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New Consular Voice Actress


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No offense to her personally, I'm sure she's a nice lady and all...but her voice acting in SWTOR imho is horrid. I actually won't play my consular anymore....( well this is only one reason but a big one) And it's doable, Destiny did it to Dinklage as voice of Ghost. Totally deleted and repopulated w/ new actor. The other reason is the story class is awful, boring, and dull, and their companions suck. In fact, why not makeover consular altogether. Nuns of the galaxy, not to mention the earthquake ability is dumb as hell..so much fail.
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Couldn't disagree more. Obviously you are entitled to your opinion, but to me the consular voice actress is perfect. She embodies wisdom and calm, yet shows emotion at crucial moments when the consular's resolve would be most tested. To me, she is the consular.
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Couldn't disagree more. Obviously you are entitled to your opinion, but to me the consular voice actress is perfect. She embodies wisdom and calm, yet shows emotion at crucial moments when the consular's resolve would be most tested. To me, she is the consular.



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I also disagree.


I find Consular voice THE most beautiful of all in the game. It is calm, assuring, sometimes serious.

My Shadow is my main (always was my first love) and I cannot imagine her speaking any other voice.


Nope, no changes at all!

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Glad I'm not the only one who disagrees. :)


I felt so strongly about the voice suggestion that I didn't initially take in the rest of the original post:

The other reason is the story class is awful, boring, and dull, and their companions suck. In fact, why not makeover consular altogether. Nuns of the galaxy, not to mention the earthquake ability is dumb as hell..so much fail.

So the OP dislikes the story, companions, and combat as well... It basically sounds like they dislike everything about the consular and simply shouldn't play one! I love the story, combat, and especially the companions. Those of us who enjoy content as it is shouldn't have it taken away from us because of those who don't like it.


And you can bet Bioware has 0% interest in remaking content they've already worked hard to give us, when they could instead be making completely new content. Want new voice acting, companions, story, combat? Shouldn't you just ask for a totally different class rather than deleting an existing one? :D Of course, with the amount of content that's being released these days, I think most people agree we'll never see a new class. As such, of course one won't be erased.


Just like we're entitled to our opinions about anything whatsoever, we're entitled to request whatever we like, so OP shouldn't misunderstand my intentions here. But I do think, unless people enjoy wasting time (which is fine), it's good to suggest things that actually have some chance of happening.

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Couldn't disagree more. Obviously you are entitled to your opinion, but to me the consular voice actress is perfect. She embodies wisdom and calm, yet shows emotion at crucial moments when the consular's resolve would be most tested. To me, she is the consular.




Besides the fact that there is literally zero chance the devs would ever hire another actor to re-voice content that they already recorded years ago, there is no reason to replace the Consular's voice actor. The female Consular has some of the best voice acting in the game. She sounds like a Jedi is supposed to sound.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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I could take or leave the consular VA (either gender), but they've had the VA they've had for five, almost six years now. They shouldn't change it just because a few people don't like it.


It'll be 7 years in December. And so far the OP is the only one who has expressed dislike for the female consular VA.


I'll be honest ... I don't find the JC story as compelling as some of the others. And most of the companions I find rather meh. But that's just me - I certainly don't advocate changing anything just because it's not my personal cup of tea. One of the things I really do like about the JC is the female VA.

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The voice actors are pretty good and I believe they nailed exactly what they were looking for in that regard. The problem I have with the Consular voice acting (and gesture animations) is that if you want to play a "dark" jedi, it is extremely out of place. The first Consular I played the story on (Male) was dark and I absolutely hated the calm, pleasant responses and the friendly gesturing. I think they should have allowed the voice actors to express a little more emotion for the dark choices.
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Honestly, if any VA should be changed, it should be the female Inquisitor. I seriously cannot stand her voice. But that's my problem and my own opinion and just means I won't be playing one past class story. They ain't changing anything at this point.
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Honestly, if any VA should be changed, it should be the female Inquisitor. I seriously cannot stand her voice. But that's my problem and my own opinion and just means I won't be playing one past class story. They ain't changing anything at this point.
For the ones that I find annoying, voice modulating head pieces come in handy.
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Honestly, if any VA should be changed, it should be the female Inquisitor. I seriously cannot stand her voice. But that's my problem and my own opinion and just means I won't be playing one past class story. They ain't changing anything at this point.


I love the female SI VA. Though, tbh I don't hate any of the female VAs. I can't really comment on the male VAs as I don't really play male characters.

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Athena Karkanis is the right voice for the female JC. Her voice talent was however wasted on a boring story honestly and it isn't her fault. Neither was it Nolan North either who is known for good voice work on Halo and Assassin's Creed games as well as others.
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Same here. I loved the slow "bored lunatic" drawl of the female Inquisitor.

"bored lunatic" fused with "deliciously evil", no less.


The French-language female Inquisitor, however delivers just about every line with a sort of flat menace that gets "old" very, very quickly.

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Honestly, if any VA should be changed, it should be the female Inquisitor. I seriously cannot stand her voice. But that's my problem and my own opinion and just means I won't be playing one past class story. They ain't changing anything at this point.


You said it right, this all is just a matter of the personal preference ( opinion ) .


For example while I think that Jennifer Hale is great voice actress and that she is doing excellent job here in TOR with Satele and I know for a fact that a lot of the players in Mass Effect trilogy made a female Shepard because of her I belong to a group of players which preferred the performance of Mark Meer over hers there.


When it comes to the actresses voicing the female SI and JC I think that BW accomplished with them what it aimed for. The voice of female SI sounds just like what its supposed to be and it represent in a good way a posh character, deceptive, pragmatic, cold and calculated when its needed to be while consular sounds wise and calm and both of them can sound emotional to in the right moments for that.


I like the story and VO of the SI so much that I even made over the years two high level sorceress. And if you don't like the female VO my advice for you would be to roll a male character since he has a good voice to and it would be a shame for you to miss on a such great story.


For consular I prefer much more the voice of female one even tho the male one is voiced by much more known actor in the gaming world Nolan North who voiced Desmond Miles in Assassin Creed series and Nathan Drake in Uncharted.

Edited by Lunablade
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The Female SI VA: Xanthe Elbrick, i love her voice work as much as Euan Morton who did the Male SI VA, some differing tones there, Xanthe draws it out a bit and Euan does it quickly almost irritated like. both add an element of suspense and believability.


Both VA's are better off playing the Imperial side, brits are usually Imperials in the films anyway along with a few Americans that can get close to that type of Accent like Mark Bazeley who does the Male SW VA. it would be a little odd having Xanthe as the Female JC VA.

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Couldn't disagree more. Obviously you are entitled to your opinion, but to me the consular voice actress is perfect. She embodies wisdom and calm, yet shows emotion at crucial moments when the consular's resolve would be most tested. To me, she is the consular.


That may be true to some degree, but even though she may be intentionally boring, boring is still bad. Besides, I neither like her outburst of demonstrative indignation, nor her schoolmasterly attitude, which I much rather see in her than "wisdom".


She radiates everything that is wrong with the Jedi order: Arrogance, detachment from the world and from life. Any compassion she shows does not feel sincere, it feels like an studied act to display her own moral superiority. Even though that may be intentional, that is not what I like to play. A Jedi Shadow happens to be my main character, planned out during the last few betas and created within the first hour when the game came life.


She does have her strong moments, particularly when she is sly and talks with double meanings, but all in all I don't like it. This becomes particularly apparent in KotET and KotFE, where one has a direct comparison to the other character classes. (On a side note: Even though I consider myself to be a fan of Jennifer Hale, I don't particularly like the female trooper either. I do like Commander Shepard from Mass Effect, Chu Chi and Aayla Secura from The Clone Wars, Bastila from KotOR, and I suppose Satele is ok as long as I don't have to play her)


While I had bigger problems than the voice when the game was released (namely the look), and I liked the "Shadow" advanced class as such. I like the female Imperial Agent.

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I LOVE Jedi consular female voice . She is PERFECT for her role .


I actually love all of them , save for Jedi Knight female voice who sound teenagery for me .


So no...not signed . If you don't like her voice and class and story...move on . Just like I did , can't stand Jedi knight ...didn't make anymore save for 1 .

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The Female SI VA: Xanthe Elbrick, i love her voice work as much as Euan Morton who did the Male SI VA, some differing tones there, Xanthe draws it out a bit and Euan does it quickly almost irritated like. both add an element of suspense and believability.


I adore the female SI voice! It comes off as very haughty, like, "I am sooo much better than you".

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That may be true to some degree, but even though she may be intentionally boring, boring is still bad.

I never said boring. I said calm and wise. I don't find her boring.

She radiates everything that is wrong with the Jedi order: Arrogance, detachment from the world and from life. Any compassion she shows does not feel sincere, it feels like an studied act to display her own moral superiority.

Not to me. I play my sage - who is my main - as a sincere, kind, sensitive person. She does the right thing because it needs doing, not as an ego-trip. And the game certainly gives us the choice to roleplay the consular like that.


From your post, it sounds like your attitude towards jedi is colouring your view of the character and the voice-acting. Just become some jedi characters are the way you describe doesn't mean they all are, or that they have to be that way (especially when the player has significant agency over the main character).

Edited by Estelindis
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You said it right, this all is just a matter of the personal preference ( opinion ) .


And if you don't like the female VO my advice for you would be to roll a male character since he has a good voice to and it would be a shame for you to miss on a such great story.



I didn't need to roll a male Inquisitor (though I may anyway cos I like replaying the stories) because I did finish the class story with the female SI, I just don't enjoy listening to her voice. I also find it really weird listening to my trooper talking to Satele but you get that I guess xD No one is going to love every VA, we all have different preferences and just because I don't like her doesn't mean she isn't talented or that I don't think so at all, my ears just don't like it ^_^

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I never said boring. I said calm and wise. I don't find her boring.


Not to me. I play my sage - who is my main - as a sincere, kind, sensitive person. She does the right thing because it needs doing, not as an ego-trip. And the game certainly gives us the choice to roleplay the consular like that.


From your post, it sounds like your attitude towards jedi is colouring your view of the character and the voice-acting. Just become some jedi characters are the way you describe doesn't mean they all are, or that they have to be that way (especially when the player has significant agency over the main character).


That is how I played my Consular as well, and the voice acting was a perfect fit.

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I never said boring. I said calm and wise. I don't find her boring.


Not to me. I play my sage - who is my main - as a sincere, kind, sensitive person. She does the right thing because it needs doing, not as an ego-trip. And the game certainly gives us the choice to roleplay the consular like that.


From your post, it sounds like your attitude towards jedi is colouring your view of the character and the voice-acting. Just become some jedi characters are the way you describe doesn't mean they all are, or that they have to be that way (especially when the player has significant agency over the main character).


Agreed. What I find is 9 times out of 10 it is not the class that is the problem, it is the person and how they are playing the character. (And I have two Consular's, one is my Sage and then my shadow. )

Edited by casirabit
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No offense to her personally, I'm sure she's a nice lady and all...but her voice acting in SWTOR imho is horrid. I actually won't play my consular anymore....( well this is only one reason but a big one) And it's doable, Destiny did it to Dinklage as voice of Ghost. Totally deleted and repopulated w/ new actor. The other reason is the story class is awful, boring, and dull, and their companions suck. In fact, why not makeover consular altogether. Nuns of the galaxy, not to mention the earthquake ability is dumb as hell..so much fail.


I agree she sounds like she's on valium snoozing her way through the lines. There is a difference between calming and comatose and I can't stand playing consular simply because they both sound like they're asleep on the job, but especially so, the female consular. So robotic urgh...


However, this alone wouldn't save that story. It's dull as paste to begin with but it would help.

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