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Swtor future looks bright! Possible engine change coming?


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Just wanna say first that the devs are certainly welcome to chime in if they have any info that would confirm or deny....


That said, with my understanding that enough resources were used to not only redesign the back end of the conquest system, but also a near-full revamp of the conquest system as well, and with the large scale rebalance of classes, perhaps Im being a bit optimistic about the chances that they have not only the funding, but the resources and intent to improve other aspects of the game on a large scale, which very possibly could be an engine update/switch.


Does anyone feel any similar optimism based on the feedback they have given about improved participation, balance being bettr achieved, and all of the recent large changes. I could also see how breaking up op releases into a boss every few months would free up resources for other areas of the game as well.


What so you think?

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I'm not sure where this is implied. Usually when there's an engine change, they don't actually still develop anything for the old game. We're still seeing content, even if it's small. It's just throwaway money.

I'm fairly certain that if this were to be true and they came out and said, no more development until new engine is done, people would probably be a lot less "depressed"


I mean I could be wrong but yeah, according to the forums as I haven't played much myself lately, things seem rather dire.


:d_cool: O'welp.

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Im not implying that resources will be put into an engine necessarily, just that it appears there are plenty of resources available to allow future development of significant product (to new or old stuff).


Well this is EAware, it's not like this is a small indie company that's struggling to make ends meet. They just don't want to invest more than they do.

Edited by Eshvara
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There will be no engine change in any sense that most people demand ----> new engine.


They have of course made incremental improvements over time.... and probably will continue to do so.


The current engine has it's issues in some contexts (what MMO engine does not?), but overall the game plays well enough on the current engine.

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I would believe BW has not used many resources for quite a while however I would also be very Likely to *Believe any "Excess's" BW may have gained during the "Content Drought" has been picked up by "Electronic Arts" in the effort to "Get Anthem Out" (so the revenue comes in quicker). Otherwise I would like to *Think we've only been getting the small periodic drips while a Larger team is building up 6.0. (The former would be much more likely).
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The game will run its course on its existing engine, with tweaks. Tossing out an entire code base for a new engine, on a game based on intellectual property from an exclusive contract that's only good for a few more years...not happening. Edited by xordevoreaux
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Just wanna say first that the devs are certainly welcome to chime in if they have any info that would confirm or deny....


That said, with my understanding that enough resources were used to not only redesign the back end of the conquest system, but also a near-full revamp of the conquest system as well, and with the large scale rebalance of classes, perhaps Im being a bit optimistic about the chances that they have not only the funding, but the resources and intent to improve other aspects of the game on a large scale, which very possibly could be an engine update/switch.


Does anyone feel any similar optimism based on the feedback they have given about improved participation, balance being bettr achieved, and all of the recent large changes. I could also see how breaking up op releases into a boss every few months would free up resources for other areas of the game as well.


What so you think?


nope because this would have been done a long time ago this also would mean serious downtime and so on but FFXIV done it and now look at where the game is at but EA won't allow them to spend more money on something that should have been done back in 2011.

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Large rebalance of classes? you mean those dps nerfs that's taken more than a year to do and fixes nothing while being made useless with each and every new augment update? Not to mention while the new operation is now one of my favorites, it was four months overdue. The devs here at Bioware work hard, but it's very clear the amount of content has not been enough for most players and while the game isn't on maintenance mode, it's surely slowing down to a severe degree. No way are we getting a engine revamp. Edited by peter_plankskull
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New engine? I wish.


The real reason why we're in a bit of a content drought is likely because of limited development resources, and part of Bioware: Austin being reassigned to support Anthem's development.


Anthem is EA's favorite multiplayer baby with Bioware at the moment, not SWTOR.

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Just wanna say first that the devs are certainly welcome to chime in if they have any info that would confirm or deny....


That said, with my understanding that enough resources were used to not only redesign the back end of the conquest system, but also a near-full revamp of the conquest system as well, and with the large scale rebalance of classes, perhaps Im being a bit optimistic about the chances that they have not only the funding, but the resources and intent to improve other aspects of the game on a large scale, which very possibly could be an engine update/switch.


Does anyone feel any similar optimism based on the feedback they have given about improved participation, balance being bettr achieved, and all of the recent large changes. I could also see how breaking up op releases into a boss every few months would free up resources for other areas of the game as well.


What so you think?


LOL! I am dying right now, is this a joke or are you serious?

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with my understanding that enough resources were used to not only redesign the back end of the conquest system, but also a near-full revamp of the conquest system as well...


Does anyone feel any similar optimism based on the feedback they have given about improved participation, balance being bettr achieved, and all of the recent large changes.


I could also see how breaking up op releases into a boss every few months would free up resources for other areas of the game as well.


What so you think?


I think these are excellent points, Olag.


Seeing the numbers are indicating conquest is a success with greater participation by players and class balance being at an all-time high, it only makes sense that they revamp the engine.


With an influx of new money coming from new players joining the game now that so much has been improved upon it only seems sensible that some of that money gets flushed back into the game.


I agree, they should redo the game engine! I'd enjoy it more if I had greater stability and crisper gameplay which a new engine would provide.

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Sad to see so many people fall for obvious bait. Don't buy into constructed rumors; people get too much misinformation online as it is. Check out the OP's posting history before you get into any arguments with them. Edited by AscendingSky
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Sad to see so many people fall for obvious bait. Don't buy into constructed rumors; people get too much misinformation online as it is. Check out the OP's posting history before you get into any arguments with them.

Yes, check the accuracy of my posting history while you are at it.

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