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Outrageous Respec Cost


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1) From your post alone I can tell that you know nothing about raiding. Wait, don't even bother with the post telling us all how you do. You do not. Don't bother insulting anyone here with a lie.


2) that works in a single player game where things are never changed. However in a multiplayer game there are changes. Skills are changed, encounters changed, new skills/areas/abilities added etc. You can not have a static setting for that. It just won't work, and you should feel bad that it has to be explained to you.


Because handing respec to people after a patch that changes things is so hard to do, yes?

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For those of you who have not gotten to my point at respec cost let me tell you the cost structure.


1st time: free

2nd: 1800 cred

3rd: 8300

4th: 25000

5th: 50000


if I have to respec again it would cost 50k to do so. When the loading screen suggest I try out different specs through experimentation that is exactly what I did. I also have been switching between healing and dps just to make a heroic grp work for my guild.


Just to get a sense of how much 50k is, I would have to do 10 warzone matches just to be able to pay for a respec.

Sounds good to me. I hate that they gave dual spec in WoW and stopped punishing people for changing their spec every day by charging them more and more each time.

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Yes, I'm playing the role of a lieutenant in Havok squad. He's a very versatile commando, saving the galaxy with a assault cannon in one hand and a corelian ale in the other!


LOL I wonder how many of those people saying "it's a role playing game, no respec" would agree that you shouldn't need to pay for any of your skill ups. Hell it should all be free, you are after all only improving on your abilities. NM no way to actually make sense of them.

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You are saying "well if some skills are not optimal, why have them?" Is that correct? Have you considered that some play into the difference in DPS, Healing, or Tanking? I doubt it, but I thought I would ask. You have a set amount of skills that need to be there. Then you have some that are needed for PvP. Not that it matters because respecing for PvP is already crazy.


Still, you are questioning well if one skill gives a 10% increase to X spec, but only a 2% increase to X spec why have it? Well you should also consider that skill A only gives a 2% increase to Y spec, but skill B gives a 5% increase to Y spec in damage and a 10% increase to Y spec in defense. Are you starting to get the picture now? I'm really not sure how else to explain it.


See, you're linear in your thought, focused on just biggest bang for your buck. This doesn't surprise me, players like yourself often think this way: Power through it, and continually throw yourself (and your DPS) at the wall till the results are different.


If I skip out on a DPS boost, minimal or great, to take, say, a crowd control element to my character, then I will do it because I want to have that ability. Of course, this wouldn't fly in your group because you took an AE that adds another 2% over the course of the battle incrementally when used in conjunction with another ability, when a third ability is active and you're facing west, and that is knocking the CC'd mob out of CC and back into active play. Because, hey, that's an extra 2% over the life of the fight and that's optimizing my DPS and the tank should know to have the mob facing west, so when I have it's back for attack to minimize the riposte damage I myself will be facing west bringing in the .05% boost, again, maxmizing my DPS.


It's old, it's rote, and realize people will choose skills for other reasons thatn having the most Oomph for one skill, be it damage reduction, DPS or HPS. You try to talk like your a serious gamer, but you're faking the funk and coming back with a one dimensional mindset.

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LOL I wonder how many of those people saying "it's a role playing game, no respec" would agree that you shouldn't need to pay for any of your skill ups. Hell it should all be free, you are after all only improving on your abilities. NM no way to actually make sense of them.


On that note: I think everything about this game should be free! (for republic players, empire players are evil and need to pay at least double of what they are paying now, including game time subs.) :D

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So you are actually o.k. with respecing? Just only under the conditions you think are o.k.? Careful, your greed and self importance are showing.


If it was up to me, there'd be no refund on anything. Patches happen, if your character is now gimped, reroll. Old games used to do it like this and not many people whined. Now people whine about respec cost. When I was your age, we had to reroll if we misclicked a stat/skill. There was no confirm/cancel button either, once you clicked on a skill, you had it.

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Had my third respec last night it cost 250. I thought that reasonable. I haven't been switching trees but have been tweeking my build as I learn more about how the game works. I don't think its costs are bad at all and it seems that with the reduced cost over time this is the function that BioWare intended. Now if you're switching every few hours then yeah I imagine it gets expensive.
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On that note: I think everything about this game should be free! (for republic players, empire players are evil and need to pay at least double of what they are paying now, including game time subs.) :D


why wouldnt the republic army supply their best squad with high tech arms and armor? why oh why must I rely on the kindness of strangers to make sure my squad has what it needs to fight the empire!


heck they gave me a star ship, the least they could do is throw me some decent armor!

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It doesnt cap at 50 because im over that, I wanted to try my three different trees out, apparently im not supposed to do that. If this is the case im probably moving on, I like experimenting with different builds till I find one that fits my play style, that is not allowed here. Tweaking a build shouldnt.be an issue and I would be willing to pay up to 25k per, anything over that is just unreasonable and unnecessary.
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See, you're linear in your thought, focused on just biggest bang for your buck. This doesn't surprise me, players like yourself often think this way: Power through it, and continually throw yourself (and your DPS) at the wall till the results are different.


If I skip out on a DPS boost, minimal or great, to take, say, a crowd control element to my character, then I will do it because I want to have that ability. Of course, this wouldn't fly in your group because you took an AE that adds another 2% over the course of the battle incrementally when used in conjunction with another ability, when a third ability is active and you're facing west, and that is knocking the CC'd mob out of CC and back into active play. Because, hey, that's an extra 2% over the life of the fight and that's optimizing my DPS and the tank should know to have the mob facing west, so when I have it's back for attack to minimize the riposte damage I myself will be facing west bringing in the .05% boost, again, maxmizing my DPS.


It's old, it's rote, and realize people will choose skills for other reasons thatn having the most Oomph for one skill, be it damage reduction, DPS or HPS. You try to talk like your a serious gamer, but you're faking the funk and coming back with a one dimensional mindset.


Actually I'm a tank, never dps. Right now I currently have a tank trooper, a healing com,jk guardian (two because playing with respecs was too expensive), con shadow kinetic tank.


You want to pick skills for fun, uh o.k. go right ahead.


Let me ask you something, and you answer honestly. If you can answer this with a yes, and you mean it honestly, I will drop it.


Do you think Bioware designs encounters around people that have chosen fun specs over people that have chosen optimal specs?

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After a week, your respec costs are reset to 0. Just thought I'd point that out :)


Keep calm and carry on.

I bet this will be even less once the economy settles down and you can actually make money at the market.
Out with your common sense! This is the internets! :D
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OP, this is SW: TOR official forums where all the ignorant fanboys live. You might call it outrageous, but fanboys will call it "smart" and "prevents people from respeccing a lot". Since when did fanboys get to decide what a player wants to be and when he/she wants to be? They paid for the game as much as you do so you need to sthu and mind your own business.
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OP, this is SW: TOR official forums where all the ignorant fanboys live. You might call it outrageous, but fanboys will call it "smart" and "prevents people from respeccing a lot". Since when did fanboys get to decide what a player wants to be and when he/she wants to be? They paid for the game as much as you do so you need to sthu and mind your own business.


So you paid for a game where constant respecing is prohibitively expensive, and now you want to change that for everyone else because you don't like it? What makes your opinion any better than anyone else's?

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After a week, your respec costs are reset to 0. Just thought I'd point that out :)


Keep calm and carry on.


That settles that, then. Thanks for posting it.


I'd still like to see dual-spec at some point, but a weekly reset is enough to allow experiments with different styles.

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So you paid for a game where constant respecing is prohibitively expensive, and now you want to change that for everyone else because you don't like it?


Einstein, perhaps you need to go through forums more to see if it's just me not liking it or is there other people too.


Once again these forums are filled with fanboys if people really want to get some honest responses it's recommended to go to gaming forums where it's not just about swtor and might get some unbiased responses.

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Einstein, perhaps you need to go through forums more to see if it's just me not liking it or is there other people too.

And there are about as much people liking the current state of affairs.

Personally I do not think there should be any cost to respec, at all, whatsoever.


Its an arbitrary money sink.


Yes, let's remove arbitrary money sinks from the game, and leave only faucets. The economy totally won't notice anything!

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If it was up to me, there'd be no refund on anything. Patches happen, if your character is now gimped, reroll. Old games used to do it like this and not many people whined. Now people whine about respec cost. When I was your age, we had to reroll if we misclicked a stat/skill. There was no confirm/cancel button either, once you clicked on a skill, you had it.


Am I really about to have to explain this again. It's like trying to explain physics to a two year old.


O.k. in a single player game the mechanics are set. You play test it, and say o.k. if a person chooses this or this or this it will be fine. In a multiplayer game it isn't like that. There are changes made.


You know what, let's take a game like Skyrim. Do you know how they accomplished so many skills being available and they aren't worried about things like patches? Because of two points.


1. skills are very clearly defined in what they do. The ones in ToR are not, many of them are ambiguous at best.


2. most of the skills are very easy to define. This one gives you 20% more damage with one handed weapons. Hey, I mainly use one handed weapons, works for me. In ToR it might read "this skill gives you 2% extra damage when facing a red creature, if you have a proc of dance up and the creature is above 30% health but below 35% health". That's an exaggeration but many of the skills are overly complicated in order to obfuscate the usefulness to the player.


Now if they were to clean up their skills, give each of them a very clear definition I would agree.


Say jedi, you would have three tiear 1


A lightsaber attacks deal 5/10/15% more damage

B force attacks (any attack using focus but not a melee attack and yes it would have this defined) deal 5/10/15% more damage

C You build an additional 1/2 focus with your focus building attacks


etc, see how each of those is clear. Now compare the wording on skills in the game. Very few are clear. This means players need to experiment. They need to be able to find out what actually works, what doesn't work, and what does something other than what it says.


I'm not trying to be a dick, but what I want is the ability to experiment because not everything is clear.

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It is not intended or designed to allow quick and multiple respecs which is why the cost becomes prohibitive so quickly.

So I won't be seeing you or the many others here saying re-speccing isn't need, whining about the lack of healers, because leveling on a healing spec is painful and few will do it if they're unable to switch to a DPS spec for leveling.



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Non of you see the long term in the costs of these respecs.


A little perspective for you all, if you have a 40+ you will understand this.


50k is chump change


200k is nothing.


1 million - You ARE poor


10 million meah


20 million, ok you are doing alright.


When skills cost 50k+ to learn, bikes cost 1.5 million, 1 time consumables cost 10k a pop, 50k is a drop int he bucket at end game and what those prices are basing off of.


I laughed when people cried about the VIP lounge braclet costs, 1 mill credits is nothing later on.

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For those of you who have not gotten to my point at respec cost let me tell you the cost structure.


1st time: free

2nd: 1800 cred

3rd: 8300

4th: 25000

5th: 50000


if I have to respec again it would cost 50k to do so. When the loading screen suggest I try out different specs through experimentation that is exactly what I did. I also have been switching between healing and dps just to make a heroic grp work for my guild.


Just to get a sense of how much 50k is, I would have to do 10 warzone matches just to be able to pay for a respec.


yeap, the reason i rolled a dps. not gonna heal or tank with such high respec cost.,,,i let others do that if they really want to waste 300k on respecing.

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