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Legacy System (aka Dont alt or your screwed)


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Hey, OP:




No, really. Not being sarcastic. I appreciate the information shared, even if others tend to perceive it as just whining. Forums are littered with a lot of noise that you can sift through to glean a tiny pit of relevant data. I like all of the ironic responses that say, "Stop wasting time complaining!" (when they are themselves complaining, um....about your complaining..heh).


I just decided on my Legacy name this morning because of your post. And no I had not researched every subtle detail of how SWTOR implements, well...everything...either, before catching this thread over coffee, so thanks again. :)


And yes, I also have several alts in their 20s, as I wanted to try out a variety of class types to see what I would enjoy the most. No biggie, well, except for repeating Coruscant 5 times now....bleh..could do it in my sleep with the blast shield down on my helmet.... "Reach out with your *feelings* ~Dru~ SMELL your way through the Works, just one more time!"



CEO of ~The DruCrew~ Alt-factory

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So my first character got to 32 last night, finished Act 1, and unlocked the legacy system.


I thought "cool" and chose a last name and went about my business.


Then I logged over to one of my alts and did a bit of killing.... thats when I noticed the Legacy XP bar ticking up.


It wasnt until then it hit me...


I have alts at 22, 20, 19, 17, and 11.


NONE of them have been contributing to my Legacy.


That is 89 Levels of questing, discoveries, kills, etc and NONE of it has contributed to my legacy AT ALL.


So basically BW is telling us all "You must get 1 character to the end of Act 1 before you make ANY alts, or you get boned".


Yea i would be angry too if i rolled that many alts while enjoying the process only to be told i could have earned useless xp.


Damn you bioware!!! :rolleyes:

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Legacy System (aka Dont alt or your screwed) | 12.29.2011 , 07:13 AM



That's when the original post was made. As of today, according to the poster's profile he hasn't been on the forums since Jan. 30th. Hey might not even be playing the game anymore.


Not sure why this thread got dug up but there's no reason to pile on the OP anymore.

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Someone feel free to correct me if my logic is wrong here, but I think the OP has it exactly backwards.


Since Legacy XP doesn't stop when you hit 50, and since you gain MORE legacy XP at higher levels, you actually benefit more by having as many high level alts as possible before you unlock Legacy.


If Legacy XP stopped at 50, then the OP would have a point, but it doesn't.


As it is, a level 20 earns much more Legacy XP than a level 1. If you have a level 20 alt when you unlock Legacy, you'll gain Legacy XP much, much faster by playing the level 20 alt than if you start at level 1 and earn it in tiny doses.


So to get the best Legacy XP, it should actually be the exact opposite of what the OP is suggesting. You should have as many alts as possible, as high level as possible. If Legacy capped at 50, he would be correct. But since it doesn't, it actually hurts your Legacy XP gain to wait until you unlock it before rolling alts.


What am I missing here? Seems to me, the Legacy system doesn't punish you for already having alts... it rewards you for it.

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You are not screwed. You still gain Legacy EXP at max level on your main and your alts alike. Even if you gain your Legacy and have leveled all your characters halfway through, you can still get Legacy experience once you hit max level on all those alts. You may not get as much, but you still have the ability to gain it. I don't see what the problem is here. Edited by photometrik
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For example, let's say I have a level 32 main and a level 20 alt, but you only have your main because you wanted to wait on the Legacy to unlock.


We both unlock Legacy at the same time, then we both go play our alts.


I'll earn Legacy xp about 20 times faster than you, and since the legacy xp doesn't cap at 50, I didn't "Lose" any xp. I'll simply gain new xp at a much, much faster rate.


I'm not sure I understand how that punishes you for making an alt.

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I fail to see how your boned just because you've leveled a few of your alts ready. There's 50 levels in the game and dailies even after that all of which give you legacy xp. There's so much xp its crazy. Even if you got all your alts to 50 you'd still be getting legacy xp from dailies. It never ends.
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You continue to gain Legacy XP even if your alt is at level 50. It doesn't matter that you missed out on those lower levels. You can still get to the Legacy cap regardless. You are not attached to another object by an inclined plane, wrapped helically around an axis.



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I'm not trying to put you down on your post or anything, but the legacy experience you are talking about is very very minimal. The higher lvl your alt gets the more legacy experience you gain for what you are doing. It scales because of the prestige associated with the tasks you are completing. I have two level 50s and i'm about to ding a 3rd. my legacy lvl is nearly 29... so i really wouldn't fret.
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I have 1 lvl 50 and 1 lvl 34. Thats it!!


My legacy level is almost 25...


You get like 6K everytime you complete a daily. Thats probably equal to all the legacy you can get from like lvl 1-10 lol...


You didnt miss out on anything. YET


What you are probably going to miss out on is having enough available slots to acually apply the legacy options once they are introduced.


Also, you need to remember that your playing an MMO. Logging in everyday and pew pewing away is not the way to go.


You need to do research on things before you jump in and just start smashing away at stuff. Start reading all the information that is all over this website.


I for one knew exactly what job I was going to be playing, what craft I was going to be picking up and what my skill tree was going to look like before I even installed the game.


Do your homework like your mommie always told you and you will not be left behind the other kids in class because simply choose to ignore it.

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Wow completely agree with original post, this is such bs, they could have explained the situation, not everyone lives and is supported by parents to have time to read about it out of game nor the time to sacrifice it for nothing. There needs to be a fix for this.
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Wow completely agree with original post, this is such bs, they could have explained the situation, not everyone lives and is supported by parents to have time to read about it out of game nor the time to sacrifice it for nothing. There needs to be a fix for this.


Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong here, but I think the OP is actually wrong. It's actually the opposite.


The more high level alts you have when you start gaining legacy, the better it is. You're actually better off - from a legacy xp standpoint - to have as many high level alts as possible.


High level alts will earn more xp than low level alts. Since it doesn't cap at 50, you'll get the legacy xp much faster if you're leveling another level 25 than if you're leveling a level 1.


So if you're upset because of this, don't be. You're actually better off by having alts.


Again, please anybody feel free to correct me if I'm missing an important detail here. Otherwise, I think the OPs actual premise is incorrect. It's actually the exact opposite of what the OP is saying.

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The current legacy system still has a design flaw.

It does not matter how many alts you have and how high level your alts are.


No matter how long you spend your time with your non level 50 alts, you still get A LOT MORE legacy XP if you stick with just one of your level 50. In fact, you get the highest legacy XP if you stick to JUST ONE LEVEL 50 because he earns most legacy XP by running HM, ops or level 50 dailies. Your non level 50 alts still contribute a little bit but not as much as a level 50 can, because it is simply proportional to your XP gains.


I think they should make the legacy XP gains proportional to the total levels of all your alts. For example, suppose the current legacy XP is 20% of normal XP gains. To balance thing out, first we make it 15% or so for a single level 50 (or if all your characters level add up to 50 even if you don't have a level 50). Then for every level (in total) you gains beyond the first level 50, add 0.1% per level. Which mean you gain 20% if all your levels add up to 100, 25% at 150. And if you have 8 level 50s, you earn 50% of legacy XP from normal XP.


This will recommend players to play more alts and also even up current indifference between players who play with only one level 50 and those who play many alts evenly. The current legacy XP system is obliging you to stick with just one level 50 if you intend to raise your legacy level.


Oh yes, needless to say, it is very important to encourage players to play alts because you don't want your new players to arrive at a planet like a ghost town since everyone is level 50 and they stick to them for better legacy XP gains. And for those who only has one level 50 now, it is still easy to go back to the 20% gain by just leveling 5 alts to level 10. Piece of cake.

Edited by Hologramx
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Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong here, but I think the OP is actually wrong. It's actually the opposite.


The more high level alts you have when you start gaining legacy, the better it is. You're actually better off - from a legacy xp standpoint - to have as many high level alts as possible.


High level alts will earn more xp than low level alts. Since it doesn't cap at 50, you'll get the legacy xp much faster if you're leveling another level 25 than if you're leveling a level 1.


So if you're upset because of this, don't be. You're actually better off by having alts.


Again, please anybody feel free to correct me if I'm missing an important detail here. Otherwise, I think the OPs actual premise is incorrect. It's actually the exact opposite of what the OP is saying.


Lol strong logic. you would gain more legacy exp from 1-50 than 25-50 no matter how you put it.

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Lol strong logic. you would gain more legacy exp from 1-50 than 25-50 no matter how you put it.


Okay. Let's say we both have a level 50 character. I have a level 25 and you have a level 1.


We both grind our characters exactly the same amount of time, me playing my 25, you playing your level 1. Two weeks down the line, I'll have more legacy xp than you will. 3 weeks, I'll still have more legacy than you will. By the time you hit 50 on your alt, I'll have already been grinding higher legacy xp rewards post-50 on my alt.


As long as we both keep playing, I'll always be earning more legacy xp than you, because I'll always be earning it at a higher rate.


If the xp capped at 50, you'd have a point, but it doesn't.


And if we both go to other alts at the same time, mine a level 25 and yours a level 1, I'll still be earning more xp, which will continue when I'm 50 and earning it and you're still leveling up earning it.


So the only way you'll ever gain better legacy xp by waiting on an alt is if I stopped playing my alt.

Edited by Vecke
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Lol strong logic. you would gain more legacy exp from 1-50 than 25-50 no matter how you put it.


Let me put it another way. You would be correct if legacy xp ran from 1 to 50. It doesn't. It runs from 1 to infinity. And since we're both gaining it to infinity, it's better to start out with a higher xp gain. 25 to infinity will be more beneficial (and definitely faster) than 1 to infinity.

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But when I log in a level 1 character and see +50 legacy xp, then I go to character select and realise how many levels I have played on alts WITHOUT getting that....


That is a LOT of +50s I have been cheated of, because of a system that has never been satisfactorily explained.


Example, this morning I have played a new character from level 1 to level 10.


That earned me 9% of a legacy level.


I have 6 other characters who have already passed level 10, so that is at LEAST 45% of a legacy level I have missed out on (subtracting the fact that my main is one of the 6, and would not have gotten it I accept).


That means that the player who knows about this, and powers 1 character straight up, instead of exploring the game, is going to be a lot better off.



You do know that the legacy xp is proportional to game xp, right? Meaning that you gain much more at higher levels for same effort then at lower levels. Plus, it caps at some point anyway, so next you will be worried that you can't gain anymore legacy xp, but you still have characters that are not level 50.


Stop worrying so much. It's a game. You are supposed to enjoy it. :)

Edited by Andryah
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Wow completely agree with original post, this is such bs, they could have explained the situation, not everyone lives and is supported by parents to have time to read about it out of game nor the time to sacrifice it for nothing. There needs to be a fix for this.


Ok, this is just lemming phenomena now. OP got you all worked up and now you are both going to go over the cliff because of it.


Relax. It's a game. :)

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I thought this thread would be exciting. You know something along the lines of dont make alts because when legacy kicks in you will get to all those other cool faction races you couldnt!!


We are screwed if we made alts!!!


Instead it was some random whine about how someone feels like they were cheated out of a marginal amount of legacy exp.


If you are going to whine about stuff at least whine about the stuff i find interesting and or agree with.

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