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Outrageous Respec Cost


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No, the idea of respec costs is to make the choices within the AC actually mean something as opposed to dual spec or cheap respecs which basically removes the whole point of specs.


Ohh so its so much more meaningful when the costs reset every week? Or its more meaningful when you have respeced for the thousandth time?


No its the answer friend.

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agree that cost are to high.

1st. free

2nd. 300

3rd. 2k

4th. 10k


tried dmg to start wanted to try pvp spec and didnt like so went back to dmg and then moved to tank once i got to a high enough lvl to utilize a tank spec. I bet tons of ppl did the same thing only to loose 12300 credits just for that "let me play with my new toy feeling."


this, tried out lots and went back then tried other stuff and then went back etc..


kinda stuck now cant afford respec but not unhappy with my build


looking forward to dual spec coming soon :)

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This thread is just complete gone off course it does not react to my posts, the person who was concerned enough with it to make a post and actually respond to other people comment with opinions and concerns. But I will flame out to most people here before I quit monitoring this post because I am not above it or care if it seems immature, so I will vent.


If you post contains the word opinion in it, thank you you effectively turn my post into some bs human right and equality problem that is completely off topic and was a complete waste of my time to read.


If you posted something with out completely reading the thread and the train of discussion , thank you. It was immediately obvious you did not read a thing after the OP and contributed nothing but your opinion, something I do not care about. If you do not want to view my arguments I have laid out I do not want to view your post.


If your statement went some to the effect of "deal with it". Thank you for wasting my time reading the same thing several time in this thread but you did not realize cuz you dont read after the first post either. I dont care that you are willing to put up with the mindset that has been establish by the devs and simply want to put up with it cuz other things make up for it. I want to voice my concern on how to make the game better and more fun for those interested in the same content as me.


If your post had to make metaphors to get your point across you wasted your time. I do not need you to explain the mechanics of anything. It should of been somewhat obvious that my post has nothing to do with money but the prohibitive nature of respecing which manifest it self through a ridiculous cost structure.


If your post stated that respec cost reset after patches or a week, you are the reason I post stuff on forums. I had to go through a lot of garbage onion post to gain any real info. Unfortunately I post questions here if I can not get an answer from a guild mate or have a problem with the game mechanic since it is the fast way to get an answer and the stupid search function, which is a req for any worth while forum, is not working. I had more questions about the specifics of it and an opinion on why it should not be like this but I am not following this post anymore.

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The entire point of re-spec cost is that it discourages you from re-spec'ing whenever you want at the drop of a hat. The whole fun of character builds is that it feels at least semi-permanent and gives the feeling of uniqueness between characters.


Not everything in the game is required to be given to you for free and it's ridiculous to expect for it to.

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bioware did this wrong, wow did this wrong, rift did this right


rift has 5 specs, not 2 but 5!


rift's respec cost is 50g, this takes less than 2min to acquire!


please look at rift and redo your spec'ing system, while you are at it, turn on combat log kthxbai.


in case you are wondering, rift's money sinks came elsewhere, to gain 5 specs it was 30g for 2nd, 3p for 3rd, 22p for 4th 100p for 5th, 100p is alot of money for most people so id say 90% of ppl didnt have 5 specs, also to train 1 of your 8 skill trees to lvl 50 took 15-20p or so making training expensive, bioware could make the money sink like this instead of having 1 fk'n spec, ill never respec at this rate. i play a healer so respec'ing is mandatory to dps and heal, but i figured this game is so easy ill play a hybrid and heal when i need to and dps when i need to and still be 90% as effective at both, but that's biowares fault for putting ALL and i mean ALL of the useful talents in the first 3 tiers making all the end game talents worthless.

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Then create a second character, one for PVP and one for PVE. See, this is what gets my goat: PVPers seem to think they own the game and the company should bow down to their wishes. Too freaking bad. There are literally hundreds of PVP games out there for you to go teabag in, go pick one of them for PVPing. You can't have both, you get either or. I know choices are hard for some people, but, you have to make one in this game.


Choice 1: Make a second character for the second role

Choice 2: Be weak in one of the 2 things you want to do.


This is how life works: Choices and Decisions and learning that these choices will leave gaps in the other things you want. You don't get to have it all, not even in video games.


This is what gets my goat... People that JUST PvE seem to think they own the game, and that doing anything to help anyone other than themselves, means that Bioware is bowing down to them.


So no, I'm not going to go teabag in another game, and I'm not a pure PvPer.


People like you disgust me. You judge people, you see things as they are as 100% final and intentional, and you don't care that the majority of people see otherwise.


You do realise that a dual spec system would not effect you at all.


"This is how life works"... What a joke. This is a game, a fantasy game, not life. Herp derp.


And the fact that Bioware has stated dual speccing is being looked at / coming in the future, totally dismantles your whole argument regardless.


So to sum up,


No, I'm not a pure PvP'er... If I was I still don't think I "own" the game, and nor do I think PvP'ers have that mindset.. I don't know what you have against PvP (beyond the fact that you're probably terrible at it, and thus don't care about it, and want to stick it to PvPers)... But a dual speccing system, to allow people to raid and PvP, effects you in no way.

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The entire point of re-spec cost is that it discourages you from re-spec'ing whenever you want at the drop of a hat. The whole fun of character builds is that it feels at least semi-permanent and gives the feeling of uniqueness between characters.


Not everything in the game is required to be given to you for free and it's ridiculous to expect for it to.


Yeah I'd be fine without it being able to be switched at the drop of a hat. I'm fine with having a take a trip to the fleet or capital city to switch out spec's.. Being able to have at least two presets and having a set fee however isn't asking too much. How unique you are has little to do with how you allocate your talent points, it's how well you play your class. Joe may have a 4% bonus to alacrity while Jane has a 25% reduction to push back on three of her primary attacks but from frankly I don't define either of them by those differences.

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If I respec, it will be at level 50 and only once. Making mistakes during leveling is also learning about your character. I like having to dig into my character and make choices, that are not easy reversable. It's for me part of the game.
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If I respec, it will be at level 50 and only once. Making mistakes during leveling is also learning about your character. I like having to dig into my character and make choices, that are not easy reversable. It's for me part of the game.


For me part of the game is being able to fill various roles to help my friends. This is hindered by the costs, and ease of respecing.


So while I respect your game play and understand what you mean, I think duel spec, or free respecs would be a good thing in more than one way.

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For those of you who have not gotten to my point at respec cost let me tell you the cost structure.


1st time: free

2nd: 1800 cred

3rd: 8300

4th: 25000

5th: 50000


if I have to respec again it would cost 50k to do so. When the loading screen suggest I try out different specs through experimentation that is exactly what I did. I also have been switching between healing and dps just to make a heroic grp work for my guild.


Just to get a sense of how much 50k is, I would have to do 10 warzone matches just to be able to pay for a respec.


So I went into my doctor because I had a pain. I said, "doctor, everytime I do this it hurts." He said, "Stop doing that."


The costs are intended and I personally agree with them. They never meant for anyone to be switching back and forth and I feel that's the right choice.

Edited by Daeborn
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This is an honest question: why charge for respec at all? (and before you auto respond, please read my reasoning below)


If a person is out of combat, in a training area in a city, and they want to change or tweak their spec, what does it really effect other than their own enjoyment with the game? Yes, dualspec would be nice so that previous specs would be 'saved' and you wouldn't have to re-do everything when you change from heals to DPS, but the issue I'm wondering about and addressing here is actual re-specializing.


Why negatively effect the player by demanding an increasing amount of credits, or any credits at all? What does it really, honestly effect in the game if there's one more healer, who then switches to DPS for fun, then decides it's not awesome and changes again? Who really cares if they messed up a spec and they need or want to do it all over again?


It's not an unfair advantage to be able to respec, since we all have access to it. It only punishes the player for wanting to try new things with their character. Again, why would you punish a player for wanting to experiment within their class when it literally does not change anything for the other people playing the game?


It doesn't give, say, a Jedi Warrior 'new' powers outside of the realm of what any Jedi Warrior could theoretically spec into. Increasing cost doesn't encourage anyone to put time into something meaningful to 'earn' the 'right' to make some changes on their own character.


From what I can tell, charging (especially that much) for a respec seems to be an old expected MMO/gaming standard whose reason for existing is now obsolete.


If there is some very important economy balance or gameplay issue that charging players solves, I am serious when I say I would be interested in hearing a serious argument for it.

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This is an honest question: why charge for respec at all? (and before you auto respond, please read my reasoning below)


Because there are two story lines accociated with either being a Sage or a Shadow for instance? Because choices should have consequences?


I can think of a myriad of reasons why and only one why not.


I have already talked this horse with three differnt bats. It's dead.

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Because there are two story lines accociated with either being a Sage or a Shadow for instance? Because choices should have consequences?


I can think of a myriad of reasons why and only one why not.


I have already talked this horse with three differnt bats. It's dead.


From what I know there is maybe a reference or 2 in dialogue for advanced class choice, not exactly game breaking. But regardless, most people want to switch between specs within a single AC, not change ACs.

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So many people just dont get it in this thread.


I want to raid, and I want to PvP. I do not feel this is unfair of me to want to do.


There is no spec that is sufficient at both at the same time.


Hence, ridiculous respec costs / lack of dual speccing is fubar.

This is completely inaccurate. There are many specs which are sufficient at both raiding and PvP. There are no specs which excel at both raiding at PvP, which is how it should should be. I'm sorry you don't get to have everything you want. Life doesn't work that way.
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this, tried out lots and went back then tried other stuff and then went back etc..


kinda stuck now cant afford respec but not unhappy with my build


looking forward to dual spec coming soon :)


How do you get "dual spec coming soon" from Stephen Reid's recent blog.


Q: do you think that alternative specs will be allowed at some stage in the future? Also, legacy system, any further insight you are willing to share with us at this point in time?


A: Dual specs could well come at some point in the future - it's been discussed for sure. Legacy System... will be cool? :)


According to this statement, dual spec is not certain or even being worked on by developers at the moment. It's bascially only being talked about at best.

Edited by Zarovich
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Because there are two story lines accociated with either being a Sage or a Shadow for instance? Because choices should have consequences?


I can think of a myriad of reasons why and only one why not.


I would like to hear the other reasons, because the ones you offered are less than convincing. However, if you're tired of the dead horse beating, someone else please jump in.


People CAN respec a lot as it is now--so the first issue of two storylines has the potential to happen already regardless of the credit cost system in place. It's not game breaking and, once again, personal to what the player wishes to experience.


EDIT: I realized after posting this that actually this system isn't in place, you cannot switch your advanced class at all, and I'm not advocating that you should be able to. As a previous poster mentioned, we want to switch specs WITHIN our advanced class.


Regarding choices having consequence: We have consequences in our story lines with light/dark, which is fun and meaningful. We are also making a big choice when we choose our main class, because that dictates what is even available to us. Creating difficulties for someone who wants to explore a class doesn't seem a worthwhile or necessary 'lesson.' It's an annoying roadblock, not one that profoundly shapes the game universe.

Edited by stellarparadox
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This is completely inaccurate. There are many specs which are sufficient at both raiding and PvP. There are no specs which excel at both raiding at PvP, which is how it should should be. I'm sorry you don't get to have everything you want. Life doesn't work that way.


After you get done relating how the choice to roll either a Guardian or a Consular is similar to deciding whether to go to medical school or become a drug dealer and you should have to deal with the consequences of those choices in both circumstances, I'll explain to you how having choices and creating options is good from a player retention standpoint. And that while life may not work that way (not that I'm conceding the point), MMO's often do.

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Glad to see you've managed to avoid that yourself.


A post of mine was read, and the assumption was made I was some PvP'er that teabags people.


That is called judging, and is based off of, word for word, what the poster posted. I was judged based off an assumption.



herp. de. derp.

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This is completely inaccurate. There are many specs which are sufficient at both raiding and PvP. There are no specs which excel at both raiding at PvP, which is how it should should be. I'm sorry you don't get to have everything you want. Life doesn't work that way.


.,.... really? You're going to nit pick on my choice of words... Sufficient and excel?





For a spec to be SUFFICIENT for a role, it must EXCEL at that role.... What the fudge is your definition of something to be sufficient??? some that doesn't excel at a role?... C'mon dude.


And yes I do expect to be able to do both if I see fit. The game is designed to let the same character zone into a raid one minute, and the next, queue for some warzones... Meaning it is intended for us to do both if we like.... Yet we cannot excel at both. totally lame and bad design.

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btw that's the prices if done back to back


if you wait a day or 2 the price drops...



it's similar to dying and waiting on the revive droid gets longer and longer but if you don't die for a while the timer resets to quickly again.



same timer goes for respecs I noticed my respec was 8000, but I waited a day and it was back down to 2k



just wait, the timer will bring the price down to cheap again the longer you wait

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For those of you who have not gotten to my point at respec cost let me tell you the cost structure.


1st time: free

2nd: 1800 cred

3rd: 8300

4th: 25000

5th: 50000


if I have to respec again it would cost 50k to do so. When the loading screen suggest I try out different specs through experimentation that is exactly what I did. I also have been switching between healing and dps just to make a heroic grp work for my guild.


Just to get a sense of how much 50k is, I would have to do 10 warzone matches just to be able to pay for a respec.


If you want to play multiple characters, just roll multiple characters. That doesn't cost you a thing. Why try to cram half dozen toons into one when you can have up to 8 characters per server?


Let's push obsurdity to it's limits. What if you decided that for one fight a jedi knight is perfect but for the next a consular? Should they let you change classes on the fly too? Of course not. Roll what you want and play it. If you want a healer and a dps, then roll 2 toons.

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