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What do you want in a new Expansion ?

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story wise what would you like to see?

Bring back Roleplay?

new features?

Change to the end game loot system

More ways for solo players to enjoy the game?

everything else you guys and girls wanna see?


I would like to hear everyone's suggestions and opinion.



I have no hope especially after the conquest desaster that anyone Looks what we want or wish, but here are my wishes and suggestions:

  1. One or two new or reworked planets (odessan?) with great open areas instead of tube levels
  2. new epic quest lines related to the classes (unrealistic) or the three fractions (alliance, rep, imp)
  3. some new daily and weekly quest hubs
  4. daily or weekly quest related to crafting
  5. new feature for one or more players: randomized dungeons(know someone "Dungeon of Hack" from early days?), this dungeon should have many levels with different monsters, treasure (crafting material, crafting missions etc.)
  6. The posibility to make ALL old FPs and OPs solo
  7. A new character class i.e. Wookie
  8. The possibility to have more than one companion activ to a max. of three
  9. a feature like the world bosses in WoW where everyone could take part solo or in group where the boss scales with partizipants
  10. New class ships or the possibility to decorate the ones we have. May be there could the possibility to design and build the ship via long lasting questlines for design and material grinding
  11. One or two new OPs - that might be small OPs with one or two Bosses related to new planets or areas

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I want for the next expansion:


- one story per faction interspersed with new FPs. There would be dailies connected to each class story.

- A new, explorable planet. Why not use a previously introduced planet that was underused in previous installments [Note: like Quesh, maybe?]

- A new home planet per faction. [i think this means a 'planet' similar to Odessen]

- The return of normal, ie trinity-based FPs, but allowing for the option of tacticals and solo mode.

- keep 4x4 ranked pvp deathmatches but also bring back 8x8.

- 2 'new' pvp maps which are really just reskins of existing maps, plus one new map copied from the style used by the new pvp map in WoW.

- Bring back Chevin and update it accordingly.

- The return of associated comp quests

- Pazaak minigame

- Another SH based off an existing, new FP, like the train from Crisis on Umbara. [note: preferably without the lag or grind, pls] and new GSF maps, fighters.

- Use an old FP as the basis for a new op

Edited by Yodial
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Me? Well I'd be perfectly happy with giving up this Jedi thing and doing something fun... like reconnecting with a certain red-haired padawan, having our wedding, and then flying off into wild space, letting the pubs and imps sort their **** out without me.


Though that isn't going to happen. They can't seem to wipe their own asses without my help so I'm kind of stuck trying to figure out which *** is more clean. So as long as I have myself a compelling story with characters I care about and meaningful decisions then I'm cool with whatever else they throw in. It'd also be nice to go back to grouping up for the story missions. A lot of my friends stopped playing once KOTFE came around and they realized that most of their enjoyment was from sharing the experience with others.


Definitely some planetary missions and daily areas too. There isn't much stuff that a small group can do together post SoR besides heroics, flashpoints and ops, I've personally never done an op and have zero interest in doing one so it really limits what I'm able to group up for. I used to be very personable in the game, meeting new people, making friends and such because it was great way to get stuff done. All the old content is easily solo-able with a companion nowadays and kind of makes grouping up more of a speed thing rather than an actual team thing. So it'd be nice if there was fresh content that encourages (but doesn't require) grouping up.


Edit: Forgot this. I would LOVE to have a rather long quest chain specific to all the LIs (even those that may potentially be dead) that isn't tied to the main plot and the focus is solely on you, them, and the life you want to build with each other. I mean the Commander has been going none stop for years (minus the 5 in carbonite but it still counts) and hasn't really had a chance to just go and spend an extended amount of time with the person they love. So having something like that would go a long way to making it all meaningful. Kind of like the ME3 Citadel DLC... minus the clone... unless it's Mako.

Edited by BarbarikDave
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Invite her, too. I'm sure she'll come if you tell her you're planning on bringing her ghost boyfriend back to life. And if you're burying them, you'll be able to play a great game of whack-a-mole when they try to bust out of the ground. They owe you something for bringing them back :D


If she wants to keep Marr I might show to one of the surviving Zildrog chairs!


Oh ... they'll owe me something!


Vaylin ... will be killing stuff for me!

Marr ... gets a free pass

Vinn ... hmmm ... he can be Vaylin's pet.

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Can't all those Astromech droids they've given us over the years meld themselves together to make an uber super death something or other?


I think I've seen that before: Sounds like one of biowares so called "doing it right" moments.


Queue the music!


Ready to form ASTROMECH-tron! Activate interlocks! Dyna-therms connected. Infra-cells up; mega-thrusters are go!

Let's go, ASTROMECH-tron Death Force!

Form feet and legs; form arms and body; and I'll form the head!

Form Blazing Sword!


From days of long ago, from uncharted regions of the universe, comes a legend; the legend of ASTROMECH-tron, Destroyer of the Universe, a mighty robot, loved by evil, feared by good.

Edited by Quraswren
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1. Lord Cytharat


2. More Story


3. Nathema, Umbara and Coppero as explorable planets / daily mission zones with reputation to gain


4. More skin and teint options for pureblood sith and all races except humans


5. More Flashpoints


But most importantly: more budget for this game :)

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I'd like to see a new story... Kinda bored of Zakuul now tbh! 2 expansions centered around that and Valkorian has burned me about a bit! Love some of the characters and hope they stick around!


Would like something a bit more similar to RotHC and SoR in that I can group up with a couple of friends and go through the whole thing with them or just as equally go through it on my own.


It may difficult but I'd like to see a new class as well! I know what we have is great and personally, I can't really think of another class they could add but if they somehow came up with a new class for both factions I'd be pretty hyped for it!


New companions we've never seen before that stick around and old companions making a come back that are more story-critical!

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Storywise, I'd like to see the remains of the Alliance become a large mercenary company. After the ending of Nathema, it's pretty apparent that the Alliance doesn't have the strength to bang heads together on a galactic scale but, even so, they will still have the muscle to make a difference in star system battles between the Republic and Empire. Perhaps we can work in a system for the future expansion as to who you do flashpoint/chapters for with a differing intro and differing rewards. It would still be the basic FP but it would give us a sense of making choices. It would also make it more plausible as to why the Commander goes along with whatever they're doing if it's being sold as a mercenary operation you choose to do rather than "stuff happened and you gotta react to it". (It would also be more fitting with the Commander's inability to delegate.)
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Some of these planets.



Onderon and Dxun


If we are going back to rep or imp side, then how about a civil war amongst the alliance. Republic loyals vs Imperial loyals and have some old allies be the new boss battles and main antagonists


Free flying space ( for real this time lol); ship decorating. Would love to place companions back in my ship. Maybe even buy a new ship

Edited by kirorx
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All I would want is more people in game. But the only way that will happen is if the game is fully free to play. Will this happen probably not I guess they prefer to kill the game instead!
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Story.. deep in-depth story with existing LIs. Adventures with existing LIs. Lets actually do stuff with them, get in scrapes together, rescue them, vise versa.. make them part of the story.
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More endgame content focused on PvPers and PvEers. The more BW caters to the MMO players the better chance this game has of gaining new and retaining players.


This game had about 2 years solely focused on solo/story players and look how that turned out. Time to try something different.


Yeah because other games don’t add new stories/quests and just focus on pvp/pve...


Wow could had be a barren game if it wasn’t for its stories, look at bfa all the hate over fictional characters , very heated topics on their forums over lore.


Then look at other mmos who just add gameplay additions to their pve/pvp and they struggle to maintain players, because of little to no story.


And story is a part of an mmo player..... especially when in swtor as it was a main selling point.


And if EA can’t keep up they may as well shut it down, because other games have better pve/pvp content from swtor.


For me its a mixture of all that keeps me in swtor, if tomorrow they come out and say no story content and we are focusing on pve/pvp well it will be time to get the heck out for me.


Wow and swtor are my main mmos luckily they don’t have that mind set to focus only on pve/pvp and try to appease everyone.

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story wise what would you like to see?

Bring back Roleplay?

new features?

Change to the end game loot system

More ways for solo players to enjoy the game?

everything else you guys and girls wanna see?


I would like to hear everyone's suggestions and opinion.



I guess I deem the word expansion differently to you. All of what you have listed I see as game mechanic's not expansions. However more ways for solo players to enjoy more of the game would be nice. How to do that is more of an issue. Story wise I would have liked the next expansion to go back to the 8 class's but realistically I don't see that happening. I don't want the next expansion to just go back to Republic vs Sith that's just going over old ground. Even though I don't do Op's or group play I have no objection to this as long as its not part of a story arc.

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As a purely practical matter, I hope the new expansion allows your faction choices during the traitor storyline to matter. If you’re a former Pub who chose the Empire or a former Imperial (half of whom have options to be neutral to or even secretly allied with the Pubs in their vanilla stories anyway) who decides to ally with the Republic... let that matter.


To that end, I want the PC voice actors to record the necessary in-mission dialogue for the opposite faction heroics (limit picking them up to the terminals and most wouldn’t need a single line of dialogue) and flashpoints so that you could truly flip sides completely (including flipping planet/station and guild availability) going forward.


If they were feeling REALLY ambitious they could also do the planetary quest lines and/or unconnected missions (particularly ones that mostly used canned dialogue options) as well.


Being able to truly flip sides; particularly if you played extremely against your old faction and traditional alignment (ex. playing a lightside bounty hunter who sided with the Republic Chancellor in their vanilla story, chose the Republic on Iokath, etc.); is a huge deal for me and what I’d most want in an expansion (presuming they’re going back to the Pub vs. Imp conflict and you have to pick a side). Frankly, having to go back to your old faction for some of my characters would be absolutely immersion breaking.

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In loose order of priority:



- fix to dsync


- matchmaking in warzones, mostly around roles and groups


- proper fix to skank tanks (and tanks) (making defensive stats affect abilities)


- better balance between healers in pvp (now sorc is a lot stronger than other two)


- believable and interesting story (and script)


- more diversity in the story (regarding animations and dialogue and NPCs' reactions), weaving in variables from player character's history, class, species, etc., so that it can fit different characters and classes, and not only Light Side Jedi Knight 3


- our character being awesome in cutscenes, and not a lost child led by companions


- emote voicelines being heard by everyone, not just those of the same class!


- some control over which warzones to queue for (I think WoW does this well, where one can tick on/off each wz, and get an extra reward if one queues for everything)


- Huttballs and arenas becoming cross-faction


- Civil War, Novare Coast and Voidstar retaining their Imp vs Rep modes


- possibility to change utilities in warzone spawn area


- more stronghold decorations, armours and weapons, titles, stronghold labels


- more hooks in strongholds (incl. existing SHs)


- possibility to arrange strongholds in the stronghold menu (sequence in which they appear on the pages)


- shiv returned to snipers


- if story takes us to faction change, possibility to change again in the future, but with restrictions! (for example only once per month or so)


- new rewards added to existing events once in a while (but no removal of previous ones!)


- Korriban and Tython strongholds


- new warzones, with new, fun modes (for exmaple king of the hill, or escort)


- possibility to inspect companions


- outfits for companions

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Add the same extra difficulty modes they did for KotFE/ETto all the previous content. Allow us to go through the story mode chapters on a veteran difficulty etc. Maybe add in some rewards for players who complete every chapter from the first class story chapter all the way to the end game on the highest difficulty.


Doing this could also allow the game to be more enjoyable in leveling groups. Instead of wanting to play with friends but just stomping everything.

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Some of these planets.



Onderon and Dxun


If we are going back to rep or imp side, then how about a civil war amongst the alliance. Republic loyals vs Imperial loyals and have some old allies be the new boss battles and main antagonists


Free flying space ( for real this time lol); ship decorating. Would love to place companions back in my ship. Maybe even buy a new ship


I agree, I want to go to more old kotor planets....that is exploriable, like on Dantooine, see whats happend there after 300 years. exploring those planets like vanilla swtor planets.


Also that we return home to our own faction regions and help rebuilding. Jedi's go back to tython, Sith to Korriban etc you know. Old planatary vendors make a return with the old gear... because I personally like those old gear/weapons (they feel more star wars themed gear, for me anyway) then what we been getting lately.


Class mission makes a return, makeing each class story unique from each other. as mention above jedi's return to tython and rebuild the jedi temple and go out to the galaxy to find more temple out there and start rebuilding them (which will lead to the story to go to dantooine to its temple) and finding jedi's out in the galaxy that gone into exile to return them to the order, restoring the jedi order and helping satele shan (she was seen being in coruscant), same for sith, rebuilding their temples and restoring the sith order. Trooper returns to coruscant to help Jace Malcom rebuilding the republic army. the imperial agent starts rebuilding the new imperial intelligence.the bounty hunter gets a call from the hunt master to join a new great hunt that was not possible because of the war between the republic and empire then the war with the Eternal Empire. the smuggler goes back to what he/she likes to do best....smuggling goods across the galaxy.but all classes main goal is to help their faction... in some way. also that old allies have lost faith in the republic and the empire so they gone their seprate way and its up to each player to gain their old aliies trust again and finding more alllies to join their faction. the imperial players help build the new sith empire, and the republic players helps build the new republic.


ohh and the trooper gets his/her colonel rank officially within the republic. would be cool if Jace malcom wants to make the trooper player to a general but the trooper decline the offer because general rank means a desk job and thats not want the trooper wants., the trooper wants to be were the action is..right?? :)


more of the class companions returning. and also if its going to be chapters, then like another player suggested no more instances like how it was lately when chasing theron...to say the least it was boring as hell. Make flashpoints more like the old flashpoints. Old class abilitys return as a option for those who wants them.

Edited by Swook
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Also that we return home to our own faction regions and help rebuilding. Jedi's go back to tython, Sith to Korriban etc you know.

What about characters who don't want to go back to what they were before KOTFE ?


I guess i'm probably not the only one but going back could fit some characters but not the others.

Actually i have only 1 character out of my 8 mains that would be willing to go back to being a Jedi. The 7 others are perfectly fine being in the Alliance.

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(Catering to solo players doesn't take anything away from anybody.)


(Except when they only have time to do one or the other, and that's what happened with KotFE/ET... because yes it absolutely did take away from not just anybody - but everybody else).

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If it doesn't have a new ops it's a failure. I think the latter part of 5.0 was fine as a model. New ops, new FP, new story.


Also the tank nerf should be undone during 5.X. It sucks, I suspect its effects are worse than people know or commonly acknowledge.

Edited by RobertFKennedyUS
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There are no tanks in FP groups, this is serious enough.


I've posed the following question directly to Keith. I'd be very much interested in an official answer:


On your average NiM boss, how much raid dps has been lost from the tank nerf and how does that raid dps loss compare to the total dps gain from augments going from 228 -> 240?


If the news augs are such a great thing, and the tank nerf is greater than or comparable to the gain from the augs, what does that say about the tank nerf?

Edited by RobertFKennedyUS
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