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Why are the PVE content Cxp rates so low?


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Sorry, I wasn’t actually saying you weren’t good.


One thing though, those bosses you referred to aren’t even close to operations bosses or their mechanics. Yes, they do make you think a little instead of just grinding on them, but certainly no where near ops quality mechanics or difficulty.


I will say there are a few bosses that have been in the last few expansions / patches that I think have rather stupid mechanics that I have died in because it took a while to work out the mechanics. (Dont ask me which ones cause I don’t know the names or fights). Once the mechanics became obvious, I was able do it relatively easy, but I found the mechanics stupid (IMO) because they werent challenging, just confusioning and then time consuming.


Some Mechanics are weird and not intuitive. In those cases I can see how having better gear can give you some extra time to work them out. But once you do, the higher gear isn’t really needed as much.


One thing I just found out about 5.9,3 is this :




Maybe you could go do some testing on the pts and give any feed back you can think of to the Devs so they don’t make the lvl 70 stuff too OP for the casual players.


Oh, I don't mind a learning curve. In KOTET I died on the Vaylin/Arcann fight a few times before I figured out how not to get tossed off the platform, for instance. I do think there's a difference between a boss that is challenging to figure out and one that is just unpleasant. As someone mentioned, I think with Copero there's also the challenge of having only a low-level companion unless you're willing to stand there feeding gifts to Raina Temple or you're an Agent.


Interesting that they would level scale some of the newer content. I didn't have much trouble with KOTET but it's not a bad idea, and it makes me wonder if they plan on adding another 5 or 10 levels or another Command tier at some point.


Commenting on the PTS is a great idea. The last patch on the PTS really screwed up my computer and took days to download so I don't know if I will be downloading anything else from the PTS, though. I did provide post-release feedback on the Copero bosses, though, and they ended up reducing the HP on those because so many people complained that the bosses took forever to kill.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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If you are a vanilla/story player you certainly don’t need anything from galactic command. Same goes for most solo content unless you are soloing mm uprisings.


While I don't need top tier gear from command crates, I do like getting shinies. Don't forget the command crates also contain cosmetic gear, mounts, pets, companion gifts, jawa junk and reputation items. You might just grind them up and forget they exist, but I quite like them.


Feel free to send your unloved pets and mounts to Cedaric on SF, especially your tier 4 pets and mounts. ;)

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While I don't need top tier gear from command crates, I do like getting shinies. Don't forget the command crates also contain cosmetic gear, mounts, pets, companion gifts, jawa junk and reputation items. You might just grind them up and forget they exist, but I quite like them.


Feel free to send your unloved pets and mounts to Cedaric on SF, especially your tier 4 pets and mounts. ;)


I did not need the gear for story mode FP such as the last two. Did not doing them again on my commando, smuggler but did need it on my shadow, just on the one boss. I agree getting crates is nice as long as getting them does not become the reason to play. At the moment I am still after a item or two from the Mandalore armour sets.

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I've asked myself this a lot since 5.0 launched, and the only thing I can come up with is that Bioware doesn't want us to do the old quests because that will only remind us how much better they are and fuel our discontent with the quality of new content.


I agree 100%. With the reduction of the challenge (made easier) in the class stories, The Coin introduced during the Zakuul series to *ByPass* the class stories *Altogether, the Lower rewards and as another mentioned not long ago B.W.'s seeming Aversion to everything "Class Storyish" (Including their great effort at bringing back our Companions,(sarcasm)). It seems almost as though they don't want the players in the class stories but prefer Us only in the Post Class story content. This creates a rift between the two as most players (especially the older) largely prefer the Original content (They're putting content out that is considered Ok at best and typically Unwanted).

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Don't forget about unbalance rewards from doing high level content vs low level content heroic mission.

Starter zone daily reward 247 CXP each mission.

Yavin reward exact same 247 CXP per mission.

Killing mobs in higher level zone (level 70 Iokath) yield exact same CXP at starter zone per kill.

I asked myself why would I wasting time to do something that required A LOT more time to complete, when I just can do something a lot faster in low level zone and grind mission there and getting exact same reward.


This is due to scaling, and be careful if you're asking for a fix on that, because the fix will be that starter world heroics won't reward anything, or 2 CXP. There will be no drops to sell, nothing. What you'll effectively do is cut yourself down to not having any heroics until the 6x level range at 70.

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I agree 100%. With the reduction of the challenge (made easier) in the class stories, The Coin introduced during the Zakuul series to *ByPass* the class stories *Altogether, the Lower rewards and as another mentioned not long ago B.W.'s seeming Aversion to everything "Class Storyish" (Including their great effort at bringing back our Companions,(sarcasm)). It seems almost as though they don't want the players in the class stories but prefer Us only in the Post Class story content. This creates a rift between the two as most players (especially the older) largely prefer the Original content (They're putting content out that is considered Ok at best and typically Unwanted).


Odd that, since when I left the last time it was "There's no end game stuff to do". I guess this is a solid case for following a road map for design, and ignoring player feedback/suggestions, since players can't seem to make up their minds what they want.

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The following planetary PvEs will disagree with this thread:


Yavin IV: ~25,000 CXP (with a boost, more with the bonuses) for ~20 minutes

Iokath: ~28,000 CXP (with a boost, more with the bonuses) for ~30 minutes over 2 days


In fact, most of the "Daily Area" missions under "SOLO" are great sources of CXP, but as I've always maintained: farming CXP just to get to 300 is the *wrong* way to play. Command Levels are companions that help you out along the way, they are *not* the reason to play SWTOR, so just play normally and gather stuffs as you go.


And although you didn't mention operations, there are people daily advertising for 'final boss lockouts' where you can also get insane CXP for minimal time and effort.

You need 4x command rank 300 (1 of each mirror class) to make the most of your time playing.

It kinda is the only way to play until you meet that requirement.


+25% legacy CXP boost (warrior/knight)

+25% legacy CXP boost (inquisitor/consular)

+25% legacy CXP boost (bounty hunter/trooper)

+25% legacy CXP boost (agent/smuggler


It's one of those "

" moments


the game bullies you into getting command rank 300 at least 4 times.

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That is true, but it also limits the area where getting CXP is possible. The whole point of 'Play your way' for CXP IMO, was to get a decent amount of CXP no matter where you go. If you like vanilla stories, you get CXP there; if you like exploration quests, more CXP.

Im not sure where you determined that decent cxp was the whole point of play your way. As i understand it (since i was one of the people who actually suggested this type of loot system many years back) CXP is intended to give you a chance at end level rewards no matter what you do. It never guaranteed or promised a specific amount, and i doubt you will ever come to any agreeance by the playerbase as to what number is perfect for everyone. DO go to korriban on your level 70 min-maxxed character to help your level 2 newbie friend level up. Get some cxp, but DO NOT expect to make 1 full CXP level for trivial content. In the past, you would gain nothing for your time and assistance. Now, you gain towards something a level 70 may use. Just as with their DPS tiers (i.e. sustained melee > burst melee > sustained ranged > burst ranged), I am certain they have a CXP tiering system (i.e. master mode ops > hm ops > sm ops > mm fp > hm fp > sm/solo fp > 4+ heroics > 2+ heroics > soloable heroics, etc).

Edited by olagatonjedi
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Im not sure where you determined that decent cxp was the whole point of play your way. As i understand it (since i was one of the people who actually suggested this type of loot system many years back) CXP is intended to give you a chance at end level rewards no matter what you do. It never guaranteed or promised a specific amount, and i doubt you will ever come to any agreeance by the playerbase as to what number is perfect for everyone. DO go to korriban on your level 70 min-maxxed character to help your level 2 newbie friend level up. Get some cxp, but DO NOT expect to make 1 full CXP level for trivial content. In the past, you would gain nothing for your time and assistance. Now, you gain towards something a level 70 may use. Just as with their DPS tiers (i.e. sustained melee > burst melee > sustained ranged > burst ranged), I am certain they have a CXP tiering system (i.e. master mode ops > hm ops > sm ops > mm fp > hm fp > sm/solo fp > 4+ heroics > 2+ heroics > soloable heroics, etc).


'Decent amount' was a poor choice of words by me, however I will continue believing that 75 CXP is too low for Vanilla stories 75 CXP x 100 quests = 7500 CXP = at least 2 - 5 days of questing, where as 150 Cxp = 15000. The new rate is still not a lot, but very fair IMO, literally 4 - 7 crates every 2 - 5 days.


Was a fair rate guaranteed? no, but I honestly didn't expect one after the original rates were introduced in 5.0.


Now about the trivial factor, IMO, even the new expansion stories are trivial in story difficulty and they give close to 1,000 CXP per chapter PLUS Cxp from bonus quests and, in Story difficulty, the expansions are not very challenging minus a couple of fights.


In any case, as of my last post in this thread, I really don't care anymore. I had forgotten what company(s) is/are running this game, so from now on I will just play what content I like to play and forget about the rest.

Edited by ZeroTypeR
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'Decent amount' was a poor choice of words by me, however I will continue believing that 75 CXP is too low for Vanilla stories 75 CXP x 100 quests = 7500 CXP = at least 2 - 5 days of questing, where as 150 Cxp = 15000. The new rate is still not a lot, but very fair IMO, literally 4 - 7 crates every 2 - 5 days.

You can get more than that by turning in a single Dailies planet Weekly with superior command boost.


2 - 5 days of questing

what a waste of command boosts for a pitiful amount of cxp

Edited by Falensawino
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