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Worth the Wait: Nathema Conspiracy = 10/10


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It's not the Iokath choice...because I have two Knights...both of the same alignment...one picked Republic, and one picked Empire, so... *shrugs*


I am wondering if there is a bug, I have a smuggler who did mostly light and joined the republic (end of her story arc) and iokath and I got a ticked off Sumalee calling me a pirate. Yes I did a couple of so not nice things in the story, kept some things instead of giving it to the republic. Had only one person join whatever that ship (that we never visit) and that only was tied to Corso's story. She figured he would be safer working for her instead of going out on his own. (no clue why corso was disappointed with that)


SO either it is a bug or something I did in story triggered it. I feel bad I really liked her as a character. My smuggler is going with "the whole war did damage to people and unfortunately it did a number on Sumalee"

Edited by LeelaSeventen
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Hmm, I don't remember the character who came back to my JC. I thought she was the one I didn't kill in the latest content, KOTFE/KOTET/ etc. I don't at all remember her being from my 1 - 50 storyline.


Child of the emperor on Voss, she is the one pretending to be the ambassador I think. My JC got her, I think we had her arrested or something. I had to look her up, I had no clue who she was.

Edited by LeelaSeventen
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Really liking the new flashpoint, absolutely lovely world and interesting bosses.

I hope more story or activities are set on Nathema its awesome, the new decs are nice too.

Well done to the team!

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Regarding the cameo the agent gets:


Agents get Marcus Trant, Director of the SIS who suggests an insultingly low number as far as being the most dangerous indivudual in the galaxy is concerned. I don't know if he is just meant for DS Agents or both though as i have only played a DS Agent on that FP.


Not LS agent sadly, I'd have preferred the one you got :(
My agent is lightside and

I got Trant. I think I read somewhere that it depended on your choice at the class story: if you chose the Republic you got Watcher 2, otherwise you got Trant.



In my head, my Inquisitor has always hated the war and as far as she was concerned, it ended the day they found out that it was all a machination of Vitiate. Like what are they really fighting for? She wasn't about to be someone's pawn. So, having Theron follow someone who backs the Empire, but isn't interested in continuing pointless conflict works...in my head. But I don't see how they'd swing that sentiment in-game, because not everybody plays their characters that way.

I have a similar situation with my lightside sorcerer. He always hated the war (in fact, I took to having him just walk into groups of enemies whenever he was required to fight the Republic, so that they'd attack first and he was then just fighting in self-defence). Although loads of people hate the whole Alliance storyline, I've enjoyed playing it because having a faction made up of people from all backgrounds working together suited him perfectly.

Consequently, when we had to choose a side at the end of the Nathema Conspiracy, I was disappointed but not surprised. I know people generally want a return to Republic vs. Empire, and it would be unreasonable to expect the devs to have to continue writing major content for the Alliance as a faction in addition to that (and it's sensible to rid the Alliance of all that made it so overpowered). In the end I went with the Republic because he's romancing Theron (your Theron's following your inq; my inq's following Theron XD), and is already on good terms with Satele Shan and Jace Malcom (and, slightly less relevantly, Tai Cordan), and Saresh is no longer an issue. But I'm not going to be comfortable with having him fighting ordinary, largely innocent, Imperial soldiers (Sith may be another matter).

But, other than that one, not unexpected, issue, I've really enjoyed the whole story, even Umbara and TatC. And those who were romancing him got a fairly hefty hint early on into what was actually going on, through the pre-Umbara romance scene and the post-Umbara mail, so, while I was eagerly awaiting this final episode I was reasonably confident that I'd be happy with the outcome.

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I have a similar situation with my lightside sorcerer. He always hated the war (in fact, I took to having him just walk into groups of enemies whenever he was required to fight the Republic, so that they'd attack first and he was then just fighting in self-defence). Although loads of people hate the whole Alliance storyline, I've enjoyed playing it because having a faction made up of people from all backgrounds working together suited him perfectly.

Consequently, when we had to choose a side at the end of the Nathema Conspiracy, I was disappointed but not surprised. I know people generally want a return to Republic vs. Empire, and it would be unreasonable to expect the devs to have to continue writing major content for the Alliance as a faction in addition to that (and it's sensible to rid the Alliance of all that made it so overpowered). In the end I went with the Republic because he's romancing Theron (your Theron's following your inq; my inq's following Theron XD), and is already on good terms with Satele Shan and Jace Malcom (and, slightly less relevantly, Tai Cordan), and Saresh is no longer an issue. But I'm not going to be comfortable with having him fighting ordinary, largely innocent, Imperial soldiers (Sith may be another matter).

But, other than that one, not unexpected, issue, I've really enjoyed the whole story, even Umbara and TatC. And those who were romancing him got a fairly hefty hint early on into what was actually going on, through the pre-Umbara romance scene and the post-Umbara mail, so, while I was eagerly awaiting this final episode I was reasonably confident that I'd be happy with the outcome.


My SI is Dark 1 (as much as alignment can be considered to matter these days, lol). She was always loyal to the Empire and wanted to see her people into the future. Which meant changing with the times and letting go of old beliefs and shortcomings. Her perfect quote is - "There are as many interpretations of the Sith Code as there are Sith." Think of her like Mini-Marr...in fact, my HC is that he was the one who found her and brought her to Korriban, and they shared an almost father-daughter bond. Marr was most definitely Sith. But he was smart about it, and hated that so many of his brethren couldn't see past their own power plays to protect their own people.


When she met Theron, more should I say when Theron met her, he was thrown for a loop. Because he has a quite intimate history with assassinating crazed Dark Council member. He was expecting her to be another of the same. What was it he said in the end of 'Annihilation'? Something about only seeing "Us and Them?" But she made him question everything he'd always taken as blind truth, and his loyalties started to waver. He realized that the Empire and Republic weren't so different.


Ok, so to explicate further, here's a quote from my fic...taken from a place after Yavin Four when Theron was drowning his sorrows in a bottle of whiskey after having been dumped by my Inquisitor. My Knight (who is with Scourge and is also Theron's best friend) asked him to describe her -




“Fire and ice... Hard and soft... A ravaging tempest and the calm at the eye of the storm. All at the same time.” Staring off at nothing, he let his words trail away, his mind lost in thought. He heard her murmur something at his side, pulling him back to the present, and he snatched the bottle of water from the soft-glowing surface, probably a little harder than he needed to. “She was...gravity. She lead by example, from the front lines, and she fought with a ferocity and a grace I've never seen before. Her people respected her. Feared her. Loved her. Laid their lives down for her. I saw it every time I walked through the Imperial camp on Yavin Four, and there is no doubt in my mind that if the Empire stood united behind someone like her, the Republic wouldn't even stand a chance.” He took another deep breath, and turned his head so that he could look her right in the eye. “And I don't even know anymore if the galaxy would be such a bad place to live in if that were to come to pass.”


An awkward silence grew between them, and Theron began to wonder what she was thinking, half expecting her to scream at him for being a traitor, but it never came. She was just as tired as he was with fighting someone else's war, and it was pretty awful when you didn't even know what it was about anymore. He thought about telling Raz that Nox had been raised a slave to help reinforce his argument that she was different, and that she was super close to Darth Marr, who he also respected the hell out of, but those weren't his stories to tell. Raz got it though, even without those extra details.


“So...you'd have left it all behind? Your parents? Your career? Your friends? Well, friend...meaning me?”


Ugh, now she was getting down to the really tough questions. He really, really could have used a shot right then. He swallowed down a loud gulp and started fidgeting uncomfortably on his stool, spinning the empty water bottle in his fingers. “And what would you do? If Scourge all of a sudden decided he needed to leave? You'd go with him, right?” he asked, waiting for her nod of ascent before continuing on. “I'm under no illusion that it would have been easy to do. But I wanted to try. I've always been the one on the outside looking in, and I wanted my chance...” Not wanting to go any further with that particular thought track, his voice died away, leaving them with another heavy silence.




And as a note, if the first part doesn't sound like Theron (because it really doesn't), he was kind of half in the bag and was surprised at himself with being able to pull such poetic words out of his ***, haha.


It's a complicated and very interwoven story, because it's also about her relationship with Andronikos and how they all managed to overcome hurdle after hurdle and end up my favorite OT3. At this point, I'm only up to Ziost, so I have quite a way to go, lol.

Edited by Dracofish
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Regarding the cameo the agent gets:




My agent is lightside and

I got Trant. I think I read somewhere that it depended on your choice at the class story: if you chose the Republic you got Watcher 2, otherwise you got Trant.



Sorry yes, this is the only ending that doesn't give the guy.. anyone got a screenshot of him? I've only seen him in the comics.

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I wonder if

Kiwiiks' death, for those that are dark-sided)

will have any impact on Kira when she returns.


It should, to keep Kira in character. Unfortunately it probably won't be mentioned, because the devs will sadly likely prioritize not interfering with a potential romance for the Knight. People say they want choices to matter, but then complain when they do.


Personally I'd prefer it if romances could end depending on choices made by the player character. I think that is more IC for some of the companions. Kira should break it off with a dark side Knight. Dark side Jaesa should also end it with a Warrior that has pivoted towards the light side.


Elara's doesn't stick if the male trooper chooses Empire, correct?

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Child of the emperor on Voss, she is the one pretending to be the ambassador I think. My JC got her, I think we had her arrested or something. I had to look her up, I had no clue who she was.


Well, she wasn't pretending to be the ambassador. She was the ambassador, she just wasn't doing what she was supposed to be doing :p


She's the one that gets put to death by walking off a cliff.

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I actually thought this was an excellent chapter and I like all the little differences depending on class, alignment, past choices, and whatnot. Those are nice touches that I always want to see more of to make things more interesting to play again. I had planned to only take two characters through (out of three that finished KotXX). Now I will take the third one through all of the stuff after KotFE just because I want to see how things shake out with that character and different choices.


The end is a bit... ridiculous. But, it gets us all where we need to be for the next chapter and to get things back on track.

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SO there isn't a scene at the end like with Quinn? That is odd, Because I had my warrior pick republic and Quinn showed up at the end.


I mean, I understand wanting to see as much of Quinn as possible >.> (and seeing Ravage was YAWN compared to who ls warriors got), but I'm sure glad I didn't see him this particular time

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Well that is the scene where you can either take revenge or not. My Warrior never liked him, and never grew to trust him. THough I do admit the scene was 5 years too late which is why I had her pick republic. But it would have been nice to have more conversations with our former companions other then the "hey its been a while.... " Edited by LeelaSeventen
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I mean, I understand wanting to see as much of Quinn as possible >.> (and seeing Ravage was YAWN compared to who ls warriors got), but I'm sure glad I didn't see him this particular time


I think for this arc being about a traitor Quinn being there it could of made sense if you were SW

Edited by commanderwar
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I wonder if

Kiwiiks' death, for those that are dark-sided)

will have any impact on Kira when she returns.


It should, to keep Kira in character. Unfortunately it probably won't be mentioned, because the devs will sadly likely prioritize not interfering with a potential romance for the Knight. People say they want choices to matter, but then complain when they do.


Personally I'd prefer it if romances could end depending on choices made by the player character. I think that is more IC for some of the companions. Kira should break it off with a dark side Knight. Dark side Jaesa should also end it with a Warrior that has pivoted towards the light side.


I mean you didn't kill her she choose the path, and zildrog ended up killed her. I prefer it you loose kira like elera in iokath if you choose the empire or you went darkside in kotfe or kotet she leaves you

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This!! I logged on just to find one of these threads haha.

I’ve complained a bit on the last few updates about the lack of story so this was amazing, I was so happy with the balance of combat and dialogue/cutscenes! The party banter between the characters was also really amusing, I love that they just started arguing haha.

Even if the traitor storyline wasn’t exactly my favourite, I think they wrapped it up a lot better than the last two flash points. I also really enjoyed looking around Nathema. There were little green fireflies and dust particles and everything, super kudos to the art team! I felt very immersed just because I really enjoyed exploring the area.


[spoilers ahead] I’m not going to lie, I laughed a lot when all the kotfe/et plot items just started blowing up. I mean if you’re going to retcon, why not do it with a bang :D

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