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Worth the Wait: Nathema Conspiracy = 10/10


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Maps were good but the story is beyond disappointing.




Eternal Fleet: So, I lost the fleet? Can't I just go to Iokath and get some more ships? They even have chairs there I can steal too!


Gravestone: Koth?! Where the **** was that bomb?!


Umbara: What did the Order of Zildrog need those crystals for from Umbara?!


Koth: Where the **** were you?!


Arcann: You not going to come to Nathema? Coward!


Scions: Still useless? I saw some of you on Nathema ... I knew you were going to be bad guys!


Classic returns: You brought back all these characters (Darth Baras, Ravage, Mortis, Khem, Zash, Watcher 2, Indo etc ... to die?!


Nathema: What the hell is happening to Nathema?! Where did all the green crap come from?


Theron: How in the smeg did he survive a lightsaber through the belly?


yea what about that with Theron? That is some incredible healing. Maybe he has the force after all.:rolleyes:

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Story wise it did what we all knew had to happen. And it did it rather well.


I appreciate the lengths they went to in adding some class/past choices flavor to the whole thing.


All in all a solid conclusion to the KOTFE/KOTET arc. Tnx for the ride devs. Eternal empire is a fine addition to the SW lore in my view.

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I liked the flashpoint. I was little disappointed on knowing what or who Zildrogg is about. I came back to this game after a hiatus (was playing WoW for the last few months) So maybe I missed out on background story about Zildrogg, but I didn't get that part of the story. I wish it was told better. And how was he able to control

the gravestone and destroy it?

I guess I wanted more explanation on that end. I haven't played a character who romanced Theron yet. I wanted to play it with a neutral character first to see what options there would be for him in the end. Now that I know, it will make playing my romanced characters very interesting indeed!

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I guess I wanted more explanation on that end.

Yeah, maybe I failed to pick up some subtext, or read some codex entry, but I feel like a lot could've been explained better... Seems like something was cut between us originally discovering the dark sanctuary and this flashpoint.

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Story wise it did what we all knew had to happen. And it did it rather well.


I appreciate the lengths they went to in adding some class/past choices flavor to the whole thing.


All in all a solid conclusion to the KOTFE/KOTET arc. Tnx for the ride devs. Eternal empire is a fine addition to the SW lore in my view.


I feel the same way. There were some things they had to do to open up the story for future content, and I think they did a fine job of that, all while giving an ending that felt very Star Wars to me, with a gorgeous zone and great encounter design thrown in to boot. I'm glad we've put the Thrones content in the rear view, and looking forward to what this crew can do on a fresh palette. I am a happy camper.

Edited by Kurj
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The new FP is beautiful, the story too. Nathema could be a great new Daily area. ;)



Stupid, I found that the "big bad" was some run-down *******. Instead, you could have taken people from past classes. I would like to dismantle Darth Zash again. :D

Therons look, if you just leave him back is great. I'm sorry, I know that I'm mean. :p

I think it's a shame that the fleet is broken, I had hoped to take over the world domination.....

I'm looking forward to 6.0. I hope we will not completely abandon the alliance.


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Given its likely to be November at the earliest that there will be any more story and that could well be a couple of flashpoints one for imps and one for republic, I get the feeling that by doing the story in a flashpoint it may not be enough for the next wait.


I walk round Odessen and see the Gravestone parked up, my alliance advisers still want more crates, though what for I'm not sure, the companions tell me the same thing they have for months.


So with the board effectively reset and a long wait to find out whats next, it seems there wasn't enough of a hook to keep peoples interest up over the summer and autumn while we wait to find where the story is going. Its not even as if I can walk around Odessen and see how things have changed and have a new chat with anyone, it all feels like its in limbo. Which seems like a bad way to end as there is nothing to make it feel like the story has progressed, come 2 or 3 weeks once the flashpoint has been played out, until the next update give or take a dead traitor there will be no connection to the game world and the story.

Edited by Costello
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Okay, at this point, I've done it on my two characters that have finished all the various plots, my Smuggler and Inquisitor. My thoughts:


The good:

+The mission and the bosses were fun without being slogs.

+More expounding story on the Iokath genocide droids than in the entire Op. Comes off like faint praise I guess, but still, nice resolution.

+The class story reference was a really nice touch. My Smuggler's version was bugged (see below), but I still loved seeing the acknowledgment.

+A good wrapup to the Alliance story arc without a "won the battle, lost the war" like we got in SoR and Ziost.

+Speaking of which, hopefully this means we can stop hearing the word "superweapon" every third sentence, too?


The bad:

-I feel like there's been so much wasted potential in terms of characters. Nothing about the Chiss Jedi's "vision" for Theron, and a bunch of new (and returning) minor figures in the conspiracy who showed up for two lines and then got sacrificed. And that wonderful class story reference was over way too quickly. Would've been neat to actually fight them as a bonus boss on solo mode, or something.

-Once again, only Lana available as a companion. I wish she could've been a noncompanion follower like Theron was, and there had been a little more interactivity. Take Arcann after his little intro bit about Theron. Take an old class companion and let them react to the "old enemy". Something like that.

-Speaking of which, my Smuggler ended up identified as a pirate by Not!MasterKiwiiks. I didn't wanna kill her, dammit!


Going forward:

*With the Alliance losing its main power, I'd like to see it pared down a bit. Drop a lot of the minor/supporting cast, let the mostly unused minor companions go home, so to speak, and even if the story's going to stay mostly united, let's get more adjustment of the...frame, so to speak.

*Can we also, on that note, but speaking mechanically, see the companion window get cleaned up? There are now four different categories companions can fall into, and it's kinda random who ends up in what.

*On that note, let's go back to the player character being the main character. It felt more like the Alliance itself has been the "main character" lately, mostly through Lana and Theron, with the commander just sort of a figurehead. Hopefully that will change.

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Just like to add my voice to those applauding the artwork in the flashpoint. I stopped in several places to take in my surroundings - very nice work and worth waiting for. Story was ok. Looking forward to seeing how things will progress from here.


Well done guys.

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I disliked half the story, and loved the other half so kinda average there.


As a flashpoint itself I think they did a great job, I actually enjoyed going through it which is far more then I can say about the first two flashpoints which still feel like a chore, I'd happily run the flashpoint a lot. Great work in that regards!

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Oh, one other thing I'd like to add regarding the future/aftermath of this story element. Regardless of background, we've now had our characters pick preferred sides and even had that hammered in again in the final cutscene. I hope that when things break back to Republic vs. Empire, we see actual mechanical faction-switching come with it. Edited by JLazarillo
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5.9 was pretty good overall. The scenery was very good, the fights were ok (better then some others recently) The story.. The story Did hit all the required Points (Gravestone, Fleet, Faction, Alliance future, The "Real Bad Guys" and ofcourse Theron). Kinda *Uninspired though really. It was "Good Enough" but not quite the shining star of SWTOR; I'll say a 7.5 of 10.



In my playthrough We hear its gonna be Our Character, Lana and Theron together to face *Whatever comes next. This tells me Lana will (as we already knew) be around indefinitely and sounds like Theron will Continue to get an active role going forward.


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Thank you for a great FP, a beautiful new environment, and a terrific story. It was worth the wait, and I am looking forward to 5.10.


I can only partially agree with you OP.


FP was nice. Had great boss fights, amazing looking world. Even the listening station was setup well.


I'm not entirely sure the story could have sucked more than it did. That was no where near the wait.months?

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Actually, this has to be worst FP I've ever experienced in this game. 4 hours wasted with zero story content and just a combat grind.


All because no one in the entire Dev team thought to put in a Mission prompt to indicate you had to go to -YOUR SHIP- in order to get the mission, rather than the staging area for the FP as in past missions. There is absolutely -Zero- indication where you have to go to start this, and if you do the FP in 'Story Mode' without launching from the ship, you get -ZERO STORY-.


No, this has not been worth the wait, because the Devs forgot the most basic part of the FP....giving people the start point and withholding any story content if they actually play 'Story Mode' without it.

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Okay, at this point, I've done it on my two characters that have finished all the various plots, my Smuggler and Inquisitor. My thoughts:



+The class story reference was a really nice touch. My Smuggler's version was bugged (see below), but I still loved seeing the acknowledgment.


-Speaking of which, my Smuggler ended up identified as a pirate by Not!MasterKiwiiks. I didn't wanna kill her, dammit!




My friend ran his smuggler through and was scratching he head in wonderment as to why

Master Sumalee hated him now. He specifically remembered flirting with her and helping her a lot in his class story.


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My friend ran his smuggler through and was scratching he head in wonderment as to why

Master Sumalee hated him now. He specifically remembered flirting with her and helping her a lot in his class story.

It looks like we have tons of variation in terms of who shows up, so it's not surprising some of the interactions are bugged.

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It looks like we have tons of variation in terms of who shows up, so it's not surprising some of the interactions are bugged.


:) This is interesting, Its *Who we encounter from our class stories? My Gunslinger (Funslinger :) ) found and traded witty insults with the VoidWolfs daughter. Then I've *Assumed she was in one of the Pods. And yes, that Tie in was good :).

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I found the smuggler one odd , I got the impression we left on good terms. I couldn't for the life of me remember who the consular one was. Had to google, but that one seemed odd also but less odd then the smuggler one.


I am curious about the other classes.

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:) This is interesting, Its *Who we encounter from our class stories? My Gunslinger (Funslinger :) ) found and traded witty insults with the VoidWolfs daughter. Then I've *Assumed she was in one of the Pods. And yes, that Tie in was good :).

That's Nexia Kirill, yes? I saw the name mentioned, and the surname rang a bell, but I didn't recall the first name. Fascinating! I look forward to meeting her on some of my smugglers. :D

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I'd give it an overall 3/10. The FP mechanics solo mode are ok. (I may never look at it in any other mode, however.) The story is poor at best and has moments when it is utterly terrible. So many better ways to have wrapped up the entire disaster of the 4.x and 5.x story and they did this...
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That's Nexia Kirill, yes? I saw the name mentioned, and the surname rang a bell, but I didn't recall the first name. Fascinating! I look forward to meeting her on some of my smugglers. :D



I didn't get a Codex afterwards and *Googling that isn't getting me much luck either. If it can also be Master Sumalee then it seems its Random as to who we meet (:) I didn't even know the VoidWolf had a daughter until that).



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I really enjoyed the environment and ambience.


My only real issue, as is with many planets, is the recycling of creatures. I figure pixel creatures are tough on the art team for various reasons, but I kinda cringe when


show up on other planets besides


. Kind of takes "invasive species" to a new level.



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