them would be to do away with the multitude of subscribed accounts they use to ply their trade, that's why you find them in almost every MMO.


The reality is while people may get pissed over these kinds of things and vent, in most cases people won't leave a game over it [and why should they? That's letting them run you off, F that]. and the devs know that and even if one or two players actually did leave over it that would still be a far less costly loss than if they banned all those accounts with their subscriptions that were cheating/botting/selling creds.


At best they may make an example of a few offenders and than completely leave the rest of them alone after they have made that 'show of force'. Simply put, it's not in their best interest to do from a business point of view.


I wish I could be more optimistic for your sake, I know how much this issue troubles you and how long you have been advocating against cheaters and you are not alone in that regard, I just don't think they will do much about it. They have no incentive to do so compared to the loses in subscriptions it would incur.


But, if there is anyone who would continue to advocate against cheaters and force the devs to take notice and listen, it's you.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Trixxie, give me names.-=p


BW ain't gonna do it because that would require banning people who pay subscription fees. They'll "look into it", they'll make a show of it for the sake of honoring the roadmap, but at the end of the day the almighty dollar will win out. It's the same thing with 'credit/gold spammers' and bots. To do away with them would be to do away with the multitude of subscribed accounts they use to ply their trade, that's why you find them in almost every MMO.


The reality is while people may get pissed over these kinds of things and vent, in most cases people won't leave a game over it [and why should they? That's letting them run you off, F that]. and the devs know that and even if one or two players actually did leave over it that would still be a far less costly loss than if they banned all those accounts with their subscriptions that were cheating/botting/selling creds.


At best they may make an example of a few offenders and than completely leave the rest of them alone after they have made that 'show of force'. Simply put, it's not in their best interest to do from a business point of view.


I wish I could be more optimistic for your sake, I know how much this issue troubles you and how long you have been advocating against cheaters and you are not alone in that regard, I just don't think they will do much about it. They have no incentive to do so compared to the loses in subscriptions it would incur.


But, if there is anyone who would continue to advocate against cheaters and force the devs to take notice and listen, it's you.


After letting my emotions get the better of me last night, I logged off and took a diazepam and had a glass of wine. I nearly punched my monitor :(

I know it’s just a game, but I had a very bad day and just wanted to unwind with some casual pvp fun. All it did was wind me up more to the point of unsolicited rage. Which is when I posted.

Luckily I had enough control to not post what I first typed or I think I would have been permanently banned from the forums :eek:

I’ve not logged in today and I’ll probably take a few days before I log back in.

It just gets so frustrating seeing these sort of hacks are still possible after 6 years and people still don’t get properly banned or named and shamed for using them.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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After letting my emotions get the better of me last night, I logged off and took a diazepam and had a glass of wine. I nearly punched my monitor :(

I know it’s just a game, but I had a very bad day and just wanted to unwind with some casual pvp fun. All it did was wind me up more to the point of unsolicited rage. Which is when I posted.

Luckily I had enough control to not post what I first typed or I think I would have been permanently banned from the forums :eek:

I’ve not logged in today and I’ll probably take a few days before I log back in.

It just gets so frustrating seeing these sort of hacks are still possible after 6 years and people still don’t get properly banned or named and shamed for using them.


You could write down a satire of it. It would channel your feelings and you could let off a bit of this pressure.

Plus, everyone would have something to laugh at - to think about. ;)


Personally, I often find satoire so much better to look at something than a real monography. ;)

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After letting my emotions get the better of me last night, I logged off and took a diazepam and had a glass of wine. I nearly punched my monitor :(

I know it’s just a game, but I had a very bad day and just wanted to unwind with some casual pvp fun. All it did was wind me up more to the point of unsolicited rage. Which is when I posted.

Luckily I had enough control to not post what I first typed or I think I would have been permanently banned from the forums :eek:

I’ve not logged in today and I’ll probably take a few days before I log back in.

It just gets so frustrating seeing these sort of hacks are still possible after 6 years and people still don’t get properly banned or named and shamed for using them.


I certainly understand the frustration.. and that at times it can get the better of you for sure.


But I also think it is prudent on the part of the PvP player to anticipate and expect this to happen.. and be prepared to cope with it..... before stepping into the game. As long as there has been PvP in MMOs.. in my experience.. there has also always been cheaters and hackers about within the MMO. You can stomp down one exploit or cheat, and a new one will pop up. And it can and will ebb and flow over time.


PvP is the most cheater-prone segment of MMO play in my experience over the years... dating all the way back to the early days of DAoC some 18 years ago.


Maybe take the diazepam before logging in... it might take the edge off of the frustrations. :)

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After letting my emotions get the better of me last night, I logged off and took a diazepam and had a glass of wine. I nearly punched my monitor :(

I know it’s just a game, but I had a very bad day and just wanted to unwind with some casual pvp fun. All it did was wind me up more to the point of unsolicited rage. Which is when I posted.

Luckily I had enough control to not post what I first typed or I think I would have been permanently banned from the forums :eek:

I’ve not logged in today and I’ll probably take a few days before I log back in.

It just gets so frustrating seeing these sort of hacks are still possible after 6 years and people still don’t get properly banned or named and shamed for using them.


Yeah, it may just be a game but it's a game you have invested a lot of time, thought, and money in. I had to get my new computer because I got pissed playing the game and my harddrive got in the way of my fist heh


These cheaters just keep on keeping on because they know BW isn't gonna do anything to them, while I get banned for every tenth word I say.


Don't let it get the better of you Trixxie, don't give into the temptation to name and shame them. It may feel like the only recourse you have, but you'll end up paying the price for. They will ban you, trust me on that point =p

3 month bans suck, you'd lose your mind.


Even if they do take some action that does result in less cheating, it wouldn't be long until they found new ways to cheat. It's just what they do and that's a challenge to them they love to overcome because than they get to come back cheating all over again and feeling all victorious and shiz.


As long as there are games, there will be people who will find ways to cheat at them.


Best revenge against cheaters is beating them playing fair. Something I understand you are rather good at ;)

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I don't understand 100% the dollars reasoning for not banning. In this case there are 4 so 60$/ month. Sure there are more lurking but still.

Compare that to Trixie and some of her friends deciding this is just gone on too long and 2 wines and 'pams didn't do anything so they leave, for a while or longer.


One Trixie is worth 100 Alpha Sierra Sierra hats minimum. And anyway BW doesn't HAVE to ban them. They could actually fix it

A rule isn't a rule if its not enforced and if not enforced just multiplies the behaviour. Me, I still say ban at least these four to start.

Edited by LeMage
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A rule isn't a rule if its not enforced and if not enforced just multiplies the behaviour. Me, I still say ban at least these four to start.
God, if this isn't the truth. Enforce the rules!!! That is a MUST.
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I hate to say this but if your ping is 400 ms, there will be little way you can discern between speed and teleportation hacks and rubber banding. I have seen people fall into the floor and everything when it was just lag.



I have been accused of hacking in a pvp match and it was just an operative roll twice in a row.


The rubber banding and placement issues of npcs in combat is bad enough at 230-280. I can't even imagine pvp at 400.

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I hate to say this but if your ping is 400 ms, there will be little way you can discern between speed and teleportation hacks and rubber banding. I have seen people fall into the floor and everything when it was just lag.



I have been accused of hacking in a pvp match and it was just an operative roll twice in a row.


The rubber banding and placement issues of npcs in combat is bad enough at 230-280. I can't even imagine pvp at 400.


Actually you can tell :rolleyes:

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